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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.33 MB, 1310x912, npcstreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55643115 No.55643115 [Reply] [Original]

Are NPC streams the end of Marxist economic theory? The entire theory depends on the inherent value of labor being recognized and remunerated accordingly. But in the digital age, we have unassailable truth that labor and value have almost no connection at all. Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream where they just repeat the same sentences over and over again, and the consumers will throw thousands of dollars at them for doing so. The bare minimum effort rewarded with extreme value.

>> No.55643130

top comment of the youtube video of this: "End of the world is soon, buy guns and ammo"

kek, they don't want to see a kween win

>> No.55643142

Chuds absolutely BTFO

>> No.55643143

It definitely doesn't reflect well on the mental state of people watching and paying for this

>> No.55643181


>> No.55643259

men have always given hot women money and resources for just existing
>inb4 she's not hot hurr
yeah ok

>> No.55643265 [DELETED] 

She’s a prostitute. Wouldn’t exist if prostitution was available to the average man like it has been since the dawn if civilization

>> No.55643278

It's actually kind of shocking how everyone can see this is a literal whore doing the trend but refuses to acknowledge it.

>> No.55643286

Ironic how leftists will say “sex work is real work” but don’t do anything to actually legalize prostitution because they know their value in the sexual marketplace would plummet

>> No.55643318 [DELETED] 

You, and all these other idiots endlessly commenting on and sharing this shit and doing economical theory analysis based on it are the reason this retardation spreads so much. All these idiots think they’re so above this retardation, yet spend all day on social media commenting on it and sharing it and giving it massive amounts of attention. Social media should be banned.

Sage faggot.

>> No.55643331 [DELETED] 
File: 1.97 MB, 1942x1038, 5EFE5E61-78EC-4818-8629-5E0D6D93E0CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are very smart anon we should not talk about a peculiar phenomenon and why it exists in the first place!

>> No.55643345

just like onlyfans it will be watered down until only a few big ones actually make money, and then the next phase will come.

also parents of gen alpha's should fucking never give their kids access to tiktok, you are rotting their brains just so they don't annoy you, should be jailed.

>> No.55643359

damn this is deep af senpai. not everyone will get that this is literally a commentary on society

>> No.55643579

The labor is viewer retention for ads anon.
That's the labor.

>> No.55643623

You don't seem to know what these streams are. On tiktok you can pay the streamer money for stickers to appear. A market has emerged around this where streamers will say the exact same phrases in the exact same tone to each sticker, and so the viewers constantly pay for stickers so the streamer keeps saying the phrases. No ads, no viewer retention, just direct payment for saying the same phrases over and over

>> No.55643637
File: 390 KB, 1476x1476, 1686290959143216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These people aren't NPCs. They make 6 - 7 figures a year by sexualizing themselves on the internet and convincing simps to throw money at them.

It's just a digital version of what strippers, pornstars, circus freaks and other prostitutes do for money.

It is, what it is.

>> No.55643656

How are they sexualizing themselves? Again, you don't seem to know what an NPC stream is.

>> No.55643660

That’s a service, dear

>> No.55643692

Debatable. Either way, not the point. Marxist economic theory believes in an inherent value to labor, and yet NPC streams show that the lowest possible labor can be valued at thousands of dollars per hour, completely undermining Marxist theory.

The post I responded to said it was about viewer retention and ads, which is objectively not the case.
Whether or not it is a service is completely irrelevant to that point. Ads and viewer retention are not a factor.

>> No.55643818

I would eat her ass if you know what i mean

>> No.55643831

Marxist theory believes that the basis of currency is labour, that is, X amount of currency can be exchanged for Y amount of labour, the value of which is socially mediated through a variety of mechanisms. Paying an ewhore to say something or do something is exactly that: an exchange of currency value for labour value, as mediated through social and technological mechanisms.

Read Das Kapital brainlet.

>> No.55643837

Nothing to do with skin colour, it's just fucking degenerate and weird.

>> No.55643860

Implying this basket weaving forum has any impact on societal trends.

>> No.55643859

>X amount of currency can be exchanged for Y amount of labour, the value of which is socially mediated through a variety of mechanisms
No that's free market capitalism. Allowing society to choose the value of labor.
Marxist theory requires that there is an inherent value to labor which cannot justly be ignored. But if low value labor can be rewarded with extremely valuable compensation, labor and value are not tethered. The existence of low labor and high value allows for high labor with low value. Thus, Marxism collapses.

>> No.55644067

No, capitalism doesn't see labour as the basis for mediated exchange, because it centralizes private property as a holdover from feudal titles, as a major form of wealth extraction. Read Das Kapital, all of these "criticisms" are addressed in the first chapter. You're raging against a straw man.

