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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55645864 No.55645864 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any usdt staking options that don't have impermanent loss + have a better apy than the jews will give me down the street at my bank

>> No.55645877

Slippage will fuck you in the ass hard in all major lending platforms.

>> No.55645883
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there is no such thing as passive income, anon... not anymore.

>> No.55645884

just buy war bonds.

>> No.55645889

>log in to binance
>3.85% apr without need to lock your tokens, so zero risk involved
not that hard.

>> No.55645892
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Curve is unironically the best place for that. Ethereum pools are great but me personally am staking Kava.
>link: https://curve.fi/#/kava/pools/factory-v2-13/deposit
>5m TVL
>kava is good in the first place if you like cosmos

>> No.55645896

There is but you have to become a Jewish landlord. That's the true way to earn passive income.

>> No.55645897

>t. Retard
ETF's >>>>> le bond meme
>t. Retard

>> No.55645898

QRD on how to buy war bonds?

>> No.55645903
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That's way too fucking low, retard-kun

>> No.55645905

Kucoin hands down.
Curve is also good too. A shame they stick so much to their retarded UI design, makes the whole place a chore to navigate. Their search bar is useless too.

>> No.55645908

I bet you're one of those faggots who think bitcoin ETFs is somehow going to start the next bull run. Lol.

>> No.55645919

>A shame they stick so much to their retarded UI design
This. So much fucking this holy shit. Their page looks like something taken straight out of the 1990's. What the fuck were they thinking when they were designing this shit?

>> No.55645920

the good shit. check this out too; https://curve.fi/#/ethereum/pools/tricrypto2/deposit

>> No.55645923
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Thanks mateys
Preferably no fiat shit.

>> No.55645925

Forgot to mention that it's really fucking unintuitive, too. Like they didn't think about the UX at all and just tried threw shit at the wall to see what stuck. Holy shit no wonder people tend to completely ignore their pools even if they offer decent returns.

>> No.55645932

>he doesn't know that the MIM/USDT pair has the best deals at the moment

>> No.55645938

How about you learn how to use google.

>> No.55645939
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>> No.55645948

LMAO imagine getting filtered by the UI of all things. Jesus Christ.

>> No.55645950

better than a bank but still, peanuts.

>> No.55645958

This and Wormhole = bright future for all of ATOM. Only two defi/"ecosystem" dapps I hold.