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55677566 No.55677566 [Reply] [Original]

I have unironically have $100k to spend on either BTC or LINK. I already have 14k LINKies, should I double down on LINK or diversify with BTC?

>> No.55677602

I would go with link because look at the LINK-BTC charts

it's really low and can do 10x

>> No.55677605

idk but cool digits

>> No.55677623

Honestly BTC now or later if you feel it will get cheaper as whales just massively exited a bunch of tokens then let the market drop. LINK is already deep in too many crappy ETN type portfolios with way too many bagholders all over the place, with hardly anyone to sell to, while on the other hand retirement accounts are going to be pushed into BTC while you can't say the same for LINK. Probably get around a 7x in gains at the current price with BTC but can't say for sure as we don't know the float to sell ratio at peak, so it's possibly higher, blackrock and central banks need to make up those losses after paying too much for housing assets while holding bad commercial office real estate as well. Anyway I wish you luck on your current LINK tokens and hope you see $60 a token or higher.

>> No.55677666

what a based post, you guys should be more like this guy

LINK-BTC chart does make things look tasty desu

>> No.55677719

buy copper. It's value over the year will triple with the worst-korea invention

>> No.55677760

the classic /biz/ Chad portfolio is 1 BTC, 32 ETH and 10K LINK, so just get 1 BTC and 32 ETH instead. that's around 90K; use the 10K for the freshest schizo autism shitcoins once the bull is truly back and that's it

>> No.55678132
File: 128 KB, 768x980, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.55678427

BTC isn't going to $200k, retard

>> No.55678435 [DELETED] 

get 3 whole bitcoins and trow the rest at LINK

>> No.55678451

Buy ISO tokens. You are a fool if you own none. Diversify into utility.

>> No.55678463

Just size up to 20k link. Then the rest BTC

>> No.55678475

If he does what you say he should put that last 10k into silver

>> No.55678486

I'm a big link fan, but 14k is plenty. Get some bitcoin

>> No.55678551

>only 14k link

lol, lmao even

>> No.55678808

Which tokens did whales sell? You seriously think BTC can do a x7? That's doubtful. Link bag holders are accumulating, I've been pushed down on etherscan by like 80 places in the last month

>> No.55678811

this wouldn't be a bad idea anon, i like the way you think

>> No.55678829

Buy one BTC rest in LINK
Remember, if BTC accomplishes what it aims at, you only need 1/21M the supply given population of earth.

LINK has higher reward and could top BTC use case by allowing the creation of digital assets in general and the creation of a real new internet. It’s a good balance IMO

>> No.55678852

Yeah had my head stuck in a all of one or all of the other, but cutting it in half wouldn't be bad either. Really tough time to buy LINK right now though given how spotty it's being. It might be good to just bite the bullet and buy now.

>> No.55678949
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>Shits on catposting
>puts in catbox videos

>> No.55679095
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You have to go back.

>> No.55680166
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If u got the guts to diversify, then go for it, anon! Slap in some Peaq, they've made sick partnerships with Fetch Ai, Eloop, and Brainstem. The future's looking bright for their development within Polkadot ecosystem, no doubt.

>> No.55681620

Just buy ORE and hodl.