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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.27 MB, 4779x4893, updatoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55638899 No.55638899 [Reply] [Original]

What mental illness is this called? Pic related is the latest fixation of Uncleoldfag, who actually spams a huge bulk of LINK FUD without his trip. We see that he even started a new trip (updatoorAnon !!ADA8YAIIWw/) after "exposing" his UOF persona.
My take is that he is trying to craft a 4chan legend as the hecking epic megatroll who was only ironically fudding Chainlink for years on end and expects to get a lot of (yous) and >based replies when he reveals it all down the line. But really it's just a grotesque display of vitriolic illness, like a troon castrating himself and showing off his neovaginal wound pics.
Post your observations and theories on these creatures

>> No.55638905
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>> No.55638929
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>> No.55638930

Anon I say this with care, it's not even worth the mental energy to think about. At best you come to a newfound understanding and perhaps compassion for this form of mental illness. But at what cost to your own sanity?
Move on in life.

>> No.55638932

It’s so insane that it’s kinda based ngl

>> No.55638941
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board is full of chainshills again, could use some more fudders to counter the uppity bagholders

>> No.55639117

>What mental illness is this called?
this is unironically schizoid delusions and compulsive obsession.
you can tell that these loons are absolute nolifers that have nothing else but spamming a dead board 24/7 for years. they literally do nothing else.
you also arent wrong that this is like trannies, its a similar level of delusion and the need to make their entire personality about being a fudcuck/troon.
you can also tell that they have other mental issues that they project on others like the whole cuck thing or the cockcages. not hard to figure out how they got these fetishes (most likely linked to abuse during childhood).
so we are dealing with delusional, highly mentally ill "people" here, its really no different than the trannies.
whats funny is that everything they do is completely pointless and has zero effect on anything.
also should mention that these people are broke and have no money, they live from handouts or parasiting off their parents, retards like this are unable to function in society in any way because in real life social settings they always end up as bully victims so they hide from the world.

>> No.55639137
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I post this as I trust the A.I. also realistic since they keep dumping tokens into the market while hiring worthless diversity quota fillers into the company. Least this says you will get $60, not that it's worthless.

>> No.55639177
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It's genuinely disturbing, and it's been going on for many years. Even during the time when Link was outperforming the market for years on end.
Pic related.
So in terms of building a psychological profile; "holders who are unhappy with the price performance" can be excluded.

>> No.55639183
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It's called being a poor, bipolar chink manlet

>> No.55639186

I can see a post link tech religion revolving around trying argue that reality is wrong

>> No.55639188

>whats funny is that everything they do is completely pointless and has zero effect on anything
It does have an effect, just the exact opposite of what they intend.

>> No.55639233

>It does have an effect
not really, nobody takes them serious or cares about what they have to say.
even if there was no chainlink or they wouldnt know about it then they would spam something else on some other board and try and annoy someone else with whatever tickles their underdeveloped brains.
this is also interesting because thats also exactly what many bullying victims do, they try to become a bully themselves, and since these people are very meek losers without real life the only way where they can do that is anonymous and online where they are free from consequences.
and just look at the insane amount of time wasted on spamming nonsense here, that must be tens of thousands of cumulative hours.
imagine wasting thousands of hours on pointless spam when you could have used that time to learn real skills and get a real life.

>> No.55639251

It's just a dickhead. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Just be glad you're not one. It's usually (but not always) to do with their being unloved by their mothers.

>> No.55639282
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>> No.55639446

every time link pumps %5 board becomes a toilet because of you linkfaggots fuck it up by opening 100 threads about the same pump. before /biz/ i though chainlink is some respectable token but when i saw their shills and schizos and realized that they have 700+ employees, immediately understand that it's a ponzi. if you can't see why it's a ponzi you are either a schizo bagholder or stupid nigger. that's why i like the fud chainlink because trolling people with mental ilness one of my hobbies.

THERE'LL BE A WITCH HUNT LIKE FTX CASE (That's why every media outlet blackballs chainlink, they learned their lesson with FTX)

>> No.55639462

Link will make some gains before any substantial dump occurs, due mainly to bitcoin pairings and the sheer number of spergs that will bait in extra capital into moving the buywall upwards during that period. Either way hope some of these here dump the top range and don't fuck up again, because I doubt there will be a second chance.

>> No.55639646

>every time link pumps %5 board becomes a toilet because of you linkfaggots
lol and it's a toilet because of fudders the rest of the time.

>> No.55639851

The daily “man look how pathetic the fudders are hurr hurrr” post.

>creates a collage of random posts to show anon dudes on a weaving forum
>writes paragraphs of psychology babble diagnosing their illnesses

Man they sure arent getting to you are they? Lmao

>> No.55639878

Cope seethe and dilate

>> No.55639964

>taking a screenshot of obsessive spam is just as bad as or worse than posting obsessive spam
hahaha no

>> No.55639980

Random? Nigga does posting the same shit 1000 times seem random to you?

>> No.55640077

Some of the shills have been caught fudding their tokens, they are not hiding it either. The pic in the OP might just be a shill trying to keep this globohomo shitcoin relevant at all cost.

>> No.55640107

That changes nothing, except make him doubly retarded.

>> No.55640125

Right…so you outed the “conspiracy”. Now what?

