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5563471 No.5563471 [Reply] [Original]

They're the least to benefit from crypto currencies in general

>> No.5563551

i hope they keep fudding bitcoin

i dont want anymore normies in here

>> No.5563721

I'm a normie brainlet, what is fudding?

>> No.5563850

how is buttcoin racist?

FUD = Fear Uncertainty Doubt

>> No.5563893
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It's the whitemen's money.

>> No.5563902


>> No.5563905
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2019: Bitcoin is homophobic or sexist.

>> No.5563925

Not an argument

>> No.5563934

Racist because free people are buying it without the gov/banks getting in on the action. And they hate those people so they call them racist

>> No.5563943

bitcoin is in a bubble though, its not practical to use anymore due to scaling issues, and it's still being pumped up

>> No.5563958

Sexist is already here. They are claiming that the fact that more men buy CCs than womyn makes it sexist

>> No.5563973

nah. bitcoin needs some drastic improvements if it's ever going to be useful for mass adoption. falling short of that, it will be replaced.

>> No.5563979



Kill yourself furry

>> No.5563996

more like
>2018 Mass suicide as bitcoin bursts below $1,100 USD

But seriously Bitcoin has no value, IS a bubble AND no one has bought even a car with it yet, and good luck cashing out your winnings at a bank with it LUL.

>> No.5564005
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2020: My boss just raised my salary from $150k/yr to 25k sats/yr.

>> No.5564069

not racist, eco-unfriendly. belive me

>> No.5564072

>no one has bought even a car with it yet
Ackchually it has happened. Back in 13, some nigga bought an expensive sports car, it was talked about on plebbit nonstop, also Andreas Antonopolos sold his car for 2 BTC a couple years back.

>> No.5564108

People have bought cars with it. Atleast take a look into it before making such statements

>> No.5564137


Molyneux is a nigger

>> No.5564149

Where’s the lie? You think there is high demand for a coin that costs $50 per transaction?

>> No.5564181
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it's racist because niggers and women were too stupid to understand it and get in

>> No.5564265

I don't understand this argument. It's so easy to cashout. You guys sound stupid when you say this because it's like saying the earth is flat. Hell proclaiming the earth is flat is a harder statement to debunk.

You go to GDAX, you sell to USD, you cashout to your linked bank account. You can withdraw 10k a day.

>> No.5564273

Replace current bankruptcy financial resource consumption that’s where you’re wrong kiddo

>> No.5564305

oh so another "replace "marxism" with "racism" so the normies buy it" episode, gotcha

>> No.5564345

I never got this stupid acronym, what's the difference between uncertainty and doubt?

>> No.5564589


Good question, but FUD just sounds better than FU or FD.

>> No.5564640

he's so fucking right. 2018 we will hear about how cryptos are empowering white men and how awful it is. lol

>> No.5564705

Limits redistribution and reparations, should be banned before it's too late.

>> No.5564746

>owned mostly by chinks
>itz da huwhitu mans monies

Why are you retards so autistic to top it off?

>> No.5564858
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it's already begun

>> No.5564876
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>> No.5564890
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>> No.5564934
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>> No.5564943

All it does is help the alt-right spread ideas. They aren’t even violent.

>> No.5564974

the deep state is behind bitcoin you fucking idiot, what do you think blockstream is?

>> No.5565013


>> No.5565317
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If you don't hand over your shekels to the jew you MUST be racist goyim!

>> No.5565421


As a long time racist, it always makes me sad when I remember none of these dangerous far-right groups actually exist.

>> No.5565473

>those ripped pants


>> No.5565587

might aswell be whales or banks fudding

>> No.5565655

Most of the crypto market is not even white, why does he love to make up strawmanso much?

>> No.5565759

Because /pol/ is retarded, the same with all the sjw retards, both groups try constantly to introduce their retarded logic into whatever is trending atm.

>> No.5565780


Because he's a turbokike who realized there's no more money in libertarianism so he went alt-right and he knows there's no better way to suck shekels out of white bois than to feed their persecution complex.

It's genius really, shilling crypto to them and making them feel like he's their voice at the same time.

>> No.5565809

>"USD is used by drug dealers! Time to ban it!"
Their arguments are fucking shit.

>> No.5565914

Except that /pol/ is red-pilled and not afraid of politically incorrect truths. Centrists GTFO.

>> No.5565918

>mocking the idea of neo-nazis being real while simultaneously hinting at a jewish conspiracy that many people here actually believe has merit


>> No.5565974
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>a jewish conspiracy that many people here actually believe has merit
i've got plenty of evidence. if you have sufficient counter-evidence (ie not emotional non-arguments) then let's play ball

>> No.5566024

Being edgy isn't any better, retard. And I don't see how being an edgelord is in anyway necessary to get red-pilled, I read what /pol/ says, I take what's actually meaningful and logical and throw all the "muh papa trump will destroy the shekels masters", so yeah, keep getting fed like sjw by your masters, you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.5566033

Jews are 2% of the US population yet control virtually every major industry. It's not exactly a conspiracy if you can read elementary statistics.

>> No.5566055


Should of been first post really. I love how faggy consumerists and dumb cunts spend their cash like it's going out of style and none of them have amassed a decent amount of BTC

>> No.5566070
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>doesn't get the joke.

