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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55654736 No.55654736 [Reply] [Original]

Today, I finally crossed $10,000 in my savings.
This shit is nice.

>> No.55654749

that's just fiat in your savings account or are you including crypto/stocks etc?

>> No.55654752

Must be nice, I only have 900 to my name.

>> No.55654761
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Just fiat.

I am so fucking sorry anon.
That shit fucking sucks, I know what it's like.

>> No.55654789

$10k is nothing. Even $100k is nothing.

$1 million is the minimum you need to reach to feel like you might actually have a chance at living a normal life in this shithole world.

>> No.55654801
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Put it all into link.

>> No.55654803
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Trust me, I know $10k isn't much.
But when you're used to fucking nothing, $10k is fucking awesome.

>> No.55654806

if you are a 14 year old then maybe. it needs to be atleast $300k for it to be impressive at 22

>> No.55654810

this :^)

>> No.55654811

It's really bad, I'm getting pretty depressed again.
5k is
>okay this isn't so bad
10k is
>okay I'll be alright
900 is
>fuck I owe 600 in a few days
I'm fucked.
10k is literally 9x more than my current net worth.

>> No.55654812
File: 32 KB, 410x357, 1585503591760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where you're from, but nobody I know has that much at 22.

Sounds like you're from disneyland, wish i could visit.

>> No.55654829

It's just demoralization posting, even millionaires would take 10k if you handed it to them remember the picture of SBF "handing out" money, even that was fake and he still couldn't bring himself to let go of a $100 bill.

>> No.55654833

exactly, almost no one has 300k at 22, thats why its impressive, same with a 14 year oldwho has $10k.

you can't do anything with $10k. well , you can, travel for 1 year actually. but. yeah. if $10k is all you got then you wont spend it on a year of travel. ( I do though).

>> No.55654837

>5 digit club
you're under 21, right?

>> No.55654839
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We got a big one here.

>> No.55654851

How’s first grade going?
I made twice that at my bar mitzvah

>> No.55654869

>28 years old
>Taco bell manager, making 21 an hour
>Only have $4,500 in checking and $3,200 in crypto
>Car is 2002 Lincoln LS with 154k miles
>Split rent with cousin, my half is 550 dollars per month

>> No.55654885

Now put it all on BTC so you can double your money pretty much

>> No.55654905

That's really not that bad.

>> No.55654910

hang in there anon.

>> No.55654918
File: 489 KB, 1280x1536, Fotor_AI3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'll be hanging alright kek...

>> No.55654958

>70 holders
>discord has 400 members

>> No.55654964

kek wrong thread

>> No.55654965

>my bar mitsvah
story checks out

>> No.55654973


>> No.55654982

Even 1 million isn’t enough to quit working, I’m up to 800k at 29 and still wageslaving

>> No.55655006

I have 380k€ and i feel like kms because my youtube channel got demonetized, so now im making 0 (well, i have my savings on fixed income funds, making around 3.4% yearly at current rates). I live with my mom. Holy shit, I only needed like 3-4 years more and I would be at 1 million after taxes, now I have to gamble my fucking savings to get there since I have no job experience and working is a scam anyway.

What the fuck do I do? i need 1 million or waking up is a scam.

inb4 buy this fucking shitcoin from hell

I cannot even buy btc because bank transfers are blocked to exchanges, let alone 380k€

if i have to divide this shit it will go up as i buy

>> No.55655015

maybe in murrica, im fucking done in spain with 1 million

i need a cool 3.5x from here, what the fuck do I buy

>> No.55655021

Just need a 1000x and you’ve made it

>> No.55655022

I sincerely doubt you two have 10k between the both of you.
But you got a nice little deposit either through dopamine or actual means for making these posts.

>> No.55655023

i visited spain (Madrid) earlier this year and i definitely want to go back, maybe even stay a few years

>> No.55655081

I have 380k€, im 34 and NO JOB EXPERIENCE, holy shit, in which planet do you think this is an awesome spot? Im unemployable and unless i somehow find a way to make money online again im not making money ever again, i live with my mom and i spend as little as possible, this is not some fucking rockstar life dumbass. Now the other guy with an actual job close to 1mm that's retarded to stress about, unless hes like canadian or something.

Shits fucking expensive in the city, im out of the main city. Man I used to make 10k-15k a month making youtube videos, i was living the dream, then some faglord from reddit made a video about the niche im at and youtube went full retard and started demonetizing channels and deleting videos, i would punch the shit out of that faggot.

>> No.55655094

post your channel anon
also if you did it once you can do it again find another niche

>> No.55655095

>some faglord from reddit made a video about the niche im at and youtube went full retard and started demonetizing channels

kek what was it?

