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55666969 No.55666969 [Reply] [Original]

How easy did boomers have it?

>> No.55666971


>> No.55666972

claiming haircomb tier easy

>> No.55666976
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They dealt with the hard times actually. You don't know hard times

>> No.55666978

however easy you think, easier

>> No.55666981


>> No.55666990

they are the reason there are so many barricades to making it. it was a truly free world. anyone who believes it's the same as it ever was is a boomer

>> No.55667006

Oh noo I'm so demoralized now nooo!

>> No.55667035

My dad was able to buy a house and a car and raise a family of 4 with only his government salary. He never had to worry about his financial situation all his life and never had to save his money or invest in anyway. He's now living on pension. If someone as bad in finances as him could make it, imagine how easy the smart ones had it.

>> No.55667042

Way too easy and they sold us out and need to hang

>> No.55667045

>this is about me!
typical narcissist

>> No.55667055

Anyone who could make it through high school could basically coast to success. Sure they had some war anxieties and rougher moments, but nothing really bad ever happened. Until 2001, then 2008. By that point they were all set for life though. Boomers never had their mettle really tested, and the result is they have no ability to navigate us through our current problems, despite overwhelmingly having majority power.

Basically we're fucked.

>> No.55667094

Affirmative action was still a meme so black women weren't literally 98 times more likely to get the same job as a white man.

If you are a man in general the average woman is 49 times more likely to get any job you're applying to, if you look at the distribution of degrees you'll see men with liberal arts degrees are constantly underemployed while women are not because the government will straight up not hire you. Men are only employed in jobs like computer autist (the women are trying to get in on this and ruin it) or physical labor. Basically the 'easy' street is a field which women have difficultly/little interest in doing or physically can't do.

And boomers are the ones that tripled down on discriminatory hiring laws, fucking you over in the process.

>> No.55667096
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>Dad worked in gov.
>Housing allowance, zero rent
>Free flights for holidays
>Free dental
>Self-confessed terrible at investments, loses money on almost everything he invests in, still has loads leftover anyway, is comfortably retired


>> No.55667100

And anyone that dropped out of high school could also make it, back then if you just walked up to a plumber and said "Hey, I'm ready to learn, I'll work really hard, do anything you want and never complain" you'd most likely get hired, these days you need a three-page long resume, seventeen certificates, minimum 8 centuries of experience and you have to be OK with being exploited when it comes to pay. Boomers had it easy but they'll never admit it and it pisses me off.

>> No.55667138

Easier than they will ever admit, not as easy as zoomers think they had it. You'd have to be retarded to fuck up in the economic conditions they existed in but the world was a lot harder on an individual level and it was difficult to rise to the kind of breadth of perspective that even a highschool dipshit has now with internet access. They were more likely to get fucked over or dead by shit we've never had to experience like leaded gas because again everyone was on average a little retarded and had zero foresight and prioritized their muscle cars running smoothly over their kids and wildlife not having neurological problems.

>> No.55667238

nothing in crypto has been this easy before
holy fuck 30 min for a 10 claims

thank you to the anon that introduced me to it

>> No.55667277

Literally saying 'this time it *really is* different' ...lol

>> No.55667294

>Boomers had it easy but they'll never admit it and it pisses me off.
It's okay though because they're starting to realize an economy founded on fucking over everyone younger than them has fundamentally hollowed out society in a way that negatively impacts them in old age so their response is to scream "you just need to man up and do it anyway!".

The funniest thing to me about the man up bullshit/whining about quiet quitting/complaining that men don't want to get married or whatever anymore is that they still expect you to put up with their bullshit/jump through hoops for the crap jobs. I know how to survive without their crap jobs, I spent years getting fucked. I don't need boomers or 30yo roasties telling me how to live my life now. I just don't need them kek.

>> No.55667307


>> No.55667310

It is. There's no reason why there should be a labor shortage because companies can't get workers in with all the retarded barriers to entry they themselves created.