>> No.5566243


No, you're just a typical /pol/ retard.

>> No.5566257
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>> No.5566379

So just because a jew, that happened to be 2th generation immigrant decided to flood America with immigrants in 1965(totally unrelated to his family past), /pol/ is completely right about the jew conspiracy? Try to think a little better. Even though I gotta say most that jews are indeed a bunch of scammy fucks.

>> No.5566403
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>> No.5566410

>Anyone who trades or own any crypto which isn't Ripple or Bancor is antisemitic, racist and sexist
>Its another episode of yet another group of people going to the right just by being nagged nonstop by leftie namecalling

>> No.5566452

in a world of PC communism and failed generation(s) a pure "racist" money sounds pretty appealing when everything else is sinking into oblivion.

>> No.5566534

Thanks for proving my point of you being a bunch of right sjws by lacking any points besides shouting w/e your board tells you to. Btw I'm not a "centrist", I usually lean to the right, hence I sometimes lurk around /pol/, but lacking any critical thinking, like you two dumb fucks, is what annoys me.

>> No.5566715

>No links or proofs that they said that
They could've said all of that or not, I can't tell because there's not a single fucking link, and I won't waste my time with images like that if they don't provide any proof of that, I can put the same images and people, and literally write that they're all reptilian, see my point? This is 80% /pol/.

>> No.5566718
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From the Washington Post Snapchat story today...

>> No.5566755
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>> No.5566802
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>> No.5566857
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>> No.5566878

And it has nothing to do with the fact that women are generally not interested in tech of course.
And that poor people like to show their " wealth " by doing their hair, nails and buying the new IPhone.
These are not racist or sexist statements, these are statistics.
>>when facts don't agree with your theory just ignore the facts

>> No.5566883

>I won't check if a statement is true or not therefore it's false
Whoa dude.

>> No.5566938

See? At least you provided a link this time, but shamefully, 80% of the shitpost at /pol/ doesn't.

>> No.5566966

>how is buttcoin racist?
I suppose you could view the prevalence of crypto adoption among those with middle class ties to the inability of lower income Americans to "join in" now that it's "popular," to the fact that most lower income Americans (not all, but most) are of a minority background. It's a stretch, but that's the only way I can make the claim of racism in crypto make any sense.

>inb4 but anyone can buy it
You and I know that, anon, but there's a whole mass of people out there who don't have either the time, the ability, or the wherewithal to do the research on it, making them beholden to big media outlets and their ultimately biased viewpoints. Sad, really.

>> No.5566977

Nice strawman, retard. Quote me , retard, quote me when I imply his statements are "therefore false", I just simply can't know for the lack of proof. Jesus christ, use your fucking brain, nigger.

>> No.5566989

you mean to tell me that once cross-continental travel became possible for average people, immigration from far away places increased?

imagine how deep into nazi conspiracies you have to be to link a graph that shows immigration went up because of a bill passed in 1965, and a single person who is jewish proposed this bill that did nothing but remove arbitrary quotas (NOTE: bill had bipartisan support at the time), that this is serious evidence that Jews Are Malicious... jesus fuck dude

everyone who has seriously looked into the Hart-Cellar act knows there is no reason to believe that there was deliberate intent to influence demographics, you need one hell of a tin foil yarmulke to connect the dots in such an outlandish way

>> No.5567011

finish the train of thought, what does that imply about jews?

>> No.5567029

>0 counter-arguments

>> No.5567063

>you mean to tell me that once cross-continental travel became possible for average people, immigration from far away places increased?
because europe was right around the corner?

>> No.5567064

That if the wolves are ripping white people to shred for being "privileged", they need to redirect their crosshairs. Jews are without a doubt the most corrupt and toxic members of society and the economy.

>> No.5567066

But how the facts that you sdated are racist?
Isn't racism and sexism based on empty generalization and is in itself irrational?
So when the statistics agree with the facts that less colored and vagina people are invested in cryptos for any reason then the statistics are racist and sexiat?

>> No.5567088
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spotted the jew

>> No.5567102

>Implying I'm trying to counter-argue your statements
I'm just shitting on the lack of statements, proofs and arguments most of /pol/ gives, Idc if the jews run this shitty country, we're going to get fucked anyway.

>> No.5567156

We're hitting transaction fee levels that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.5567169

>0 counter-arguments

>> No.5567179

How so? lmao are you trying to imply /pol/ has no shills or shitposters? Even the old /pol/tards complain about the sudden flood of plebbitors and normies.

>> No.5567204

the siren call of the redditor

>> No.5567210

Doubt is the consequence of uncertainty. When uncertainty rises, you start doubting your decisions and may do stupid things, like FOMOing like a retard or panic selling.

>> No.5567222

>Implying I'm trying to counter-argue your statements
Are you blind? or you're just wanting to pick a interntz fight?

>> No.5567270

>the siren call of the redditor
the siren call of the closet redditor
Let me guess, you went into /pol/ when trump appear at the political scene? How's /r/RealDonald?

>> No.5567284

the same way western medicine is the europeeans medicine

Bitcoin was made by europeans therefore it's the white mans money

>> No.5567308

Just give up retard

>> No.5567342

reddit confirmed, please leave newfag.