>> No.55644077

Gang gang

>> No.55644078

>centralizes private property as a holdover from feudal titles
You don't even understand the difference between real and personal property and yet you're going to sit there pretending to have read Das Kapital hoping no one will call you on it.

>> No.55644162

You are part of the problem nigger. I wouldn't even know this stuff exists if it wasn't for faggots like you posting it on here.

>> No.55644207

nigger are you blind? look at the OP picture. The only reason this gets any attention, why even this thread gets any attention is because of TITS.

>> No.55644243

Should she wear a burka?

>> No.55644268

imagine actually unironically posting that meme yikes hop on back to antiwork you lefty chud

>> No.55644278

As long as she’s wearing something that doesn’t hide that she’s an attractive woman then the gig still works

>> No.55644319

So you're a bioleninist? Her attractiveness is an innate advantage that ought to be obscured?

>> No.55644396
File: 160 KB, 640x949, 640px-Kurt_Vonnegut_1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55644441

A what? All I’m saying is part of the dynamic here is that there is an attractive woman doing repetitive, silly, almost embarrassing stupid things.

But because she is attractive it makes it cute I guess.

>> No.55645071
File: 138 KB, 1440x810, 3ACF7332-EB22-4ABE-BDCB-21841189097F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I agree. I used to be knee deep in the whole /pol/ alt right shit from 2012 all the way till 2020.

It’s something far worse than da j00s, bleques, etc. even whites are fallen and degenerate. I’ve come to sadly realize it’s not worth saving either. If you’re lucky, you can find someone to weather the come storm with you. If not, collect enough wealth and enjoy a brief hedonistic fun while you can. Or be like wood anon and revolt against modernity.

As for me, I think I’ll find a beach somewhere quiet.

>> No.55645088
File: 26 KB, 500x417, 1505398150062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is neither labour nor value involved here
Youre just retarded

>> No.55645142

Why do i see her face on youtube and here? did she do something spectacular or something? Should i feel obligated to click on her content to feel like i am up to date on the latest influencer drama or should i just kms myself?

>> No.55645174

Shit like that only works because she's hot. Try doing that as the average dude and see how much you make.

>> No.55645175

I have arrived at the same conclusion. Why should i care anymore? These idiots have shown that they enjoy "progress" and just want to argue and fight against us no matter how good our intentions are, they misunderstand us on purpose. Let them have their walkable cities with goyslop cafeterias where they can sit comfortably and watch fag parades with their dogs.

>> No.55645186

>Tranny redditor: we should improve society somewhat
>okay to improve society we need to reassert traditional values and eliminate immigration of welfare parasites and put an end to exploitive capitalist and government Jewish elite

Die faggot

>> No.55645204

Shes a baddie fr fr id rather watch her then some gay fag nerd streaming his league of legends shit while screaming

>> No.55645265

OK, but what does she do? I still don't get it. I see a picture of her with a glass of nuts. That is all i know. I also know that it is probably not her natural hair color.

>> No.55645305


>> No.55646484 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 574x518, dajoos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to improve society you need to fall for some bullshit ideology and kill jews
go back to pol nigger

>> No.55646543
File: 112 KB, 960x955, 1679107214345334534546706275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay to improve society we need to reassert traditional values
lol no
>eliminate immigration of welfare parasites
see below
>exploitive capitalist and government Jewish elite
pic rel

eat shit and die in a fire you fucking faggot

>> No.55646546

in the final phase of capitalism before it collapses the onpy way to make money is to produce nothing

>> No.55646598

Have any of you actually read the "Capital" volumes by Marx? His theory of value pertains to the specific the division of labor in the production of commodities. Not some zoomer tiktok crap. The theory is extremely relevant in blue collar work to this day

>> No.55646621

>We must increase Jewish government power to combat Jewish corporate power

Capitalism and communism, two sides of same Jewish coin. Keep falling for the false dichotomy NPC faggot

>> No.55646637

repeating yourself that something is extremely relevant doesn't make it actual relevant

>> No.55646652

No, anon. Marxs theory of labour value means that everyone gets the same wage-per-hour-worked because something something trans bathrooms something the Jews something something woke SJWs. Real blue collar workers who don't buy into this overeducated cultural marxist CRT bullshit understand that real value is generated by landlords and mega corporations (not the woke ones).

Go drink your bud light PINKO. Us street wise blue collar workers know that all you need to understand economics is Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson and Deus Vult memes.

>> No.55646707

fedha sinon pinkydoll

>> No.55646727

Try being an NPC for 4, fucking 4 hours at a time. Credit where credit is due this shit is difficult.

>> No.55646908
File: 40 KB, 590x590, 16810749253453434553973450384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessed with jews
gtfo back to /pol/ you ugly incel faggot

>> No.55647225

The LTV doesn't imply that people won't pay money for random stupid shit. That has always happened. Do you think Marx didn't think of this? Your argument is like saying that because the man was on the moon, the theory of gravity must be wrong.

