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55663875 No.55663875 [Reply] [Original]

How do I budget for dates? I’ve blown $1000 this month and I only got a fucking kiss and hugs out of them…

It always the expensive steakhouse/sushi bar too…

>> No.55663888


N E V E R go on dates to expensive food, or really any food ever at all.

you meet up for drinks. thats it. youre getting provider-zoned because you're clearly desperate and trying to buy sex and women know the gig. if you want to get laid start acting like it

>> No.55663891

U must be under 5’10

>> No.55663892

maybe stop being so fucking nice and take her to a nice cocktail bar instead of a fucking restaurant get her some nice dry ice cocktails you wont spend less but you will get laid

take her to the fucking steakhouse after fuck

>> No.55663997

I sincerely hope this is a troll post.

>> No.55664002

Anyone ever just slip a Xanax in their drink and just take the pussy?

>> No.55664013

Is this the same chick as the dating WebM where she wants a full blown dinner instead of just coffee

>> No.55664014

You don't. You blow $1k a month on used up 25+ yo roasties and ask for advice on a 4chan business board.

>> No.55664037

How is it even possible to go on that many dates and not fuck? The last 5 dates I went on all fucked within 2 meetings.

>> No.55664039

Are you retarded or just baiting ?

Why is op always a faggot…..

>> No.55664046

it is

>> No.55664048
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nice b8, retard

>> No.55664051

This. I'm not even trying to be mean to boys who take me out to dinner but when I'm all full and bloated, that's not the first time I want to have sex with a guy

>> No.55665350

i never pay for women for anything
i give no fucks what women think
what do women want? who cares

>> No.55665683

I'm nearly 37, but when I think back to all the money I spent taking women out to dinner and drinks in my twenties it is kind of surreal. I would ALWAYS take the girls out for a 3-course style dinner at a proper restaurant and I would ALWAYS pay for everything. I wouldn't be surprised if I spent around or over $100,000 AUD just in my twenties alone, $10 grand a year eating out isn't that difficult when you think about it, that's only $833 per week. I made good money even back then but I would still live paycheque to paycheque going out, etc.

>> No.55665688

* Sorry, $833 per month. I would EASILY spend that just going out one night per week.

>> No.55665693

>How do I budget for dates?
Men can either be predators (user and abuser) or prey (protector and provider). You seem like a nice guy so your specific purpose in life is to give your resources to women. Just keep trying and you'll end up coming across a woman who'll settle for receiving your resources, exclusively.

>> No.55665695

Retard, take them out to a coffee place or go for a walk in the park. I only start spending money on a chick once I’ve been balls deep in her

>> No.55665729
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Adding on: I forgot the the third option. Men can also be scavengers, like the Vulture. Get in and get out for a discount and without the risk that predators and prey have to take.

>> No.55665740

checked fpbp

>> No.55665783

Why are you going after old women?

>> No.55665788

the best date I went on in recent history was taking a girl to the park and walking around. We smashed after. Never spend money on a first date if you can help it

>> No.55665833

for 1000$ you could've fucked prime hookers multiple times.. lmao even

>> No.55666216

This. Im an intovert in my 30s now but its not even the money so much, its more entire process.. taking one girl out, meeting her, having to entertain her, one night basically gone, ugh. And for a low fuck-conversion rate of about 10%, at least in my rate.

Or just pay 200-300 for a type of chick that is exactly what i want and swallows at the end of day.

>> No.55666247
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fuck dating apps
just grab a bag of coke & tell barwhores you'll give them bumps for free but they'll hafta blow you first.

>> No.55666251

>I’ve blown $1000 this month
I spent $1000 on a hooker before.
It was a really pretty college girl trying to pay for school.
She let me cum in her ass and I made her lick it up afterwards.
Best $1000 I ever spent desu.

>> No.55666259


Yup... i'm on 4chan alright

You guys think you pay a girl to have sex with you by taking her out to dinner? WRONG. You take her out to dinner to pay for her TIME. You provide the ability for her to get to know you, and then maybe, after a few dates IF there is chemistry, you MAY encounter intimacy with her.