>> No.5567370

How's /r/RealDonald?

>> No.5567518

you're trying too hard

>> No.5567541

hello leldit

>> No.5567605


>> No.5567615

>Isn't racism and sexism based on empty generalization and is in itself irrational?
In one sense, yes, in the fact that anyone can scream racism or sexism today to make a point about feeling that the system is slanted against them. However, there's a lot of deep seated racism found within the US economy and within the political system itself, both being holdovers from steps taken post-Reconstruction to disenfranchise the newly legitimized black population in the south, as well as the immigrant population in the southwest. This in turn created artificial economic barriers for non-white, non-middle class populations for their entry into higher income brackets. Can it be overcome? Yes, it can, but one needs only to look at how long term disenfranchisement affected the Native American population to see how potent an effect generational poverty and reliance on government support can have on the collective unconsciousness of a group.

>So when the statistics agree with the facts that less colored and vagina people are invested in cryptos for any reason then the statistics are racist and sexiat?
It's a straw horse argument about the nature of the economy in the US. Ultimately, NONE of us are meant to be successful, regardless of the color of our skin or what's swinging between our legs, unless you have at least seven zeroes behind whatever number resides in your bank account. Keeping people at each others' throats is good business for those who have the ability to capitalize on it. Declaring crypto racist and sexist makes a larger point about the system as a whole, rather than crypto itself. Of course individuals within the crypto community can be toxic one way or another, but that's true of literally any human organization.

>> No.5567680

How's /r/RealDonald?

>> No.5567759

You mean r/the_donald? Lol

>> No.5567760
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>> No.5567854


wat? the whole point is that Europe is not right around the corner, meaning people couldn't immigrate to Europe from those places in the past, and now the non-zero amount of immigration looks huge by comparison to the virtually non-existent immigration from the early 20th century

>make the other guy look like a fucking
nutcase for making incredibly far-fetched claims
>get told to Give Up

>> No.5567857
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>> No.5567887

try some fucking parsimony, you retard /pol/ /x/ drone.

who are the biggest FUDs? Buffett, Dimon, Cramer. You think they don't control what they say?

>> No.5567895

where are you getting corrupt and toxic from? privileged I can see and will agree, but where is the corruption?

hard mode: please don't tell me anecdotes about individual corrupt jews like Madoff, I could not possibly care less. statistically relevant stuff only please

>> No.5567909

I've never been there so idk

>> No.5567916

Dude shut up already and stop shitting the thread.

>> No.5567940

How's r/the_donald?

>> No.5567995

You sound like a poojeet and your English is shit.

>> No.5568016

>>artificial economic barriers for non-white, non-middle class populations for their entry into higher income brackets
I have to disagree with you on that.
The US is full of opportunities. Nothing, except for a willingness to succeed and some really unlucky events keeps people down.
I'm not saying that it's not easier to make money when you already have money and that it's harder to get away from poverty than get into poverty, but blaming past events on how the generation right now is doing is at best misguided.
In the post you mention that the system is flawed in favor of rich and powerful and I agree. I also agree that these people like to divide and conquer because it suits them.
What I don't agree with is that this system can't be played and that we can't win.
I have a plenty of anecdotal evidence that it's easier to make it in the US than everywhere else in the world atm
I'm a prime example: immigrant from Europe's second world country. Came here with nothing. Right now I own a business and invest in cryptos.
But I had a will and did not blame whitey or other people for keeping me down.

>> No.5568021
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holy shit what a boring fag

>> No.5568072

are you completely retarded? you stated that immigration from far away third world countries happened after '65 because of technological advancement. so how did all those europeans prior to that got to the US?

>> No.5568154

>r u mad? lmao upvote me guyz
What's the point of you faggots crying when I'm doing exactly the same as you?

>> No.5568370

>What I don't agree with is that this system can't be played and that we can't win.
I am legitimately happy for you and your success, dear anon. I wish that sort of success were more commonplace, but I cannot deny that it's out there for those willing to grab it by the throat and hold on until they get where they want to be. My own father went from being a farmhand to clawing his way to owning his own insurance agency. Success is very possible, yes, but the current system just doesn't seem to support high levels of it.

>But I had a will and did not blame whitey or other people for keeping me down.
I'd refer this back to my earlier comment about the generational effect on the psychology of a population, but I'd also like to address the meta point that you bring up (which I completely agree with): no one is stopping you but yourself. In the case of cryptocurrency, we can easily see how impotent the current system and its elites are to counter what could ostensibly be a major shakeup of the status quo. Now, I'm not naive enough to assume that crypto will be what levels the playing field once and for all, but it shows us what direction the future lies in. Until we can somehow get through all the white noise of day to day and break people of their long term economic and political conditioning, I fear that the lessons you so rightly learned will continue to elude so many others who desperately deserve to learn them.

>> No.5568619

I'm Hispanic. I have an IQ of 135. I also have severe ADHD. The town I grew up in is basically the Detroit of the Southwest where people will try to hurt you for simply looking at them the wrong way. I'm not exaggerating.

If it were not for the fact that my parents were also intelligent and reasonably well off (aside form the fact that they were insane religious zealots), I would have been absolutely fucked in life.

