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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55654778 No.55654778 [Reply] [Original]

Can money really cure depression?
everything that can make you happy you get it through money, there is no such thing as a genuinely happy poor person, disney lied to me

>> No.55654815

problems money can solve aren't real problems in the first place

you might think better of yourself because you have actual proof you're better than others if you managed to make it, but that's about it

>> No.55654819

>he cares for mental health

>> No.55654854

>money can cure cancer
>cancer isn't a problem

>> No.55654857

Boomers are seen to be very happy with several houses to their name, to the point that memecoins are like toys to them.

>> No.55654871
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money + therapy + meds = patient cured
it's easier than you think

>> No.55654879

It alleviates it, some nice anon gave me nearly 15k and I blew it all, it made me happy someone was nice to me but the money doesn't change anything because inevitably I'll ruin it.

>> No.55654884

Don't listen to the tranny therapy and medication is for literally women.
If you have a womans mind please continue with the tricks and chemical runoffs and animes based off little girls.

>> No.55654896

>inb4 anime board
Doesn't matter consuming that garbage is basically highlighting yourself for when the collapse happens, you won't survive it's dynamically impossible to when you've consumed medication and literal kike animation.

>> No.55655028

Money can make depression worse depending on a person's nature.

>> No.55655066
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I honestly get off making money. Like, not even the money itself or the number increasing, but the thought of having control over people, the fact that i can just convince them if i show them the right amount of cash.
I don't even think i want to make it anymore, i think im just happy making money eternally

>> No.55655073

what if im totally ripped and can deadlift 200 pounds huh? you think i wont make it in the event of an apocalypse?

>> No.55655079

mental stability? on MY biz board? lmao

>> No.55655083

Hey i can respect a man who knows and understands his own nature. You're okay evil pepe anon guy

>> No.55655086
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For me it just made me realize i have a deep whole inside me that can never be filled. Once the excitement of consumerism is over i no longer feel anything at all

>> No.55655098
File: 79 KB, 452x701, spammmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes bomb making threads
>tries to impersonate schizo anon
>samefagging to become a thing
Just fuck off and die already your "power" over people is nothing you have so little money you have to spend years fudding bullshit that was dropping anyway wasting huge amounts of time and energy when it didn't even matter.
>evil pepe guy
Fuck off stop trying to become a thing you narcissistic little nigger, go dox yourself if you want to be somebody.

>> No.55655125

Is this thread filled with bots?

>> No.55655135


>> No.55655141

i know a lot of guys who are totally ripped and couldn't fight to defend their lives
the gym doesn't make you good at fighting or surviving

>> No.55655166

>anon discovers there's sociopaths in this board

>> No.55655731
File: 34 KB, 400x400, bl1NDfck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not this kind of bots

>> No.55655853

are you hungry?
>steal food without being seen by store cameras
need electricity?
>plug a cable into the neighbor's outlet
need internet?
>break into someone's house just to steal the password
need a home?
>wait for a millionaire to stop occupying his house for 1 year, free house
you are not seeing the big picture, if you want to make it you need pure income, nothing more than that, the expenses will be when you can swim on your enemies blood without it costing you anything

>> No.55656340

Yes. Money buys time. With more time, you can fix your problems. Everyone else is wrong. This is the absolute truth. If you're spending all your time just staying afloat, you will never be happy. You have two options, either make a ton of money very quick, or find something that you genuinely enjoy that at least covers the bills.

>> No.55656796

happiness is an illusion money can definitely buy

>> No.55656828

If that's the case, how come so many ultra rich businessmen, CEO's, bankers etc never actually retire to enjoy their life but rather continue to work until they are decrepit old men? Retiring early and then doing nothing seems to be exclusively a poor man's dream of the benefits of being rich. There are of course some instances of rich people, mostly actors, athletes, muscians etc who spend their money on drugs and partying and generally a hedonistic lifestyle, and those people don't seem very happy after a couple years of living like that.

>> No.55656832

Yes it can anyone telling you otherwise is coping

>> No.55656841

Yes it is all about money and whoever says it is not can suck a big giant rotten dick from a indian dead body floating on the ganges river and kys because that person never experienced actual poverty and instability from childhood forwards

>> No.55656856

It's not about money, it's about freedom which money still can't buy, but it can buy the illusion of freedom for a short period of time.

I've been poor my entire life and not only poor, poor as an american, which is way worse because I'm not a woman or black so there's no gibs for me
>three months for able bodied men every three years
That's it and it's about 600 in food stamps over the three months if you're lucky
Poverty creates creativity, either you get out of your situation
(there's no getting out)
Or your brain creates a false world where your ego takes the wheel and says
>I can't kill myself because I'm too important
It's a coping mechanism.

I've seeked the answer from many people, nobody has it.

