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55653645 No.55653645 [Reply] [Original]

My grandpa in the 1960s was a high school dropout who got a job at the local gas station stocking shelves and pumping gas.

He made enough money to buy a 5 bedroom house, 2 nice cars, singlehandedly support his wife and 4 kids as the sole breadwinner, and send all 4 kids to college (fully paid, no loans). He later was able to buy a second vacation house, and he eventually retired at 57 with a very generous pension that allowed him to tour the world.

In 2023, I as a mechanical engineer with a fucking Master's degree am not able to do even 1/5 of that thanks to stagnant wages and sky high cost of living. That job at the gas station is now held by a Pajeet making minimum wage.

>> No.55653665

Gas station had a pension?

>> No.55653711

God how do people not get it still. The boomer era was a complete anomaly when it comes to wealth. We are simply returning to the mean where most live as serfs

>> No.55653729

>The boomer era was a complete anomaly when it comes to wealth. We are simply returning to the mean where most live as serfs
sir the poorest americans are literally eating themselves to death yet top 1% intelligence hard working men in their 30s can barely afford a humble house

>> No.55653737

Yeah it’s exactly as I said. You should have bought Bitcoin instead of “working”

>> No.55653783

yeah and social security. Things were much better before we got swamped by minorities.

>> No.55653807

Nope, a single man without a college education working a typical unskilled blue-collar job (not talking about skilled trades) was able to buy a house and support a wife and kids from the 1700s until the 1980s, i.e the vast majority of American history.

This post-Jimmy Carter neoliberal era is the anomaly.

>> No.55653842

>yet top 1% intelligence hard working men in their 30s can barely afford a humble house
This isn't true THOUGH. The 99th percentile individual income at age 30 is around $339k, that's more than enough for a "humble house". It's low skill wagies that can't afford to buy a place.

>> No.55653878

As a mechanical engineer with a MSc, my income is at the 80th percentile for my age. I make more than 80% of Americans my age.

I still can't afford a house, support a wife and 4 kids, and send them all to college.

My grandpa could.

>> No.55653941

There is increased competition, so naturally you have to put an extra effort besides your degree. Luckily you have access to tech your grandpa couldnt dream of, namely the internet and easy access to global markets.
World has changed, dont plan on living in the US. Make your money and fuck off to cheaper places. Property is cheap in South America, girls are hot in wealthy circles. Plenty of space and nature. Good luck

>> No.55653949

Now you have cat videos on demand anon. Best thing is, you don't even need a house to watch them.

>> No.55653973


>> No.55654021

>good luck competing with Chang that chains their kids to poles in front of the factory for 12 hours a day
atleast they have iphones

>> No.55654052

Yeah and the family had a real chance of fucking starving to death and freezing to death too until the early 1900’s.

>> No.55654092

what does that have to do with his point

>> No.55654103

>Boomer couple I know paid 60k for their house in 1980.
>Had a nice family. Son is a Chad with a hot wife and 2 kids, daughter is ugly af but by some miracle still managed to find a decent husband and also have a kid.
>Boomer's father dies and leaves them a nice chunk of change to invest and renovate their house.
>House is in an upper middle class White town. >House and the land is now worth just over $1 million.
>Wife only ever worked 2 months out of the year during the holidays just for something to do.
>Boomer guy inherited property and a business from his dad and pretty much only worked for something to do.
These people had everything handed to them, but hey were the only generation that had this, so don't let it get to you.

>> No.55654123

this is a lie, we could have this wealth today.
our monetary system creates as much fiat as there is wealth creation (and then more besides).
this ensures that the general wage will *always* be subsistence level.
We could all work less, however land prices and money creation ensure the system will always adapt to absorb all our efforts.
Fiat money creation is capped only by productivity since the end of the gold standard in 1971.

>> No.55654131

but now we have way better tech.
people like you should kill themselves.

>> No.55654133

Nah the real redpill is that only majority White nations like the ones in Scandinavia are capable of having a successful social democracy where this type of thing isn't an issue.

>> No.55654138
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why everyone needs to unionize. Even though the big ones never responded back to me when I wanted some advise on forming one. I don't get why boomers hate the U word so much. Like it's actu beneficiary to capitalism. It prevents walkouts, emotional quitting, petty theft and activity, makes workers feel represented and appreciated. Its pizza parties without the cringe.

I may modernize the union experience with those who want in get an NFT. It's an exclusive NFT that's essentially their voting card. Being on the block-chain, it's more anonymous than normal union cards or something, and I think it could legally set a precedent that it the business wants to argue union-busting, buy up all the NFTs. Or you could just raise wages two dollars an hour. Probably cheaper.

>> No.55654143

All that extra wealth was siphoned off by big government

There are hundreds of thousands of buerucrats living in the economic paradigm of your grandfather but in 2023

>> No.55654222

>This isn't true THOUGH. The 99th percentile individual income at age 30 is around $339k
So you're saying the top 1% of people 30, who probably already had greater access to resources/wealthy family, they can do it. Well that's awesome. I think he was referring to the other 99% who are average people.

>> No.55654239

will get you nowhere.
if everyone gets 10% more everyone can borrow 10% more and then housing will go up by 10%.
back to square one.
because you're not dealing with the root cause.

>> No.55654253
File: 111 KB, 664x900, 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank the boomers for importing unskilled and skilled (jeet) labor and destroying all domestic industry. Now you will be drafted to die in Asia so you can protect the US dollar that will maintain boomers' property values and pensions.

>> No.55654262

I will fucking strangle you with my bare hands you pencil necked annoying know it all faggot. How about that? How's that for extra competition you motherfucking nigger?

>> No.55655949

boomers sold the future of their children to the jews for 12 silver shekels and all of them will burn in hell after the day of the pillow.

>> No.55656428