>> No.55666283
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Real chads pay them to leave

>> No.55666288

Roastie detected

>> No.55666291

what the hell so shes just a one trick pony? why are people following her around on the internet if she just says the same thing? guy like op act like this is an epidemic

>> No.55666292

This is a man with multiple STD's but damn if he ain't right.
I mean yeah but there's limits to the shit. Most expensive date I ever took a woman on cost me 200$ and it sucked, best date I ever had cost 50$ and I ended up marrying her.

>> No.55666300

I love this shit, bitches will do anything for enough money.

>> No.55666306
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>500pln - $124 USD
tfw no qt Polish whore gf

>> No.55666315

You see that's a problem. Because i think a roastie should be glad i sacrifice my time and energy to her. The money i spend on drinks (food only if cheap!) is basically a pre-payment for her to fuck me. She can bail on that but then we won't see each other again.

>> No.55666324


kek I was just meme-ing. As a matter of fact i'm pretty succesful with the ladies. I am a white 6'5 chad and have fucked at least a 100 biological woman. Not larping. I never took one to a restaurant though, in fact I rarely pay for dates. Occasionally a coffee and gas money. I usually take them on a walk close to my house IF they are difficult with going to my place, so i'm always close by and can take them to my place anyway. But most girls I take home with me right away, I even had hot girls sleep over before I even met them.


>> No.55666340

you might be telling the truth but you sound like the kind of guy who's never tasted a vagina

>> No.55666353

you are right i have never tasted a vagina, or I think once but I didnt like it

i did have put my penis in alot of them though!

>> No.55666356
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It me

>> No.55666390

Last new girl i dated wanted McDonald’s and to bang me in my car

She was a lawfag with a 5 million dollar house. I’m not even tall

>> No.55666402

Understandable, This is normal if you arent a weak fag.

Notice it's usually incels complaining about gold diggers and woman using them to get free food. They werent gonna fuck them anyway.

Its the harsh truth many dont like to hear. You can either get laid or not. The amount of money you have is not really important as long as you got transportation + a place to fuck them

>> No.55666408


I stopped caring years ago and do meditation now and feel great

>> No.55666410

Like these TikTok roasties don’t even realize they are pricing themselves out of the market by being cunts. If a girl likes you she’ll fuck on the first date and just want some cheap shit she normally would avoid but you are the excuse to have fun. Matter of fact spending money on her will make her feel whoreish
The local botanical garden and fast food will do.

>> No.55666417

The fun thing is that as soon as these girls turn 30+ or something and they notice they arent getting the same attention as they used to they will go on full panic mode and just settle with whatever

>> No.55666418

Personally I can tell if the date will work or not from the size of her eyes. If you are flirting and her pupils are huge she’s going to be all in, if you get nothing from her eyes she just wants attention and blow her off

>> No.55666431

I think i've only been fooled by a girl who just wanted me for drinks one time and that was because i was drunk and just paid for it without thinking and also she was kinda old but I didnt have anything else to fuck so I just went to go with her. But she wanted to kiss and relationship but i obviously wasnt interested in a 30+ year old single mother, just wanted to fuck her cause she was hot as shit, but not a relationship. I made this too clear so i think in revenge she just used me for free drinks.

But I never pay up front, or at least i pay for a coffee and of course I pick her up and bring her home so I pay for gas, but I would never pay dinner or any significant amount of money (over 10bucks/euros) for a girl I dont know if I will fuck

>> No.55666443

coffee or netflix and chill, maybe go for a free tour or some shit
don't be paying for dinner
if dinner, demand split bill and point out all the conwomen and watch her reaction carefully

>> No.55666450

In my experience girls fight to pay if they like you even if you offer, and only try to get you to pay if they feel like you waisted their night.

They don’t like the power imbalance early on with a guy they think they might want to keep so they pay for half. My ex, the car girl didn’t expect me to pay and even bought me stuff until we were in a committed serious relationship with jokes about engagement and kids.

At that point she let down her guard and was a big needy baby and it was only then that her money was her money and my money was also her money.

