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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 568 KB, 1514x849, salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55669962 No.55669962 [Reply] [Original]

Salt Edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous: >>55610708

>> No.55670108
File: 176 KB, 1000x750, Coal mine continuous miner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone here make a picture of a continuous coal miner (in pic) chewing up Greta van Thunberg with a caption of her saying "How dare you?"

>> No.55670408
File: 113 KB, 1000x733, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will PMs get a bump today?

>> No.55670438

It's the age of AI, nobody can make art anymore so a couple of your prompts are banned so guess we will never see that. Cool idea though.

>> No.55670448

Testing poopy asshole test

>> No.55670708
File: 149 KB, 671x1000, 71V81DCSQQL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading pic related about Yamashita's gold. It implies there is much more gold going around than what's publicly known. Any take about the real above ground reserves of Gold? Also it seems like Asians where obsessed with Platinum, why it has fallen so out of favour? I hold a big position in relation to my portfolio

>> No.55670719
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I should have sold my uranium when I was up 40%. Do you guys think we'll see URNM hit $50 in the next couple of years? Also one more question. Do you guys really think commodities are the way to go? I'm 100% in commodities and don't trust the rest of the stock market but I basically missed all of the gains I could have had. Damn am I too stupid for stocks or what?

>> No.55670844

You got Rick Drooled.

>> No.55670873

Only gold is good really, because we are entering a big recession. Uranium is a meme.

>> No.55670937


My view on the big picture is bearish as fuck.
My expectation is that the fed will do their best to prop up the dollar to prevent reinflation of the commodity sector, which would seriously fuck the fed in the ass. The way is either sideways in the best case scenario or down hard for the most stocks.
Not to mention if and when the equities start eating shit after this AI mania runs out, it will drag all of the markets down hard.
Commodities may not fall as much, but if the markets fall 50% and commodities 40% it doesn't mean shit.
I don't believe that Uranium for the most part will do anything for years to come.
If the companies drop below that long term support they've been hammering for the past 2 years, we'll see a 30-50% drop from here and the prices may only recover towards the end of 2020.
Even gold and other PMs will eat shit as the dollar gains strength, but then again if we get more bank failures and uncertainty in that sector, the fear will probably keep the prices from plummeting.
But if the fear isn't there the prices will fall.

>> No.55671159


>> No.55671551
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>> No.55671743

haha TITS haha yeah I like 'em

>> No.55671794

A few of us got shilled. Normally swing abit here and there. Asx stuff i will prob hold to 100 for the fun of it. Some of them are ok, the Og stuff i got pretty much at the top and have better things to put into.

>> No.55671845
File: 436 KB, 696x454, 2016GeneWilderWillyWonka-1-696x454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better take this guys word for it
He's made so many good calls he has no way to verify

>> No.55671854
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TPR CEO interview


>> No.55671900

That was good learning lesson. If i didn't hold the bags on them which have potential just not as fast as i thought. I'd only be knee deep in bags with something else, poss some shit like gme or bed bath. Its better to loose first in ignorance or arrogance can take over

>> No.55671926

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.55671943


>> No.55671948


>> No.55672030

>loose first in ignorance or arrogance can take over
Wouldn't it be awful to suffer both at the same time?

>> No.55672066
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>> No.55672327
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sugar. Teach me about sugar pls frens

>> No.55672393
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you mean like a crushing wall of Japanese ass?

>> No.55672460

What base metal recycling companies are good bros? The superconductor news has me bullish but I've wanted to get in on copper and lead for a while, I grew up in a region that mines and know how difficult it is to get new ore.

>> No.55672525

>I just need one more sniff-ACK

>> No.55672625

Are these generals usually this slow?

>> No.55672720

Lurk moar faggot

>> No.55672741

Usually slower than this.

>> No.55672753

heh I'm not like those other crypto retards haha

Ah, well it's comfy at least.

>> No.55672752

Was Gary just wrong about the stock market? The strength is retarded and everytime it dips that shit is bought up. It's actually insane how every catalyst for a dump causes a pump.

>Indiana Jones and the Japan Level Pump

>> No.55672986
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>> No.55673083
File: 114 KB, 892x722, AEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, wrong picrel

>> No.55673118

the jiggle is all wrong. possibly a dude with prosthetics

>> No.55673282

>Prices goes down
>People buy it due to lower prices
>Prices climb due to increased purchasing
Truly chaotic

>> No.55673513

Now if only they could replicate that with miners.

>> No.55674548

>It's actually insane how every catalyst for a dump causes a pump.
we call it "clown world" because our investing thesis is based on pure xenophobic and cowardly bullshit. We don't understand what's happening so we pretend reality is wrong, not us. You'll see.

>> No.55674679

Literally me
Couldn't be happier to know it

>> No.55674865
File: 327 KB, 1308x1260, 1690419609974109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys bought the wrong commodities you were supposed to buy orange juice not uranium

>> No.55675142
File: 143 KB, 646x595, 1560020238923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just fomo'd into orange juice

>> No.55675156

This is like 2008 before the collapse when retards thought everything was great.

>> No.55675524

This is so gay. I can't even use AI to generate this image because the subject matter is not allowed.
What a happy ass nation we've become.

>> No.55675530

*candy ass nation

>> No.55675923

There it is, the top signal. Time to sell boys!

>> No.55676259

Fuck I just put it in the deep freezer

>> No.55676512

You bought more than 1-2 puts didn't you?
It's alright lad, you can admit it. Gary can't chastize you here

>> No.55676648

Tin breaking $30k intraday in Asia. Also Nigerian coup, let's hope it doesn't spread. Anything you own there? Wasn't some uranium explorer there? I wonder if there is supply risk to some commodities, their top exports include petroleum and cocoa beans

>> No.55676669

Coup in Niger, not in Nigeria

>> No.55676929

Oh yeah. I just read a "Nigerian military coup overthrew the president" and assumed it was about Nigeria. Perhaps Russian influenced? President was west-friendly

>> No.55677284
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>> No.55677294
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>> No.55677332
File: 84 KB, 849x1225, Refractorycosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had refractory costs higher than this tbqh

>> No.55677356


>who's there?