>> No.55655134

My favorite thing about /biz/ is how we haze each other into only accepting nothing less than 10 million dollars. This is actually a really good thing to do, rich people take this same attitude of expecting more out of life.
Having 10k is nice when you're used to less, for sure. But asking for more out of life is what got you to 10k and it is what will get you to 10m. If you expect to be poor and need less than 10k, or only 10k, if that's your goal that's what you'll get. It's good to have bigger goals because then you get more.

>> No.55655158

Little early for tel aviv hours, guess you guys are struggling as well huh
>Hurr durr everyone here has 200k
Unlike you faggots I know/knew millionaires and most of them are under 500k as we speak.

Hardly anyone posting on this board has more than 40k to their name, that's pushing it.

1 out of maybe 10000 posters here has money, people with money don't post here nonstop they have a multitude of interests not this shitty scam infested dead board.

>> No.55655164

>Hardly anyone posting on this board has more than 40k to their name, that's pushing it.

>> 40k

>> No.55655171

zoomer detected, this retarded demoralization shit only works on the extremely low IQ.
You can pound the drum all day but we've been around this campfire more than you realize.

>> No.55655178

damn I wasn't expecting to attract an angry poorfag so quickly

>> No.55655187

Go back to fucking with woods anon he actually takes your bait I just piss you off.

>> No.55655209
File: 94 KB, 500x670, 1oy9av.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to this fagit anon. You are doing well. Better than most. For some, nothing is enough.

>> No.55655218

Lol this reminds me when his ass popped up out of nowhere and there was that video about “the most generous man in crypto” or whatever about Sam. I still can’t believe people fell for that shit, the second he bought and rebranded blockfolio and his name was everywhere as if from thin air I knew he was a complete scam artist.

>> No.55655221

Now gamble it all on shitcoins. Bonus if you use leverage.

>> No.55655224

Unironically me 4 years ago. Keep pushing anon. Ygmi.

>> No.55655230


this is why you're constantly miserable

>> No.55655267

$50k at 22 here without mommy and daddy, forgive my poor fag self. Payday is a week away desu

>> No.55655298 [DELETED] 

I’m going to Spain soon is it really that cheap?

>> No.55655318 [DELETED] 

At least put a few hundred in PEPEF on uniswap, shit is only 100k mcap at the moment and launched hours ago. Easy 100-1000x

>> No.55655327

i thought it was pretty inexpensive, relative to the US.

>> No.55655357 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1290x566, IMG_2527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope seethe and dilate tranny and this is just my boomer brokerage account not even counting crypto or my paid off home

>> No.55655382

>Shills a scam made 5 hours ago

>guys check out this snapshot it's definitely real
Why would anyone believe a shitcoin peddler?
You got 10 threads by the way and you just made another.

>> No.55655387

I miss my LS

>> No.55655401

Normally I would label you a poorfag but I still remember my first $10k . Congratz bro. Keep stacking and making good moves until you're up 100x and beyond.

>> No.55655406
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>> No.55655412

Based I picked some up right after launch. Had some ETH floating around so I said fuck it. Up pretty good right now.

>> No.55655429
File: 251 KB, 750x1055, F2FBC2FE-2CC0-4728-B60A-5133F78741B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait til you get to the 100k mark. Don’t worry bro I believe in you. 6fig hell is real.

t. Networth all in crypto. Literally still feel like a fucking poor

>> No.55655477 [DELETED] 

No shit that’s how you even get a decent stack in the first place, put a few hundred in a decent projects and let it moon by 1000x. When you have high 6 figures you can afford to toss $100 at a random project and not care

>> No.55655524

You would spend 50+ replies creating a thread with demented bot tier replies just to mention your shitcoin? How retarded are you filipinos and nigerians?

>> No.55655554

Then don't buy it you stinky retard. No one is forcing you to buy it. Go back to your gay ass LINK threads.

>> No.55655575

Gonna travel to your barangay fuck your little sister plap plap plap

>> No.55655579

They got 17 threads up and are pouring into every thread lets go spam their fucking telegram with illegal content.

>> No.55655668

I don't have a sister and I am far wealthier than you are little baby living with mommy. Who knows maybe I'll be your step-dad soon.

>> No.55655909

i wish it was that fucking easy man, but nope, there's luck involved, you cant just think "oh this niche, lets jump in"

>> No.55655950

how much more do you need to get your surgery

>> No.55656326

how much do you make and how much do you send out of your paycheck ?

>> No.55656334

I stopped working in January from being severely injured.
I pay about 700 a month, not including food.