>> No.55666453

this is overlooked too much
It should be the first response to every incel/roastiepostie thread or question.
>can you even drive a car?

>> No.55666455

lol lmao the west is a joke. The gymnastics that men have to go through to get laid are getting more interesting.

>> No.55666461

Lol I dated girls around 30 who didnt even have a fucking drivers license, yet expect the guy to drive them everywhere + pay for dinner

Fucking eastern european girls like ukraine, russia, poland, belarus they are the worst kind. I always thought they were high tier woman but i learned the harsh truth they are the lowest tier, not humble, completely bitchy and high expectations and they just wanna be rewarded for 'being a woman' lol fuck them useless dead weight is what they are

>> No.55666470

The most recent one was just a year ago. She was from ukraine, refugee, got free housing and shit and was telling me about her recent dating experience and she had the guts to tell how she was so turned off by the guys here that still lived with their parents. No shit we have a housing crisis + immigrants and refugees get houses for free including you, yet you have the balls to complain about guys who were born here and still live with their parents because they literally cant get a house.

>> No.55666475

>I dated girls around 30 who didnt even have a fucking drivers license, yet expect the guy to drive them everywhere
You need to at least be able to pick up and drop off or it's a task to hook up even if they drive.
>Fucking eastern european girls like ukraine, russia, poland, belarus they are the worst kind.
I've had the complete opposite experience with ukrainians. All the ones i've met are literal trads and start talking about babies immediately.

>> No.55666479

Yes I agree guy should have drivers license + car at least and a house as long as its possible (see my previous example)

at first I shared your opinion and heard people say it before, but for me they are extremely bitchy and demanding. Sure they want kids, but they are too demanding for me to give them any. I want girls to be humble and thankful and they are the opposite of that

>> No.55666480

>eastern european girls like ukraine, russia, poland, belarus they are the worst kind
still head & shoulders better than nigger women

>> No.55666485

>Fucking eastern european girls like ukraine, russia, poland, belarus they are the worst kind
They indeed are. Germany is currently flooded with them and they are gutter trash, completely demanding to be spoilt just for existing. The only ones willing to play this game are arabs, as its one of the few ways to get a white girl for them.

Never date a Slav-girl in the West, they're our equivalent to your ghetto negroes.

>> No.55666489

I have no experience with african americans, however I dated a few africans that went from africa to europe and they were extremely humble. Took one home with me, most beautiful titties ever as if god himself shaped them and I said "Oh I just need to check real quick if I cleaned haha" you know the awkward small talk you do when taking them home to distract them to the fact that you are gonna fuck them 5 minutes later and she was literally almost saying shit like "Sure mister" while she went back outside to wait, i said no dont worry just come with me keep your eyes closed lol but they are extremely humble and thankful the black girls from africa who are here recently. Most I knew from study exchange programs. But i cant speak about african americans, but from what i seen online they seem horrible yes

>> No.55666497

Yes it isnt me. I have multiple examples of russia, poland and ukraine with these horrible princess attitudes.

It actually disgusted me a bit come to think about it, because they literally are refugees, escaping a war, then have the balls to talk about the guys living in this country for not being worthy enough.

They should be send back on a plane if you ask me

>> No.55666502

enjoy your ebola monkey aids

>> No.55666505

I know this is a foreign concept to mutts but here in europe we actually get taught about condoms and they are widespread available

>> No.55666506

It's not all the dudes, just the ones that aren't inherently attractive. If you're tall or handsome or work out or have a dollar it's not hard at all to get laid, if you're more than one of those things it's piss easy. It's the guys that aren't tall or conventionally handsome that don't work out and don't have a dollar that can't get laid and that's half because most people of either gender have insane standards nowadays and half because if they're not ticking those boxes a woman that isn't an idiot isn't going to risk getting knocked up by them.

Sex is not hard to get, neither is a relationship. People just complicate things by crying about not having a sandwich when they're hungry when they haven't even gotten the bread out to make it.

