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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55676018 No.55676018 [Reply] [Original]

Dropping out of society general /dropping out/

I'm 34 and lost all my friends and family. Everyone is dead or gone.

I make 120k a year and it doesn't matter.

I have 300k saved up, only bills would be booze. Car is paid off, childhood home and I have to pay the kikes property taxes, can prob last 10-20 years.

>> No.55676047

Is that the real image?

>> No.55676080

Bro, I lived on a fucking old ass corn farm when this came out… scary shit

>> No.55676102

I have exactly the same situation and age except all $ amounts times 2

>> No.55676119

save up more and buy land in alaska. eat fresh cloudberries, enjoy nature, fish, play vidya, hang out with bears and get probed by aliens. Life can change anon.

>> No.55676143

Go into the woods, never come back

>> No.55676147
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Same. Family members passing on. Friend's lives all diverged away. Can't even grab coffee unless I 'schedule them' weeks in advance. Most I haven't seen in years. Best friend who could relate with died of cancer. He had retired and we were gonna spend the next decade working on cars and stuff in his shop... I have 1M saved up. Now probably gonna spend it alone watching anime and riding my motorcycle.

>> No.55676171

>an American can’t find another guy to fuck up the cars with
Come on, man

>> No.55676198
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>> No.55676298

It's from the movie "Signs"

>> No.55676351

He was a god-tier machinist. He was the person people called when shit was fucked up and hopeless. Also not an American.

>> No.55676416

>everyone on /biz/ makes 200k wfh but is tired of it and will become a feral animal in the woods instead

>> No.55677365
File: 361 KB, 896x1496, angri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 years
>never had shit and no one has ever shown me a shred of empathy
>worked every day of my life to pay for school and college
>still realize that I was screwed from day 0, only I didn't have a starter package
I couldn't even have friends or family, saving is useless now

>> No.55677382

hmm. this

>> No.55677388

Instead of dropping out start helping kids in shitty situations. Buy a poor kid new soccer cleats for high school or something.

>> No.55677394

Try helping someone faggot.
And I KNOW you are a faggot because you ride a motorcycle.

>> No.55677421

This guy exists as a 5 year old right now somewhere and needs help.

>> No.55677804

Who's that, The Vegas Alien
Angel, did you take this picture ?

>> No.55677850

yeah money is genuinely meaningless without your family and loved ones. anyone saying otherwise is underage or just copeing.

>> No.55678069
File: 67 KB, 628x471, thatonebobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unbelievably lucky rich fags with no actual life problems are still miserable, lonely, depressed losers
made my day

I'm 34 just like OP
YOU are the one coping, greedy little female-brained pissbaby

>> No.55678288

you realize we can tell you are miserable subhuman and coping just by your posting style, right?

>> No.55678356

money is still meaningless with loved ones around. you guys have brain damage over money. snap out of it.

>> No.55678358

I'm a coping piss baby poopy pants

>> No.55678502

you could lose your money and sanity by buying link tokens

>> No.55678688

I’m 35, have no house, and have about half of your income and savings.
I think I’m going to quit my job anyway

>> No.55678712

Are you really an orphan? That's a rough life.

>> No.55678724

>yeah money is genuinely meaningless without your family and loved ones.
ok retard try being without family and loved one while having no money, see how that feels, you'd rope dumbass.

>> No.55678725

Love hasn't been real for over 20 years, get over yourself, anyone that has told you they love you in the last 20 years has been lying, they love the temporary satisfaction that you give them but they love nothing personal about you.

>> No.55678736 [DELETED] 

this is too blackpilled for a retard like him anon.

>> No.55678772

I only make 98k wfh so I can't afford to fuck off into the woods yet.

>> No.55678795

Dude, I swear, these whiny fucks must be trolling. Abloo bloo, I make 300k a year and life is meaningless. Abloo bloo.

Give me 300k a fucking year and i'll show you how to live.

>> No.55678871

>Love hasn't been real for over 20 years
love has never been real. people have always been settling either out of convenience or necessity, originally marriage was never about love but about survival, it was a business arrangement, that's why there were arranged marriages and shit like a dowry. All of the "love" and emotional shit was created by books and movies, however that doesn't mean there weren't cases where people didn't feel "love" aka chemical dependency.

Marriage is still a business arrangement in essence, you'll learn this if you ever have to get divorced.

>> No.55678908
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Holy cope.
This is correct, but as other anon points out it can be worse still. You can be alone AND penniless.
Personally I'm 36, been unemployed for years, essentially just a caretaker for my folks who are retired, who are also really the only people I care about. When they die, regardless if I was penniless (which I'll probably still be unless win the lottery) or had some money, there's a very high probability I'd rope.
To any young anon who isn't poisoned by the hyperindividualist brainworm, take heed. Cultivate friendships, maintain relationships with your parents and family (if they're worth it, not everyone is blessed with non-narcissist, non-psycho parents), those are the things that will actually sustain you in life. Money is also good as far as it lets you be safe and pay your bills and keep your loved ones safe too, but don't fall into the mindless consumer rabbit hole.

>> No.55678911
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>Give me 300k a fucking year and i'll show you how to live.
based and same. I'd be retired after 10 years of working. Maybe less.