>> No.55656337

Same. I'll go up to 14k and then stop working for a year.

>> No.55656352

why can't we be like richtards who live on debt in their entire life legally moneylaudering thru real estates and stocks?

>> No.55656402

All things considered, you're doing good.

>> No.55656409

How do you figure?
Or do you just respond to dead threads to troll.

>> No.55656413

good job, anon
if you're not already there, build your emergency fund up to 6 months of expenses, and leave it in a savings around (should be able to get at least 4% these days, which is $400/year, $33/month)
then you're in a position to start investing (actual investing, no crypto)

>> No.55656424

You’re a clueless fucking retard.

>> No.55656441

gonna cross 60k this paycheck on friday. then I'm going all in on doge, pepe and ltc and no one can stop me.

>> No.55656525

Kaspa or dynex. Eso es consejo de financial guey.

>> No.55656654

Enjoy every milestone friend. The feeling gets less strong every step, when I passed 100k net worth I barely cared but when I hit 0 net worth paying off all debt I was ecstatic.

Remember where you came from and remember how hard it was. Never go back

>> No.55656685
File: 54 KB, 706x743, Screenshot_2023_0725_072610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any reason to be bullish on doge? or y'all think elon is going to say something about it soon?

it's token metrics trader grade rating is hard green

>> No.55656687

Nice demoralization

you dont need more than 100k to have a comfy 40hr week job and a medium home

>> No.55656708
File: 32 KB, 739x415, images (80).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This month paycheck will take me to $60k
Been saving to buy an Audi, any anon got tips?

>> No.55656733

none other than I'm desperate to not be poor and too stupid to research or buy anything else

>> No.55656857

Question is how do you find the 100k jobs?

>> No.55656870
File: 5 KB, 249x142, 1690051219246091s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrat boomer. I'm wondering why it took you that long. Seem you investing in shit. ARB and a few projects with products can give you this and also a few low caps like DUA, which is gaining quite some interest on their self-custody that's underway.

>> No.55656946

It having a "strong buy" signal, isn't that reason enough bobo?

>> No.55656959

Make sure to have an holoride set up in it for premium entertainment
They're direct partners with Audi

>> No.55656968


What do you have to do, as a Taco Bell manager? Is it stressful?

>> No.55656989

>ITT morons who can’t distinguish savings from investments or investments from net worth

OP good job, having 10k in hard cash saved puts you in a tiny % of the population. It’s so nice having the buffer there just in case

>> No.55657009

>$10,000 barely gets you 1,000 link
holy shit normies are completely priced out

>> No.55657096

No retard, that's not how it works, if you ever used tokenmetrics then you'll understand the rating only shows sentiment and not bearish or bullish signal

>> No.55657118

Why would anyone want to use VR in their cars?
Is your life really that boring and dead?

>> No.55657129

What impact does this partner have anon? BrillionFi partner With NexeraID, and they're pushing boundaries together! Their focus is on smart contract wallets that prioritize privacy and user ownership

>> No.55657135

Anyone who has 300k at 22 has had the road paved by their parents

>> No.55657138

If you focused your autism on making money instead of stinking up threads you wouldn't be so poor anon. I believe in you, you've proven you can type. That's more than most of the morons out there in this world. Go get it.

>> No.55657159

Everything you just said is completely retarded. From the bizarre accusation that the guy posting sincere and truthful words about goal-setting is a scheming jew, to the who-the-fuck-cares flex that you knew some stupid dorks that had money during the bull run and lost it, to the dumbass self-delusion that no one here has a year of post-tax lower-class salary in savings.

>> No.55657172

That makes one of us. I don't believe in that guy at all. Shit judgement and bad mentality.

>> No.55657202


Relax, baggie.

>> No.55657320

I ain't ever used this shit, anon, but damn, my AVAX, NXRA, DUA, and recently XRP are earning me some sick rewards! So, WTF are you saying?

>> No.55657350

They're working together to bring VR and the metaverse experience to cars, tech is based if it manages to become adopted

>> No.55657368

Isn't that basically the same thing hahaha?
People's sentiment will determine if a token is bearish or bullish?

>> No.55657379
File: 6 KB, 187x250, 1688396286903469s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, hope it gets adopted, just like brillionFi! They're tapping into the AllianceBlock and Nexera ID, harnessing the raw power of the DUA protocol!

>> No.55657390

Not people sentiment anon. The product the token offers speaks better. What is your take about creating privacy-preserving zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) for authentication and recovery in case access to the wallet is lost adopted by some projects

>> No.55657406

Good shit mate, keep it up. This time last year I had $10k AUD in my savings account. Last month I just broke $50k.