>> No.55666518

>she had the guts to tell how she was so turned off by the guys here that still lived with their parents
>Different culture meme
But for real, if you visited ukraine before the war all the men work and all the women homekeep. It's traditional roles. Not universally, less trad in cities obviously but not much.
Besides, this is not unique to ukrainians. Literally who wants to fuck a girl who lives with her parents nevermind a man?
>because they literally cant get a house.
They can though. It's always a choice not to. Especially when EE have "lower standards" of locational housing. They don't need the big shitty to go clubbing every week.
The only barrier to housing is money and there are so many grants and programs for poor people to get on the ladder it's ridiculous. Take london, you can qualify for up to 120k discount on mortgages. 80-100k elsewhere. You can do this while never working and staying on benefits.
Your ability to house is your ability to provide for trad girls, which is what they are in my experience. (Excepting the workers.)
Though i will admit all the ones i know, excepting the workers, came from better off families.

>> No.55666520

Ukrainians are getting the SAME benefits as an guy who has worked for 30 years and raised a family and then becomes unemployed in Germany. Its honestly SCANDALOUS. Most time these Ukrainian fuckers even drive bigger cars than the average German. I am so enraged by this whole situation. There is so much that is wrong and it's just becoming more distorted and perverse every day.

The Ukro girls should be working in whore houses for free to pay back this society, yet they act as divas who want a man with a Porsche and a four-digit sugar budget every month. Fucking ungrateful cunts.

>> No.55666523

Only time I ever got an STD was catching syphillis from a college aged white chick. I've banged black, brown, white, yellow, and olive-skinned women and they were all great. Even american black women, just don't give the ones that act ghetto as anything other than a joke amongst themselves the time of day and you're fine. They's good people.

>> No.55666524

My country has literally almost a million houses shortage but still the point is they are demanding eventhough they bring nothing to the table, they are just a hole and they pretend "teehee im such a traditional and classy woman please bring me flowers and pay for my shit"

for me you gotta earn that

>> No.55666528

>I want girls to be humble
Define humble in this context.
>and thankful and they are the opposite of that
Thankful of what exactly?
Not trying to defend gold diggers or retardedly high standard women but if you aren't driving and don't have a house. What exactly should they be grateful for?
Are you grateful for them when they're not drivers with houses?

>> No.55666530

Dude im here in the Netherlands and its the same thing

Some people have been on the waiting list for housing for OVER 10 YEARS

and then there is these ukrainian whores that come here, get a free appartment, bath tub, toilet, multiple rooms sometimes even and they PAY NOTHING they get it for free

its a scandal

>> No.55666536

Grateful that they arent in their own fucking country getting bombed and raped by russians

Thankful that they get a free housing, the workers that do not earn enough for their own house pay for

>> No.55666541

Total holol death. I take pictures of their cars and number plates and send them to the Ukrainian embassy. I advise you do the same. Maybe they get grabbed for the meat grinder, fuck em.

>> No.55666544

Wanna know what's crazy? I'm in the southern US and I wouldn't have a place to live if my family wasn't willing to let me rent what is basically a shed with AC and internet on the back of their property. It was all I could afford that wasn't a deathtrap hellhole and my rent is 450$ a month before utilities for 1400 square feet. A comparable apartment size and amenity wise would run me about 2k a month if I wanted one in a complex that wasn't full of shitters or 1200$ a month if I would put up with it. There's a housing crisis fuckin' everywhere it seems.

>> No.55666545

>Thankful of what exactly?

Let me clue you in. In Germany you date your peer-age, so young girls date guys whom they will grow with and in the future provide for them. The US (and Eastern European) dating culture where women wait at the finish line to see which man wins is not common here. 18-25 yo German women have no problem dating guys who live at home as most study anyways. Of course its better to have car, home, but .. its not a must like in the US/Eastern Europe.

What are the German girls thankful for? For a guy who will take them. That's what they are thankful for. If you tell a German he has to provide for his woman and she can just live a life in leisure he will ask you whats the point in it for him, he can just go to prosties then. And he isn't wrong.

>> No.55666549

1000$ could’ve gotten you a slim 8/10 escort kek

>> No.55666552

Tits or gtfo. Also lies. Fucked plenty after dinner.