Intelligent people out here are not given any opportunities by the school system. The general population of NM is mind-numbingly stupid and proud of it. Most people out here cannot even do simple addition and subtraction, or even spell words longer than 5 letters.

A close friend of mine is Navajo and of equal intelligence. He grew up on the reservations where THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE RUNNING WATER. He has a phobia of large dogs because pitbulls would prowl around the reservation at night and maul little kids. He managed to succeed by having rich grandparents in Santa Fe who got him out of that shithole.

>> No.5568734

my english was literally flawless in every post i've made, incel

good point, because in 1850 Europeans and Africans were roughly equal in terms of technological advancement.. how did they beat the Africans to the punch?!

>> No.5568753
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It's Gamergate all over again. All of a sudden the same week all the msm outlets start writing the same "x is racist/sexist" meme story.

Their industry email list for this week no doubt said "this week you will push the Bitcoin is literally Nazi Germany meme"

>> No.5568829

>Hispanic in Nm

How do you feel about having to go back when DACA goes away?

>> No.5568873

Money is racist because white people have more of it

Money is unfair because some people have more than others

Physical attractiveness is unfair because some people are more beautiful than others

We should live in a communist-type society where everyone has an equal income and where everyone has plastic surgery so that they can all look the same so that everything is fair

>> No.5568942

I was just in Albuquerque over the holidays. I actually really love that city, but then again, I don't live there.

New Mexico is a pretty fucked up State. I got out of there but from what I see on social media it seems like people get their cars broken into every week.

>> No.5568974
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>> No.5568977

I don't have to because my family has been here for 400 years. I do have several friends who are actually from Mexico that are absolutely fucked because of that, though. These are men and women who speak perfect English with graduate degrees. I know one girl who was born in Mexico but has spent her entire life in Colorado, is blonde with fucking blue eyes and barely even speaks Spanish. She has to go back when DACA ends.

>> No.5569041

I went to pick up weed from my friend who lives in the warzone (SE part of town by the airport). Within the 20 minutes I was in his house, someone somehow managed to steal both of my blinkers.

>> No.5569127

Hear, hear.

I'd love to donate to a radical group working on engineering bioviruses to wipe out certain populations or organising political assassinations, but all of the so-called "far right" and "nazis" are just people who want to cling to the standard way of life of 20-30 years ago.

>> No.5569143

What you wrote proves my point:
Nothing keeps people from succeeding if they have a will to succeed.
The school system is shit. Agreed.
The living conditions of poor Americans are shit. Agreed.
And still these people are better off than 3/4 of the world.
Your friend made it thx to rich grandparents?
How did they become rich?
Also being intelligent doesn't equal success desu
The people that you described keep themselves down. There are plenty opportunities to make it. They just don't want to realize it because the victim attitude is easier.
I don't usually state it on 4chan but I'm a woman and it was not easy for me to make it neither.
When you in business you have to be tougher then the guys that surround you. You have to look past the victimhood and look past real and imaginary sexism.
My English sucked dick when I got here. I didn't get hired a few because my name is stupidly hard to pronounce so I didn't get callbacks from people who read my resume.
I can list a bazillion reasons why I had it harder, but I won't because it's not true.
We all have right to pursue happiness. It's not a right to the equal outcomes. It's a right to try.
Sorry if I misunderstood what were you trying to say

>> No.5569175

This. This is the next major FUD.

>> No.5569209

I always say that fair is in the dictionary between get and fucked.
Life is not fair and then you kick the bucket. The end

>> No.5569314

>Women and numales dont understand cryptocurrency
>Pajeets and /pol/ types spend a lot of time on the internet and can understand the crypto bubble
>Pajeets and nerds become rich while normies and women are left in the dust

I think I saw this before. It was more about alt right twitter stars posting their address for donations and someone tracking it to see how much they were getting and some of them were getting over a mil.

>> No.5569323

Nice, just bought 100k, with Trump in, white stock is looking to pump, buy low today!

>> No.5569341

>>Success is very possible, yes, but the current system just doesn't seem to support high levels of it.
I agree. And still insist that it can be played.

Thank you for your best wishes. I truly hope I will make it.

>> No.5569349

correct. it already started.

>> No.5569351

I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was just pointing out how the poor mentality of the general population fucks over other people who should be allowed to succeed.

>> No.5569421

I feel like the problems with the school system are because its in the public sector. Privatise the schools and give parents school vouchers. Deregulate the crap out of it.

Congrats on getting out the ghetto but as you hinted at, any number of intelligent kids can fall through the cracks. We need to ensure they're taught properly, with their intelligent peers, and I think the private sector is the only thing that can achieve this.

>> No.5569449

>>poor mentality of the general population

What did you mean by that?
I argue that the poor mentality of poor and underprivileged people is what keeps them down, not the general population.
System is skewed towards elites and I don't deny that. But the elites can't keep people down if the people won't let them.

>> No.5569455

>should be allowed to succeed.
why should they be? if they are worthy they will find a way to make it on their own.
if they don't make it they were't supposed to

>> No.5569544

Equal opportunity to succeed does not mean equal opportunity of achieving said sucess and people generaly confuse these 2 imo
I'm not sure if that's what he meant though.