Just the world's largest copper/gold mine in the world. It's been a rollercoaster but the state of Alaska is now taking the EPA to supreme court to allow this mine. Load up now. Basically Sackett all over again due to the use of the clean water act.


>> No.55677407

So Niger top exports are petroleum oils, uranium and gold. I think Global atomic is in Niger. Perhaps I should buy back into the uranium trade

>> No.55677554
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>> No.55677753

Nah, but still that's a hefty amount of money to lose to thin air. I was hoping to rotate it into oil, now there is just over a week to drop to my breakeven at least. It's not even a lot it has to drop, but it refuses to do it. Some people are in a worse position since they got the puts at an even lower price. Gary seems to have changed his stance on the market correction being soon, too. Just going to have to accept it was a bad call. No one can be 100%.

>> No.55677923
File: 140 KB, 1391x803, 1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our (((friends))) just gave us a $25 discount!

>> No.55678164

It's time to get rid of the EPA and the Department of Energy.

>> No.55678510
File: 59 KB, 921x455, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got some NFG

>> No.55679374
File: 55 KB, 450x318, 68523784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summoning big brain anons to do muh TA on cathedral energy services pl0x
Cetef ticker. I put in order at 48¢
Currently 63¢
Hoping for a 20% pull back

>> No.55680719

Q2 GDP came in much stronger than expected, will probably get revised down like every other number they put out.

>> No.55680817
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more Pedo Joe fake data

>> No.55681209

It hit global atomic hard but Justin already put out a bulletin saying not to worry about it.

>> No.55681217

I grow to hate the jews more and more everyday. >>55680719

>> No.55681275

Bond yields are going crazy, looks like the market is finally starting to notice. Gov spending seems to be holding up the gov, but they are going to have to cut a trillion off just to pay for higher interest rates, and that still leaves a huge deficit. Rates aren't going back down to 0 for a very long time.

>> No.55681801

>holding up the gov
the economy*

>> No.55681880
File: 14 KB, 359x257, 65128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Founders Metals Drills 12.00 Metres of 19.23 g/t Gold at Antino

>> No.55682343

Dismal day today.
Hoping we get a massive pump soon.the market is sleeping on this giant.

>> No.55682359
File: 711 KB, 800x618, PebbleMap_ArmyCorps.png.medium.800x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pebble mine, NDM baby.

>> No.55682411

pretty nice hit, congrats anon. funny, if NFG hit that the market would act like it was dusters and they'd drop 3%

>> No.55682529

Apparently there's a meme viral video about a new superconductive copper-based material. Doubt it, but maybe we'll get a permanent leg up on copper demand. Too bad they're all from SA shitholes

I'm more interested in WHY the number is going up so much. Hedging? Legitimate demand? Supply crunch? Bad harvest? Derivatives wagging the dog?
Also fun fact with OJ, if it's not fresh squeezed, they usually remove the oxygen from it, which destroys the taste. As it is packaged, they add flavor enhancers. By both Canadian labeling and US FDA labeling laws, they are not required to disclose this. Basically anything that doesn't directly come from fresh oranges (eg it's stored or shipped or has a long shelf life), is going to have additives. Just sayin'

Also a Mexibro friend says most orange farmers he knows are switching to lychees. They have similar productivity requirements and are a better cash crop.

>> No.55682938

Still sitting on unconverted LUKOY shares, am I retarded?

>> No.55682955

what are we thinking about neodymium

>> No.55682960

Thoughts on VALE?

>> No.55683198

It's dumb. It's all dumb. Stop investing in commodities. They're retarded investments. You need to be investing in bankrupt companies like bed bath and beyond and companies trading at 40x revenues. Stop trying to be smart. You're not smart. You're stupid. The world isn't going to need oil or food in six months. It's the year 2023. We have evolved beyond our basic needs. The economy is great. Men can transform into women and we won't need money or anything anymore. Corn is stupid. Who cares about it?

>> No.55683219
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>> No.55683303

Up 0% is still green!

>> No.55683458

Bayhorse bros, where you at?

>> No.55683494

I'm a bayhorse sissy now but still here ^w^

>> No.55683903
File: 1.19 MB, 1082x772, U.S. National Debt Clock.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do we moon?


>> No.55684172


If the new superconducting material ends up being real and at the moment couple of snippets of information support it being legit, it will eliminate the entire rare earth magnet industry instantly.
The moment this thing is confirmed to be real by any reputable source who replicates it, pull your money out of any rare earth stuff that has to do with magnets.
This superconductor is built using copper, lead and sulfur.

>> No.55684222

Damn, so we're all selling out now that we might retest the low?

>> No.55684228

Sulfuric Acid is already a cheap commodity chemical, but IF (and that's a big if) it's true, then the demand for copper will probably skyrocket and lead (normally a waste material) will become valuable.
What do they do with unused lead? Do they just stockpile it in old mines, or do they end up in slag heaps and tailing ponds?

What other sources of lead are promising? Cassiterite / tin ores? That might be an unconventional angle to play a rumor

>> No.55684280

I only buy. Try to buy low
What you selling anon?

>> No.55684454

PAN MAN, is Barrick Gold a good company to work for in Nevada?

>> No.55684509

lead is usually just stockpiled until its needed in things like lead acid car batteries. Its not something critical for major processes like zinc or copper, we have shit loads of lead laying around. The primary source of lead is galena, but it shows up in copper mining too, usually associated with chalcopyrite or similar deposits.
Lead also appears on its own in natural deposits, such as the Sullivan Mine in Kimberly BC or the massive lead veins in Missouri.
Honestly no idea, Barrick in North America though has a pretty good reputation from memory, no idea if thats changed in recent years. It depends on where your going to work at, Indeed has great intel on if a jobsite or mine project has shit management from the guys on the ground.