>> No.55656883

Then try being poor in a commie country of the likes of the third world where you arent valued for your work no matter how you risk your life and waste your time, you`re stuck with Gigantic taxes, low pay rates, highest prices possible, hardcore bureaucracy when trying to become a entrepeneur, you basically aren`t free to do anything other than live like a miserable skinny fuck eating one meal a day and on the verge of being kicked out of home being governments sugar baby for gay gibs, 0 QUALITY OF LIFE 0 A ROUND 0

>> No.55656886

>he thinks they value americans
Hehehe oh sweet summer child, you have freedom we don't.
America is an open air prison complex always was.

>> No.55656889

Not only that you're forced to work to pay taxes to Israel who then use government handouts more taxing to test weaponry on children, and you don't get a choice in that fact.

>> No.55656891

that's a completely different argument though. Obviously living in poverty is terrible and money will lift you out of that. But to then claim that money is exponentially buying more happiness is stupid. At some point, unless you fall for the consumerist luxury goods meme, nothing about your life will substantially change by aquiring more money.

>> No.55656895

I RATHER get paid 200$ like a retard doing uber eats or DoorDash, being able to buy some actual shit that gives you comfort than earn only miserable 40$ and pay for shit in dollar in your own country on verge of starving, the only exit is the airport no gay nigger whatever marketing, fuck this shit

>> No.55656908

lol 200 for doordash
Not a single person outside of NY or LA is making 200 a day in doordash oh wait let's see
>I spent 10 hours doordashing for 200
>minus gas at 5 dollars a gallon
>minus wear and tear
>minus lost time
>I made $80 before taxes today
Hehe you're funny little man.
Dumb but funny.

>> No.55656915

Oh now let's calculate cost of living in America which is also 10x higher than anywhere else.
>I got 80 dollars I owe 33% taxes on, and I gotta make dinner tonight that's -20
>oh and my rents 1600 a month
That's middle of the country living costs btw not coastal.

>> No.55656925

Yes, im talking about not having to care about money when you have a terrible disease, when some faggot steals your bike or you have a accident where you are terribly injured, when your food ends, when government does more commie shit to fuck you up, thats up to where MONEY MATTERS

>> No.55656935

The point was you missed my point there's no escaping this hell, not in russia not in slovenia not in america, be glad you aren't american most people think it's nice here, it's a lawless country full of murder and everyones grifting for their last bag before everything catches up.
2020 was an appetizer.

>> No.55656944

I make 200 on my own currency for 9 hours of work and my bike does 30/L, Oil is changed weekly, Gas is 5 PER LITER ( i save most of it easily and barely have wear or tear despite the asphalt being literal shit filled with givantic holes, I roam around 80-100 KM to make that, you sure you working right?

>> No.55656952

Yeah and your math still equates to more than being an average (not even poor) wagie in america
You would be shocked to here most companies will still try to hire young women in as minimum wage and they let them that's 7.72 an hour.

>> No.55656967

Get some shitty one room rent for you and make a small spaghetti daily (thats how i live anyways), you`re poor you need money to make money and fuck taxes, you can have the opportunity to still advance in life while commie third worlds its a crime to do so

>> No.55656978

We all know what you're angling at and no amount of self pity and "my country is so bad"
is going to get you some anon to give you money, now fuck off there's no point in me wasting my energy talking with likes of you.

>> No.55657007

I dont want your money you enormous faggot im thriving my path daily and still have hope, I want to lash out at CUNTS who say money doesn`t matter who is probably a faggot who is too lazy to work

>> No.55657008

You don't actually think cancer is really incurable do you?

>> No.55657043


>> No.55657059

I want my time back, I want to stop waging so I can spend the time on my passions instead. The only solution to this is money. Fuck the retards and psyopers spreading the message that money doesn't make people happy, it's literally the starting point of an actual fulfilling life.

>> No.55657063
File: 123 KB, 640x820, yukio-mishima-421983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent been happy since 10 years old
im a 29 year old dentist, own multiple rental properties and a strip mall
if i went to a psychiatrist right now id be diagnosed with all kinds of bs like antisocial personality and major depression and PTSD etc.

happiness is fleeting
only through sacrifice can you feel content

>> No.55657125

drink kefir

>> No.55657140

they had both. they enjoy grifting and lucked into money early

>> No.55657158

nobody claims that money "exponentially" buys more happiness. exponentially more money buys marginal happiness.
but it still goes up the more money you have

>> No.55657217

you will be the exact same person that you are currently regardless if you have money or not
the things that can be enjoyed without money are the best things in life and everyone has access to them

>> No.55657623

The only way money can cure your depression is that you get a worthwhile hobby that you absolutely love.

Share this love with anyone and they might like it back. Duh.