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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55661299 No.55661299 [Reply] [Original]

>this chain is so fucking slow doing anything with it takes forever
Cosmos' SDK solves that
>ok but no defi and no projects
Kava fixes that
>ok but it's an isolated ecosystem fully dedicated to $ATOM
Kava also fixes that by merging ERC-20 contracts with Cosmos
>ok but muh validators though
Akash solves that
>ok but
But nothing. ATOM on top.

>> No.55661310

Wrong. The BSC fixes that.

>> No.55661311

My brain can't process this information you're providing unless you tell me where I can fit Chainlink into this whole discussion

>> No.55661318

The Big Scandinavian Cock? Sure thing :^)

>> No.55661326

>ok but no defi and no projects
this is still true unless kava somehow manages to attract projects that solve actual problems. We've got enough swaps and yielding platforms already

>> No.55661331
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>supporting chinese technoloy and industries
>supporting a backstabbing double faced liar widely praised as being "le ruthless sigma business man B-)"
>supporting the insane amount of scams spawned from Binances' incubation and launchpads
>supporting the least anonymity-friendly DEX
>supporting the DEX that can lock you out of your account and keep all your assets (it's in the EULA)
>supporting the DEX that turns all removed assets into their own stablecoin, like it or not
No thanks.

>> No.55661340

ATOMfags must be really desperate if they think some project is gonna carry their whole ecosystem on their shoulders just like that. Lol.

>> No.55661343

Anything attracted by them will actually bring more liquidity which is their main problem, more liquidity means a solution

>> No.55661345

Kava might as well adopt ICCP later on in order to have compatibility with even more chains, hence bringing money to both LINK and Cosmos as a whole. That's their endgame, expand Cosmos and be the General in command of said expansion.

>> No.55661348

when has bsc fixed anything?

>> No.55661352

my nigga.



nobody cares.

>> No.55661354

Copium juice is better than falling despair

>> No.55661359

And yet it's STILL one of the most mainstream chains ever because:
-it just works
-has low gas fees
Face it, chud. There's a reason you're much more likely to see someone transferring Tether over TRON and shit over Ethereum, for example.

>> No.55661364

kill yourself.

>> No.55661366

Jesus chris anonfags think we care bout their shit lmao.

>> No.55661367
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, todd-howard-may-have-teased-bethesdas-indiana-jones-game-mon_dnhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the Cosmos SDK is written in fucking GO lmao

>> No.55661370
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This means you actually have 0% brain

>> No.55661371

Okay so they're basically ATOM's last hope to actually become somewhat relevant in the future. Got it

>> No.55661382
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How much of a nigger-brained moron do you have to be to post shit like this

>> No.55661387

It won't, of course not. It is however very much a key addition to make Cosmos relevant again.

It stagnated because nobody was buying anything from their products anymore because Cosmos is basic and boring while BSC has casinos and other crazy "fun" shit. ERC-20 is the norm. Etc. With things like Kava there's a chance to come back.

>> No.55661389

Better than having niggerlicious code written in python or javascript.

>> No.55661399
File: 349 KB, 705x676, 1661954795537547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said it wasn't popular - it IS a shame that it is so popular. And that's my opinion.

And that matters because...

>> No.55661405

Pretty much. At the end of the day, if you don't support Ethereum you might as well not even exist.

>> No.55661578
File: 227 KB, 378x429, 16590563715456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it is one of the first chains that proved that gas fees don't need to be excruciatingly large for things to work properly, so there's that.

>> No.55661580

how do i profit from any of this info though :)

>> No.55661596
File: 36 KB, 786x232, Screenshot 2023-07-25 152810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sdk is written in a perfectly competent well optimized language that is now among the standard and pays better than Javascript codemonkeys
Oh no, the misery. Noooo.

>> No.55661641
File: 76 KB, 493x885, 298065828_1473607449766249_4349260683050913106_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit WHO CARES you fucking autist cunt