>> No.55684776

Thanks. I got an interview next week for a Barrick gold mine.

>> No.55684871

remember indeed! its hilarious how much bullshit gets aired out on the comment sections on that site.

>> No.55684884
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twitter/X does too

>> No.55684888

>lead is usually just stockpiled, [...] not critical
Figured that would be the case, but you never know
ARKK-equivalent anon commodity fund when? I want to be innovative!

>> No.55684898
File: 102 KB, 894x894, bride_5_mar_by_silrow_dfqy4ql-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good wide range commodity etfs, like energy and food all in one fund?

>> No.55684901

Copper needs to go to 5 dollars. C'mon India, electricity, it's the future!

>> No.55684978

I like GUNR myself, though it's an upstream broad etf

>> No.55685017

Etfs and rebuying once the trend is positive again.

>> No.55685058 [DELETED] 

>Live Cattle

>> No.55685068

But enough about the American public

>> No.55685129
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>Live Cattle

>> No.55685675

i am not sure which company / group actually trades in lead, its a bulk commodity that rarely gets much attention. I can look into it though, smelters are selling boat loads of lead ingots every month, it has to be going somewhere.

>> No.55685777

Hey you know what, I don't think you need to. I trust you at your word that it's a cheap commodity with low demand
What's more pertinent is the timing. Japan just had it's CPI report and it came in at 3.2% vs 2.9%. The BoJ did some yield curve control stuff. The announcement of the superconductor and claims of ayys and other big nothingburgers happening right now all feel like a smokescreen to distract from the economic collapse that's about to happen. Another funny thing is Dow just had 13 consecutive green days, last time that happened was 1987.
So I expect the next 3-4 weeks to be extremely frothy

>> No.55685945

Tungsten and Molybdenum are other commodities similar to lead, in that they will randomly spike in need, causing stockpiles to plummet without warning. Tungsten especially doesnt get much love as its just a steel additive at most times.

>> No.55686178

>Futures gapped up

>> No.55686287


>> No.55686670

There's your bearish stock market candle, probably going to follow through now so it was a good call just a bit early. That said I think he's overthinking the GDX trades, or maybe just tard wrangling because of all the new subs.

There was a big gap in GDX that pretty much had to be filled and now it's spooking everybody like we're going to crash hard. Futures have already gapped up this morning though only slightly. My money is on it filling while we crab till tuesday to paint the end of month red then we can resume the uptrend next month. I haven't sold any metal longs

>> No.55686962

Imagine how the chestlet must feel if you skipped her

>> No.55687226

Problem is that shit got bought up again. This is why it annoys me. Yesterday that shit dropped $5 but ultimately only shows .50 drop because people pushed it so high during the day. If we drop $5 from open it will only be show $1.50 drop because of out of hours buying. People really will really not let it go down. He said to get another put out to sept but I am wondering how much longer they can continue to hold it up. That hesitance on my part might be the signal that I should do it, though.

Yeah, he said 1940 close was the sell signal. We never hit that so I held. Then afterwards he says just sell into morning. His over thinking is just going to piss off more people telling them to go in and out. Especially if yesterday was a buy the dip day and not exit all positions day, we shall see.

>> No.55687274

>SPY < 4% below all-time intraday high
>10-year yield 4%
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.55687357

Yeah Gold and Silver are already both back above the 18dma with futures knocking at the 2000 door, but we'll see how things go after market open. I'm tempted to put a hedge on just in case but I'll be watching closely for now

>> No.55687448

>tfw LME nickel stockpiles

>> No.55688082
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Scottie on sale this morning

>> No.55688115
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They can start up QE and emergency rate cut if they want, wouldn't be surprised to see a flash crash this fall then BRRRRRR to a blowoff top next year.

>> No.55688185

They can't do a liquidity wave like 2020 or 2009 because of inflation. They will probably do a little bit but the economy is going to suck and S&P is going to 3k. And we're still going to have higher than 2% inflation.

>> No.55689275
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I called a rate cut like September Oct of last year and boy was a ever wrong. I stopped looking at the macros, the sdr's, all of it. Clown shit on clown shoes in a uber circus.
The reality is that every country is coordinating to destroy their currency and the burger is simply overperforming them all. It's a floater of a turd but barely.
Still thinking to be super long on metals as brics approaches. Not sure about mining metals anymore. It's just too damn weird out there to hold much in mining. Probably gonna get weirder too

>> No.55689562
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Mining stocks feel like 2015 I think it may finally be 2 more weeks until we start the golden bull run

>> No.55690217
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> am I retarded?
Hello fellow mentally disabled person.

>> No.55690286
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Question for you lads. I'm looking at FA for a change, and companies that have a high dividend payout ratio typically have limited growth. This is stuff like WMT, KO, REITs, they all pay out like 50%+ of their profits as dividends or something like that. I noticed that that TTM on them tend to be very cyclical.
However, I looked at VALE and saw that with the exception of 2020's crash, they've been reducing their dividend ratio over time. Why is that? Do they actually reduce their dividend over time, or are they steadily becoming more profitable and nobody noticed?

The best of the worst is still the best. And there are ways to hedge exposure to the USD, too.

If you look at fib levels and the asset bubble charts, I can see SPX comfortably hitting the 2400-3000 range.

>> No.55690400
File: 179 KB, 1835x918, vales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I answered my own question with more METRICS
Looks like VALE is losing out on revenue and often cuts dividends, if I interpret this correctly.

>> No.55690466

It looks like they just pay a lot of special dividends that depend on profit. RIO does the same. They probably have a much smaller regular dividend that doesn't get cut.

>> No.55690723

Makes sense. Still, it's very cyclical and hard to time correctly. Looking at this, something like ATD has very strong historical metrics and growth, while something like HAS is shitting the bed.