>> No.55647251

>Ironic how leftists will say “sex work is real work” but don’t do anything to actually legalize prostitution because they know their value in the sexual marketplace would plummet
This, but also
>Ironic how leftists will say “sex work is real work” but don’t do anything to actually legalize prostitution because they are too poor and degenerate to employ the higher cost/quality prostitutes that will result from legalization who would have more emotional and financial stability than them
They only want to save broken drug addicted whores, they do not want them to stop existing alltogether. And they only say "sex work is real work" to be contrarian to the right. Also they want moar votoors.
The whole left/right dichotomy is 99% fake and gay though. The 1% of actual legitimacy either side have is never actionable in real life by design.

>> No.55647277

>Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream where they just repeat the same sentences over and over again
Do it then. No? You don't? Thought so. Most people are too shy, self-conscious, neurotic, to be streamers or post any kind of content online made for the general public.
Most of those who manage to find the courage to even start delete their channel when they receive the first insults or threats.

>and the consumers will throw thousands of dollars at them for doing so
Most who are able to stream or make any content you think is easy don't make any money with it. You need to have something that capture attention and make it agreeable for people to spend their time with you. Can be interesting things to say, nice voice, good looks, sense of humor, charisma, but their must be something.

>The bare minimum effort rewarded with extreme value.
Being an internet celebrity means that you need to curate your image, to control everything that goes through your mouth, not only on the job, but outside of it. That's a lot of pressure and most can't handle it. When you're famous people don't respect your privacy, or your right to make mistakes, you'll have an army of autistic sociopaths dissecting everything they can find about you and think of ways to hurt you with it.
Why do you think so much internet celebrity snap and goes insane? Humans aren't ment to have this kind of pressure put upon them.
Of course someone who's ever very wise or very vapid can be able to deal with it, but most aren't, and you certainly aren't.

>> No.55647283

The marxist theory of value is bullshit and could already be debunked thr koment it came to be by the way

>> No.55647290

Prostitution is legal in a lot of countries, that it does anything against simping has yet to be proven

>> No.55647294

>Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream where they just repeat the same sentences over and over again, and the consumers will throw thousands of dollars at them for doing so.

>> No.55647591
File: 88 KB, 1280x688, jeremy-irons-margin-call1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Matrix, people are paid in direct proportion to how much of their free will and humanity they are willing to surrender.

Pic related is one of the best examples in modern media. Watch all his scenes in Margin Call and try to understand what exactly he does for the Machines. What his role is, why, as he puts it, he makes "the big bucks".
Now consider why he still seems human, even likeable. It's because he's honest about his place in the world.

Understand this and you understand all NPCs.

>> No.55647826

Exchange value != production value

>> No.55647845

>calls others npcs
>models understanding of humanity from an entertainment product

>> No.55648000

Stories are how we know ourselves fren

>> No.55648101
File: 327 KB, 500x496, pepemarx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation.

>The spectacle is not a collection of images, but a social relation among people, mediated by images.

>The spectacle subjugates living men to itself to the extent that the economy has totally subjugated them. It is no more than the economy developing for itself. It is the true reflection of the production of things, and the false objectification of the producers.

>The spectacle is the nightmare of imprisoned modern society which ultimately expresses nothing more than its desire to sleep.

>> No.55648128

Where do leftists control government where they could legalize prostitution?

>> No.55648133

Or literally a proven point that it's the ultimate way of workers owning the means of production

>> No.55648143

I feel like a boomer but I'm only 29... But why?

>> No.55648199

>it's the ultimate way of workers owning the means of production
What is being produced?

>> No.55648221

The streamers aren't NPCs, the people who view the stream are NPCs

>> No.55648308

Does she have nudes?

>> No.55648319

She sucks dick. Of course she has nudes.

>> No.55649274
File: 52 KB, 680x460, Onlyfans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream
No, they can't. That's what they want to sell you, but all the people hitting it big have agents and companies running view-bots behind them. It's like the new Mickey Mouse club disney kids bit. Go ahead, start a stream, see how many tens of views YOU get without a company behind you.

>> No.55649297
File: 55 KB, 615x447, 1689675294724198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roundhouse kick them all off a cliff.

>> No.55649436


>> No.55649475
File: 301 KB, 1088x1440, 1673227826221301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know an annoying 30-something roastie IRL; she was a former classmate, now we're connected on Zuccbook.
All she does is shill her OnlyFans and post unfunny normie wine mom memes.
Out of curiosity I visited her OnlyFans to see what it was, and she was doing a free week.
I followed, and realized that all she does is upload low-quality selfies of herself in a thong with retarded Snaphat filters on her face to make her skin orange and nose small.
No nudity, no penetration, and she only gets 1-2 likes per post.
On Zuccbook she used to go on about how successful she was on OnlyFans, but eventually started whining about how she doesn't make any money and she feels embarrassed.

