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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55640378 No.55640378 [Reply] [Original]

Im not seeing that confirmed anywhere

>> No.55640397

Also, if you read this article, it links to a post on Swift’s website here: https://www.swift.com/swift-lvp/en/lvp/?utm_campaign=Payments&utm_content=Oktopost-linkedin&utm_medium=organic_social&utm_source=linkedin

Chapter 4 says 96% of customers are happy with their current setup. That doesnt bode well for people banking on them switching to crypto…

>> No.55640401

wow i better buy le stellar and le ripple

>> No.55640488

>that pic
>that name
I hate this timeline

>> No.55640498

Swift is finally getting competition via the new development bank, the last thing they'd want to do is attach a crypto processing fee

>> No.55640527

ser...? jane smith is real and good journalist for reliable outlet EthNews!!

>> No.55640555

Big players in the game have a vested interest in keeping LINK from being adopted. They would rather draw attention to other projects that aren't going anywhere. If LINK wins, they lose. It's inevitable, but they will claw for power as long as they can. I know VCs and MEV are a meme boogyman, but they really do benefit from chainlink NOT getting traction.

>> No.55640563

Can they be stopped? I imagine they have lots of cash to keep this grift going

>> No.55640583
File: 34 KB, 550x422, 8019CDDA-5E2A-4FDD-B81C-C25A615CA8DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when swift shills chainlink
>who cares swift is dying haha
>when swift “shills” xrpiss
>it’s over for chainlink

>> No.55640594

How are they leading swift integration what does the article say?

>> No.55640612

96% of people are happy with their faxmachines this doesnt bode well for email
by definition the majority of people will always be laggards to new tech, its the way of things

>> No.55640616

Henry Ford has a famous quote about mass producing the automobile. "When I asked the people what they wanted they told me a faster horse." If you're too dumb to extrapolate the meaning then you were never going to make it anyway

>> No.55640646

easily 10+ years. we're in it for the long haul, kiddo

>> No.55640680

constantly changing narratives is just classic shitcoin behavior. it's easy to make up shit for your coin when it has nothing real behind it.

>> No.55640864

Yeah, and then that fucker sold us a bunch of devices that enslaved us to the social engineering Rockefeller crime family to this day. Well fucking played Henry.

>> No.55641245

Send money via shitcoins instead of a bank wire is not the same kind of innovative step up as horse to car. Not even close

>> No.55641263

It says they are partnered with Swift and will do cross border transactions. Same bs Link claims

>> No.55641451

Humans facilitating transactions are the horses in this scenario.
It will be more efficient when they're replaced by transaction engines powered by standardized electricity. It's expensive to have bank workers putter around to bank buildings and turn the buildings on and off and pay them to feed themselves.

>> No.55641495

Except one is posted on swifts website the other is on "ETHNEWS" lmao

>> No.55641560

Brics is the future now that swift slit its own wrists, stealing russias funds put a sour taste in everyones mouth. Nobody is gonna use swift and risk their treasuries getting rugged. China as the de facto brics leader will do what theyve always done, create a chainlink clone and operate their own oracles that the majority of the world will adopt under brics. While america and western europe slide into irrelevancy as they spam about transgender kids bathrooms talking points

>> No.55641566

Banks dont care about efficiency. Theyre still using systems that are 50+ years old. There is absolutely no rush for them to transition to crypto/blockchain, if ever.

Further, theres not much financial incentive as banks pay other banks for cross border transactions for example. So costs go down, but so do revenues.

>> No.55641714

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nobody is using cha*nstink, only the company who dumps it on stupid baggies uses it to extract money from idiots

>> No.55641861

Why is it that all crypto people can do is compare their technology to other technologies that were clearly superior options. Email being a superior technology to faxing was obvious and no one had to shill it. It just became obvious, especially once hardware options like scanners became available and digital signature technology.

People keep saying how crypto is superior, but it isn't. Its only use case is speculative shitcoins. There still isn't one thing that shitcoins, smart contracts, or blockchains can do that is better than it being done with existing computer systems.

>> No.55641887 [DELETED] 
File: 2.93 MB, 1034x652, are you happy now, sergey? .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink destroyed my life.

>> No.55641894

And your only response to this is some bull shit about "high value contracts" that you summarized from a Sergey Nazarov talk OR talking about how much of a brainlet I am. No one is rushing to use this shit and everyone is just making money by constantly doing "proofs of concept" because midwits figure it must be useful if all these "big companies" are experimenting with it. It is free money that they can take and the investors have no recourse.

Swift has been "experimenting" with smart contracts for a decade now.

>> No.55641935

Swift isn't shilling xrp or stellar at all.
Read the article, it's hilarious.

