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55666434 No.55666434 [Reply] [Original]

Which platform currently has the best ROI? I want to dump some funds into good tokens but have no idea where to start.

>PS: I'm looking for lasting products and with possible good rewards for long term.

>> No.55666495

Chainlink staking offers 4.8% roi + stakers this far have got 44 shitcoin drops for free that can potentially net them thousands of dollars.

>> No.55666615

Who cares for shitcion drops? Sustainable rewards on soild projects are based. Polygon is a good place to start loking.

>> No.55666625

19.17% APY with Polkadot on Nova wallet

>> No.55666640

>I'm looking for lasting products
AI and blockchai based projects are what you are searching for anon. Lots of passive income rewards to be found there.

>> No.55666659

Chainlink is dead shit. Would rather throw funds into projects that pay attention to new innovations, like health tech for example. Something that benefits everyone.

>> No.55666961

What are the top projects that have sustainable rewards on the Polygon ecosystem?

>> No.55667009

IMM is one. Recently launched with decent staking rewards. What do you have to do about that?

>> No.55667014

Where is the list of 44?

>> No.55667020

>>PS: I'm looking for lasting products and with possible good rewards for long term.

This reminds me of the value of healthcare integration into blockchain, KEK.

>> No.55667037

How sure are you an anon like me won't end up getting REKT. Am I not too late to join that train?

>> No.55667057

That fag was just bluffing. The end point is to push that link which he did.

Is that the one that offers over 300% APR for instant staking?

>> No.55667061

Nothing to see there. Shits take up the time you'd rather use for research on lasting projects. Ngmi if you continue down that road.

>> No.55667067

Staking is just a token inflation scheme that allows shit token creators dump more tokens, for longer periods of time, at a higher value than just dumping tokens alone. It never benefits the actual stakers.

>> No.55667070

Medical data on chain should be one of the priorities now. More privacy and less data theft.

>> No.55667074

Linkies at it again. Shitting on every post. >>55666659
>Would rather throw funds into projects that pay attention to new innovations, like health tech for example.
Now that makes more sense to me because it's more like a real life application

>> No.55667083

There's never a late time on ImmunyfLife. Healthcare is an ongoing process and that's what they're bringing to the table.

>> No.55667103

We all want products that work. Gets better when the minority has access. Health tech unites the world. Utilities there are based.

>> No.55667141

Probably ETH

>> No.55667179

Will be great to see how healthcare projects are integrating into Web3 for real.

>> No.55667182
File: 131 KB, 1200x675, IMG_20230725_132535_907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telegram bots are making more revenue than uniswap, wagiebot will have fee sharing in probably 2 months or so, once they are making more money from fees than unibot (wont be long) due to its speed and extra functionalities that other bots just don't have.

>> No.55667201

Real World Applications, hell yeah. I can see XRP Healthcare, Immunify and Solve Care making an impact.

>> No.55667223

Powerful to see that the IDOs on Spores Network, RazrFi and Kommunitas were successful.

>> No.55667449
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Slurp up gems on Polygon and Arbitrum network. That's where the real gains are.

>> No.55667473

>Real World Applications
CZ recently made a tweet about this and how huge it will become. Smart money already knows that any gem in line with this narrative is going to blow hot in the bull run.

>> No.55667501
File: 41 KB, 641x530, 1655870902624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that the one that offers over 300% APR for instant staking?
Kek, it is 350%

>> No.55667512

This was one of the reasons why I bought the dip on QuickSwap Dex. Buy low and sell high but morons always do the opposite.

>> No.55667515


>> No.55667561

You forgot to add data management protocols khunt. Data is hugely undervalued right now.

>> No.55667579

Look into good low caps with trending narratives like RWA, L1, Metaverse and GameFi.

>> No.55667603
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1658326062706092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight, bros, I believe now is the perfect time to jump on the bandwagon and level up your healthcare game. It's not just a one-and-done thing; it's an ongoing journey to a better living

>> No.55667678

We gotta prioritize security and privacy like never before. With less data theft lurking around, we can finally take back control of our sensitive info and keep it locked down tight.

>> No.55667718

>What do you have to do about that?
Defying all odds to launch in this bear market is a bold move IMO. It's time to accumulate before the pump sets in EOY.

>> No.55667741
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LINK is not dead but don't expect it to deliver heavy returns as it did in the previous cycle. Just go for new low caps, accumulate and stake them away for passive income.

>> No.55667744

Bro go immediately and buy some GNS on Arbitrum. They are doubling the APY in September through tokenomics restructure. Pic is today they are #5 in holder revenue. Get in before your priced out.

>> No.55667801
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Forgot the pic

>> No.55668466

Immunify is a platform you should be looking out for, the 350% APY on its staking model is absolutely intriguing

>> No.55668493

Or do you mean Polygon IDOs, you should research the one that launched a few days ago on Kommunita and RazrFi

>> No.55668510

Yea, this fucking makes sense, especially for those that decentralize health data

>> No.55668539

The recently launched IMM IDO with a staking APY of 350% looks like a real deal

>> No.55668573

Decentralized health data is gaining traction and will in time revolutionize the health industry enabling patients to control their medical data and make incentives for sharing with whoever they want

>> No.55668604
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 4HAN6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one of the best opportunities out there is the newly launched IMM IDO, which has really impressive utilities

>> No.55668622

Do you mean the APY on IMM? Yea, that's pretty awesome

>> No.55668658

It is, the IMM token took me by surprise, having the token sold out on RazrFi in 24hrs and sold out on Kommunitas in 48hrs, that's even more impressive.

>> No.55669205
File: 148 KB, 1968x402, znnstake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZNN is a layer-1 that offers staking/delegation in their native wallet. Also the liquidity pool just opened up with a LP multiplier, gives around 180% APY.

Currently sitting at 20M mcap and is working on BTC interoperability/EVM compatible sidechains.

pic related

>> No.55669376

>staking thread
>ctrl + f "curve"
>zero results
It's like you guys aren't even trying when they've got such high rewards. Check the MIM/USDT pair and you'll know exactly what I mean.

>> No.55669379

anyone got the source of this thicc anime girl?

>> No.55669399

Sorry chud but I'd rather stick to their stablecoin pairs strictly.

>> No.55669404

>still believing in DOT
Anon... I....

>> No.55669409

>highest rewards are given in Kava
do you really have that much confidence in them?

>> No.55669430

Hey, you should totally give staking a shot with Sylo! They got Liquidity Mining and LP Staking options. Stake some Sylo alongside ETH or WBTC on Uniswap, and you can even stake your LP tokens too. It's worth a try!

>> No.55669463

ASTO blends in so damn well with AI, NFTs, Metaverse, and gaming all in it.

>> No.55669571

Nice, man! 12% APY staking your RIDE tokens on xExchange is pretty sweet! And hey, keep an eye out for the Cloudbreakers SkyJack NFT staking, coming this quarter.