>> No.55649494
File: 85 KB, 840x472, 1683490791969305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck keeps perpetuating this bullshit meme about right wingers being against taxing (((billionaires)))?

>> No.55649510
File: 52 KB, 600x424, C33140E6-889A-4EC0-9002-4E7E8BFB127E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> gtfo back to /pol/ you ugly incel faggot

>> No.55649517
File: 758 KB, 500x893, Worker's-Rebellion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that literally everyone on the left considers the Canadian truckers, Dutch farmers, and American railroad strikers to be the burgiouse and not working class, but that OnlyFans thots and Reddit mods are real oppressed laborers.

>> No.55649580

>what is intrinsic value

>> No.55650260

No, the theory is still intact.
Not everyone can do this, they can try but they won’t have the same level of success.
But they don’t and she does and by doing so garners the attentions if millions of people to sell ads, products, and keep users using the app.

>> No.55650695

what does that have to do with marxism? the trucker thing was about the vaxx

>> No.55650829
File: 469 KB, 1000x1001, 1680272617603567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was literally a case of real workers uniting against a totalitarian government, and literally everyone on the left condemned them as terrorists and supported the big government in silencing their protests.
Leftoids romanticize the sickle and hammer and use terms like "labor" and "worker", yet believe actual manual labor is scary and seriously believe agriculture doesn't exist.
If the left didn't have double standards, then they'd have no standards at all.

>> No.55650916

Elaborate. I am not convinced that the movie Margin Call is referencing the Matrix in any way, shape or form.

>> No.55650936

Everything is fucked my friend, there's no recovery if you have the means retire and get away from this shit world while you can before it consumes you.
I've been off this board for a few weeks now I'd also suggest you do the same this place is highly compromised and currently infested with nothing but scammers and psyops, there's little to any real interaction, I know I created most of it.

>> No.55650946

That's because rightists keep voting against it. Can't control women if they're allowed to make money fucking other men.

>> No.55650960

Prohibition drives prices up actually, nice false narrative.

>> No.55651025

The rightists were the pimps all along? Based!

>> No.55651049
File: 121 KB, 684x828, 20140502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comic destroys Labor Theory of Value in one elegant panel.

>> No.55651051

There's no such thing as left/right
Just corrupted humans in a shit world, like yourself you're one of em without even realizing it, like a janitor you do it for free.

>> No.55651112

There is, but there are only like 3 actual progressives in congress. Half of the country falsely believes that democrats are leftists

>> No.55651642
File: 1011 KB, 1600x1097, Deelighted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason you pay income tax at all (Well, not you, since you don't have a job, but the rest of us) is because billionaires a hundred and twenty years ago went on a tirade about how "nobody should have this much money, let's tax all those evil rich people. Not me, because I'm giving all my money to charity, but all the rest of those evil rich people who won't share their money"' and the 16th amendment was born, income tax was levied on the working and middle classes for the first time and "Socialism for the rich, capitalism for everyone else" was born. (After all, who better to manage government projects that philanthropic NGOs like the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, etc!).

>> No.55651659
File: 9 KB, 250x250, GlowOrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ alt right
No you weren't, shut the fuck up.

>> No.55651699
File: 87 KB, 1024x897, Real Communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55651742


>> No.55651775

> Prostitution is illegal throughout the state of California. Both the sex worker and the “john” can be prosecuted for a misdemeanor that carries up to 6 months in jail and $1,000 in fines. These same penalties also apply to: soliciting

>> No.55651814
File: 78 KB, 683x1024, Saucering Tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communists are to the Democrat Party what Libertarians are to the Republicans: The saucer for public consumption of your retarded radical ideas.
"Not real communism, not real communism, real communism has never been tried. My specific perfect brand of communism has never been tried!"
Just don't starve your kids to death, Karl.

>> No.55651827

Do you know how fucking hard it is to act like an NPC like that for hours on end and not lose your mind? I guess you don't cause you're an NPC already yourself. As much as I find this retarded, I won't even have the mindset to act like a game npc like this for even a minute.

What they're doing for literal hours making a fool of themselves contradicts that their labor to time value theory you got going. They've lose their self respect and is being mocked in the court of public opinion which has a ton of impact nowadays in our society just to get that bag.

>> No.55651858

my favorite part of her stream is when she breaks character to yell at her child in French, #justquebecthings

>> No.55651881
File: 67 KB, 720x960, 1681162735211659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said anything about communism? Did you forget your meds today, Ivan?