>> No.55666556

treasured thread

>> No.55666557

>The US (and Eastern European) dating culture where women wait at the finish line to see which man wins is not common here.
It's not terribly common in the US unless you're in a major city chasing whores that only care about clout and likes. My wife's about the same age as me and we've been together since we were both broke but I've encountered the type you're describing and they are indeed the worst.

>> No.55666563

I get your point. Their attitute is just what rubs me wrong.

I cant imagine ever having to flee my country. But if I had too, and a foreign country took me in and gave me a house, I would be fucking thankful for my life and show it to them.

It is like they have a brain disorder

>> No.55666577

Yes same here, the only reason I was able to buy a house was I was lucky with timing the market before all prices doubled + because of a family member who left me something when she passed.

If not I would still be renting a cheap as shit flat for too much money.

It is important to know what you have and be thankful for it and not taking it for granted.

But I would never judge another man in my country for not having the ability to have a house, because I know it would be impossible for me if I didn't have this extra money and time the market right, I would be in the same boat.

And a girl judging a man for this eventhough they have nothing themselves and just exist, it makes me angry

>> No.55666585
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It’s all rich guys bro that flee. Since they can the border. EU is at least as corrupt as Ukraine. This war solidified that. They all hold each other’s hand above their head. Just spam them with Ukie number plates, SBU doesn’t give a fuck at some point if it’s a young male. If you can get the face of the male in the picture do that too.

>> No.55666589
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Bribe the border guard*

>> No.55666594

No im talking about the women. I dont know many Ukrainian man that came here post-war. Pretty sure they would be looked down upon by their woman too. I do know some ukrainian man that have been here for years, they always seemed pretty cool, hard working eventhough I have no personal relationship with them.

I did however saw some ukrainian license plates and some of those fags drive like idiots too.

That is also something that rubs me wrong, imagine fleeing your country, taking your own car with your own countries license plate to the country you are escaping too only to cut off the people already living there that give you refuge.

Crazy how retarded you must be. Same goes for this if I ever had to flee and me and my car were somewhere else, i'd do my best not to piss the people that save my life off.

>> No.55666597

>full blown

>> No.55666599

>Grateful that they arent in their own fucking country getting bombed and raped by russians
>Thankful that they get a free housing, the workers that do not earn enough for their own house pay for
Why would they be grateful and thankful to you for any of that?
Anon you're kvetching about them being in your country and then expecting credit for giving them housing. You don't even have housing to give.
It sounds like you want a sugarbaby more than anything and don't have the finances.
> Of course its better to have car, home, but .. its not a must like in the US/Eastern Europe.
It's a must almost everywhere. Not jsut US/EE
>What are the German girls thankful for? For a guy who will take them
You must be dating low class women anon if they are grateful for a date, either that or you're some gigachad who's more than KENough and every female wants your dna.
> If you tell a German he has to provide for his woman and she can just live a life in leisure he will ask you whats the point in it for him
That's not what i'm saying at all but i get that there's too much of that out there. Maybe especially in germany and their refugees. I'm from bongland so that same low quality is found in chavs and 2nd/3rd gen immigrants here.
>he can just go to prosties then.
This is what you should do if you're only looking to sexo. Maybe not literal prosies. Need to separate the fucking from the dating imo but that's just me.

>> No.55666604

>Why would they be grateful and thankful to you for any of that?

If you dont see this then I cant explain it any clearer.

And a sugarbaby? I can provide for myself. I have a job, own a house and a car.

>> No.55666636

>You must be dating low class women anon if they are grateful for a date, either that or you're some gigachad who's more than KENough and every female wants your dna.
Actually its the opposite. Low-class German women have all their peer men working, so their concept of struggling a poor student life is completely alien. The mid- and upper class (if you want, the future lawyers, doctors etc) all are the ones who have the least problem with a "money-struggling" guy if you want, as long as they see his future similar to theirs (i.e., he is studying something).
>This is what you should do if you're only looking to sexo. Maybe not literal prosies.
Just keep in mind that prostitution in Germany is not illegal like in the US - it is a regulated job and prior to this international dating, in my honest belief an outlet that managed to keep German men from being simps to their women (unlike in the US, where male simping is out of control).

