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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5565087 No.5565087 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wraith and why do these vergen fuckbois keep holding for it?

>> No.5565175

DYOR or stay poor, i'm not paid to spoon feed you.

>> No.5565189

its just copy&paste code from shadowcoin

>> No.5565241

lie... stay poor, fudster.

>> No.5565838

Here: https://medium.com/verge-currency-xvg/what-is-the-wraith-protocol-bd1dfb289cda

A lot of people here have been waiting for this for a long time. I recall someone shilling XVG to me in August in anticipation of Wraith. Wish I listened, because XVG was less than a penny. In fact I bought hundreds of thousands of XVG, but I sold to chase LINK. Feels bad man

>> No.5566387

Wraith is literally a button in the wallet that turns TOR on and off. Yes, you read that right. On top of that, it implements stealth addresses, which most privacy coins already have.
It still doesn't change anything, and Verge still has no reason to exist because other coins do the same thing, or better.

>> No.5566469


Thoughts on buying in around 900 sats, waiting for Wraith hype, then selling?

>> No.5566518

Not to mention it does nothing to solve fungibility like Monero does.

>> No.5566572

Honestly what compels someone to buy Verge over 200 sats?

This was a known shitcoin for months upon months. Anyone who was here before even the past three months would know Verge is bottom of the barrel shit.

Who is actually paying over 1000 sats for this trash? The subreddit is delusional.

>> No.5566644

Monero sucks, who cares about all the negativity and cry babies who act like XVG just fucked their mothers

monero is for cuckolds

>> No.5566672

pajeet, STOP LYING... it's to choose between private and public ledger, you moron. Stop spreading FUD, you piece of shit.

>> No.5566732


Literally the only reason Monero exists is a bunch of buttfags were pissed Bytecoin was premined by the devs. But it's a joke because you know Monero devs no doubt own most of the supply of Monero as well so you traded one team of crooks who at least built the fucking thing and understand the cryptography in and out for a team of crooks who just forked it, tried to reverse engineer it and ran off with the glory as if they made cryptonote.

>> No.5566769

It's a scam coin. There's one guy working on it and he spends his days shitposting rocket memes in Telegram and has done so for fucking months.

Do not buy for more than 80 sats.

>> No.5566897

hahahaha... stay poor

>> No.5566955

Yes, you choose between ledgers by turning on TOR and using stealth addresses. The "public" chain doesn't use stealth addresses.
But stealth addresses alone dont do much for privacy. No amounts are hidden, and you can still trace the inputs/outputs, since they wont be hidden.

See your own propaganda: https://medium.com/verge-currency-xvg/what-is-the-wraith-protocol-bd1dfb289cda all that changes on the "private" ledger is using stealth addresses.

>> No.5566957

Its so much more than this... don't pay attention to FUD people are trying to devalue the coin before wrath release so they can buy it all up. DYOR

>> No.5567213

>he doesnt know it was literally ripped from shadow
why do people invest their money into something without taking 5 minutes to do research?

>> No.5567255

Buy up a shitcoin worth pennies? Ain’t nobody buying this BS dogecoin.. volume been going down with more sellers than buyers.

>> No.5567265

You guys are literally retarded, and buy into lies. Please read the blackpaper that the single verge dev has released


Im gonna quote it for you:
"The update includes stealth
Addressing and the latest Tor+SSL integration that will take our core QT users off of clearnet, and
migrate them to exclusively operate on the latest Tor network."

"Also included are the capabilities to designate which ledger a user wishes to transact across,
public or private. With elegant simplicity, the Wraith Protocol update will enable users to toggle a
switch within the Core QT wallet that allows them to transact via stealth addressing with an
additional layer of IP obfuscation through the Tor Network."

It then describes ED25519 crypto to sound smart, which is just used to derive stealth addresses.

>> No.5567296



>> No.5567307

huge pump right now

>> No.5567343
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Dumb and greedy is always the answer.

>> No.5567379

It’s Mooning!

>> No.5567415


What it does have working for it, is it marketing team tho. When wraith gets released, normies are going to swarm this coin. For that reason alone, i;m holding. It will tripple in value soon, and then im out.

>> No.5567866

Holy fuck, ahmed literally copied everything. The attribution says 2014, so they didn't even copy the latest version which would have included security fixes.

>> No.5568173

lmao good find

>> No.5568241

Ahmed actually removed 2 lines of code. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.5568312


verge is a PnD coin. simple. same as DGB. it only serves to increase your bitcoin stack.

>> No.5568414

It released 7 hours ago with no info from the devs normies are just now catching wind don't be a normie.

>> No.5569083

Verge shills abandoning this thread because it has too much truth in it, not gonna let that happen

>> No.5569841


>> No.5570752

It's always been like that. Post truth and the thread slides

>> No.5570803


>> No.5570934

fuck this knockoff of dodge

just get in here , follow the signals and make gains


>> No.5571015

It's easier and more effective for them to continue making fake twitter profiles to shill xvg. Everything about this coin is fake and manufactured.

