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File: 1.47 MB, 3733x1061, 1672090134206688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55640933 No.55640933 [Reply] [Original]

If you are still not a NEET in 2023, you deserve all the suffering in the world.

>> No.55640970

i agree. its just not worth it anymore. the whole point of a job is to "get ahead" in life. and that's clearly no possible with wages stagnating where they are. something has to give at some point.

>> No.55640974

Ive been a NEET since February 2004 when I dropped out of High-School.

On NEETbux since 2013

On Autismbux since 2020 (its about X2 NEETbux)

>> No.55640980

>hey lets pay you 40 bucks to come unload a container on our schedule whenever the fuck

>> No.55640989

and how much is that?
last I checked it's a whopping $900-something which was nothing in the 2010s and is less than nothing now
how does that even pay rent, unless you're also on Section 8?

>> No.55640998

how can I get autismbux?

>> No.55641012

Live with my parents still. I basically just keep $20k in my bank as emergency fund, and everything else I use on stuff like Crypto.

Im on $2200/Month with the autismbux.

>> No.55641145

I'm permanently disabled (physically handicapped) and they offered me a fraction of that
SSI is nowhere near 2200

>> No.55641235

Do your parents pay for your food and video games as well?

>> No.55641288

If you are not making very nearly $40 an hour there's no point and you unironically should be NEET or go live in the woods or something. That, or gain some sort of skill that can get you to that level of pay. The OP is correct.

The thing is though, truck drivers are making about $40/hr now if they are smart and take the right job. Skilled trades? Paying way over $60/hr these days, unless you are entry level and working your way up fresh out of school. You should be able to get to $75-ish an hour in a couple years though. Mass retirements are coming.

>> No.55641293

Ok but im not American

>> No.55641298

i live in the exurbs of philadelphia and my rent is $1700 a month plus utilities. i make $100k a feel poor, to the extent that i'm moving back to my hometown (work remotely) but even there rents are now $800-900/month, which is what i was paying down here in 2016.

i have no idea how normalniggers with shit jobs are doing it.

>> No.55641299

neets are losers getting no pussy

>> No.55641305

>why yes I believe every plumber or appliance repairman makes 150k a year

ok you clown

>> No.55641311

>Noooo I demand more eventhough i'm lazy and entitled

no wonder he cant get a job lmao

this is exactly whats wrong with the youth

>> No.55641317

here's the thing guys

im not going to pay the loans back
im not going to get a full time job
im going to continue to milk the "system" for everything its worth (not much)

its that fucking shrimple

>> No.55641325

Household income in my area is ~38K USD a year, typical house is 600K and rent is $2100/month. The numbers haven't made sense for a decade now. How do normies even exist at all? New job postings for 12$ an hour while a bag of chips is $8

>> No.55641326

Why the fuck should I get a job when I can leech off the system for free while living with my parents?

>> No.55641330
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>6 gorillion in trades
This guy is delusional
t. apartment maintenance for 3 years, making $15/h the whole time

>> No.55641338

Who else is going to do it? Its suppy and demand anon.
>but muh google search says
outdated and bad information. $35/hr ten years ago is like $60/hr today. These guys don't take paycuts

Zoomers by and large aren't interested in this kind of work. If you live in a state with legal weed the majority of them can't get through the federal drug test hoops to operate any sort of equipment.

UA just ratified a new union contract. A&P's (14 month community college program) with three years are making over $70/hr and that's before any OT, shift differential, additional benefits for specialties and trainings, etc.

>> No.55641341

>New job postings for 12$ an hour while a bag of chips is $8
this blows my mind too. i've seen shitty department stores (michaels, boscovs, etc.) post cashier jobs for $11-12/hour, so like $80 a day after taxes. lmao.

>> No.55641346
File: 93 KB, 436x512, Festive Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because 80% of retail/manufacturing is flooded with Le Based Beans. With the remaining 20% whites/mutts desperate or delusional

>> No.55641348

illegals will take the job.

Damn, wish I could get that, I'd never work.