>> No.55651898

>lick lick, yes yes yes, gang gang, yeee haw now im a real cowgirl baby, oo lights now i can see myself better, gang gang, yesyesyes!
I swear she is inducing mass hypnosis, I can watch this shit all day.

>> No.55651907


>> No.55651927
File: 113 KB, 512x1024, RealSocialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did, Leftist.

>> No.55651990

Schizos can never keep the mask on for long. Does Russia even have modern medicine for treating schizophrenia? We can't really be sure after Russia revealed it was still stuck in the 80s with their failure to capture a third world shit hole. How many more weeks Ivan? We've already been through over 70 of them.

>> No.55652299



You did not read Marx.

>> No.55652365

>I hate russia
>but I love communists
Next person I see with a ukranian flag I'm going to put into a hospital and post it on /biz/
I truly don't give a fuck it's time for people to start hurting for running their consumer holes.

Already made one faggot rip his gas tank out trying to get to me after I called him a manlet nigger for having a truck painted in a Ukrainian flag, infact I'm gonna go find that faggots truck and burn it.

>> No.55652862

>Ivan was executed
>Had to send in his boyfriend Boris to defend his honor
Shouldn't you losers be worrying about your crumbling country? Let's face it, Trump is going to prison. Your only shot of dismantling NATO is gone. Vatniggers will hang by dyneema rope.

>> No.55652894

I'm an american you fucking moron.
Unironically a son of a minuteman, and Putin would be a 100000x better President than anyone we've seen in our history.

>> No.55652928
File: 112 KB, 634x663, 1683586508034210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Mr. Ivanov, of course you're american!

>> No.55652987
File: 58 KB, 725x822, CHIKUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you marxists fucks ever thought more than two seconds about how much people really like money? Like, for real, if you had seen what i've seen you would realize not everything is as pink colored as you make it out to be, sometimes, people just want money
And they arise

>> No.55652994

get a grip doomer schizo. call up a buddy and do something fun before you go room to room with an armalite rifle.

>> No.55653023

> Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream where they just repeat the same sentences over and over again, and the consumers will throw thousands of dollars at them for doing so

Does this “anyone” have huge tits?

>> No.55653080

Basically anyone who who has had sex and anyone who isn't a russian from what I've gathered

>> No.55653126
File: 203 KB, 512x361, 07DB35D5-8881-4C78-B0D4-6587142B1E3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how anything’s changed from 1998, it’s just lonely men simping: https://youtu.be/73XiYWJMsXE

>> No.55653138

Simps are workers for the anti-christ... when their funds are gone, they will go to the government and work as police men, because they will be hungry and desperate.

>> No.55653223

The NPC stream trend completely disproves you. Hundreds of complete nobodies are now at the top of tiktok streaming for jumping on the trend early enough.
Just because anyone can do it, doesn't mean that anyone will see the pinnacle of success. What matters is that it IS possible. You could get into politics anon, doesn't mean you'll be the leader of your country.

>> No.55653247

There are men in on the trend too. I've seen clips of tiktok from commentary channels discussing it and there was some really creepy AIDS-looking guy right near the top.

>> No.55653980

You made me watch all of that you motherfucker.

>> No.55654152

>Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream where they just repeat the same sentences over and over again, and the consumers will throw thousands of dollars at them for doing so. The bare minimum effort rewarded with extreme value.

This is chud cope. If 'anyone' can do it why dont you start a 100k a month minecraft channel
>"No its not that simple because of xyz"
>I wont stoop that low as onions boys

Only an idiot would cherry pick 1/10000 lucky entertainers that have gotten to the top of their niche and say everyone can do it

>> No.55654161

>This is chud cope. If 'anyone' can do it why dont you start a 100k a month minecraft channel
See >>55653223
>Just because anyone can do it, doesn't mean that anyone will see the pinnacle of success. What matters is that it IS possible. You could get into politics anon, doesn't mean you'll be the leader of your country.

>> No.55654176

So whats your point? Is it that youre mad that some idiots make more money than you? Suck it up and realise that your ability to do calculus doesnt guarantee you fat money, autist

>> No.55654230

I don't know what has gotten you so angry. You took issue with the fact that the low labor cost of NPC streams was described in terms of anyone being able to do it.
You brought out the tired old line of "if anyone can do it why don't you go and be number 1 tomorrow huh?"
And you were directed to an earlier post in the thread that pointed out that anyone being able to do something is not synonymous with anyone attaining the pinnacle of success.

You're attributing some sort of anger to me when you're the one who came into this thread swinging.

>> No.55654234

You mistake value and profit.
These parasites obtain surplus money. Basically what people can part with (though this isn't always true). Streamers don't create value in the Marxist sense. Profit and Value are two different things in the Marxist schema

>> No.55654249

Im not that mad, I just dislike your point.

