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55659970 No.55659970 [Reply] [Original]

I know it sounds schizo but I KNOW I’ve quite recently seen articles with videos of people whose eyes were burned and even went blind after getting scanned by an orb but I can’t find it anywhere now as if it was completely scrubbed from the internet
I honestly don’t know if this was real, a dream, premonition, but I urge you not to use iris scanners outside of a health checkup, not the orb, not a phone/pc, nothing

>> No.55659998
File: 1.57 MB, 498x382, OP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve quite recently seen articles with videos
>but I can’t find it anywhere now


now tell us about your summer camp girlfriend who goes to another school so we wouldn't know her

>> No.55660277

I remember when covid masks "contained poisinous damaging little metal pieces".

>> No.55660304

Or those wiggle worms

>> No.55660338

yeah, those little microscopic black stuff :D

>> No.55660901

>t. scooner
you can be a scooner for all I care just go back to r*ddit where you belong
you too go back with him or lurk for 2 years before posting

>> No.55660915
File: 1.01 MB, 1024x753, donut01.d8e0739b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I live here?

>> No.55661090
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Get the eye scan goyim

>> No.55661832

lmao imagine getting scanned 24/7 by your vaxxed gf/wife