>> No.55641350

I think if you learn how to read you'll see that he refuses to get one, it's ok though wagie I know your mind is focused on your job that your life revolves around so reading is difficult for you.

>> No.55641353
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>trust me bro after 3 years they're making >90th percentile wages MINIMUM

>> No.55641356

Duuuuuuude it’s bad information duuuuude don’t trust it

>> No.55641359

Id love to be a neet but how do you get money

>> No.55641371

Correct, unlicensed aircraft mechanics make jack shit.

>> No.55641377
File: 144 KB, 1080x1800, Screenshot_20230723_093700_Even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a larp, to add to other posters ssdi is like 941 and my autismo redhead gf with veteran dad was getting 1089. I need evidence you are getting 2200 sir

>> No.55641383


$2,200/mo is a dogshit salary.

>> No.55641392

unlicensed aircraft mechanics don't exist unless you're an """aircraft mechanic""" for an ultralight aircraft.

you're not actually an A&P mechanic, are you?

>> No.55641393

>24k a year to do literally anything with your time is...Le Bad!

>> No.55641404

Adding "le" to something doesn't make it reddit you fucking loser.

>> No.55641414


>> No.55641420


It literally is. $24k/year is poverty tier. Just because someone has all day to play vidya and jack off doesn't change that fact. For the anon that's living at home and has no housing expenses it goes a lot further, but it's still a shit wage. It allows you to accomplish only the bare minimum in life (ie. keep yourself alive and entertained).

>> No.55641422

Are you a bot or retarded?

>> No.55641433

of course they do. who do you think is actually fixing the carpet, or broken seat or replacing lightbulbs? anybody can do the work, A&P's and IA's just have to sign off on it.

>> No.55641439

So explain why retail (50% of American jobs) pay 24k yearly?

>> No.55641449

Look at the contracts. An avionics shop tech at UA with 6+mo's experience and an A&P makes $65/hr pre-OT, pre-shift differential.

>> No.55641453
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My mother fixes your mothers carpet if you know what I mean

>> No.55641485

what's even sadder than this is other anons will get jealous of it

>> No.55641499

You're either a nigger or a kike, which one?

>> No.55641501

I bill 500/hr

>> No.55641503

It's pretty good for sitting on your ass all day.
You do have tons of time to dedicate to resources that others can not working for the same or just above the amount of yours.
That in itself is a massive edge.

>> No.55641507
File: 190 KB, 575x536, Suck It.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found your mom anon, she's a high class whore

>> No.55641517
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>> No.55641522


Looks like the current national average for the retail sector is currently $2744/mo.


It's still a pretty shit salary and not something you should strive for long term, just like a normal person wouldn't be content with a measly $2,200/mo in neetbux. Retail is nowhere near 50% of the US economy by the way, it makes up closer to 6% of jobs. There are plenty of opportunities available out there outside of retail.


>> No.55641535

That's 1k unless you want me to believe you're pulling 2 separate welfare pools. If you are you are probably wheelchair bound shidding and fardding everywhere

>> No.55641546
File: 262 KB, 1080x1733, Screenshot_20230723_100410_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based google

>> No.55641548

I said 2.2k / month

>> No.55641551

Thanks for BTFO that faggot

>> No.55641555

You're right. And I'm retarded. Sorry kek

>> No.55641571


Not all sales jobs are in retail setting/consumer facing, anon.

>> No.55641573

I agree it's a dog shit salary, but as gibs it's more than excellent.

>> No.55641585

>NEET since 2004
How? What do you do with your free time if you're doing nothing to get ahead in life. Anon you've literally been a NEET for the majority of my life

>> No.55641602

>chronic autoimmune disease that flares up daily
>get around $1300 a month in autism bucks from it
>on the rare days I don't flare up (about 1 day a month) I get so much done
Fucking blows, I know if I didn't have this bullshit I'd have made it

>> No.55641613

>doing nothing to get ahead in life
Lmao, this is your brain on wageslaving
Do you really think that most jobs let you "get ahead in life"? Get real

>> No.55641645

It depends on whatever im into at the time.

