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55673256 No.55673256 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if one gets old without a retirement fund? Does one just work until one dies or couldn't afford medical bill and go homeless? Seems kinda bleak tho

>> No.55673272

Yes, thanks for playing

>> No.55673279

I can save her

>> No.55673290

You aren't entitled to anyone else's labor. If you're unable to set aside like $200 a month while you're working then it's your own fault if you can't retire.

>> No.55673302

That's how it's always been in industrial single generation hoisehoods, retirement was a feature of boomer/silent generation society and it'll die with them.

>> No.55673312


If she doesn't have any diseases, or kids, I'd still take her out on a date.

>> No.55673318
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>> No.55673324


Social Security and live in a crumby studio apartment.

>> No.55673330

they're mixing fennie with other things and now they're especially doing it with tranquilizers that narcan won't reverse the effects of. They want drug users to die very quickly. It takes less than 6 months for most to start and then die. That's effective population reducation that they designed and curate.

>> No.55673345

This is why I just vape D8 carts and drink beer on Fridays.

>> No.55673349
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Then you will realize you make so much more than she does, you can't possibly let her pay for anything and after a while you start resenting spending all that money while she leeches off of you. And better yet all her friends are also poor and oh wait her family are also in financial straits and have mounting medical bills which you will have to contribute to if you decide to take things more seriously with her.

>> No.55673409


Umm, no. She's my gf. I owe nothing to her family or friends.

>> No.55673449

You're supposed to work until you die and have lots of kids to take care of your wife anons.

>> No.55673453

jews have diluted money to the point that no amount of saving can fund a retirement
the point is that your worth is based on your ability to work
if you cant work, the jews have no reason for you to exist

so eliminate jews before they eliminate you

>> No.55673456

>You aren't entitled to anyone else's labor.
Tell that to the government

>> No.55673459

She fucks black men for fentanyl anon.

>> No.55673465
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No! :(

>> No.55673499

sorry for your loss and you living in the shittest time in human history since the dark ages

>> No.55673519

This picture is me, and it made me sad.

I'm just larping I was already depressed before coming ITT

>> No.55673546
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I just want to be loved...

>> No.55673549
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>> No.55673570
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We could be happily married but instead she's on fent and I'm chronically single.

>> No.55673578

reverse mortgaging a house just to survive

>> No.55673611

My mom is retired with debt and no savings. You would collect social security, get heavily subsidized shitty housing, EBT, and Medicare/Medicaid. It’s comfy but poor comfy

>> No.55673641

Yeah you are fucked so make sure to invest for retirement. 401k and maxxed roth ira yearly at a minimum.

>> No.55673645

I was loved by a girl with lots of baggage and had to give it up. I sometimes regret it.

>> No.55673650

Good. Narcan is completely retarded and should be banned.

>> No.55673651

How much saving is enough?

>> No.55673657

Love is easy to find, money isn't
I need money, I could find you a woman in a week they are stupidly easy to attract.

>> No.55673693
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I'm an attractive guy, I've got plenty of hobbies and I make decent money. I'm just really bad at breaking the ice and don't know how to approach women.

I've never felt loved by a woman my entire life. I went on a shit-ton of dates in my late teens and early 20's, but I always found the women had a lot of baggage, or I was just really shallow and kind of an asshole. In hindsight I'm glad I didn't stay with 90% of them, but there are 2 I still think back on and feel like I fucked up. It's too late now to fix that. I've actually never been dumped. I broke up with every woman I dated...

>> No.55673700

> I broke up with every woman I dated...
why anon?

>> No.55673704

>$200 a month is enough to retire

>> No.55673745
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I would always find something wrong with them.

1 had $100k in college debt (to be a social worker)

1 had an ex heroin addict bf and a therapy dog (on psych meds)

1 was a nude model in a goth magazine (just gross)

A few of them were just kooky and hyperactive.

1 had $20k in credit card debt (I miss this one actually) she slept around too much though, had a body count of 20 men at 19 years old.

And the one I really fucked up on, she was a little too chubby and had fucked up teeth, but she wanted 5 kids (like me), she cooked and would probably clean and she would even offer to pay for the dinner half the time we went out.

I was super picky, but I was a dick about it. I'm still picky, but I've learned to compromise and be compassionate at the same time now.

>> No.55673841

>What happens if one gets old without a retirement fund? Does one just work until one dies

Yeah, they work till they die. Look at Walmart or any grocery store, you'll see people in their 70s still working

>> No.55673852

>better yet all her friends are also poor

People makes friends in similar socioeconomic classes so that's a given

>> No.55673951

for sure, if she was an addict, she has hooked for drugs. she has STDs.

>> No.55673968

None of this sounds picky besides maybe the chubby one. You dodged massive bullets from whores and girls with junkie ex's.

>> No.55673990

im worst than you, ive had women who love me and i sabotage the relationships out of fear. idk why. i fear being alone, but i push people away.

>> No.55674019

What’s the matter with narcan?

>> No.55674061

he wants opioid addicts to die.