>> No.55692262
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>> No.55692360

Me on the right

>> No.55692387
File: 184 KB, 530x396, hyenas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, its officially over. Polymetal shares are being de-listed from the LSE on Aug 1. Shares have been frozen in my account for many months.
I called my broker today today to see if they could sell the shares for me today but there was nothing they could do and it will be a total loss due to sanctions

thanks joe biden

>> No.55692422
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>> No.55692999
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I am financially bored

>> No.55693009

The jews did this, sorry for your loss borhter

>> No.55693132

Sure that's not you on the left?

>> No.55693550

This happened to me when I tried to do a meme trade on Russian oil back in Feb 2021 or 2022 whenever that was. I'm still holding. May as well, since it's a 100% loss and there's no penalty to do so

>> No.55693895
File: 3.74 MB, 720x1280, 1687448924791250.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than Scottie, Snowline and Atlas, who else is on a likely path to a buyout?

>> No.55694192

Ascot resources is likely to get bought out down the road, maybe Dolly Varden too but they might operate independently too.

>> No.55694226
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>Hat is literally on fire

>> No.55694531

Those are the cap lamps they used before the electric cam lamp was invented (I think by Edison or his company). Gotta have light down in a mine

>> No.55694560
File: 975 KB, 1500x1000, stickin tommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before the cap lamps there were tools called "Stickin Tom" which were a spike with a candle you could stab into a plank while you were working. I ve found a few of these in different mines but their never intact.

>> No.55694620

I'd bet using candles in mines goes back thousands of years. It must, or else how would miners have seen what they were doing?

>> No.55694622

I thought he was just trying to keep it lit

>> No.55694628

They could've been listening to my new mix tape

>> No.55694711

Does it sound like this?
Miners know how to keep it lit.


>> No.55694732

fun fact, many of the candles used in mines were make to burn for a set amount of time per candle. After a number of candles were used up, your shift was done. Some would also have a chemical added to the wick that would make smoke at specific stages, to notify an amount of time had passed.

>> No.55694796
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Panic is retiring I hope I'll be off this ankle monitor before they play Milwaukee

>> No.55694808
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Oops forgot to tag your post

>> No.55694820

That's a pretty cool bit of mining history.

>> No.55695481
File: 199 KB, 1152x768, 1669439823675943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with the fag tag? Do you have to wear it until a hearing or something? How do you shower?

>> No.55696455

I think WAM will simply because of the exceptional high grade, but I don't own that one, waiting for a bargain, if I miss it I miss it.

>> No.55696468 [DELETED] 

It's can get wet but not submerged
Some cocksucker in Alaska is trying to ruin my good name by being on the run for drugs and I've never been to Alaska
Need to find that prick and frame him for a bunch of crimes then murderape gun and leave him in a place that's easy to find
Oh btw red they didn't take the shrooms or the spore prints do I can send you the prints. Stupid cops are stupid

>> No.55696533
File: 3.42 MB, 4032x3024, 20230713_135029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at the Manitoba Museum a while back and saw pic related, never knew Manitoba had a gold rush although it makes sense geologically. Anyone know why gold exploration in Manitoba isn't a thing anymore? You would think with modern geophysics and technology that there must be some hidden gem deposits the old times never found...

>> No.55697076
File: 208 KB, 900x526, lynne-lake-gold-camp manitoba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are quite a few exploration projects going on out in Manitobas far north, but due to how remote they are, access is limited to aircraft and ice road only. Flin Flon is still pretty active if I recall, Rice lake too. I ll see if i can find a map showing the new projects in Manitoba in a bit. Winter is the time to work in that region, summer work sucks due to how swampy the north is, winters horrible too with -50.

>> No.55697815

Surge Copper just released their technical report for Berg project in the Sibola Range.


>> No.55697915

Yeah was reading it, dont know what to think. In the end, it all depend of huckleberry

>> No.55698706

Had a feeling it was due to those factors, but Northern Ontario and Quebec are similar and seem to have more going on. Thanks for the info.

>> No.55698753

not sure about leafland, but in the US between about 1920 and 1970 every single major deposit was found, surveyed, and mapped.

not drilled, mind you. Lots of them could extend far bigger than the surface indicates. But they're all known and most of the big ones have been drilled.

There's not a lot of undiscovered mineral in the west. We pretty much know what's out there. Pan Man's area might be the last frontier in North America. Or maybe it's all known too. But in the US it's pretty much all known.

>> No.55698760

Sucks if you bought before the invasion, but you were warned

>> No.55698843

>in the US it's pretty much all known
There is projected to be 40% more gold in Nevada hidden beneath valley sediments. The problem is that they are hundreds of meters deep and show no surface characteristics. Attempts to detect these deposits have to date resulted in failure (see Nevada Exploration), but there's little doubt that they exist.

>> No.55698885

yes, but again, it's known.

There's a huge exploration project in my back yard right now to map the extent of massive paleoplacers several hundred meters deep. But they're known. Every time someone sinks a well they find gold. Nevada and Arizona turn up some hot spots every now and then, but basically they're known. If not the exact spot, then everyone knows they must exist in certain areas. I think Nevada had a couple good ledges or reefs discovered in the last few years, but both in areas known to have gold.

>> No.55699490

Lion One will get bought in a few years

>> No.55700438

Do royalty companies typically pay divvies? Or only megacaps like VALE?

>> No.55700811

bingo, stuff like sediment capping makes mineral exploration a massive headache. There are vast parts of BCs interior that are likely rich in metals but will never be explored due to how deep the glacial sediment beds are.

>> No.55701538
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>> No.55701655

They typically do, but small ones.

>> No.55701714

those tits are from jav star Julia
t. japan booba knower

>> No.55702631
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>> No.55702689

>I feel a lot safer here.
Someone punch this racist nazi.

>> No.55703534
File: 8 KB, 230x250, 1500210353732s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese countryside level pump when.
I'm all-in Lion One, SALT, and VUL

>> No.55704255
File: 173 KB, 1466x560, atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55704436

This is a good video

>> No.55704468

that is advertising and begging and by christ I wont click on shitter links or links to any other advertising platforms

>> No.55704470

What about NFG will shareholders be diluted to nothing before it gets bought?

