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File: 639 KB, 1440x1708, SmartSelect_20230725_075138_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55658754 No.55658754 [Reply] [Original]

In the months to come, X will add the comprehensive communications and the ability to conduct your entire financial world, so which crypto is it?

>My guess on what will run it?

>> No.55658770

good morning ser!
i hope elon adds the comprehensive communications too!

>> No.55658794

Comprehensive communication interoperability protocol

>> No.55658801
File: 9 KB, 595x157, awwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally Doge shows it right on his twitter.

>> No.55658814

lmao he literally killed twitter
I'm terrified of all the schizo twitter refugees to flood the rest of the internet

>> No.55658816
File: 17 KB, 398x398, Bitcoin-SV-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one blockchain that can handle this amount of volume

>> No.55658959

it could be XLM aka Stellar.

>> No.55658977

Green ID, so load up on dogecoin?

>> No.55658980

Elon name drops Chainlink soon

>> No.55659011


>> No.55659020


Dunno... 589 in these numbers here..

>Verification not required.

>> No.55659037

Its some centralized, paypal-like garbage, retards. You're a fucking idiot if you thought X-cucked payments will be an uncensorable, transparent, distributed ledger. Elon has to have the control levers for China, Turkey, and all the other countries he wants to sell rockets to. Just like he censors speach and cooperates with gov control of twitter. He will for payments too. Why the hell anyone cares about his hypocrite bullshit, I have no clue. Enjoy paying the $8/month tithe for your blue cucked badge.

>> No.55659058

Sounds interesting, but I have no idea what it is?
Is it a transaction network, sending money between various X-accounts? if so then it doesn't have to involve a ledger, it could just operate like Venmo or Patreon.
Why are you guys so certain it will be blockchain based?

>> No.55659068


Wasnt this always the case?

>>It is said that XRP targets central banks and Multinational companies for customer base whereas XLM targets individual persons for peer to peer transactions.

>> No.55659076

His vision is to be the largest financial system, if not half of the globe. Thus needs to support multiple currencies not just USD. Bridging is needed in this case.

>> No.55659096

Posting anything elon related should be a bannable offence

>> No.55659130

because it's better in every conceivable way

>> No.55659141
File: 15 KB, 735x368, hbag.elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55659169

Could be multiple, like a system sort of thing.

>> No.55659188

Sorry but Chainlink is a security and can't/won't be used.

>> No.55659206

You are an idiot. It had to be killed to be rebuilt.
They need all the plebs to trust it again. They had lost 75% of real users. This is all a show to bring them back and keep them on the plantation.
If you don't want them here then you should be cheering this.

>> No.55659219

Oh you mean like the CENTRALIZED SHITCOIN XRP?
Thanks for memeing. gg

>> No.55659431

I was talking about "X," the new name for twitter... has nothing to do with xrp retard. It will be a cheap paypal clone.

>> No.55659530

gonna be interesting to see where this goes. looks like analysts think that throwing away the brand is a terrible idea

>> No.55659539

Everything apps like the ones they have in China are illegal in the EU.

>> No.55659546

cheap wechat clone
the only question is does elon dare to go with a stable coin or will he make his own freefloating coin
he has demonstrated that he isnt cucked enough to be talked out of developing a new coin as long as no real legislation exist

>> No.55659557

A fork of dogecoin, obviously.

>> No.55659563

This is a threat to our democracy

>> No.55659575

Doge ain't got the facilities bro. He says it will be half of the payments.

>> No.55659580

Not because of it beeing an "everything app" but more because it sends every user data directly to Xi

>> No.55659592

Elon Musk is connected to Stellar directly or indirectly through Stripe.
Elon Musk Backs Stripe (2012)
Jed Working At Ripple, Stripe Deal Falls Apart and Jed Leaves Ripple (2013)
Stripe Provides Seed Funding For Stellar ( 2014)
Stellar Launches with Rocket Ship Logo. Stripe gets %2 of all Lumens ( 4% today after coin burn)
Keith Rabois is on the Stellar Board of Directors. He is connected to Elon Musk in many ways. The earliest tie goes back to the PayPal Mafia before Bitcoin was even a thing.
In May last year year Stellar Board Member Keith Rabios showed how loyal he is to Elon Musk.
Stripe and Stellar seem even more tight when you look into AnchorUSD. This project is Co-Founded by Jim Berkley-Danz. Early Stripe Engineer. Also, offer a Payment API solution integrating Stripe/PayPal and Stellar/Bitcoin - Airpay.