>> No.55678970

I'd go one step further and say, love isn't real and that's okay. What we call love is still the best thing we can hope to achieve or experience. If like most of us you were weaned on media depictions of love then lower your expectations and go into it with your eyes open.

>> No.55679162

>I'd go one step further and say, love isn't real and that's okay. What we call love is still the best thing we can hope to achieve or experience.
Indeed, it feels good and helps you to cope with life. I've had what society calls love, I've held hands and cried and shared and while it feels good in the moment it really isn't all that for the bullshit you have to deal with, imo anyway.

There are people that need this more than others. I think what it really is, is that people just want someone to give a shit about them, I get it...they want someone to actually care. And if you didn't have functional parental love while growing up then some people will want someone who cares even more. It's really an investment of your time, money and energy... can turn out bad or good I guess.

But if you want to see how real love is or not, just start talking about MONEY with that person. kek

>> No.55679179

but ur a cuck if you raise someone elses kids
or a pedophile, no inbetweens

>> No.55679256

>It's really an investment of your time, money and energy... can turn out bad or good I guess
Very true, its always a gamble. Looking at it like that you can also think about taking calculated risks depending on which stage you're at in life:
>Romantic love between men and women, the crypto tier gamble of love. Usually won't end well, best approached with caution.
>Platonic friendship with other men. Not very exciting, more of a traditional blue chip investment, but probably the most worthwhile in the long run.
>Familial relationships, particularly your children. Not a sure thing, as you never know if an individual human being will have a random genetic predisposition toward mental illness and end up groomed into trannydom, drug use, suicide, or whatever, but if your kid turns out well and you also manage to cultivate a good relationship with them it may be one of the most rewarding human relationships you can have.

>> No.55679390

>retards who don’t understand that making high $ also requires you to up your expenses as you there is a certain baseline of attached to normie society you have to maintain in order to qualify for high $ jobs in the first place

For example: Why would I hire a third world faggot for $150k when I can hire an Ivy League educated person for the same amount? That person with the Ivy League degree may make 150k but they probably have 400k in debt.

The fact that people have to explain this shit to you means you’re probably not going to make it. You dumb retards need to get off the internet and touch grass because its causing you to be stuck in a 1 dimensional mode of thinking like you’re some sort of uneducated nigger

>> No.55679458
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>> No.55679489

Same as this guy but all that times 6

>> No.55679513

You’ve done well. Be proud of yourself. You didn’t give up when a lot in your situation did.

>> No.55679702

Are you me
I have 30 million saved and no one to spend it with
All my friends and family are gone
My life is over

>> No.55679757

damm....im questioning myself if I should save your pic or if its too depressing.

>> No.55679770

In what field do you work?

>> No.55679784
File: 1.72 MB, 480x270, motorcyclefags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this. Motorcycles are for massive fags

>> No.55679952
File: 12 KB, 306x306, images (2) (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find your relatives, anon and ya know what? There's something missing. You got the money, so start looking into crypto and diversify like I do. Build your portfolio with Reef, Zil, Atom. Add Krest and Peaq too if ya wanna get into DePINs.

>> No.55680106

check out the account where it's from. it gets more depressing than that

>> No.55680196

work towards getting a wife

>> No.55680261

what acct?

>> No.55680342

>$400m net worth
>best friend expecting newborn this month
>will only be able to hang out once a week instead of twice
It’s ogre

>> No.55680628

not only that, but the process of getting to high-income and/or high networth means that you've probably sacrificed a huge amount of time and effort to get there. Your relationships are going to be frayed, your health might have taken a hit, you might be burnt out, etc. You're probably also too big brained and so dwell on all kinds of shit or you're smooth-brained and likely fall for money traps unless you are some athlete or a complete narcissist/sociopath.

People look at someone making half a mil a year and go "hurr durr if only that were me, I'd buy all kinds of fun shit" when they won't even make 1/100th of the sacrifices required to get to that position. They think they can just be the same person but somehow 50k appears in their bank each month.

I reckon less than 10% of people making serious money are content, and the ones that are are people that have cultivated family, friendships and relationships on the side and likely come from a worse off background.

>> No.55680654


Sell everything you own, gather as much money as you can, and come to live in my country (Greece)....with like 600-700k you can live like a king and never have to work again...If you are intersted I'll send you my mail to help you out (dead serious)

>> No.55680839

statistically its not likely to be true, and the stats of people who make 100k+ are like less than 5% of the world population
its just a larp. unless proof is show, but its easily made up

300k saved up could be true, if he was oldfag , 120k a year is probably extremely oldfag close to retirement age , with some higher tier job like programmer in private sector that works on government contracts

and thats rare, my family all does that stuff and it all requires secret clearance and highly unlikely some stupid fuck on 4chan is bawwing about his salary if he's that far along

>> No.55680887

Bro if not a larp instead of being depressed and alone just rent your house out and go move to a cheap country with better women and get yourself a waifu and or bang hookers lmao. There is literally ZERO reason to live in the US, let alone a flyover shithole with no pussy and junkies everywhere if you don't have any family obligations and everyone is gone like you say.

>> No.55680942

120k means someone is close to retirement age? Damn I didn't realize I was close to retiring at 30

>> No.55681016