>> No.55674094

They’ll end up dying anyway not everyone who’s an opioid addict dies from fentanyl, it can kill normal first time users too like someone whose a little drunk and a buddy got some. Of course this being 4chan and especially this board being heavily infested with /pol/fags I imagine he has no friends and is a worthless leech NEET that probably thinks his problems are due to minorities and drug addicts instead of his own cowardice and laziness.

>> No.55674130


Ya, the dating market is tough. At least if you have standards. It's easy af if you just don't care about anything but getting laid.


Read up on CounterDependency (not CoDependency) Anon. You might be Fearful-Avoidant, or Dismissive-Avoidant.



Maybe you can find out ways to help yourself.

>> No.55674141

Buy some QANX, and make around 100x to save yourself from becoming homeless

>> No.55674159

You've clearly never had your life affected by junkies. They absolutely deserve to die, even if it's HAHAHA MY FIRST TIME JUST A LITTTLEEE BUMP!! which is almost fucking never.

And no, they won't die anyway. Go meet anyone who's a Suboxone user or methadone clinic zombie - we chemically lobotomize them and they suck up resources and their family's goodwill for the rest of their lives. It's the saddest shit, we need to just let them die for everyone's sake

>> No.55674171

I can save her

>> No.55674180


>> No.55674194

thanks man, it tears me inside on why i do this to myself.

>> No.55674226

Honestly, sometimes I legitimately think 99% of this board is teenaged wall street bets losers. How the fuck can you even ask a question like this and genuinely not know wtf the answer is?

>> No.55674257

>They absolutely deserve to die
No and you shouldn’t be saying this, there’s a 0% chance you have any capacity above anyone else to make that claim just like every other human being in existence. The problem is the drugs, the drugs need to be eradicated, don’t go saying people with a terrible disease like addiction need to be killed. I guess you’re pro abortion too. To each their own but either way your thinking is caustic and offers no actual solutions, just temporary solutions at the expense of innocent people.

>> No.55674285

Lmao you're less likely to catch aids from fucking an escort raw than fucking some dope shooting fiend

>> No.55674328

No, we can save her

>> No.55674333

it's your responsibility to make money any fucking way you can. because nobody is gonna come save you anon. fortunately, the fact that you're here and having a semblance of awareness of this truth put you far ahead of your peers. even if you don't ever make it. at least you gave it a shot.

>> No.55674448

Depends how old you are. Rule of thumb is 15% of income should be invested in retirement.

>> No.55674600

in the same situation as your last one. been thinking of leaving her for over 4 years as i'm still young and want to travel the world and adventure like my father did. but at the same time, i feel this girl could be one of a kind for me

>> No.55674658

my uncle isa successful doctor who is around 70
he said all of his mentors, when he was just starting, died within 5 years of retiring
you have weird, really entitled expectations

>> No.55674675
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i can fix her

>> No.55674700

Congratulations on seeing the big picture. You actually have a shot at making it.
You are in for a real fucking treat.

>> No.55674972
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If we have to work, and we can't escape it because turning away from this means certain doom and misery in old age, shouldn't we as a society make working a more enjoyable experience??????

>> No.55674996

that's a lot of mass

>> No.55675004

>retirement was a feature of boomer/silent generation society
You know the best part?
A lot boomers are still too poor to retire.
All that opportunity during their lifetime and they still pissed it away.

>> No.55675079

you just know she puts her mouth on the taps and takes gulps of 7%+ IPAs all day

>> No.55675122

Animals don't get to retire

They typically get harmed in some way, like cripple a leg, then they become easy prey or they just lay down somewhere dark and pass away from starvation

Kind of like humans

>> No.55675138

Fool, that kind of thinking will get in the way of your right to treat employees like shit once you're rich, which you'll be, you're a millionaire inherently, if you're not yet you're just unlucky, it's just a matter of time until you invent something or make a fantastic trade. The important part is you're spiritually part of the owning class and workers can get fucked.

>> No.55675139
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>> No.55676243

rn I don't care about women, I kept my short position for 2 fucking months, bought more of it 1 month ago and just closed with 10% loss when I could have closed yesterday with no f losses. what a trip, I was at -50%, and I stressed so much and gained nothing, and now, if it dumps in the incoming weeks, it would have been a succession of bad choices. how do we stay out of the market for a while?
ok, now I feel good. good luck finding love

>> No.55676316

Yes and robbed and beaten by niggers on the street.

>> No.55676504

you make the best of you can. even if it's shoveling shit. you find joy in it. and you beat that into your brain. you're a pickaninny slave. there's no time to think about pleasantries. massa's gonna come whip you. if you don't wanna get whipped then do your work. and use your free time, and your opportunities to find something better than shoveling shit. and if you have to keep shoveling shit. squeeze out a penny now and then and put that shit into investing. you WILL escape. and if you keep at it, you CAN become the Massa with your own pickaninny slaves to whip. and you will retire and have a nice home with a big yard and grandchildren.

>> No.55676540

u u u u u

>> No.55676551

One simply absorbs the bennies afforded to the brown one.

>> No.55676582

I'm by no means a psychologist but sounds a lot like my gf who has BPD. Worth reading.