>> No.55704548
File: 153 KB, 915x798, sprott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprott keeps adding so I do too. I do wonder what it's going to take for sentiment to return to gold stocks, $2100? It sucks NFG shareholders have had to put up with non-stop FUD attacks from shorts for around 2 years now.

>> No.55704938

Lots of people post twitter links, anon
Anyways, it's some guy shitting on the green revolution about how 70% of the cost of green energy comes from raw materials, yet at the same time, they want to stop new mining projects, which makes it impossible, basically saying that oil is going to be around forever, because everything needs energy and energy comes from oil. Every new innovation focuses on HOW to use the energy, but never how to use energy without relying on oil

>> No.55705062
File: 16 KB, 474x327, Coal miner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every new innovation focuses on HOW to use the energy, but never how to use energy without relying on oil
Can use coal too, there's huge reserves of it. Can make oil out of coal, too

>> No.55705077

But it's "dirty" energy and not wind, solar, or hydro. That's the point. We're not decoupling from it any time soon. But this is stuff everyone here already knows, it's just that it's presented in a great way.
Besides that, we know that nuclear was rebranded as a green energy in the EU, so they'll shit out a bunch of reactors and then go "WOW LOOK AT THAT GREEN REVOLUTION WE SOLVED GLOBAL WARMING NOW EAT THE BUGS"

>> No.55705575

crop failure this year. need to pay attention six month prior. OJ is classic seasonal play.

>> No.55706165

>need to pay attention six month prior. OJ is classic seasonal play.
That's one of the things I need to learn before really trying to trade commodities (even via etfs or cfds); the seasonality of it and all that shit. Dates, farm acreage reports, etc

>> No.55706172
File: 146 KB, 1139x697, quakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao i already know my play here. Wait >1 month and start slurping. We know from the kazatomprom deal that china wants alot of uranium. It is a multipolar world and the west aint playing good.

>> No.55706436

God this is always funny. Anywho, you realize this might be another russia stock situation for all you know. Extremely dangerous.

>> No.55706447


>Inb4 it gets delisted from the Western exchanges when Chinks and Russians take the business.

I wouldn't even be surprised.

>> No.55706590
File: 24 KB, 497x392, ccj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn niger is ~25 % of the uranium production. This will probably be equivalent to cigar lake flood.

>> No.55706708
File: 506 KB, 356x200, Bloddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks

>> No.55707890
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>> No.55708274

Silver is probably the most important commodity in the world after oil but unfortunately the Jews have rekt the price with their paper shit. If this BRICS trade settlement happens the USD is going into hyperinflation in the next 3-5 years and silver should be in the high 3 to low 4 digits once it happens

>> No.55708482

Justin said to get out of global atomic. He actually said reduce posistion by half but I just bailed.

>> No.55708493

The jews have destroyed every facet of modern society to the point where it has become a bloated degenerate non functioning mass and at this point extermination is the most reasonable option. If you don't kill them they will come back again and again. You cannot isolate them to their own country that won't work either. The more you know the more mad you get.

>> No.55708544
File: 3.93 MB, 576x1024, Low Coal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had a choice between being an underground gold miner or an underground coal miner, which would you choose?
Anyone, feel free to answer.

>> No.55709140

Gold so I can stick ore in my rectum while working and sell it on the black market

>> No.55709653

Ok thanks, did he say anything about goviex?

>> No.55710088
File: 71 KB, 964x537, GOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like Goliath is going up today


>> No.55711218

They're propping it up just long enough to get enough illegals in here to let it crash and watch the civil war.
I came here to ask how to profit off of the wave of illegal labor that'll be replacing us, but I'm too moral to act on it.

>> No.55712573

NFG looking good today

>> No.55712786

Does this confirm bitcoin was created by the US government to take attention off gold?

>> No.55712799
File: 768 KB, 1080x1578, Screenshot_20230731_130603_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55712943

>Silver is probably the most important commodity in the world after oil
Give me 3 reasons why without mentioning le solar panels because they hardly use up any silver

>> No.55712962

Gold because I don't want to live in west virginia

>> No.55713061

I will look but nothing of note I remember.

>> No.55713070

They keep releasing news like this but with no numbers and have been playing that game for a year. Fuck them. The one set of numbers they did release were shitm

>> No.55713109
File: 3.18 MB, 3319x3319, 20230730_174357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First mushroom crop. I'm having to spend a lot to get this going but once it's set up I'll have the capacity to make $1000-$12,000 a month. Even after spending the initial investment I'll still have about 10-20 oz gold. 2000 oz silver and about a 90k stock portfolio. I'm completely demoralized and defeated in this faggot market. You can take that as a sentiment indicator and this is probably the bottom right before the big move. I'm convinced silver and gold will never go up. The stock market will crash and I'm trying to get out asap so I can start this farmers market business and get the fuck out. I'll still go to school for finance but I'm done with this faggot market. I am completely defeated and demoralized.

>> No.55713127

Everything is shit. Investing ducking sucks and its a scam. The jews and government have a death grip on reality and they can control their fake faggot market until the heat death of the universe.

They'll never defeat the people because we will fight back and have guns but they will continue their techno fag dominance and manipulated markets and rural people will live on their own. It will be a bifurcation society.

>> No.55713141

So take that as a sentiment indicator. That's the only reason I'm posting it.

>> No.55713248

>I am completely defeated and demoralized
That's where I was last week, then I started popping caffeine pills. Got any morels?

>> No.55713300

Has anyone seen if there's a consensus on the # of ounces Goliath has proven so far? They do seem to have a history of putting out news-releases for visuals and then under-delivering when the results come.

>> No.55713305
File: 45 KB, 460x307, 1658520421341043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they could truly control reality, Gold would be 35$. It WILL break and get our rewards. Never give up brothers. I keep accumulating shares of depressed junior.

I'll become wealthy and financially free or die homeless. I'm not selling a single share, banksters.