>> No.55641954

loink marines are so pathetic

>> No.55641986
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I wonder how long will it take for all these retards to figure that the only thing that might improve their already garbage project/products is Marlin tech kek

>> No.55642031

so unfortunate that nobody gives a fuck about pond kek

>> No.55642036

I will report you faggot, this is /biz/ stop posting that shit

>> No.55642044

You guys were better when you were all asleep or missing, fuck off

>> No.55642054

>The absolute state of nigger
You're missing a couple braincells and reading comprehension

>> No.55642061

The article says absolutely nothing about Swift working with Ripple or Stella lmao
It's actually hard to wrap my head around what I'm even fucking reading.

The absolute state of Ripple shills

>> No.55642066

You should have been inside the house for sure

>> No.55642094
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Linktroon correct the record brigading this thread. Pic related is literally in here right now ranting about le bad fudderinos while xhe dilates.

>> No.55642115

Point us to the specific part(s) in the article where Swift even mentions Ripple.

>> No.55642244

Welcome to 4chan. This isn't plebbit, snowflake.

>> No.55642695

Exactly. Crypto “use cases” are a fucking joke. The entire space is bullshit.

>ripple shills

Hahaha far from it. XRP is an even bigger joke.

Integrations/partnerships in crypto are worthless. Every alt has those “major” integrations that their cult following think will change everything, only for nothing to happen. Vechain and Iota both had huge name integrations. And dont even get me started on NFTs and RWAs lmao.

>> No.55642712

kek absolutely seething

>> No.55642999

kek that's some troon isn't it.

>> No.55643009

dude fuck you

>> No.55643016

Ah yes, "jane smith" of official-crypto-news-com.india my favorite journalism source with the best sources

>> No.55643031

>Integrations/partnerships in crypto are worthless.
>Every alt has those “major” integrations that their cult following think will change everything
Well it's kind of different when it's Swift and they're literally testing your shit with a bunch of banks.

>> No.55643041

who needs swift when you've got fucking nasdaq?

>> No.55643080

How do you think DTCC will tokenise the stock market and other assets as they claim, using non crypto tech? I've not heard anything on that and in fact it sounds to me like they'll use pvt chains and use chainlink to communicate with other private chains and even public ones.
I'm all ears.

>> No.55643339
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>that thousand cock stare

>> No.55643377

By using fast and secure “cloud” servers that they operate and monetizing an API that they build. Then they’ll do some PoC about how it can plug into an ethereum testnet…but there is no reason for them to actually use ethereum or any other shitcoin platform.

>> No.55643392

I love it how none of you even read the reports that are released. You just see a headline posted on Twitter and you imagine some scenario where tons of banks are just waiting to buy Link tokens…for some kind of application…that definitely needs to communicate with multiple blockchains

>> No.55643677

This. Who even gives a fuck about decentralization in the business world. They’ll set up some legal protection or have insurance reimburse in the event of hacks. This isnt going to be like when a shitcoin like Harmony One gets their bridge hacked and the money is gone.

>> No.55643699

Henry Ford never sold race horses tho

>> No.55643710

chainniggers get the rope

>> No.55643747

This. At no point ever will any banks’ business model require them to buy Russian altcoins from an autist cult. There literally isnt a single use case in this industry after 15 years other than maybe hiding assets

>> No.55643771

do you honestly think you are influencing anyone left here at this stage

>> No.55644131


>> No.55644153
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>> No.55644721

Ahhh the old conspiracy angle eh. Yeah the world elite sent me here to fud you out of your $10k investment.

>> No.55644732

>crypto discussion board
>you can only make pro cult comments

You know you fags make fun of reddit a lot, but the gap keeps closing

>> No.55644774

You're not seeing it confirmed by "Jane Smith" on "ETHNews.com"

SWIFT doesn't publish press releases on dumb clickbait scam websites with smelly Indian men pretending to be girls

>> No.55644786

Blockchain will probably be an optional service. Banks will give customers the ability to tokenize some of their money and use it on blockchains.

>> No.55644859
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Its dumping feels good to be on the right side of history

>> No.55644934

Agreed. Hence my comments that industry is not in way, shape, or form rushing to implement this. Sergey, being the fucking scumbag salesman that he is, has sold a ton of you this all of this is “imminent”. It isnt. Dont kill the messenger. Big changes always take longer than the cringe autist tech fags foresee.

>> No.55644943

If guys like Sergey ran the world, everyone would use Linux and wear same outfit every day. Your body also wouldnt punish you for not working out so you could hover over the computer an extra two hours a day.

