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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55653539 No.55653539 [Reply] [Original]

lets take a moment to appreciate a fine day of avax damage control. Soon we have to say goodbye for the evening but they'll be back tomorrow 12:00 sharp. Maybe if we bully them enough Emin will figure out the marketing isn't working and actually pump my hyperinflating bags for once


>> No.55653552

>Poomar from ICPoor monitoring /biz/ for Avalanche threads 24/7
Bullish for AVAX

>> No.55653567

Surreal to watch desu, Every day i open this gay board i see 3 pepes complaining about avalanche

>> No.55653585

kek this
AVAXCHADS stay winning

>> No.55653592

ICPoors are sad, sad people

>> No.55653613
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"Crab dumping piece of shit"
>Supports a coin that went from 700 to fucking 4

AvaxChads, chins are staying up.

>> No.55653623
File: 50 KB, 717x537, avaxsirs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55653635

as organic as link posting at this point
next run is going to be funny when the post dry up as does the volume

>> No.55653697

The difference is they're too stupid to even cover up their tracks. They blatantly copy & paste responses with poor understanding of english while accusing these "icpoors" of doing exactly that

>> No.55653743

>Poomar talking to himself

>> No.55653773

>>Poomar talking to himself
bump my thread again Rajesh i'm sure I'm helping your daily quota

>> No.55653832
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>seething about both LINK and AVAX threads
fitting, ICPoors are midwits that can't understand what real tech looks like
>muh alien tech
is the most niggerish utterance on this board, and it almost exclusively comes from ICP baggies. this board belongs to IC3, deal with it niggers

>> No.55654001

literally nobody outside bagholders cares about failed alts like icp/avax/link.
the fact that you care means you already lost.

>> No.55654003

>Nice ass

>> No.55654054

It really is strange how they focus on bombarding biz specifically. Literally every single one of their official forums, including their discord, is completely dead, deader than 10 million marketcap shitcoins. Who do they think they're fooling?

>> No.55654708

any alt that has a heavy focus on biz has already pumped and dumped

>> No.55654790

the timing is what's odd. There's a couple posters who exlusively post weekday afternoons starting around 12 and leave around 5. I assume it's some fiverr service

>> No.55654986

Yea its the same dude that goes either nigger I have avax, postin thicc emin, some form of sutpid saying.

>>55653832 even moreso they always try to group avax with link.

Link and icp are useful because they are unique and they can monopolize. Link for oracles, icp for frontend dev.

Avax is literally another chain. Nohting special at all. literally nothing. Dont try to say subsecond this or that. EVERY l1/l2 does that.

EOS, Solana, rose, hbar, boba chain, matic, ftm. They all are the same. And after i point that out they just sperg out and trash icp kek.

Icp doesnt have anything to do with avax. Why attack icp threads? Why not go into ftm or hbar or something else. ICP is for frontend. Its like comparing apples to oranges.

>> No.55655091

>trying to group Link with ICPoor
LOL, redditspace harder outsider nigger.

>> No.55655736

kek, I bet this is the dude spamming avax thread. I guarantee it. instead of explaining what makes avax so good, you just rage lmao.

seriously do they pay you?

>> No.55656016
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LOL great thread, haven't laughed this hard in a while. AVAX baggies are butt hurt as their coin dumps faster than the Turkish lira

>> No.55656965

nah you forgot that C-Chain is just a cherry on top but an EVM is all what the other chains can offer

>> No.55657085

My only question is what site they are using to find and pay for these low tier shills, that also appear to be making twitter posts on bot accounts as well when needed. I don't believe it's Fivver, but some other site, and based on the hours I'm thinking the location is somewhere in South America for these hires, and probably the service is in a office due to the types of stored images they have used that's clearly saved for group use.

>> No.55657229

again, buzzword soup. C-chain is literally part of the avax chain. From an end user perspective i don't differentiat between c-chain ass -chain, dick-chain. Chain is a chain nigger. If it runs a smart contract its the same in my eyes.

Again, Avax can be a good chain but there are a lot of good chains. You need something that monopolizes. As I said and add. Rose privacy monopoly, icp frontend monopoly, link oracle monopoly.

>> No.55657870

you don't get it
avalanche are multiple chains
you can build a new chain with whatever EVM you want based on rust, wasm or whatever using whatever token as gas

show me a chain which can do that by simultaneously having more than 1000 validators

>> No.55658415

Icypeepoos are cringe and poor