>> No.55713310
File: 1.07 MB, 602x752, 1592709600610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am completely defeated and demoralized.
You just have to buy and hold nigger. Everyone is getting shaken out. Even Gary is accepting whipsaws instead of just Old Turkeying it. I didn't sell anything on that big red candle and I'm scarily leveraged. After all it's a bull market etc etc

Good that you have something else to focus on though, that is essential.

>> No.55713430

Well regardless, I think it is suspicious just like everything else involving bitcoin.

This is interesting. How much land you got? What shrooms? How much caretaking? How do you regrow them? Who are you selling to?

Yeah, you claimed you were capitulating both here at at Gary's house. Did you actually sell? I think that was a wrong move on Gary's part if he literally said wait until 1940 then said fuck it sell, and it recovered literally right after.

>> No.55713434

At least this is a nice intercept. The last release for VG was worthless -a spec over 0.5m.

>> No.55713484
File: 117 KB, 885x839, Ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this faggot Butler says silver is about to go into orbit


>> No.55713736

Big news for PAAS shareholders. I wondered why they were up 7% today


>> No.55714242

My current fav shitco is PEI.V

Prospera has:

large, paid off or settled land tracts in both AB and SK in Canada, producing less than 1200 bbl @ approx NPV of 30mm give or take. They have a lot of torque if they can attract attention and actually produce results. About 400mm Barrels of remaining reserves @ 40% (max) recovery so far. Probably as high at 50% on a good well.

Some mid-to-large investment parties including some pumpers which helps little known companies like Prospera.

They also check the ESG boxes so technically long-term external funding is in play from WEF type banks. In full compliance with SK well retirement programs helps.

I just avoid the ceo boards and pump it when I can because its a feel good story with decent fundamentals.

>> No.55714635

of all the advertising and begging threads on this dead advertising and begging board this is the worst of them all

>> No.55714792
File: 615 KB, 1351x1615, japan_countryside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new NFG vid


>> No.55715181
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is it over for zog?

>> No.55716429
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He bought more again today

>> No.55716529

I'm going to try to grow morels but they are fairly difficult.

It will break free. I'm just tired of the fuck fuck games. It will definitely go up, but there's a chance it could go down in the meantime and I'm tired of it. I'd rather take what I can now and get our of the city and be on my land, be able to grow my own food and have a sidebusiness than sit in the city and hope that things don't go to shit and my investments go up. Even after cashing all this out I'll still have a nice little pile I can sit on.

>> No.55716542

Gary just whiplashes too much and he's just as bad as the market. Dude is a genius but in the meantime it's fucking frustrating for him to make seven posts within three days going from "all good do leverage" to "oh no sell out quick" and then the stop didn't even get hit sp it was a totally unnecessary loss. Could have been negated by just holding so good job for all who did. I'm just done.

>> No.55717428

They have a plan to deal with this. It's called "gibs me dat wagie"

>> No.55717539

Gary did it completely backwards.

First we should have taken a half position in leverage. We dropped so much already it couldn't go much lower if it wasn't the bottom and the low was due regardless.

Then once confirmed finish to full leverage.

Once we got green dildo gains we switch to unleveraged to be in just in case we climb higher, but more likely the temporary correction and profit taking and we wouldn't drop so hard.

Then once the upward climb recommences, back into leverage, and repeat as necessary.

>> No.55718351

I just bought UUUU based on the Niger coup

>> No.55718379
File: 306 KB, 612x408, 1683932700798519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am completely defeated and demoralized
Frog hands wrote this post

>> No.55718492

I spent 4 years telling you.

Eventually everyone gets to realize Big Bob wasn't trolling, and he wasn't joking. And I don't think it's jews. From what I've seen most of the money itt went to an australian, with a couple jeets getting the rest.

>> No.55718503

For once GV was right, he said multiple times Gary is very smart and has pretty impressive instinct on the market, but he is extremely emotive and that fuck up all his plans.

>> No.55718833

>an australian, with a couple jeets getting the rest.
and don't forget russia
half this thread gave money to russia for invading ukraine and now blames jews when they realize putin stole their cash.
epic retardation

>> No.55719321

>ctrl+f G*ry
>9 matches

>> No.55719557

this, I never got the "Gary" followers here

>> No.55719707

>be /cmmg/
>claim to follow Austrian economics -- rational, apriori
>obsessed with a random TA hack -- empirical, a posteriori

>> No.55719762
File: 126 KB, 1280x599, 1532151821788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, after this nigger coup, what's the best uranium compagny left ? Everything is overpriced as fuck or in Africa.

>> No.55719930

You were right but it wasn't because of what you said when you said you never make money in stocks. The rigging in this market is unprecedented and the cinderblock headed fuckery is just too much. In other markets, investments like these are allowed to make money. I'm also still in the market. I'm just cashing out about 50% of my portfolio. There's no other sector I'd rather invest in. If you gave me all the money I'd put it in the exact same place. This is because these are unprecedented times and there's no other option. I have to be able to grow my own food and the business is just an extra benefit. I don't have a solid income on my own and need one. This is a confluence of factors unique to this current situation and the current environment.

But yeah your advice is great and I see why you were saying it. Once I start this business it's going to unlock a lot of wealth and success.

>> No.55719939

The dude can call market moves to the day.

>> No.55719945

Encore energy.

>> No.55719969

The only people that made money where the ones who invested before 2020
I'm not one of them

>> No.55720161
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welcome to August goy

>> No.55720468
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>> No.55721452

Until court I guess
It can get wet but not submerged

>> No.55721476

Nobody here but me even knows what Austrian economics is
I studied at LVMI
They couldn't find Austria on a map of Austria. Most of the posters itt are hard core socialists and communists they just think they're not cuz they can't read

>> No.55723194
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>> No.55724813


>> No.55724817
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Bumparino yet again
Man, this thread is almost dead

>> No.55725051
File: 116 KB, 640x507, 1690862217983182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy more
Are you poor or something?