Unfortunately for him and a lot of you here, theres this thing called reality that exists

>> No.55645246

swift is chainlink you dumb fucks

>> No.55645275

No its most certainly not. Every business day Swift does thousands of transactions. The banking world functions as intended. Chainlink has zero interaction with any of that. You should get an actual job for a while just so you wont sound like such an idiot all the time

>> No.55645291

Why do you care?

>> No.55645312

There was a thread on this yesterday lmao

>> No.55645383

Ahhh the old we cant discuss things on the crypto forum if they arent bullish for the cult. Sorry man its still free speech in the US…for now at least

>> No.55645443

>the dirty bankers will use MY tokens on OUR public chain

>> No.55645463

Banks want to offer blockchain as a product to their customers, especially those in finance.

>> No.55645471

>blockchain as a product
...like what?

>> No.55645474

They won't have to buy LINK. Their customers will have to buy LINK when they want to bridge the tokenized assets they have with a bank over to other blockchains.

>> No.55645482

There is a huge demand to implement this. The ability to bridge your dollars onto blockchains is massive. It would completely change finance.

>> No.55645495

>heads of payments, innovation, etc. from SWIFT, State Street, the DTCC, BNY Mellon, ANZ, and analysts from Bank of America, Citi all publicly say “yeah, there’s a lot of demand for this tech from our clients, Sergey. Thank you for building this technology for us.”
>(you), random halfwit on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, supposedly think otherwise
>”wHy AreN’t YoU GuyS SeLliNG??”

>> No.55645512

buying vc scams for one
two they probably are excited for animal racing tokens like roach racing
three they want everything onchain just like the ETH maxies so the banks will be buying up all the ETH to control MEV with their new flashbots replacement developed in the Deep Underground Military Bunkers at Area 51, Norad.
All very bullish for the ETH token

>> No.55645597

You keep your money in a bank. The bank uses a private blockchain with tokenized dollars for some of its assets. That means that instead of the bookkeeping they currently use with centralized databases, these assets would move autonomously on a blockchain. The bank gives its customers the ability to use these tokenized versions of some of their assets by bridging them over to a public blockchain. The public blockchain allows customers to use them in defi and other things.

Basically, the bank would issue tokenized versions of its assets that would be like stablecoins. Except instead of some shady organization like Tether holding the dollars and giving people a pinky promise that all the USDT is backed up, banks themselves would be providing the stablecoins.

They need something like CCIP to do that because they need control over their own private blockchains when their own assets are tokenized. They aren't just going to mint stablecoins on Ethereum.

And that's just banks. Stocks, bonds, and other assets can be tokenized on private blockchains and bridged onto public blockchains as well.

>> No.55645743
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>You keep your money in a bank.

>> No.55645768

It’s funny that you think anyone in the world wants to “bridge their assets” to a public blockchain like Ethereum. Why would anyone want to do that?

>> No.55645782

I didn’t say you can’t discuss it you ninny. It’s just weird to obsess over a coin you don’t even own. And if you do own it, you obviously don’t believe in it. So instead of selling you just decide to have a trannie meltdown over it. Why?

>> No.55645793

I just like explaining to people how dumb smart contracts are in general and how no one wants to use shitcoins or shitcoin services for anything IRL

>> No.55645831

Many sane reasons. See my post >>55645512

>> No.55645850

Get a better hobby you useless loser

>> No.55645860

>The public blockchain allows customers to use them in defi and other things.

You state this like it's an afterthought but the success of the public chain will determine the price of $LINK.

>> No.55645929
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Should I buy Stellar or Ripple

>> No.55645963


>> No.55645968

I’m really content with my life. Why are you coming in a thread which is discussing Swift using a certain technology and trying to shit on people discussing that topic?

>> No.55646129
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Why both

>> No.55646174
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>Is Swift even using Chainlink

They are not.
Their PR person just puts out a puff piece once a year on how SWIFT are "exploring" some bullshit crypto options which will never materialize because DEFI is a total failure and is never going back to the lofty hopes of 2020

>> No.55646983



>> No.55647039
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 1682782610493582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you're OP.
You ACTUALLY thought the article in OP was legit Link fud.

That's... hilarious

>> No.55647054

>I love it how none of you even read the reports that are released.
That applies to OP, not me.
His article shows literally zero connection between Swift and Ripple, contrary to the headline.

Link on the other hand: https://www.swift.com/news-events/news/swift-explores-blockchain-interoperability-remove-friction-tokenised-asset-settlement

>> No.55647073
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You just switched to an ID that you were already using to pretend you were someone else.


>> No.55647080


>> No.55647224
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Don't care for chainlink or shits related to that. Give me AstraDAO index all day and I'm good to go.

>> No.55647301

>I love it how none of you even read the reports that are released
Look, we have a comedian here!