>> No.55666681

If you had dinner with me and no sex id kill you

>> No.55666686

You couldve gotten 8/10 slim escort for half a day or entire day for that money in norway

>> No.55666692


I hope every ukranian gets executed and your home firebombed

>> No.55666710

It's a biological thing. Chicks don't want to bang someone that can't provide for them because if they end up pregnant they're fucked without a place to live and food and water and all that good shit. They shouldn't look down their noses at people for not hitting those marks because that's just shitty behavior but it's understandable a woman would want a man to have a place to live before getting in a relationship. It's also understandable to be pissed some chick was a bitch to you or someone else because they didn't have that yet. As for the newly immigrated chicks being cunts, it's a self-esteem thing and best advice I can give is to just not entertain it. Went through something similar when hurricane katrina hit the south and a shitload of people moved because of it, the new folks acted like assholes because they were scared and stressed and it eventually let up and stopped being a problem after about half a year.

Having compassion for assholes is not easy, but someday you will be an asshole and hopefully whoever you were an asshole to has some compassion for you. That's how I try to look at the world anyways.

>> No.55666711

Condoms are for gay men like you

I tell the girl when she suggests condom that we cuddle imstead and they get super anxious and immediately wants to go raw

>> No.55666720

That makes sense

Most stupid thing ive heard today, keep your dumb mutt education out of here thank you

>> No.55666727

Thats cope

Its only easy for ugly fags cause tjey get to date other ugly people

And good looking girls are way demanding

Western girls are the hardest to date.

Easteen euro girls are used to all their men being ugly.

>> No.55666731

>If you dont see this then I cant explain it any clearer.
I mean i understand you expecting them to have a certain respect for your culture being refugees but grateful to literally every german they meet? That's just not going to happen and you can't pretend you'd be the same if you were a refugee. You might have the respect, but you wouldn't be thanking everyone in your asylum country constantly.
Besides, this would come off as desperate when dating to me and be a huge flag.
>And a sugarbaby?
A prostitute who uses a kink to engage in plausible deniability. Who will be grateful all the time.
>Actually its the opposite.
Germany is weird.
>in my honest belief an outlet that managed to keep German men from being simps to their women (unlike in the US, where male simping is out of control).
This is a digital culture phenomenon and doesn't relate to the legality of prostitution. There are only slightly less prostitutes per capita in america than germany.

Anyway, everyone clearly has different experiences based on location and class. So i'm not saying you're wrong, you're the experts on your own country and the people in it after all.

>> No.55666735

I have higher bodycount than you little gayboy

And if you werent such a retard youd know that amerixans are asleep now

Is that your great german education? You germans are fucking losers

>> No.55666737

Ok ivan.

>> No.55666743

Im norwegian you stupid faggot

You germans are pathetic

>> No.55666744

They should not judge a german for not having a house in a housing crisis when they get the houses meant for them for free

Thats the entire point.

Maybe most normal functioning ones but they probably wouldnt be in this thread anyway, but im sure there are some unemployed social outcasts that shitpost during the night there.

Anyway, keep hating condoms, because condoms are so stupid! Just raw dog and pull out in time, that way you cant get pregnant or get STD's!

>> No.55666750

Comdoms are stupid

Stop fucking infected dirty whores stupid kraut

They arent social outcasts with stds like the whores you are fucking in ur dirty scat sex clubs

Im richer and better looking than you and from a better bloodline

>> No.55666752
File: 276 KB, 322x318, muricajh3er.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comdoms are stupid

>> No.55666761

>They should not judge a german for not having a house in a housing crisis when they get the houses meant for them for free
Yeah they should refrain from judgement but i wouldn't be comfortable dating someone who lived with their parents either.
Even worse Jakob.
Why the seethe at germans? I'm not even german btw you mongoloid.
I don't think you're norwegian either. You're probably a refugee.

>> No.55666763

Hahaha based anon

Maybe the basedcucks in here can learn from you

>> No.55666766

So then they should give their free house away to the same german.