>> No.55667318

i forgot biz likes being poor and being told what to do by VCs and nigerian deposit scammers

>> No.55667325

Son of a plumber dadeh

>> No.55667386

How will the world benefit once all people born before 1981 die out? I chose 1981 because that's when my mum was born and I love her.

>> No.55668276

Walk in, smile, firm handshake.
House with a fenced in yard, 2 cars, kids, college or military, dog, drive-in diner. McDonalds, and you will be happy.

>> No.55668302

also black lung.
the children yearn for the mines.
Marlboro faggots and niggers.

>> No.55668443

My mum and dad who were literally autistic bought a house for £20K. Same house would be around £300K now. I went to college and yet I'm unemployed and stuck in a dingy housing association flat.

>> No.55668562

In 1990 wages were 3x higher on real terms according to my in house calculations.

>> No.55668619
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Boomers were children of the most prolific and hard working generation on the planet.
They take this merit for themselves but it was their parents that built this country after the industrial revolution and made it what it is today.
They grew up in the best and strongest point in the American economy and then are to dumb to realize that things change and that the world's problems aren't individual but systemic in nature.

TLDR; Incredibly easy.

>> No.55668626
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>Boomers had it easy
They had it easy because they set up the condition for it. They refused to let immigrants in because they knew it would destroy their wage, and skyrocket the housing/education market in the process.

This is why it's common to see boomers with 2 cars, a big house and a family. And then you ask him what he did all his life and he just tell you he worked an entry level job at the post office since his 20.

(You) are never gonna get this, because the solutions to the problem have been made politically unacceptable, and modern generations simply refuse to fight in any way that isnt purely performative. Hope you enjoy the rat race.

>> No.55668640

Good morning i hate boomers

>> No.55668646
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About this easy.

>> No.55668657

Imagine going for a walk down the street and you see an office building
Imagine walking in the boss' office and saying
>Hi, sir. I'd like to work. Can I have a job?
And he says
>Sure! Let's put you working with <x>

This was an office building not a grocery store and there was no "We're hiring!" sign and you didn't have a resume or references or even any identification before being given the job offer

Just imagine that and now you tell me how easy you think boomers had it

>> No.55668700

I can’t imagine it

>> No.55668729
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felt that

>> No.55668731

My point exactly

Boomers didn't set up shit their parents did.

>> No.55668734

>They had it easy because they set up the condition for it.
No, like >>55668619 said, their parents set it up for them, they proceeded to take it for granted and fuck up the world as we know it, everything that's going bad in this world can be blamed on the boomers, I fucking hate them all.

>> No.55668745
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If you think Boomers had it easy, just wait until you meet...
>Want a two story four bedroom house? Go take your pick! That'll be $100.
>Raise a family of 9 on a truck driver's salary? No problem!
>Arrested for drunk driving? No sir, that's not even illegal!
>Sure let's watch TV with the family later. Yes, the entire family. You can rest assured that no one is going to deepthroat a dog's dick on tonight's episode of the Ed Sullivan Show.
>Congrats for winning WWII by the way! No one will question your patriotism or commitment to your country, and absolutely no one will question if you did anything unsavory or if the war was waged honorably or if it was even worth it
>no need to send your kids to private school because we already segregated all the schools. We also segregate the theaters, the restaurants, the shops, even the fucking water fountains.
>Some crazy dame is accusing you of rape? Just slap her.
>GMO? What's that? Microplastic? Never heard of em. Here, have a cigarette you'll feel better.

>> No.55668755
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When should we be mad about COVID-19 being created in a lab in Wuhan China?
Never right? Let's be mad about the older generation that ended the draft. Right, glowies?

>> No.55668764
This website is a countdown to when we'll all make it.

>> No.55668765

If you did this today you'd be laughed out and told to apply online on a website that you need to make an account for and to upload your resume it needs to be a certain file type and not too large and it needs to list all your education and previous work and references and the size of your dick, I fucking hate boomers, out of touch pricks. "JuSt BuY a HoUsE" How about you just fucking kill yourself you old piece of shit, you're literally just taking up space you decrepit fuck.