Right now I basically watch Crypto charts every waking moment and have multiple leverage positions opened at any given time.

>> No.55641693
File: 61 KB, 850x400, taleb on wagecucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't want used goods. We want debt-free virgins.

>> No.55641698

>get ahead in life.
the price of food pretty much doubled in a couple of years and real wages haven't grown since the 1970's. this is a rigged game. you can struggle if you like.

>> No.55641703
File: 153 KB, 796x1087, 166477128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that's clearly no possible with wages stagnating

The shithole I live in lead by a fucking gypsi (which is unironically praised by pol and all the white trash shit for brains proletariats, so much about hating ethnicity) booked the highest inflation rate in the euro zone. I work a coding job and I had to job hop 2 times in 3 years just to keep my salary above my living expenses + a bit extra so I could set aside something for emergencies. Still, I don't even dream about owning a home or even a new car. All the big corps come here because we're in the eurozone and they have the highest profit margins they could make because of the low wages offer (and people take them) + the currency exchange rate. Now I have to job hop again because the past 6 months seen my salary not stagnate but lose more than -20% of its fucking value and the company I'm at decided that I'm not even worth to give a raise. Neeting is not even an option here, when you lose your job you only get 3 months of unemployment checks which is about 25% of what you previously earned after that you're on your own.

Try living like this, I dare you.

>> No.55641798

>grow beard
>walk into Schengen zone country
>claim you're a Muslim (((asylum seeker))) or Ukgaynian (((refugee)))
>get bussed to ski resort and never have to work again

you've had almost 10 years!

>> No.55641799

isnt america expensive as hell to live in? I feel like the minimum is 18 dollars an hour to even get by

>> No.55641928

which country?

you are lying dude

no EU member has a devaluating currency

>> No.55642026

I feel you Hungarybro
My country will soon share yours fate, except instead of gypos we have hohols

>> No.55642063

yeah ofc. I save up to 500--1k/month just for rent, over 10 years.
also 200/month for food
100/month for utilities

=>up to 150k not spent on basic material life

>> No.55642086
File: 74 KB, 1509x845, USDEUR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no EU member has a devaluating currency

>> No.55642301

What's the disease ad how does it affect you?

>> No.55642305

eur usd is 1.11
the dollar is weaker and it's like this since 2002

>> No.55642318

you deserve it for supporting putin

>> No.55642434

Thanks to retards like you and your anti Russian sentiment entire europe is in deep economic crisis right now

>> No.55642439

talk about yourself
my Bitcoin bags are full
I'm buying an apartment in 2 months
what crisis are you talking about?

>> No.55642455

Crohn's disease. When have a flare up it causes constant abdominal pain, and muscles tense up in my neck, shoulders, and face, to the point that my joints in those areas start poping and clicking. Also get constant brain fog, among other things

>> No.55642499

>You're right. And I'm retarded.
Shit, anon. Go grab them autismbux. You're retarded anyway, might as well make it work for you.

>> No.55642530

>doing nothing to get ahead in life
He gets autismbux and if he wanted he could work under the table. That's about as getting ahead in life as one can get.
Not everyone will become a millionaire one day.

>> No.55642537
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>military is completely off limits
But these ads have your favourite marvel heros why won't you anons join?

>> No.55642557

>he thinks NATO is at full scale war level right now


>> No.55642578

NEET trend is being spammed by Chinese and Russian bots to weaken America. Please understand that if you are a NEET you are killing American and propping up the future global dominance of the CCP. Just think why do you see so much stupid NEET posting all the time? CCP is trying to demoralize us to conquer us...

>> No.55642586
File: 705 KB, 1440x1926, 1637654430031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, when WWIII starts and your western country has no choice but to institute a draft due to a severe lack of young men volunteering just remember that your government wants you; broke, lonely, destitute, angry, weak, and your children raped and murdered! This goes doubly true for white men under the age of 30. It is one thing to sacrifice your youth and most of your life to Mr. Shekelberg so 33% or more of your paycheck can go towards sand niggers, niggers, women, and trannies but it is on an entirely new level to die in a fucking frozen ditch in Eastern Ukraine or a muggy swamp in Taiwan so that Mr. Shekelberg can make gains on his Halliburton stock.