Property in Australia is diabolically expensive but I'm hoping that by this time next year I'll have around $100k in savings, then I'll be able to put down a deposit on my own place (apartment, house too expensive) and stop being a rentcuck.

>> No.55657672

It's better than being a sewer wagie with roaches crawling on me, like on that vid when anon here talk trades
You have to deal with niggers, white trash, karens, and wetbacks.
This alone makes it break the average neet, you need to ultimately accept that people are retarded and to not give a shit.
Positives are you get free food and you'll almost aways have one cute latina girl working after school hours

>> No.55658771


Have you ever gotten romantic with one of those Latina girls? Financially speaking.

>> No.55658834

>$1 million is the minimum you need
I'm starting to get the feeling 1$ million will be nothing by the time I get to it DESU
t. just hit 100k $

>> No.55658990

Good job op. It takes a lot to pull yourself out of the muck

>> No.55659038

There is some truth to this but you work minimum wage, so why would anyone listen to you?

>> No.55659055
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>40hr week job

>> No.55659091

NexeraID is one of the sicky DiD solution just like OREID, they are playing some mad role in web3 security

>> No.55660621

I mean. You'll get your health back, until then you're surviving and even put 1k on the side. How is that not good ?

>> No.55660651

yeah 100k per year
if you can earn it in a single year it's literally not a lot of money

>> No.55660751

$10k feels great
$100k feels like hell.
It's weird what money does.

>> No.55661086

I'm positioning to make my first million off crypto this year. Altcoinistdao reviews are my hack

>> No.55661355

$100k feels like a lot until you start looking at what you think you can buy with that money
>t. just about 100k

>> No.55661385

But you're still incel anon...

>> No.55661437

Oh I'm in a similar situation, with just a couple grand more. Life is just fucking shit isn't it? Hoping it gets better for us both.

>> No.55661464

Hope is a joke it's like optimism it's just an illusion.
It's been fun faggots it's time to give up the ghost.

>> No.55661566

I can relate to this. I felt very accomplished when I reached 10k in BTC. I just keep investing every paycheck. As someone who had zero savings until 2022, it felt very good.
Good job anon keep it up.

>> No.55662243

how useful is token metrics? I see it mentioned a lot. How much do you pay for it?

>> No.55662271

Have you checked bittensor and kaspa?

>> No.55662924
File: 93 KB, 677x677, 1690246294435291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boohoo faggot I'll have less than $100 to my name after I pay for this wheel alignment and I'm not crying on 4chan about it, I'll just go earn more money to buy the shit I need.

Oh wow I'm dying! This is so scary aaajhhh....

If you have kids to feed, you have my genuine sympathies, if not then get a job and get some money.

If you're paying for delivered food while complaining about poverty I'm gonna come to your house and fuck you in the mouth.

>> No.55663004

Why not just do ad reads for dick pills and cbd like everyone else who gets demonitized on youtube??

>> No.55663515

absolutely keyed
grats anon

>> No.55663599

No thanks jeet. I'm fine with my money in XTP, especially as users can earn from activities on the app.

>> No.55663737

It's a good feeling fren, keep going.

>> No.55663918

why do you add the "without mommy and daddy" its irrelevant. people that don't get help from parents just have loser pleb tier idiot parents.

also, didn't your "mommy and daddy" feed you for a decade? you had help. just not as much as someone with good parents.

>> No.55664729

Nice anon be proud of that. A couple years ago I was stoked to get my net worth >0 and last month I hit $100k. Ygmi

>> No.55664890

Why not try some interesting airdrops Like the one On Arkham, or Tabi? might be a quick way to actually add up some easy $$ to your savings tab, i mean free cash always come good. y'know

>> No.55664910

good job lad. gl.

>> No.55664985

Congratulations anon, it's a nice feeling reaching milestones.
Enjoy it while you're still euphoric about it and reality hasn't set in about how long the road still is.
It'll be a long journey.


It's really fucked up when you actually start running the numbers.
We grow up thinking that 100k or 1 million is a lot but it really isn't.

>Can't buy shit with 10k that's not basically just a new computer or a TV or some home improvement and that would basically eat half of your money.
>50k isn't enough to buy a new car and still have enough to invest
>100k doesn't buy you a house, need to make more money.
>500k is maybe enough for you to buy a car and put a down payment for a house and invest the rest.
>1 million is getting to a point where you can risk buying a 300k house outright, but really even that's way too significant portion of your money to put into that.

You need at least 5 mil in order to be able to buy everything without debt and still live very comfortably on stuff like divvies.