>> No.55725059

These aren't shrooms I thought you were talking about

>> No.55725093

>Once I start this business it's going to unlock a lot of wealth and success.
If that one doesn't pay off start another. Hell, start a couple at a time until one of them pays off.

>> No.55725461

>US credit Rating takes a hit
>DXY gains lost
>gold loss recovered

Ideally make a bunch of businesses with passive income then turn your hobby into income (working on this last one now)

>You're giving me
>too many things
>You're all I need
>You smiled at me
>and said...

>> No.55726575
File: 3.11 MB, 3872x2592, copper creek eagle plains resources photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evening all, how are things?

Niger coup causing some interesting bullshit to fly online about uranium and gold. Lots of speculation but nothing backing it.
Anything I missed? I was busy in the bush all day.

>> No.55727413

This is the way. Throw shit at the wall until something sticks

>> No.55727516

TMCbros... I bought the top again...

>> No.55728324

i just sold my UUUU and bought TQQQ

>> No.55728349

I work the Bayhorse Silver mine in Oregon, ask me anything.

>> No.55728391

I might get an offer from an underground gold mine and I have an offer from an underground coal mine. I am wondering which job to choose.

>> No.55728441

How to get my money back from Thailand?

>> No.55728678

No way to get money back from foreign scammers

>> No.55729028

Why are people on CMMG always trying to invest?
There is no such thing as smart investing. It's all guesswork and luck. Economics is not a science. It's a pseudo-science like astrology. Therefore, you have no framework to make educated guesses about investments.
At best you just throw your money at something and hope it turns out well, unless you're a connected political insider that controls how the economy REALLY works.
But all this economic theory is just nonsense, trying to cast in naturalistic terms something that is entirely artificial and controlled by the elite.

>> No.55729054

This retard doesn't even practice astrology

>> No.55729069

I changed my strategy from gambling on juniors to buying shares of companies that actually produce, make money and pay dividends + ETFs in the commodity sector
I should have done that from the beginning

>> No.55729085

I prefer Chinese fortune cookies.

>> No.55730417

2 more weeks until the start of the next 10x run in gold juniors

>> No.55731052
File: 520 KB, 734x783, 1686909368112153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-60% on BOIL, why did you make me do this anons? I should have just boughted something safe like gold.

>> No.55731053
File: 90 KB, 676x715, Udklip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're off to a good start

>> No.55731285

>Gold smashing through 1940
Forgive me Gary I should have listened

>> No.55731302

The smash is always perfectly timed too. Imagine the to do list would be to fix the country falling apart, yet the make sure not to miss their morning short. To be honest I am shocked the news doesn't pull in buyers.

>> No.55731367

The US downgrade by Fitch? I'm guessing the rising yields are a response to that, especially longer term yields are up big today. With yields up and the dollar up almost half a percent, gold is actually holding up relatively well.

>> No.55731479
File: 166 KB, 1409x796, Udklip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sarama is targetting 18 months payback in their upcoming PEA, something like a US$70M initial capex, staged upgrades. 100koz+ production after first expansion. Mkt cap 10 million.
How is this not a screaming buy?

>> No.55731544
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>> No.55731601

bros... what the fuck is happening today? why can't we catch a break?

>> No.55731627
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>> No.55732170

Anyone seen the news release about American West Metals new discovery at their Storm Project?
"Potential for DSO"

>> No.55732202
File: 675 KB, 1601x1540, tpr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wen do they make us rich?


>> No.55732287

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.55732319

And now you see why I'm out. The markets are fake and gay. Rigged to the core.

Gold should be at $2500 by now over the past three years of events and we should all be sitting on nice 2-3x bags.

>> No.55732395

And the best part of all of it is they are taking your tax dollars to do it. They are stealing money from good honest Americans who want to make solid investments in reasonable things like oil, gold, commodities, who don't want to invest in grossly over bloated tech stocks, and then they steal that money and use it to rig the markets so that your investments never take off. Out of all the things they could be doing or poleoblems they could be fixing, this is what they do. Parasites sucking the blood from the host. They can't even do one good thing. They are occupied solely with evil and stupid intentions, ass backwards policies and programs that defy the face of nature and God, defy the face of all that is good and natural.

Mark my words. There is a scam in which jo Morgan and the government are cooperating hand in hand to rig the metals markets. Not only that but bank of America is being set up as the scape goat.

They are making bank of America take the brunt of the short posistion because when the shorts blow up and bank of America goes under, they will be able to bail it out and print more money because the average American goes to bank of America. The average American doesn't care about jp Morgan or even know what it is. It's out of their league.

Two years ago, they made bank of America take the majority of the short posistions because they know that the average American banks at BOA and won't protest when BOA gets bailed out so they can keep the measly $5000 in their checking account.

>> No.55732478
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They seriously need to get this shit moving or at least start giving updates about whether this is even going to trade and what the deal is with the storage negotiations, because I'm starting to think the salt ceo and FS announcement has been dragged on for so long that it's now increasingly baked into the price.

I have no doubts about this company if we say for example 5 year time frame, but I'd like to pull off a money rotation instead of keeping this as some longer term investment.
Just get the damn TPR out of the way so we have a nice base around the ATH numbers, then sell the salt deposit and it's a quick 10-15x profit from here.
Then we can throw that profit into PMs or oil and wait towards the end of 2020s and walk away with a nice 100x from this cycle.

>> No.55732626

I agree fren, why can't they get this green faggotry listed soon if less proven Vortex did? If we don't at least get news in Aug we should start emailing them. Fuck it, I'm emailing them right now.

>> No.55733162

>How to get my money back from Thailand?
Just two more weeks until the next dilution fren, we are trying to rent out the Steinert ore sorter because it gets no use other than photo ops a few years ago. We still do not have a mining permit, but you only need one if you are actually going to mine. 14 more days and you will get your answer about your money.

>> No.55733176

What's your price target for the PEA this month?

