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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 512x512, EvilPEPE34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55638338 No.55638338 [Reply] [Original]

Okay bros. Here's how you make 200k or more in less than two months.

>Get a battery, cables, a gas cylinder of at least 10 liters, a very reliable friend and a motorcycle.
>Locate an area with two or three ATMs at a moderate distance.
>Scan the place, do some detective work for two or three weeks.
>Look for patterns of police movement, passerby movement, make sure you have the entrance and exit streets well studied. Of course, study the times when the ATM is refilled.
>Choose the hours with the least movement and potentially the most money.
>This is the only part I can't say out loud for obvious reasons but search the internet on how to detonate a gas cylinder remotely. Yes, the video exists, it's not that hard to find.
>Pack a backpack with new clothes and leave it in an alley or inside a public restroom five blocks away where you know no one will steal it.
>OPTIONAL go to the nearest desert and explode the canister to know in advance the blast radius it has and how long the device actually takes.
>Hidee the gas cylinder inside the baby carriage, cover it with a blanket so it looks like the baby is sleeping. Evidently he waits for the moment when no one is around.
>If someone arrives in emergency cancel the operation, we are not here to kill or hurt anyone.
>Your friend will be waiting for you with his motorcycle fully loaded with gas, without the license plate, two backpacks and from a position where he can get to you quickly without having to be in sight. Ideally he will have the bike running and reading something on his cell phone as if he is waiting for someone.
>You should have a stopwatch ready. One for 2 minutes, one for 3 minutes (use the cell phone, you moron).
>You both have to be dressed alike, it doesn't matter if you don't look alike, just make sure you are dressed alike. Make sure you have a backpack too. Gloves, balaclava, cover your facial features. If this happens in winter it is much easier to justify the clothing without looking weird.

>> No.55638341
File: 39 KB, 512x512, EVILPEPEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Approach ATMs normally as if you were going to withdraw money, position the device in the middle, activate it, run.
>Here's where the hard part starts. You have two to three minutes until the police or people come to see what's going on, probably even a private security service depending on the ATM and the bank. Activate both timers.
>Take out as much money as possible, make sure it is not burned, we want the bills in good condition. As soon as the two minute timer goes off, close the backpack, we are out of here. Give your friend your backpack with money, take his.
>He will start and leave town with the money, you will run as fast as you can for at least five blocks, then stop
>Change your clothes with the ones you had prepared before, put them in the empty backpack and start walking slowly.
>Your friend should leave town for at least two weeks, let him pay for a decent hotel with the money during that time. He should dump the motorcycle in some parking lot, somewhere where it will take a long time for them to notice it is there. Away from where he is staying evidently.
>You walk for two hours, then go back to where you would normally go home. Normal life from then on.
>In two weeks your friend will be back in town and they will have their pockets full of money. They have to wait at least two months before they can use it (they keep an eye on the bills and the denomination used) and at least a whole year before making any major purchase that can be registered in a bank.

Today marks the one year anniversary of having tested this first hand bros. I hope you find it useful.

>> No.55638345

OR just get a job?

>> No.55638354

Ib4 OP is now on an FBI watchlist

>> No.55638364

Too many steps op, too many steps, too complicated, and it requires a friend to work.
We all know no one on biz has friends who wouldn't stab their backs so it's useless here

>> No.55638367

/biz/ Business and finance

>> No.55638368

>Just make an IED and blow up atms guys

>> No.55638374

Where do you live OP, i find it hard to believe this working anywhere in America. I have a feeling they can find you before you can even hide

>> No.55638378
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>Here's an easy way to make money bros
>Just commit Terrorism (light)

Now i want to know what OP thinks its a "hard" way to make money

>> No.55638379

detonating a gas cylinder in front of an ATM isnt going to do shit.

you either need a high explosive shaped charge or dynamite somewhere between the wall and the atm and for that you'll need a drill and considerable time. even then it unlikely the money will just fall out you'll need to drag the whole ATM away somewhere in a truck

>> No.55638389

OP you missed step 1:
>live in brazil

>> No.55638393
File: 5 KB, 240x250, 1690073801618234s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay bros here's how you millions quickly
>Get Elon Musk's metamask wallet (moderately easy, your trustful friend can do it)
>Buy evil pepe with his folio then sell for a profit in usdt
>transfer the money to your account
>Leave the country for fifteen years
Once you're back you'll be a millionaire. Good job

