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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55645199 No.55645199 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody plays blockchain vidya anymore. Nobody buys NFTs anymore. Nobody is buying event tickets with blockchain tech anymore. Only staking, leverage, lending/borrowing and intel sharing shall remain. You and I know this.

Give up on those nfts of yours, anon. Stop obsessing over them. It won't work out.

>> No.55645205

That guy looks just like me.

>> No.55645216
File: 73 KB, 1385x597, Screenshot 2023-07-23 210852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh but you can. It's just really fucking complicated. Not really worth it in my opinion you'd have better luck finding some shitcoin that will actually turn a profit. I'm unironically jelly about $PEPE doing as well as it did.

>> No.55645221
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>intel sharing
Excuse me?

>> No.55645229
File: 155 KB, 1280x719, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody plays blockchain vidya anymore
So am I supposed to believe that you're sharing some sort of life-changing info here? All you're saying is that water is wet with this statement. What's your point?

>> No.55645228

how do you even know which one is going to perform well and which one isn't? i mean what if these two exceptions there simply bought from other wallets to make it seem like they are doing alright but it's all phony?

>> No.55645232

Didn't even read that.

You'd be surprised at how many anons here and in Twitter need reality checks. It's not as many as before but it is a lot.

>> No.55645236

>all of these collections were once considered """blue chip""" NFT projects
>now they're practically worthless
Being a NFTard is a mental illness.

>> No.55645248
File: 62 KB, 431x512, 1618454895052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arkham Intel. There's another project out there but I forgot the ticker that's pretty much imitating Arkham down to a T.

The gist is that people with money can publish bounties on their website in order to get other people to dig up all the information they can on certain subjects (the developer of a shitcoin that rugged millions, the identity of some hacker that finessed a bridge, etc). They already got a lot of bounties from the TRON foundation and some others.

>> No.55645259

Yeah but this isn't Twitter. Pretty much everyone here who's not a newfag knew that the NFT craze was gonna die down eventually selling hyperlink jpegs at outrageous prices is not sustainable. They offer zero practical value.

>> No.55645261

>blue chip
Whoever said that was purposefully doing a satiric bit, because it's impossible to be that brain dead. You wouldn't be able to breathe on your own with an IQ that low.

>> No.55645273

I only know the name from the Binance launchpad. I don't see it performing great but perhaps I'm wrong. It might garner attention out of morbid curiosity if people actually manage to find info like that.

>> No.55645274
File: 53 KB, 407x440, 1676304319664123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking back, I kind of miss the times when biz was being flooded 24/7 with shitty Non-Faggot-Token threads back in the day.

Guess those days are long gone until we get a new bull run.

>> No.55645283

And that's exactly what I said. Being an NFTard SHOULD be considered a fucking mental illness because I can't believe how someone can be that retarded. And yet it became its own bubble

>> No.55645292

Okay then lemme place a bounty on Moonman for tricking people here to buy ICPiss then :^)

>> No.55645293
File: 82 KB, 637x827, 164106076788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the website has that classy futuristic-esque minimalist techie UI, straight out of a detective flick from the early 2000's
p charming i must say

there's a lot of projects still being released. literally take a 2 minute look at opensea. it's as lively as ever. sure more on sale than actually purchased but it's there, beating. the thing is that people here got so fucking jaded to nft projects that they don't even bother marketing here anymore.

>> No.55645295
File: 309 KB, 2480x2480, 1641042969869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intel to earn
Do not tell them


>> No.55645299
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 1678368185303326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, pic related is literally me because he's intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.55645304

>don't even bother marketing here anymore
Yeah of course. It was bound to happen eventually when you looked at the catalog and saw it being flooded daily. Lol

>> No.55645310

The funny thing is that they made an extensive report on ICP that made baggies so mad they started defending the allegations right here in this very board once the New York Times picked it up kek

The liquidity is getting absolutely drained and they will STILL defend Dfinity, sword and shield in hand.

>> No.55645311

Hotel Dusk is a fucking masterpiece. Excellent taste.

>> No.55645320

And that's the best part. Nothing better than shills seething because their scam got exposed

>> No.55645334

I would argue that original cryptopunks could be considered blue chips purely because of their historic collection value being one of the first nft projects
Reminder that people pay dumb money for all sorts of useless shit if they think it's a collectors item

>> No.55645508

How do I get on the arkham shill team?