>> No.55659625

No, it’s because they’re everything apps, I didn’t say Chinese apps are illegal, you can use them in Europe since you can’t do more than communicate as no one accepts wechat payments except for Chinese hookers at European airports.

>> No.55659649

XLM is the absolute greatest, but brainlet Elon probably can't figure that out. That would naked Linkies and Ripplefags seethe so hard though

>> No.55659658

no shit it will be dollars, and probably a low effort crypto wallet just like paypal already has. dunno if wechat does crypto but yes just an all-in-one app, nothing new just a way to fully deep throat elon if you want to fully buy into his ecosystem if centralized, censored, zero-privacy, china-complient comms/payment apps.

>> No.55659686

dont laugh about it, so many will que up to give elon their money
and the power that comes from seeing all the transactions as digital data is immense
as long as this is baseline functional it will become a behemoth, just dont think we as retail can profit from it

>> No.55659767

It's not XRP goyim, but Shiba Inu

>> No.55659783

it will be fantom

>> No.55659784


>> No.55660052
File: 218 KB, 2000x2000, kleros-pnk-logo-2798327968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon wants X to be half the financial world.
>3-5% of transactions end in a dispute.
I wonder how he will handle dispute resolution for all of these cases....
>pic related

>> No.55661537

Stellar fits the overall appeal with SpaceX

>> No.55663736

retards don't realize he is going to support DOGE
then a bunch of other cryptos, fiats.
Literally WHATEVER regulators will allow him
and he has the money to fight or lobby to get what he wants.
Watch this man take down fractional reserve banking and commodities manipulation by allowing anyone to transact in
DOGE, BTC, USD, GOLD, SILVER, all on a blockchain powered by X.
shits gonna slap

>> No.55663840

Facts my wise fellow anon

>> No.55663848


>> No.55663850

Doge can't scale without infringing nchain patents.
If they infringe, they face patent infringement lawsuits which can't be defeated.
In any case, development time horizon is too long.
Improving the value of X will not happen through crypto market-making.
BitcoinSV gives the capacity for cheap micropayments.
X will use Bitcoinsv, and will take advantage of microtransactions.
The decision has been made.
Screencap this. :P

>> No.55663869

Yes when I want to connect real world data to the blockchain(s), I use XRP

>> No.55665671
File: 45 KB, 692x389, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you guys aren't missing the oppurtunity to buy the next SHIB at 6M mc


>> No.55665684

it's just a weechat clone

>> No.55665713

Sorry, the only thing that's a security are these nuts

>> No.55665744

He's a fuckimg genius. He just took all the thunder back from threads. Threads is now old tech. Checkmate

>> No.55665968

>what will run it?
Amp and Flexa. Doge works with Flexa and Amp backs Flexa. AMP is basically XRP that works with Doge. Amp volume is up about 175% vs down 20% for XRP

>> No.55665993

Not rly If zuck says superapp too then he pulls the rug from under elons feet as zucks in charge when it comes to reach between them.

>> No.55666113

twitter being an everything app like wechat is a pipe dream so long as twitter's codebase keeps getting fucked over by troony code shadowbanning and outright banning lurkers and other accounts
keep this in mind the next time a banwave happens - if it's meant to be used for payment processing and banking, what happens when you are removed from the platform for "breaking the rules"?

>> No.55666201

>lose 75% of user base
>I know what will fix this, more mysterious promises and flashy branding from elon!

>> No.55666209
File: 179 KB, 600x600, T8nerHZfwg71GZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trojan horse

>> No.55666322

> Elon pledges to clear twitter of child abuse stuff.
> FUD is created and people flock into Cuckerberg's Threads and leave Twitter.

>> No.55666396

> Xrp is the only cryptocurrency with regulatory clarity
> all other cryptos are crypto assets not currency
> nothing personel

>> No.55666515
File: 39 KB, 473x586, blade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMP has been getting patents and working on regulation since inception. XRP ruling just provides more cover for what AMP has already done.
nothing personal kid

>> No.55666837

Wow you can post several hours of video. That is not the point you fucking retard. Twitter succeeded because the messages must be short. You fucking ape.

We have youtube for people who want to talk for hours without making a single interesting point.

Fuck off with your shitty x. You had the perfect brand name and you ruined it. If you didnt have rich parents you were a fucking nobody.

And name your child like normal people do. Stupid mongo

>> No.55666847


This is literally an XD face because he's laughing at all the crypto retards.