>> No.5571221

0.08 cents have been deposited to your LOO account

>> No.5571258

Verge is scam. They have no competent developers. Only marketeers and graphic designers. There is no technical knowledge in their team whatsoever. All they do is copy code from other working products and hope it works. They even failed to backport new doge releases into their wallet which makes it all very hard to maintain. Wraith does not exist. It is a meme. It should have been released 3 months ago but they said some hurricane made a dev lose all his code or something.

Just two weeks ago mcafee joined this "project" and decided to pump it. He didn't anticipate his success and after dumping he wanted to get rid of himself with any affiliations to verge so he dumped his bags and backstepped on his claims verge would go to 15$. Claimed his Instagram was a malicious user and now he completely diverted all the attention from his xvg affiliation by claiming his Twitter got hacked and even his phone to circumvent 2FA.

It is an absolute shitshow. There is no wraith. No devs. Only bagholders. Everyone who says otherwise is in fact a bagholder.

>> No.5571275


fag please

I'm your last hope

>> No.5571315

>my last hope is buying the pajeets bags when told
I'm not the sad one here pal

>> No.5571318
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We are the smart money, anon. Remember that.

>> No.5571378

go there , look at the signals from this week and see for yourself dumbass

>> No.5571407

stay poor losers. verge $2 in 2018. hype is literally the only thing that will matter next year in cryptos.

screencap me

>> No.5571422

I don't give a fuck where you shat on the street last week dumbfuck, stop spamming your shitty PnD asshat.

>> No.5571857

verge is shit, but i'll be damned if i'm not riding the waves

>> No.5571970


trying to help my fellow bizraeliz

you should go ask mom for some allowance money so you can put another $20 in crypto broke ass nigga

>> No.5572011
File: 49 KB, 1057x463, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok dude, someday you will get some real shilling benefits instead of having to spam this place with your filth.
but meanwhile
>0.08 cents have been deposited to your LOO account

>> No.5572134


how ignorant are you ? did you even look at the channel ? no you didn't

to the others our aim is to wreck pnd groups , we infiltrate and make the signals public


>> No.5572188

so basically i have to pay or recruit to be a part of the robin hoods of crypto? seems legit

>> No.5572202
File: 61 KB, 600x535, 91383530-633F-4673-B5C0-0CCC11F5F0A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys I’m a newfag and bought 760 xvg
pls tell me it was a good investment
I need money

>> No.5572236

buy sia coin instead it will 2x in about 2 weeks

don't sell xvg at a loss , try to get out with a slight profit , it's a very risky trade right now

>> No.5572352

just recruit , don't have to pay at all

>> No.5572377
File: 63 KB, 256x192, 1487731942709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I don't understand? you're so low in the pnd pyramid that its even kinda funny. Do you think your "calls" and "infiltrations" are not all planned beforehand? you're just part of the stupid candle going up jesus christ stop doing such a menial work and do something more thought provoking with your life or actually get in a higher position than that guy spamming in a persian tapestry forum dumb pnd groups.

>> No.5572520

It's a gamble anon.

Wraith is promised before January 1st. It LOOKS like it will get released too. That may spike the price.

However, if it should not, this shit will tank, there's nothing left for it.

So basically, my opinion is to just sit on it till new years, see what happens. I've got 1000

>> No.5572566

The shittiest shilled coin to exist. You can tell by the amount of faggot pajeets making threads every couple minutes.

>> No.5572604


I'm good as long as making profit , which i am , you can look at the signals and see for yourself that they are accurate and that's that.

this is a 2h a day hobby for me so i don't really give a fuck where i'm at on this ladder.

why can't we all make money?
pro tip - we can

>> No.5572724
File: 108 KB, 256x192, 1487645265922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even type a sentence without begging people to enter your pajeet group
Dude just take your break, your work is shit and we can smell you're not from this site from a mile.
Stop pretending to be part of something and just go away, stop trying to scam people and do something more productive for yourself than this.

>> No.5572926

one thing i can smell is that you're broke boy
good luck changing that though

>> No.5572932

Them comfy feels when I first bought Monero have just come flooding back. Thanks anon.

>> No.5572991
File: 2.81 MB, 200x200, 1489604712593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go shill more friend, only 5 more x2 and you afford lunch

>> No.5573026


I'll help you anyway looks like you need it


>> No.5573348

Why is sia going to be 2x in a week?

>> No.5573472

pnd group is moving it soon

enter at 190-200
exit at 350-400

DYOR though so youre not stuck with something you don't like

>> No.5573486

fuck off cunt, /biz/bros posted about this earlier this week. you must be 14.

>> No.5573560

so that makes it less true or what you idiot , some ppl haven't been here 2weeks ago

>> No.5573624

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5573703

Im holding 1k sia (poorfag i know)
What pnd group is orchestrating?

>> No.5573734

god bless you

not sure , you can ask here


>> No.5573816

God fucking damn it we need to filter discord links