>> No.5569643

SJWs are emotional and so invested in shit like Doge and buy high and sell low and so didn't make shit and never will
Women are not risk takers and therefor called CryptoLads virgin nerds. Forever blocking their way to ever getting the Husbanfu gibs.
Kikes are the banks and wall street and MSM that shills for banks and wall street and Bitcoin is an existential threat to them. They also drank their own koolaid and thought Bitcoin would never make it so they didn't destroy it when they could nor invest in it.
Niggers spics goatfuckers and yes even Pajeet are too stupid to make money on Crypto.

Chinks and Japs on the other hand are making out like bandits.
CryptoJapChinks are now honorary CryptoNazis in my book.

>> No.5569703
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But...Bitcoin literally IS sexist, racist, and disgustingly white, sweetie.

Look, I know all the skinheads here don't want to hear it.

I get it.

You voted for Trump. You spit on women. You laugh every time black kids are shot down like dogs by snarling armored pigs over literally nothing.

So why am I wasting energy typing this?

It matters to you because Bitcoin is the epitome of privilege. Millions of people see it that way, and yes they cannot wait to fucking VOTE.

It'll be treated accordingly when Dems take power again.

That's right, babydicks.

We WILL tax the piss out of your crypto gains if we don't just ban this shit out right.

You'd better hope Putin sends spies to stump for Donald Asswipe again because that roar you're hearing right now is the Big Blue Wave. The Republican Party will never win another election fairly for the next decade.

Remember, we just conquered a deep red state - Alafuckingbama. We put a gun grabbing pro-Dreamer babykiller in the US Senate from a retard redneck state. Let that sink in.

Real talk: November, 2018 is going to be a massacre for ignorance, hatred, evil, and toxic whiteness.

We're sick of this shit and we're going to have a normal government again. Then we will rip every penny from your cold white hands and put it to better use than your own vain fantasies. You know the ones: where the women who look at you like the wretched, unenlightened, untouchable freaks you are suddenly fall to their knees because you have money.

Newsflash: the world doesn't work that way. Back in reality, Nazis, fascists, and sexists get PUNCHED hard and often. No one gives a flying fuck how rich they are.

Don't worry. You'll never have a sniff of your wet dream supermodels' lush little asses, but you will most assuredly have free healthcare. Then maybe some of you will finally get shock therapy for your sick selfish fuckery.

>> No.5569761
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Here's the one for Barb Specter.


Sorry, but Jews haven't survived for thousands of years without a strong in-group bias and knack for fucking over the out-group. Basic evolutionary strategy.

>> No.5569795

Just checking, cause no one is that dumb

>> No.5569820

your social development is arrested somewhere around the level of a normal 7 year old

>> No.5569845

Where I grew up people would beat the living fuck out of you for trying to excel and get ahead. If you bought a nice car, they'll vandalize it. If they know you have money they'll threaten you and your family. If you do manage to succeed they'll shun you completely and still vandalize your property. I knew a kid that got beat into a coma in high school because he managed to get a full-ride scholarship and left a crew/gang he was in because of it.

People out here are afraid to try to get ahead because of shit like that. It's why most people with any sense leave the state once they turn 18.

>> No.5569940

This is something that people from a privileged background can never really understand, and why every SJW effort to improve people's lives without acknowledging that poor folk have agency is destined to fail.

>> No.5569998
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jewish nepotism is a problem and has always ocurred wherever they go
in germany we laws against nepotism i dont know how other countries treat it though
granted nepotism is not a problem of race but a problem of culture and still it doesnt justify generalised hate
people really need to learn to understand both sides and stop polarising so much

>> No.5570001

>minority quotas to make sure anyone semi-competent gets hired over whites
>gender quotas to make sure any semi-competent woman gets hired over a man
>double points if you're both
Go play in traffic.

>> No.5570010

ABQ? Or farther south? I heard LC is bad but it can't be THAT bad...

>> No.5570034

>>It's why most people with any sense leave the state once they turn 18
Where I come from what you described is real as well. Why do you think I left?
Get away and try your opportunity to succeed. No one is holding people down. They chose to stay where they are. They chose to be a victim. It's not like the borders are on lockdown and you can't leave.
Millions of people come to this country to succeed. Sometimes from thousands of miles away, and a lot of them do.
Unless they fall for the victim attitude and don't suceed.

>> No.5570063
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>(((deep state)))

>> No.5570082

Shut the fuck up, you dirty fucking kike. You should be lucky you haven't already been killed for the evilness of your sick brethren.

Fear not, the TRUE holocaust is coming, and we will make sure not a single hooked-nosed prick is left out.

>> No.5570104

What is privileged background?
The poor people of the US are privileged only by the fact that they were born in the US.
Are you trying to say that all of the third world countries that blame the US for their poverty are right?

>> No.5570123

genuine question.
what stops burgers to immigrate to the countries with system that suite them?

>> No.5570188
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>> No.5570242
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I seriously admire one's ability to write this shit up without cringing to death

>> No.5570349

Different towns, but mainly ABQ. The towns get shittier and shittier the further south you go. Some towns out there are completely indistinguishable from something you'd see in a Fallout game. LC is shitty but Albuquerque is the real wretched hive. Breaking Bad was a good show, but it's incredibly hard to watch because of how close to reality it is out here. Meth is the closest thing we have to the actual devil.