>> No.55666768

Stfu hohol pig

Disgusting gypsyroach kill yourself

>> No.55666769

>and good looking girls are way demanding
I specifically don't give super attractive women my attention because they are all insane. Stop aiming for 9's and start aiming for 7's that know they're a 7 and you'd have better luck.

>> No.55666771

>stop fucking infected whores
>fucks cokeaddicted whores bare
Your brain is rot and so is your dick you dumbfuck. You've never had sex.

>> No.55666776

The only thing more cringe than eastern european girls or ukrainians being demanding is americans and their mutt education and opinions

>> No.55666781

Must every forum on every board on the whole internet devolve into nationalistic shit-flinging? Talking about the war is nearly as cringe as still talking about the jabs.

>> No.55666790

>So then they should give their free house away to the same german.
Maybe, but this is getting more political now. Keep in mind your government offered them refuge and then didn't build any extra housing. Any discontent should be directed towards the directors first always. It's illogical to blame the poor for taking advantage of free gibs and then try and justfy adults living with parents in the same post. Both are the same thing and have the same root cause.
>Stfu hohol pig
Go back to
100% my genes are purer than yours you inbred fuck.

>> No.55666791

Not really talking about the war, just talking about shit demanding girls that arent worth it

The real problem is the guys simps that actually do pay for a lot of shit without even getting sex.

If there is no supply then there is no demand

>> No.55666798

Definately yes the government and their actions and choices is the reason for the housing crisis.

However I still think we should put these type of woman on their spot when they mention it.

>> No.55666800

Hohol pig you will never be an aryan ubermensch

You will also never make it

Seems like im posting in a <600 ng/dl thread.

>> No.55666805

Yeah call it like you see it. Don't spare a roastening.
>Hohol pig you will never be an aryan ubermensch
Literally am.

>> No.55666811

Least delusional hohol pig

You niggers will get whats coming to you

>> No.55666812

I never know who im replying to or who is fighting who cause after a while I get too bored and tired to look at id's

>> No.55666824

I know. Just pissed what was a great thread is now turning into another "my dick is much bigger than yours" contest. Honestly bro you sound like a decent dude that isn't retarded, just focus on yourself and stop caring about simps or roasties. There's a lot more happiness in that decision than in continuing to dwell on things and be upset although it's good to be pissed off and get it out instead of holding it in.

>> No.55666834

im doing well i am now dating an 18 yr old who is really humble and smart, I just hope she doesnt turn out like a whore a few months/years from now

u 2 bro love and kisses teehee

>> No.55666851

A bunch of incels complaining about not getting laid is not a «great thread»

>> No.55666975

A dinner for 2 (2 drinks, 2 entrees) is about $200 when including tax + tip.
That's before parking / uber or any other associated fees.
Hard pass but I also stopped going on dates years ago and just gave up on the whole premise when I realized my options were a retarded cute girl much younger than me who's also a whore and would have endless options and be impossible to tie down or a girl closer to my age who's also retarded and a whore but just less desirable compared to the other option.
I used to care about just fucking now I don't give a shit about sex at all.
Back when I used to go on dates I would just take <21 girls to Pinkberry and it would cost me like $20.
Additionally, pretty much every woman now is vaxxed so that's an automatic dealbreaker.
The chances of me finding a White, unvaxxed, virgin, that's 18-24, reasonably attractive, and also willing to date me is so astronomically low that it is completely not worth even trying.

>> No.55666982

>The life of an incel schizoid /pol/ poster

>> No.55666998

I'm going to correct you here on chicks not wanting to bang those who cannot provide for them, as there is too many examples of white chicks fucking black men who flee at the first sight of a child or shortly afterwards. Where's "all that good shit" coming from once they flee? Anyway on average it's about providing so yes, least the ones with good brains know to pick up the breadwinners. >>55666744 Some burgers work at night and sleep during the day, keep this in mind. >>55666769 I go for big boobs that are natural, I can work around a fugly face with this in mind, so I can drop the bar even lower and still be happy. >>55663875 I think you should try finding yourself someone interested in a hobby you really enjoy, date this way if seeking a woman to marry so you can do something together without getting bored of each other's company at the same time, and for budgeting I say try doing a bbq date either at home or a camping area, show off your cooking skills at a fraction of what a steakhouse would cost and impress her, if no cooking skills start learning you have the internet for fucks sake.