>> No.55638410

did you do the deed in Florida? i cant imagine anywhere else

>> No.55638414

Actually it depends on the ATM machine. Some have iron reinforcements to sustain heavy explosions other don't. Find an old one.
More like Bessemer - Wyoming

>> No.55638419

Florida man blows up an ATM machine? Yeah

>> No.55638426

>Scan the place, do some detective work for two or three weeks
Suspicios. If you creep around for weeks, you will be seen by surveillance cameras.
>you will run as fast as you can for at least five blocks, then stop
Suspicious. No one runs with a backpack within a city. Cameras will see you, add data to how you look, move and morr importantly: where you changed clothes. You will end up on cameras, if you try to pull this in a western city.
>He should dump the motorcycle in some parking lot, somewhere where it will take a long time for them to notice it is there
He dumps it on a parking lot. The bike is found within one day, I can assure you that. Checking in on who approximately checked in at a nearby hotel within a very fixed timeframe is simple and easy routine work if these events took place even remotely apart from each other.

>> No.55638442

>Suspicios. If you creep around for weeks, you will be seen by surveillance cameras.
No need to. If you know how to do good detective work you can easily roam around somewhere for weeks without being noticed by cameras.
>Suspicious. No one runs with a backpack within a city. Cameras will see you, add data to how you look, move and morr importantly: where you changed clothes. You will end up on cameras, if you try to pull this in a western city.
No one runs with a backpack within a city? Lol.
>He dumps it on a parking lot. The bike is found within one day, I can assure you that. Checking in on who approximately checked in at a nearby hotel within a very fixed timeframe is simple and easy routine work if these events took place even remotely apart from each other.
If you check the motorcycle in a parking lot it could take at least a week before they find it, even more if they need to check every single parking lot in the city. You could actually dump it and go stay in a motel 4 miles away from there, you think the cops will really search every single motel there without you finding out and getting out, that is even considering they find you.

Seems doable.

>> No.55638660


I love you bro. The world needs more like you.

I like the plan but it needs to be modified to be solo. No one is reliable these days.

>> No.55638685

How exactly do you position the cylinder to blow the ATM open? This part sounds unreliable

>> No.55638696
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Thanks, friend!

>> No.55638715

You're welcome bro. This plan obviously could use some work and several changes depending on where you live.

>How exactly do you position the cylinder to blow the ATM open? This part sounds unreliable

In my case there were two ATMs with a separation of no more than 50 centimeters. They were old vending machines, which are not attached to the wall so the base of the ATM where the cash is located was far easier to blow. I positioned the gas canister in between them. I had already blown up two in the dessert before so i knew the blast radius was 3 mts. Needless to say they blew open but the left ATM didn't completely open and i had to brute force the money out of the metal box. The right one was completely destroyed but a lot of the bills were also destroyed.
Smarter minds than mine could probably use math to adjust this and make it work better.

because when the carafe explodes the metal flies away like shrapnel. If you can cover yourself, do it.

>> No.55638718

Vending machines lol. I meant ATMs, fucking autocorrect

>> No.55638781

I heard ATM walls are a sandwich with about 2cm concrete and 2x3mm metal. Those might be newer ones though

>> No.55638851
File: 12 KB, 244x248, IMG_6327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commit a crime
>post about it on 4chan

>> No.55638912

>a very reliable friend

was interesting whilst it lasted, pack it up boys

>> No.55638925

It's not and IED, oxyacetilene just explodes easily. You can watch hundreds of videos in youtube, they just explode it from a far using some sort of plastic tube. Or you could learn hoe to ude a blowtorch and open ATMs is enclosed spaces without lot of security like some random store, a college campus or an amusement park.

>> No.55638934

Go to youtube, pros use a prybar in the bills slot and use a hose to fil the ATM with gas

>> No.55639343

Actually more ATMs have anti gas security than explosive reinforcements. I know, i considered the gas a lot before switching to this method
the cops aren't lookng for me anymore

>> No.55639819

impressive how neets will literally do anything but wageslave