>> No.5570383


>> No.5570435

I'm talking about middle-class Americans who never had friends & family constantly giving them shit because they were trying to be successful or "acting white" or anything. The same people then try to white man's burden go out and "fix" fucked up communities, but can only see the external forces holding the communites back, but refuse to acknowledge the shitty forces within these places.

3rd world counties can blame history and shit luck for where they are, but they'd without a doubt be even more impoverished if it wasn't for the USA.

>> No.5570474

Thank you for clarifying.
I agree with you completely.

>> No.5570546

I will just add that middle class white Americans are called nazis,racist, sexist and so on as soon as they try to point to the internal problems. So that is also a part of this game.
Basically the SJW movement is holding these communities down by restricting freedom of speech

>> No.5570599

Yeah... no.

You dumb fucking prick. We're going to fucking murder every single one of you liberal shitheads in the coming American Civil War of 2019.

You think you can continue to try and eradicate the history of an entire people, because your fucking feelings hurt and your kike professors in college brainwashed you into being a dumb piece of shit?!?


We'll fucking doxx you. Find you. And murder you and everyone you love.

The war on whites and males is coming to a climax, and when we fight back, we're going to cripple every single last one of you liberal fucks.

Oh, as for the race-traitors? The 'Day of the Rope' will take care of them.

You will know the time is nigh' when you wake up one morning, and a bunch of liberal white people are lynched all around the country.

We're saving our race. We're saving the world we built. We're saving it from disrespectful, unappreciative pieces of shit like you who don't deserve ANYTHING in the modern world.

Enjoy it while you can, because your world is soon coming to an end.

Your death will be slow and painful you stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.5570602
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I live pretty close to LC (you should be able to guess) and it isnt as bad as ABQ down here but I'm familiar with your story...thats why there's so many of our kind in the military; they just wanted to gtfo

>> No.5570664

Exactly. If you try and say "maybe we should try to help black folks with crime in their communities", BOOM, you're a racist.

I think it's all one big game of divide an conquer by the rich. Keep everyone down and hating each other.
liberal vs conservative
poor vs middle-class (but ignore the ownership class, that doctor who worked his ass off for medical school is as rich as they get)
black vs white
christian vs libertine
young vs old

just ignore the man behind the curtain

>> No.5570683

>It's not like the borders are on lockdown and you can't leave
This I will never understand. People escaping war zones under constant bombing ffs

>> No.5570723

it's called learned victimhood, and it's taught by the people supposed to be helping them

>> No.5570740

>>I think it's all one big game of divide an conquer by the rich. Keep everyone down and hating each other.
>liberal vs conservative
>poor vs middle-class (but ignore the ownership class, that doctor who worked his ass off for medical school is as rich as they get)
>black vs white
>christian vs libertine
>young vs old

>just ignore the man behind the curtain
not to be too much of an asshole, but this has been evident to me for a painfully long time now. I'm not even a liberal/leftypol/OWS type but once OWS turned from "hey we need to fix the banking system" to "ok guys well we developed a progressive stack so if you're black+gay+disabled then you get to speak first and then we go in order of who's least privileged to most privileged", I realized that any movement that seeks to "change the system" gets co-opted quickly (regardless of political affiliation/ideology).

>> No.5570800

Go back to /pol/

>> No.5570815

Well, duh.

>> No.5570820

The more plebean class fights a mind themselves the easier it is for the elites to keep all of them down.
This tactic is as old as fucking civilisation.
Add to that indoctrination at school and the fact that thinking for yourself is " bad " and you have a nice understanding what's going on.
And you also have the solution to some extend.
When masses realize that they are manipulated they have ability to change it.
But I'm very pessimistic on that outcome.
Masses generally don't think, they feel.

>> No.5570855


>> No.5570872

Sounds just like market analysis, imo. Most people trade/act based on emotion rather than facts & research.

>> No.5570881

>muh /pol/
He's been in crypto a hell of a lot longer than you since you seem to think he's new to it.

>> No.5570963

show tits or gtfo

>> No.5571047

Economy is build on masses. That's why social psychology background helps me in business and investing.
Mentality of the crowd is the most important thing if we want to understand any change in markets, political systems etc.
I see, for example, Trumps win in the election as an example of the right finally taking over people's feelings instead of their thoughts.
Trump did not win only because the other candidate fucked up. He won because he uses the tactics of crowd manipulation better than any other Republican before them.
I voted third party because I believe that in economy and in politics duopolies are bad, just marginally better than monopolies.
But the third party moment is not here yet.

>> No.5571141
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>But the third party moment is not here yet.
will it ever have one? most in the USA are pretty firmly entrenched in the whole red-vs-blue-pepsi-vs-coke-chebby-vs-ford brand loyalty dualism.

>> No.5571288

It's all a part of the game to divide and conquer and it's working, so my outlook is pessimistic desu
I wish I could say that it's possible but for that the masses would have to realize that they are being manipulated. I had high hopes for the internet but what I see is rather a move into opposing tribes and towards more authoritarian views (right and left).
People like to feel " safe " and because you need to give some your " safety " away in exchange for freedom, they rather have big government and less freedom.
It's actually pretty sad.

>> No.5571352

Also as a species we have tendency to tribalism. It's hard to not see the world through us vs them lens.
That kind of revolution is far far away.