>> No.55667013

I work at a popular bar, I have girls hit on me regularly, and when I was younger I used to go out all the time and get laid. I simply have zero interest in women for the reasons previously stated.
If you like used up coal burning vaxxed pussy then it's just more for you.

>> No.55667049

But the retarded young girls are so fun

>> No.55667059

These holes are just holes. No brain and no souls.

>> No.55667084

Stop going to the expensive places and make sure that you're both paying for what you get, stop paying for the date, not only will it save you money it'll weed out all the chicks that you don't want to be with.

>> No.55667095

>Dont pay for the girl

big yikes for me, no classy woman is going to allow such a thing and it will be the last time you ever get to enjoy her company

>> No.55667116

>he wants a classy woman
If she can't finish a 1lb burger within five minutes of me I don't want her, class is nice but a lady that's still human is worth more.

>> No.55667946

You're a well trained slave. Who's your mistress?

>> No.55667961

>it will be the last time you ever get to enjoy her company

>> No.55667970

have you seen the stuff women spend their time on though? I can only conclude that their time is worthless. If anything they should be paying me for distracting them so that they don't have to dig deep into that highly neurotic SSRI addled brain to find things that occupy them

>> No.55667974

Bitches loves coke. I've seen nice wholesome girls turn to absolute whores. That powder is scary.

>> No.55667991

They’re probably just on drugs.

>> No.55668298

Tell em Shlomo!

>> No.55668323


Just get a cup of coffee somewhere. 7f age likes you, she'll go. I've even had women meet me at the beach and then go for a walk in the park.

If they think you're hot, you don't have to pay anything. I've even had women offer to pay for my meals before.

>> No.55668868

Never go for dinner! Only drinks

>> No.55668888

I would EASILY spend 10k a week on dinners in my 20s.

>> No.55668910

Stop simping. Make your dates activities. If you do dinner dates all you will get are dumb cunts who run a circuit of men just like you for free meals and entertainment.

Go do something you enjoy doing and take her with.

>> No.55668926


>> No.55668939

How the fuck were you making over 10k a week?

>> No.55669030

A friend of mine was on a date recently with a girl that he had been seeing on and off via Tinderbumblefish and saw in her phone she has a bunch of guys listed as contacts like this:
>Jim (Free Pizza)
>Mark (Free Tickets)
>Albert (Free Weed)
>Sam (Free Drinks)
She basically just uses these guys as a kind of human vending machine that she puts in time and gets paid in consumables.

I often thank God for making me male because as a woman I'd be absolutely abusive.

>> No.55669048

>Anon (free dick)

>> No.55669052

Nice b8, either way: either go for a hike/walk or coffee. The first date is an interview to see if you even work together. If she's demanding of special treatment on day 1: bail.

Dated a Russian girl. On the contrary, she was a hard worker. Family came over in the late 90's to escape the collapsing system. They worked multiple jobs, pooled resources, eventually wound up buying a small golf course that they also do events on. They'll be millionaires in good time. She would even get up with me at 5am to make me breakfast for work. Give me meals throughout the day, etc.

Eastern Euro women just bring a different set of issues to the table. Yeah they're trad and will support you but that comes with expectations: you provide, you work hard, you buy her mother flowers on both her birthday and her mom's b-day, you bring a gift every time you come around the house, even if you're working on their property for free on your time off... etc, etc, etc. There's lots of little obligations to family that we have largely shrugged off in the west.

In short: nothing in life is free and everything is a trade off of one kind or another, there's no free lunch, m8's.

If you're wondering about why I'm not with her: basically she was 29 going on 30 and needed a dude.. any dude, to fill a role and I was just in the right place at the right time. Never a recipe for success in my opinion. Thanks for reading my blog.