>Its the fact that it exists thats the problem

What are you? A commie? I do think youre mad because you viscerally hate the idea that people can make money but being lucky and not warranted of the success. That is capitalism manifest. Most of the successful people of today get there because they came out of old money vaginas and inherit trust funds and an easy job. You arent mad about taht though because its not low hanging fruit for you to get mad over. Its low IQ people who get mad at the influencers. Go live in north korea if you hate free markets so much

>> No.55654264

You fucking clown. Marxism is about the CRISIS of the labor theory of value

>> No.55654282

I'd have to completely disagree. By phrasing it in terms of "what people can part with" you make it sound as if this is some relationship of need. As if there is some pressure on the consumer to part with money and they allow only what they can afford.
When in reality they WANT to spend it.
All money that does not go to bills and food is surplus money. To think otherwise is nonsensical.

What we have in NPC streams is a novel market of streamers doing absolutely nothing- no interaction whatsoever- other than repeating particular phrases in response to viewers paying for particular stickers to appear on screen. With absolutely no pressures from corporations, governments, or even social pressure, the consumer has decided that collectively they will award this bare minimum labor thousands of dollars per hour.

It destroys marxist economic theory because that relies on some inherent value to labor which is unjustly ignored by some sort of market manipulation. There is none of that here. Completely spontaneously, the lowest quality labor is being rewarded with extremely high value, meaning that the inverse is equally possible without market manipulation.

>>Its the fact that it exists thats the problem
Please point me to where I have said this.

>> No.55654286

Value is subjective

>> No.55654292

Not according to Marxism

>> No.55654301

> What matters is that it IS possible

>> No.55654356

Where is the complaint here? I am saying that in support of the statement that "anyone can do X" it is irrelevant whether anyone can be the most successful at X, all that matters for the statement to be accurate is that anyone can do X

>> No.55654365

>the lottery existing literally disproves marxism
>a person getting shot in the street literally disproves the police existing

Alternatively there is no left in the west today, liberals aren't left, and you only believe that a "left" in today's west exists because you get all of your schizophrenic "knowledge" from propaganda websites such as reddit and 4chan.

>> No.55654380

Im asking what your point is. Its a free market and if someone can make money as a freelance entertainer then its fair game. What is your point? Im struggling to work it out in clear terms.

As far as I can tell its "I am mad that people can make money that is unwarranted of their success" and my point is that is capitalism manifest. Almost nobody deserves their success when they are an outlier story. And whats more is the bread and butter of successful people in a capitalist society is generational wealth which they absolutely did not earn themselves. So, what is YOUR point?

>> No.55654385

>>the lottery existing literally disproves marxism
Lottery is a form of gambling, this is a direct relationship between producer and consumer, defined by lack of return on investment
>>a person getting shot in the street literally disproves the police existing
You think this is some gotcha but in debates of human rights, the state's inability to perfectly secure rights is in fact used as an argument against positivism

>> No.55654394

>Im asking what your point is.
>[NPC streams are the end of Marxist economic theory] The entire theory depends on the inherent value of labor being recognized and remunerated accordingly. But in the digital age, we have unassailable truth that labor and value have almost no connection at all. Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream where they just repeat the same sentences over and over again, and the consumers will throw thousands of dollars at them for doing so. The bare minimum effort rewarded with extreme value.

Hope that helps.

>> No.55654417

What does marxist economic theory have to do with autists spending surplus labour on egirls?

>> No.55654426

>What does marxist economic theory have to do with autists spending surplus labour on egirls?
>The entire theory depends on the inherent value of labor being recognized and remunerated accordingly. But in the digital age, we have unassailable truth that labor and value have almost no connection at all. Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream where they just repeat the same sentences over and over again, and the consumers will throw thousands of dollars at them for doing so. The bare minimum effort rewarded with extreme value.

Genuinely curious if I'm responding to a bot that doesn't fully read posts it replies to.
And as noted earlier in the thread, this phenomenon isn't limited merely to attractive women. There are plenty of unattractive women and men cashing in on this right now too.

>> No.55654438
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>Alternatively there is no left in the west today
I swear, "liberals aren't left wing!" is the left's equivalent of the right's "Democrats are the real racists!" cope.
Here's the distinction: leftists create retarded ideologies like Marxism, Trotskyism, socialism, et cetera -- then "liberals" go with with it, and using their leftist indoctrination they believe in even more retarded beliefs like globohomo, wokeism, neoliberalism, and LGBBTBBQ+ insanity.
TL;DR - a leftist will tweet some inane 90 I.Q. viral statement about abolishing capitalism, and a liberal will like and retweet it.
Remember, dipshit Boomer Democrats were part of the New Left movement from 1960s radicals who were scholars of far-left teachings at universities.
That's an objective fact.
Hillary Clinton may not be an actual communist, but her beliefs as a neoliberal globalist Dem are rooted in far-leftism.

