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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 312x94, I hate redditniggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55646253 No.55646253 [Reply] [Original]

While you remain poor investing in shitcoins. I don't want redditniggers to get rich I want them to be forever poor. I hate every last one of those fucking liberal dicksucking faggots I hate them. I hate hate hate them.

Why haven't we gotten our own cryptocurrency yet. We need to show those redditniggers that we can create a superior cryptocurrency one with a bigger marketcap. It's about time we show the world that are shitposts have value that our hate our racism and our naming of the jew have value. Don't let the fucking redditniggers beat us on this.

>> No.55646263

We are the ones that found Shib. I know because I got in on the ground floor and made 40 ETH. Shib was ours and we will find more

>> No.55646473

Imagine wasting your life in an anonymous anime board that doesn't even give you tokens, while the admins get rich lol

>> No.55646560

99% of /biz/ got shaken out of shib just like everything else that moons.

>> No.55647213

>I don't want redditniggers to get rich I want them to be forever poor. I hate every last one of those fucking liberal dicksucking faggots I hate them. I hate hate hate them.

>> No.55647231

It's $CHUD anon.

>> No.55647243
File: 33 KB, 507x512, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55647246
File: 105 KB, 888x888, 1660252508828641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ does have it's own cryptocurrency; it's called D0B0.

>> No.55647271

I dont get why biz is so late these days on current trends. Everyone is going nuts for lireral Hamster racing that people can bet on but no reddit is here shilling their Link bags 24/7

>> No.55647273



Because readditfags are subhuman NPC's they'll go along with whatever the jews tell them to. They'll gargle jewcum and ask for more like good golem niggercattle. I hate them. I hate hate hate them with a passion.

>> No.55647274

>but no reddit is here shilling their Link bags 24/7
The opposite is true. We are in episode 2, the reddit strikes back.

>> No.55647292

Have you considered that maybe it is you who blindly go along with whatever the other chuds and racists in your circle tell you about other people?

>> No.55647306

its a literal pump n dump and redditors are holding their bags like its going to turn into 10 dollars or someshit kek

>> No.55647328


1: I can to my conclusion to hate redditors on my own

2: I know the dark deeds of those who worship satan their wicked deads in high places of their many many crimes against humanity. and I'd rather live with a heart full of hate than live in ignorant bliss. I came to my conclusions on my own deal with it faggot.

3; Your a Jewboi employed by JIDF. or you've good jew golem that does it for free. now which is it either way have a (you)

>> No.55647334

>Redditniggers are getting rich.
Rich redditfags are bullish for the economy and my portfolio, they'll spend it all on consoomer goods and pump my bags even more.

>> No.55647337

Get out of your basement i think mom is calling you for dinner

>> No.55647356

I don't think you get it, and this is why you're poor.
Shitcoin moons because of collective effort, it doesn't just randomly increase 100% without any reason.

>> No.55647371


Yah well I hate their collective effort. I want to support the collective effort of people like me not some mindless NPC's

>> No.55648814

I know this is a joke but if /biz/ deaux beaux chads re-launch on ETH in 2024 at some point during the bullrun, it would make all of us unfathomably wealthy. Just look at what Harry Potter did once it went on ETH

>> No.55648987

Kill yourself