>> No.55733179

>pay dividends + ETFs
correct. follow the large cycles to see when to buy hold sell and buy again

>> No.55733303

I feel like we could go to 15-20c easily. When built the mine should be cash flowing US$50M per year. So valuation when built is hard to see below US$200M if everything goes according to plan (track record for West African mines is very good, almost always on time and budget).
The big advantage for this project is the low capex, so equity shouldn't be more than US$30M as part of construction funding. They will also need around $10M to get to FS.
Current mkt cap is C$10M. In a better market this could easily be trading at US$50M right now. That would be less than US$100M when in production, so still allowing for a production de-risk rerate.
PEA is prob out next month.

>> No.55733713
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>> No.55733799

An average size panel uses 1-2oz of silver. That's a lot.
But also:
- electronics
- batteries (especially high end military gear)
- jewelry
- antimicrobial coating, water purifiers, wound dressing
- plane turbine ball bearings
- etc. etc.

>> No.55734410

TPR will hitch their wagon to whichever green energy company wins that gov land bid, that's who will buy them

>> No.55735775


The mushrooms took over his mind. Sad.

>> No.55736783
File: 1013 KB, 973x2544, shrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many such cases

>> No.55736790

starts in 2 weeks sir, dump is expected

>> No.55737598
File: 436 KB, 1952x856, dem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver & Gold Chads WAGMI

>> No.55738280

>muh leveraged etf decayed into oblivion wat happen
Literally says on the site it's not meant to be held longer than a day

>> No.55738592

That's just what they say for hazmat purposes

>> No.55738715


>> No.55738723

$12,000 a month nigger. >>55735775

>> No.55738753

They just say that because they don’t want to see us win.
Hold leveraged etfs as long as it takes.

>> No.55739176
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>> No.55739195
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yields ripping higher again today, another bloodbath inc.

>> No.55740147
File: 80 KB, 962x571, SGD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hit Batman


>> No.55740313

>there is a chance my put with be in the money on the last 2 days
Please pray for an awesome dump, sirs. Anything under 369, and I am damn fine.

>> No.55740689

what are the chances GUSH reaches anywhere near 2016 levels?

>> No.55740725


>> No.55740831
File: 54 KB, 720x571, 1687482173029520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snowline hating bros......it's over

>> No.55741051


Another stellar quarter. With gold averaging nearly 2k for the quarter (FM is primarily a gold producer) they manage to lose only $5.5M. Truly a well managed valuable business.

>> No.55741337
File: 223 KB, 1162x895, shitline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 monster holes today, where's the bro that calls them shitline? If he buys today he can still get a 2-4x if he can wait for the buyout.

>> No.55741555
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and look at all the VG starting at surface in these pending holes

>> No.55741942
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The future is bright bros, $3 billion+ buyout in the future

>> No.55742327
File: 26 KB, 319x392, Udklip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do banks start blowing up again? this move is wild.

>> No.55742559

How many mines and oil fields in africa are actually owned and operated by companies not based in the west?
I keep hearing the argument that the west exploits Africa by not paying a fair price for goods

>> No.55742585

>buying the top

>> No.55742756

Isn't it generally beneficial for the African countries to allow foreign companies to take on all the risk and simply tax the ones that win? Also all of the other fees associated with exploration/mining, and mandating that the foreign companies hire a certain amount of locals and invest in local infrastructure, etc...

>> No.55742763
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>> No.55742766


>> No.55742849
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I added the top here. There should be pullbacks but this will get bought for at least 2x or 3x today's $4 price

>> No.55742896

holy heck thats an intercept and a bit!

>> No.55743197

That's what I was thinking too
Small mines run poorly by locals produce almost nothing in comparison and whatever is sourced from them through slave labor is probably not what ends up in your phone or car

It's fine adding to your position at the top
But it is not recommended for people who have no position yet
>ceo.ca perma bull boomers overdosing on hopium

>> No.55743298

Have you guys been paying attention to Lion One?
Their actual mining grades are higher than drill results, mineralization is continuing into the side walls after mining.
It should be an easy double minimum once they get into full production

>> No.55743374
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Its been pushed plenty of times, including me. People are just bored of every DD pick, spot price is the only game in town right now.

I personally sold at 1.45$ a bit before they took a huge debt for building their mill, I dont touch that shit.

>> No.55743562

>It's fine adding to your position at the top
>But it is not recommended for people who have no position yet
Snowline has around $20B in gold and keeps hitting, that makes them pretty low risk at this point. I wish I'd bought Great Bear at $4

>> No.55743680
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Depend of the amount of capital you have I guess. Someone with small capital would be retarded to buy this shit after 2 year going straight up. Not that it will go down, but you just have better opportunity elsewhere.

Big hand would be retarded not buying it, easy double and can still grasp other opportunity available.

As anon said, adding is fine, buying is conditionnal (and most times not the best idea for people in this thread).

>> No.55744935

Normally I'd agree with you, no way SGD could 10x again from here right? But they are a safe 2-3x and there's likely a spinout coming, where the shares in the new company could 10-100x again if they discover another deposit like Valley. People who don't follow it closely don't know about how many good targets there are in the enormous land package they've put together. The drills are turning at a few new targets right now, imagine if they hit 1000 gm holes at another completely different location...

>> No.55745016

Nothing makes sense in a clown market
Also people are tired from buying something that was shilled here only for the stock to be down 15% after 2 months

>> No.55745257
File: 20 KB, 532x352, gbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Snowline hits at a new target and gold goes on a run it could get crazy. I think we could see something like picrel for Snowline by next summer.

>> No.55745274

Impossible. GBR was bought at around 2 billion. SGD is at 800 right now. You might get a 4x at best in my opinion.

Lot of if so its not for me. Pretty happy for people who bought early, wish you the best guys. For new people ? Nah way too pricey, might as well buy Gogold.

>> No.55745514

New bake

New bake

>> No.55745581

Snowline probably has a lot more gold, but GBR had fewer shares. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.