>> No.55654447
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>Garl margs said mud pies have value.

>> No.55654460

Then "Marxism" can try to refute this:
The value of a glass of water besides a well is not the same as that same glass of water in the middle of the desert.
That glass of water in the middle of desert doesn't have the same value in the eyes of a thirsty man than a well equipped traveler with plenty of food & beverages.

>> No.55654483

If anything, streamers repeating the same phrases constantly for hours would be the water by the well in your analogy. Please explain if you believe otherwise

>> No.55654527

Holy fuck you people really have no idea what you're talking about. You just repeat the same strawman back and forth all day

>> No.55654531

We welcome your contribution if you have one

>> No.55654536

Money laundry

>> No.55654575

>streamers repeating the same phrases constantly for hours would be the water by the well in your analogy.
Logically not in the eyes of those that want to pay for it, otherwise they wouldn't do it, they value this dumb bullshit more than the money they had to part with.
If there's no objective and even quantifiable parameter called "Value" tied to each "objects" (goods & services), then value can only be subjective

>> No.55654582

/pol/ is NatSoc which is alt-left

>> No.55654606

Tbh I've seen this thread spammed like 15x in two days so I don't really see the point in a conversation about marxism/capitalism they are both isms and they are both fake and gay

>> No.55654684

based chud destroyer claiming all of the incel bussy for himself

>> No.55654780
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>Anyone can grab a smartphone
Not just anyone. Girls will get thousands, sure. Men will get maybe a few bucks by the end of the day.

The labour is in the image of the content creator, doing the emote with the words or noise that goes with it, and the value is found in the entertainment it provides to their viewers / prospects
I am not saying I like it, but that's a way to interpret it as value adding labour.

It's like roasties taking pics of their feet and uploading them to instagram. That somehow adds value to the GDP of their country.
Nothing makes sense anymore, the entire economy is a fantasy right now, a fugazzi

>> No.55655027

No he didn’t you stupid fucking CIA bot. Kys

>> No.55655136

>The bare minimum effort rewarded with extreme value
This is how Marxist economics view value. Labour = Value is a way of analysing how the market structure is inefficient, as it attempts to separate labour from value in ways like you're seeing in the stream. That you thought Marxism was claiming a landlord's rent or a lawyer's fees were an actual indication of hard labouring probably means you;r NPC levels of stupid

>> No.55655868

it literally only works with attractive women.
that is the basis for this whole scam.
its simp culture, where now since literally 50%+ of ALL men do not have actual girlfriends, etc they are going to the internet to seek out women that cant refuse them who they can financially support, its part of a mans DNA to have this genetic predisposition to "take care of women" - it all is hormone based and is long gone by the time you are into your even early 30s but thats where all the money these women are getting is coming from. and again, its part of that neurochemical con job that hormones are playing with these young mens psychology - it is the ONLY reason these women are receiving money from them.

t. im a fucking doctor.

>> No.55655881

she quit stripping to become a streamer. she lives in canada where prostitution is legal

>> No.55655886

>adds nothing of value to the thread

>> No.55655923
File: 548 KB, 507x574, eyelid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y hur eyeleeds soo biggg?!?

>> No.55655946
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Still being retarded are we: I case you missed my reply earlier; The "ism" argument is the most brain dead midwit take imaginable. It's just a semantic argument with no real foundation. You aren't attacking the ideas just the words which makes no sense to anyone who isn't below 110 iq.

How many times do I have to tell you faggots? It doesn't matter it's like speaking to a brick wall. Karl Marx never said that mud pies have inherent value. Dead labor is something Marx wrote about.
Value comes in 3 fold: Utility (which mud pies have none of and there for lack value) Exchange value and Socially necessary labor time, or, Value in the abstract; In an ideal situation, what price would be reflected as at market.

You have to actually read marx to give a coherent argument,but, you haven't and neither have your peers but yet you all seems super convinced about the bullshit you say to eachother.
It's like religious people convincing eachother their magic sky wizard exists.

>> No.55655959
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And on top of that brain dead streams like NPC streams have value; The have utility in entertainment value to people on the market.

>> No.55655963

>tranny communist
>my ism is correct
Uh huh, you all die the same that's all the matters tranny.

>> No.55655966

I never said I was a communist.
You said that.
See you want to try and put people in easily digestible categories because at HQ that is what they teach you to keep the population docile, but, the truth is the truth.

>You're this you're that

You're fucking retard

>> No.55657292

No I didn't

>Hurry durr typo


>> No.55659347

>Logically not in the eyes of those that want to pay for it, otherwise they wouldn't do it, they value this dumb bullshit more than the money they had to part with
I disagree. I don't think most people think of money in that way. I'm sure their own spending often comes as a shock to them when they run out, but so long as they don't run out they never think about it.