Do NOT under ANY circumstances help globohomo fight their wars. If you are unable to dodge the draft then the second they give you a rifle give that shit back because violence bad. Your brothers below officer rank are just like you and should be ignored, but officers are a different breed, they were not drafted, they WILLINGLY volunteered for Officer Training School and WILLINGLY kneeled down to suck Mr. Shekelbergs dick, they are no longer human.

Your nation has spent the last century replacing you, killing you, raping your women, eradicating your culture, demonizing your history, and spreading feminism, and other globohomo attributes across the globe. Your nation hates you, do not die in a ditch for a nation that would rather see you and everything you represent obliterated. No amount of pearl harbors is going to change this, 9/11 was the last time the kikes could pull that out of their bags of tricks. The American empire ended in 1968, but it will be nothing but dust after 2025.

Currently the DoD is running a recruitment campaign on this board and across all social media trying to convince you to die on foreign soil for jewish interests. It is not working, they are now terrified because it is not working.

>> No.55642615

Do you have sex?

>> No.55642620
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>> No.55642630

ofc no
neets are the most pathetic citizens
even a nigger with a retail job is superior to a white neet

>> No.55642705

For Canadians this is mandatory reading

>> No.55642709

real one here. Don't fight these stupid fucking wars. A hellcat isn't worth dying for a senile faggot and tranny officers. If you live, what do you come back to? Wage infation, mass migration of barbarians, niggers raping and robbing getting out of jail the same day. It's not worth it. Boomers deserve what they get especially for creating their own worse nightmare by offshoring all of the industry.

>> No.55642741
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>creating their own worse nightmare
Oh (they) know that and are well on their way of taking steps to trick western men into thinking they have their best interest in mind.

>> No.55642779

You can tell which anons are neets/ never worked trades by how much they shill trades

>> No.55642791

you got more images or archive threads?

>> No.55642796
File: 32 KB, 640x477, 859 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please understand that if you are a NEET you are killing American
God bless
Chairman Xi, i will do my duty and destroy great shaytan by chilling out and enjoying my life without wageslavery, for the Greater China!

>> No.55642812

What does your family and friends think of you or you at the point were you don't give a fuck what they think

>> No.55642814

they are ashamed of him

>> No.55642855

Been on neetbux for 10+ years at this point, all while crypto investment keep growing for my early retirement fucking brown pussy in SEA, why would I ever work

>> No.55642870

so your fate can be better than fucking disgusting brown pussies in a 3rd world shithole?

>> No.55642881

Yeah maybe I'll go fuck Ukrainian pussy instead, haven't decided yet

>> No.55642890

They got ac customized to me being a NEET a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago

You realize its been almost 20 years? They also have their own issues to worry about, for my siblings, they have mortgages, kids, etc, for my parents, they have elderly parents in their 90s to care for... people are too busy with life to give a shit what im doing + like I said after nearly 20 years they're used to it.

>> No.55642900

not so much better as ukrainian women are not white but khazar / mongoloids

>> No.55642904

Won't. Enjoy the violent immigrants, ill be in my room when you are ready to pay up.

>> No.55643064

>i have no idea how normalniggers with shit jobs are doing it
Not sure how old people do it, but I know a ton of people in their late 20's/early 30's that all pile in five to a house/apartment and then work together out of the same Walmart. Usually one of them owns the house, either through having a job that pays properly or their parents own the house and are charging them rent for it.

>> No.55643094

I was a Zogbot once and the Covid shot was the last straw, I just wish I’d opened my eyes sooner, then again to me it was always just a job
my kids will never fall for this shit, this is why we shouldn’t give women right, unless they want to be the first ones to go die for Israel or Ukraine