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File: 3 KB, 595x157, 87E91AD8-20EB-4474-9A9C-4661F6822306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55656667 No.55656667 [Reply] [Original]

I get the whole hype around Doge and x.com. But it’s at a 10B mcap..

Should the hype be on dog bat coin to make a running return?

>> No.55656671

Just buy the original fucking coin you moron how many times have you idiots tried to cash in on hype only to fizzle out over these two years, just stop it's fucking pathetic.

>> No.55656672
File: 23 KB, 200x200, E373131A-947D-49DE-B570-61650AF57C2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case you’re confused I think this is a dog bat thread. 50B EOY you fkn faqqots

>> No.55656680

Someone is salty. Sorry dog bat is the only meme coin w memes. Cry more pssy

>> No.55656683
File: 81 KB, 1096x616, elonut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55656686

based and redpilled
cringe and cuckpilled
dog bat was always destined to moon when BNB OR DOGE take off
DOGE must be b0nked

>> No.55656697

Holy dubs. The prophecy is unchanged… 50B by EOY

>> No.55656701

You're using my picture you uninspired hack it proves there's 10 jeets waiting in the wings to steal content and everything about themselves.
Go either buy doge like a sane human or hold your retarded nigger bullshit you child, why can't you curse?
Are you completely slavic or just underage?

>> No.55656706

take your meds

>> No.55656709

Can bots take meds?

>> No.55656718

>thread created 20 minutes after mine
>accuses me of being a bot
>botting his thread to get more replies than mine.
Pathetic as fucking shit dude.
Go back to begging.

>> No.55656723


>> No.55656730

Hey anon, I really don’t know how to say this nicely, so I’m just gunna come out and say it.

Please shut the fuck up you faggot pussy fuck and kys at your earliest convenience

Your post smells of desperation. And you copied me. Get fkd mate. Dog bat goes to 50B EOY

>> No.55656753

>noooooo! Your thread can’t get more replies than mine!!!! NOOOOOO

>> No.55656773

Seriously kys

>> No.55657724

someone post the volume so everyone can laugh

>> No.55658761