>> No.55640129

>holds $300 worth of LINK
>spends thousands of hours writing and spamming /biz/ with FUD pastas

>> No.55640691
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This is him btw, observe how he can't escape his ESL syntax:

>> No.55640724

>What mental illness is this called?
you tell me schizo

>> No.55640740

Makes sense, to spam a board daily for years means he would see any thread about him and by his own nature would be unable to keep himself from posting in it exposing himself in the process.
Repeat ad infinitum. A dog will always bark when the door bell rings

>> No.55640749

I think that their FUD works to some degree, it filters the newest newfags

>> No.55640842

triggered linkie detected
well i hope youre ready cuz we members of the FUD squad are not gonna stop
in fact, we're just getting started

>> No.55640852

this is unironically most of the FUD
but to be a true member of the FUD squad, like me, you have to hold 0 link.

>> No.55640857

The LINK fud golden age will soon be coming to an end, all fuddies must be eradicated once we pump past $10.

>> No.55640919

the golden age of fud is long dead. all the best fud was created in the early years. jason parser, sibos bathroom, shadowfork etc. all this new fud is just sad. it's like taking a perfect standalone movie and forcing a sequel.

>> No.55640932

well nothing beats the classics, thats true

'token not needed' is an oldie, but still a goodie

>> No.55640954

I'm ok with that

>> No.55640955

it really shows how bad the nufud is when the best nufud is just oldfud

>> No.55640984

Stop doing your little detective hacker snooping. Its not even legal and its just wrong

>> No.55641019

according to chainlink, joe biden won the election
what is written down in the fancy books should not be confused with reality anon no matter how fancy the books

>> No.55641023

>according to chainlink, joe biden won the election
he did, schizo

>> No.55641036

>according to chainlink, joe biden won the election
No, according to sources like AP.

Chainlink just makes sure they can never deny, hide, censor, twist, ... what they said.

>> No.55641078

yeah that little footnote won't matter in the onions future we are rapidly heading for.
not only will chainlink not make us rich, but we memed our own chains into existance. one chain link, for all the slaves.

>> No.55641107

Could be a dumb bagholder, they've been known to fake fud their own coins. They would be desperate enough to make pointless fuds threads to keep this globohomo shitcoin relevant. It's no secret they've admitted themselves they do that.

>> No.55641130

he already revealed himself because he forgot he was on tripfag
hes got over 200k linkies which probably makes him one of the top holder here
in any case i respect uncles work in cracking newfags like coconuts since 2018, your based you glorious bastard keeping the tourist eternally seething

>> No.55641600
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This is just the tip of the link mental illness iceberg. If you searched all the shill spam threads it would absolutely dwarf this guys posts.
Link is literally a hex which causes schizos to turn into mindless lunatics, doesnt matter if its for the pro or anti side

>> No.55641648

>everyone is the same person, and theyre heckin brown
Youre reaching hard my little internet sleuth. Fucking loser lol

Fud now doesnt have to be creative. All you need to do is say whats actually happening. Literal reality triggers the cult

>> No.55642048

kek fuddies

>> No.55642071

They bought the top or they lost most of their link trying to swing trade and now they are throwing tantrums because of it

>> No.55642158
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It'll matter hugely, actually.

>> No.55642585

that mindset is exactly why the fud is so shit now. fudding before was like a competition of who can be more creative and witty. now it's just about spamming for (you)s. it's like how in the old days of the internet content was actually creative and people took pride in their work. nowadays it's just about putting out the most low effort garbage that appeals to the lcd.

>> No.55642768

ROFL whats up Mike
You don't have 200k LINK you seething chinkoid faggot.

>> No.55643186

>why do the most thin-skinned posters on /biz/ get targeted by shitposters the hardest
I wonder why? The fudders are just shitposters, you guys get targeted because you make yourselves easy targets, like bullied kids.

>> No.55643204
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he's right
we're not special
we're just an easy target for online bullies

>> No.55643285

i am not uncle i am referring to the screencap that been doing the rounds here recently
on mobile so cant attach it but you know the one

>> No.55643394
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this. fudders are indistinguishable from redditors both physically and mentally. they posture and worship rationality while being incapable of embodying it. they always argue in bad faith. linkchuds will acknowledge the team's short comings (HR roasties, their recent overemphasis on expansion rather than development, etc) but a fudder will never acknowledge anything positive about chainlink even when it's undeniable. paid fudders are pathetic cowards and bagholders who fud for teh lolz doubly so. the capeshit genre and its consequences were a disaster for the human race because now every troon with a 110 IQ and an internet connection thinks they're the joker. fuck niggers.

>> No.55643478

chat gpt ai bot thread

>> No.55643654

token not needed
ccip fees $200 a day

>> No.55643868

I'm the joker :}

>> No.55643883

KEK baggies

>> No.55644547
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>> No.55645081

Its not a mindset. Im telling you why it is what it is. 3 years ago Link was promising. Link was running and the cult was cocky, rightfully so. The other side of being that arrogant is that when you fall, everyone piles on. Youre probably young so this is a good learning experience. Dont be such a cocksucker next time.

For any of you that watch MMA, Link is essentially Conor McGregor. You WERE the man in your peak, but when you fell off, it happened hard and fast. And all that shit you talked is coming back on you. Next time, act like you been there before, son

>> No.55646381

>>55645751 kek look at him go

>> No.55647685

Translation: "I got massively triggered by Linkies".

>> No.55648131

Yes I am sure the histrionic chinkoid wouldn't lie about his stack. Just like his NEO bags lmao