>> No.55668767

I'm not taking this bait.

>> No.55668785

Ah yes, ending the draft should make us instantly forgive them for all the shitty things they did, we should now forgive them for fucking up human life as we know it.

>> No.55668791

Oh, I forgot something

That entry level job back then paid $1 per hour which, when accounting for a carton of cigarettes costing $0.19 then and $8 now, is the equivalent of paying $42 per hour now

The boomer just walked in to the nearest office with no resume and no references and not even any identification and of course had to take no "technical test" and got a job offer for $42/hr

Let that sink in

>> No.55668852

>extinction in 2086
Cool, I'll finally be able to relax and just enjoy myself once I'm 99 years old.

>> No.55668897

>once I'm 99 years old.
Look at me, I'm the boomer now

>> No.55668911

The fuck are you talking about "ended the draft?" I have a selective service card in my pocket right now you dense motherfucker.

What generation is Dr. Fauci? Check and mate.

>> No.55668924

The sad truth is most Boomers are going to live to be about 80 and most Millenials and Zoomers aren't going to see age 50. It's basically guaranteed by this point. Just enjoy the time you have.

>> No.55668927

You realise we're two different people, right? Also, I have no idea if the draft was ended, I was just using what they said as an example.

>> No.55668938


>> No.55668948

>Just enjoy the time you have
I'm trying, it's just all so depressing and I have a good job but I'll probably never be able to retire

>> No.55668953
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My calculations say that basically everyone should be getting triple what they're being paid to match the purchasing power people of similar roles had in the 70's.

You'll never hear a boomer admit this though. It shatters their whole tough hard worker, both ways uphill in the snow perception. It's *always* a you problem, you are lazy, you spend too much on coffee and avocado toast, you have a cellphone, you you you

Nobody has boiled the huge pay difference simply and clever enough for it to stick. It's hard to get a message across using math especially when the recipients absolutely don't want to hear it.

My view is that they got away with looting the country but they SHOULD NOT be able to have a clear conscience about it. That's all.

>> No.55668970
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very easy.

>> No.55668991
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Boomers started their careers under relatively hard money, so extremely easy. The corruption of Money is the cause of our current ills.

1) Hard money forces positive sum activity as everything has to balance.
2) Hard money fell out of favor for transactional not economic reasons during the industrial revolution.
3) Politics always favors soft money because it enables easy and opaque theft.

Social spending acts as a supply-side subsidy for labor, a worker CAN'T sell their labor for less than subsistence, but give them food stamps, subsided housing, Medicare? Well now they can sell their labor for less than it costs to produce!

But wait! How were those social programs paid for? Deficit spending? Exactly. Deficit spending is an expansion of the money supply (simple dilution), it robs ALL income earners and gives to asset holders (as an increase in money supply will naturally inflate assets), a HUGE and on going parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, THIS is the driving force of the wage/productivity divergence seen since the 60s.

Notice that the fiat grift also suppress incomes of white collar workers by tricking them into believing the nominal gains on house value is wealth instead of inflation, why mechanical engineers etc get paid so poorly, $60k seems like a lot if you bought 30 or 40 years ago, but you haven't gotten wealthy, your real terms income has just drilled through the floor.

Even illegal immigration, seen as a driver of wage stagnation, is merely a justification for further debasement, or do you think paco comes here for our magic clay and not our social welfare spending?

There are no political solutions, and not in the poltard "violence is the answer" as violence is of course wholly political, there are no political solutions because politics is a memetic parasite that never fixes anything. There are only technical and economic solutions, and BTC is just that, a technical fix for the political corruption of Money.

>> No.55669010

We are the exit liquidity for boomers.

>> No.55669028

I'm glad that the news is calling it out over here in Australia.


>> No.55669032

yep, real wage growth plateaued in the 70's after the ended the gold standard, for everyone except CEOs

>> No.55669041

millennials had it easier, they only had to mine crypto coins in their computer
they can also work remotely from their bedroom
fuck those soft hands complainers

>> No.55669058
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Fookin saved