>> No.55659396

>You're a fucking retarded
fixed it for you ESL faggot bot.

>> No.55659614

what does "sexualizing" even mean. Why are zoomers on 4chan woke now too. what happened to this place

>> No.55659677

If labor has inherent value someone would pay me for making my bed in the morning

>> No.55659687

Introducing sex into areas of life that have nothing to do with sex. Typically done by females and degenerates to gain pleasure/resources.

>> No.55659692

This. They are modern version of strippers and prostitutes.

>> No.55659719

I call bullshit on the 50% figure. Even the bald manlets I know have gfs. 20-30% sounds more realistic.

>> No.55659724


>> No.55659741

>da j00s
you were never on /pol/ you stupid faggot

>> No.55659745

I agree it is ridiculous. But anon, there are many people out there who will talk about "unpaid labor" in reference to the chores housewives will do, especially when talking about sexism and inequality.
I think it's a stupid argument, but it is absolutely something that people founded in Marxist theory believe in.

>> No.55659758

seems like a woke/feminist thing where they complain about video games or movies being too sexy

>> No.55660946

>xe thought he fixed it
>xe just made it worst
LMAO irony.

>> No.55661608

When has reality ever gotten in the way of Marxism? Marxism and its philosophical underpinnings are either fallacious horseshit outright or applied in fallacious ways to justify whatever the fuck the individual or group doing the interpretation/application wants to justify. It's almost always "we good, they bad, let's kill them, but it's okay because they bad." It provides a convenient framework for intellectually superior people to manipulate midwits and retard and it gives those midwits and retards a framework for justifying their failures by declaring themselves oppressed and then going after whoever the intellectually superior people have declared are the oppressor.

>> No.55661668

Your hypothesis falls apart when you assume they make all this money thru contributing value. There is no value. The chuds giving them money are brainwashed into financial cuckery.

>> No.55662591

Value in this context is solely monetary. The basis of Marxism is that there is inherent value to all labor, and that it is deliberately and unjustly ignored by the capitalist system which supresses the value of labor to create larger profits.
And yet, completely without undue influence, the consumer has massively overvalued the most effortless and pointless labor imaginable. Therefore, the inverse- skilled or arduous labor- can be attributed low value by the consumer with absolutely no system to enforce it. It just simply is.

>> No.55662918

why do low iq retards like yourself MUST put a label on every single person and thing? everything must fit in a neat box of your shitty retarded worldview

>> No.55662922

you have never had any understanding of this place and you're an obvious tourist. stop posting for at least 2 years. fucking niggers I swear to god.

>> No.55662975

It's actually 2/3rd. You live in a bubble. Half of women don't have children by 30. We are so screwed.

>> No.55662986

Cry all you want about concepts having names you were oblivious to.

>> No.55663292

>Anyone can grab a smartphone
I think the nuance is here; this is not true. Some ugly woman or most men can't do this and get thousands of dollars; attractive women are leveraging their looks for money in a way that doesn't involve sex.

>> No.55663804

This keeps getting repeated. Check tiktok, or watch any video commenting on the trend that shows clips. There are plenty of objectively ugly or obese people topping the popular streams along with the attractive ones.

I'm really starting to believe that this idea of attractive people getting money for nothing is being used as a cope to tie the trend to something familiar so it can be ignored, rather than having to acknowledge the fact that the act itself (of repeating the same phrases over and over on demand) is somehow enticing to a large audience.

>> No.55664150

It's not something knew. During marx era there was shit like bear showman, barrel organ player, and other lumpenproletariat performers. Still, it's marginal compared to a country total value.
>Anyone can grab a smartphone, start a stream where they just repeat the same sentences over and over again, and the consumers will throw thousands of dollars at them for doing so.
If this is true, why don't you do it?

>> No.55664953

Okay anon, but just because it's working for the Tiktokers we see at the top doesn't mean it's working for every bozo that tries it. We're only seeing the successful ones, not the massive amounts of failures.

>> No.55665872
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Commies in this thread

>> No.55665907

Man...I got punished ALL of my life for having a rich dad, blue eyes, and "privilege" all for them to just snake on every last left wing value they ever had. What a joke man

>> No.55666298
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She's a rare good or a rare service which still confirms the things set out in das Kapital.

>> No.55666314

I think reality was the end of marxist economic theory

>> No.55666330

if billionaires are eating children why would you just tax them instead of killing them?

>> No.55666905

that's because it isn't and he is off his meds

>> No.55666929

value is completely subjective, any person with common sense and world experience can agree with that
marxist however was an autistic person who came from a background that meant he barely had to work and thought societies operated with hard logic

>> No.55667153

good read anon thanks