>> No.5571442

I think our best hope is a return towards localism, in terms of electing people who have our best interests in mind, though that would make the tribalism problem worse.

>> No.5571517
File: 79 KB, 800x606, c6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you both newfags or did you just click the wrong link on your way to 9GAG? Both of you are very wrong and clearly forgetting some vital trinkets of information.

Slow is the nature

And The turtle is emerging from its shell.


Jeb will win 2018 & 2020


The Bilderberg+CIA group has formed the black ops lobby GUAC.

Race. Who do you really think invented the term "soyboy" anyway? Their agents are subverting the entire US & Canadian government.

A symphonic reshuffling is yet to come. I fucking warn you.

Welcome to Sunday Funday. Get a big coat you mangy penisbanks, It's gonna be a cold Jebruary this year.

>> No.5571579
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If there's not a Jebcoin yet, there needs to be one.
>4 years after ICO, still worth only 0.5x ICO-price: "slow and steady, guys! just hodl!"

>> No.5571624

Yes it would.
I am for a very decentralized and limited government as well. Would it PREVENT fights/wars etc.? Nope
But the nation of city States (ancient Greece) doesn't mean a continuous civil war.
It also doesn't mean that the country is unsafe.
The best outcome would be limited (very very limited) central government and small semiindependent communities. Even smaller than States.
We can learn from what happened to Greece and why if failed and take it to the next level.

>> No.5571678

Will it happen during our lifetime? No. I don't think so.

>> No.5571757

This bothers me quite a bit. Many people don't know how to really abstract the role of the government in their lives. They just mindlessly repeat dogma for whatever political view is most popular where they are. /pol/ is an example of the fuckers who came here because of the ironic racism on /b/ and thought it was the real deal. Tumblr has radicalized so many young girls into thinking that they can just make up their own genders and that communism is a good idea.

I think that it is necessary for people to educate themselves about political beliefs as a way of understanding the full spectrum. I've made it a point to read both Marx and Adam Smith. Marx was a genuinely intelligent man who knew what the fuck he was talking about, but his views ended getting watered down into the clusterfuck that was the USSR. On the other side, I hate how people think that capitalism is some grand engineered system bent on keeping the little guy down, when in reality it's a system that allows even the poorest to succeed if they put their mind to it. It's downfalll comes from people failing to exercise responsibility as consumers.

Another dumbfuck thing people do is see radicalism and the stupidity of one side and decide the solution is to go full retard in the opposite direction. Antifa fuels more people to go hard alt-right and vice versa. It's so fucked.

>> No.5571760

point of failure
tiny cancer is still a cancer

>> No.5571765
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>Please Read


>> No.5571813

guacoin (GUAC)

>> No.5571918

A central state is necessary for it's original purpose: self-defense. Imagine trying to defend against even Mexico invading if everyone was a sovereign citizen. There's a reason that in olden times even extremely decentralized tribes surrendered authority to a central power during times of war.

>> No.5571953

Read Bakunin's discussion with Marx and what he predicted.
Basically Bakunin, from the very beginning predicted the USSR and was right. Marx was a...well I will save you my rant. Just know I don't have such high opinion of this count.
I agree with the rest of your post.
Yeah I know. I just don't see the localism being able to prevent outside forces of taking over. I'm not saying that I'm right. Shill me on your idea and I will gladly admit that I'm wrong.
Look what happened to Greece and an unknown country- Poland when they went without some form of central governing.

>> No.5572312

Fucking autocorrect

>> No.5572470

you literally couldnt be any more stupid, its easy as fuck to cash out... you seem to think you need to convince the bank to buy out your bitcoins? Fucking retard, there are plenty of exchanges you can trade btc for fiat lmao

and have you interviewed all btc owners to know nobody has even bought a car with them? thats insanely idiotic, you really think people with hundreds of thousands of usds didn't cash out and buy stuff? ok

>> No.5572562

theory is called blank slate
every person starts as a blank slate on libertarian premises. absolutely no tax to anyone on planet Earth.
freedom to associate with whom ever he wants on planet earth and whichever political system he likes or no association at all.
e.a I fancy Best Korea regime and I choose to contribute to them while living in Milwaukee. Milwaukee don't like me Best Korea has my back.
Later I realize I don't like to B.K regime anymore I join nazis. Its basically every person function as a node and choose what to mine and for who, no matter where he lives.
Does it make sense?

>> No.5572648


>> No.5572813

Anarcho libertarian. I get it. But for that we would have to get rid of nationality and the state or patriotism in general.
Tribalism would prevail and infighting could became a nightmare.
I'm not sure how would it work on the macro level.
Instead of artificial divides that you see now you would have a community vs community divisions.
Look at my other posts- the tribalism and us vs them is ingrained in human biology. Stereotypes helped us survive to a large extent and we actually still need them.
I just don't think that we can change the human nature that much.
Masses like safety and masses like us vs them, that supports authoritarian regimes more than decentralized ones.
If you succeed into building decentralized society you would end up with 1000 centralized states. It's of course just my opinion.

>> No.5572871

There isn't, which is why the dominance figure is dropping and people are going into alts.

>> No.5572908

ignores the reality & logistics of living in a physical world where time & space matter.

>> No.5572934

>BTC isn't a bubble
What happens when nobody's mining anymore?

>> No.5572945

This is also why I hope for BTC to die a slow death. It will give time to alt market to mature and take over.
If we crash BTC we would crash it all.

>> No.5573310

>we would have to get rid of nationality and the state or patriotism
not at all. you would have choice to belong to whichever nationality you like or what suites your needs regardless of geographical location.

>> No.5573346

what is the joke?

>> No.5573415

> reality & logistics of living in a physical world where time & space matter
unironically e=mc2

>> No.5573529

Just reading all these is weird. Do people really talk like this?

Do Jews have a meeting at their temples to coordinate things like this?

>> No.5573545

>Do Jews have a meeting at their temples to coordinate things like this?
Protip: Look up B'Nai B'Rith

>> No.5573640

No, just people who don't want to see the normies buy into your pyramid/Ponzi scheme.

You guys know that every gulible new investor you bring in will prop up the demand and prices. Those who got in first have nothing to lose becquse they already pulled some profit out of the exchanges into USD. The newer investors who did not buy at lower prices do not have a safety net, so when the prices fall they get wiped out.

Eventually cryptomemes will run out of fools and with no one buying, who are you going to sell to to make gains?

Your tokens are worthless in all but speculative trading, meanwhile blockchain tech is free for all to use in actual meaningful ways.

It is a shame that bitcoin has become everything it was not meant to be, and 1300 more cryptomemes have been created to copy the pyramid scam.

Greed and malice has overcome and destroyed the bitcoin experiment.

>> No.5573680

wtf I love government now

>> No.5573730
File: 43 KB, 735x400, 0-15-details-greg-maxwell-bitcoin-core-developer-sf-bitcoin-developers-YtQfSb8iGP4-735x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, btc and bcash in it's current form are both pure cancer.

BTC maximalists are only maximilists because they got in early and are greedy fucks. Their sole purpose is greed.

The mining is unsustainable and is run by chinks who get free hydro power. ASIC destroyed any chance of decentrailization.

The core team is made of communists who want it to be digital 'gold' instead of a real currency.

Also the supply...verge is a shitcoin but if it has one thing going for it, it is the supply.

Sorry, average person isn't going to want to sell off their 401k to get .0001 btc in the future while greasy neckbeard faggots think they're better than god for getting into btc early.

BTC and BCASH need to die or adapt fast. We can do better.

>> No.5573798

>Greed and malice has overcome and destroyed the bitcoin experiment.
Normies step all over people like me to make their money, fuck them, its my turn

>> No.5573862

>Debt-based fiat currency is and always has been racist, in that it is largely controlled by racist elites
>Marxists use control over the debt based system as a tool to implement their objectives in the wider society
>Marxists attack everything they don't control, often projecting against their own greatest weaknesses
>Marxists do not and cannot control decentralized cryptocurrencies
>Therefore, Bitcoin is racist

>> No.5573898

Bitcoin is for normies, dipshit. It's worthless in it's current state, but the normies keep buying anyway.

>> No.5573959

2018 was 11 years ago....

>> No.5574001

If you manage to move decent ga8ns from the exchange into USD, you will have at least come out ahead. Id you get too greedy and/or unlucky you risk a crashed market and bankrupt exchanges.

I for one am already living comfortably and can afford to take more managed risks in real assets and securities.

I hope you don't do something stupid and wipe yourself out while trying to fight the jews in their own domain.

>> No.5574244
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what are you 16? go back to /ck/ or whatever gay board you came from

>> No.5574261
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plus, when people say that bitcoin always bubbles but after every crash it eventually recovers 10fold, they're lying to themselves. bitcoin is not sustainable. the transactions are slow and cost more and more, and the electricity taken to mine it is a complete waste that grows by the year.

eventually, the market will jump ship and let bitcoin crash, and maybe rally around another coin. or a government will step in and ban it for environmental and financial reasons.

everyone always says the blockchain has value but that value has hardly been demonstrated. maybe in 5-10 years it will have more applications but in the short term it does barely anything that could justify its price. plus the blockchain itself can just be stolen and used by anyone, like a government.

lastly, bitcoiners are naive about economics. a deflationary asset cannot be used as a currency. even in the best case scenario, cryptos will just remain as novelty stores of value, "digital gold", the price scaffolded by chinese millionaries and silicon valley nerds like it is now. i don't see the bubble inflating any bigger, the normies got their exposure the past couple months and it hasn't gotten any closer to mainstream acceptance or adoption.

>> No.5574738

only rural and suburban retards invested in bitcoin, city people invested in stocks.

>> No.5574959

BTC minimalists are only minimalists because they got in late and are jealous fucks. Their sole purpose is greed.

>> No.5575116

Furthermore, all the appilcations people use as excuses for their valueless tokens have nothing to do with the """currencies""" themselves. The ledger, publicly verified database, and transaction network can all be achieved with now freely available ideas and software.

I would quite like to see these use cases take form, and I am sure the 'overlords', that the cryptowarriors think they are fighting, will actually implement thr blockchain in practical ways long before anyone else.

>> No.5575274

2019: Ban Bitcoin

>> No.5575882
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No coin is as racist as based Bitbean.