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55628827 No.55628827 [Reply] [Original]

Should I kill myself?

>> No.55628833
File: 244 KB, 263x547, 33b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay positive

>> No.55628847

Take mushrooms first

>> No.55628862



Despair is gay

>> No.55628875

don't listen to this retard

>> No.55628876

honestly, why not risk it all?

put all of your money into a shitcoin, try pulling out a bunch of money and open a pizza shop, put it all on the line for a fashion business

it might breathe some life into you more than you could imagine. if you blow it all, you were gonna kill yourself anyways lmfao

>> No.55628881

give it a year or two first to see if you get btfo on the way up and also on the way down

>> No.55628936

That's actually great advice

>> No.55629075

If all else fails just put all of your disposable income into buying coal and diesel. Then just burning it to contribute to climate change.

>> No.55629100
File: 77 KB, 536x566, shroompill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this OP, taking mushrooms (just once is enough) pretty much eliminated the persistent depression cycles i'd have every year. Take the shroompill and abandon the SSRI-peddling jew.
After staring at a gun in my hand for 2 hours straight, legitimately trying to find a reason not a blow my brains out, I tried shrooms for the first time at 3AM, in the woods at winter. The experience changed my view on life and death for the better, and was for all intents and purposes an absolutely terrifying, horrible trip, not that i had any prior experiences to go by. It will bring your latent character to the surface and get you a better appreciation of the present moment.
It's your call to end it, but I doubt you've given up if you're reaching out/attention whoring to strangers. If shrooms dont work, send me your XRP before you go out pls.

>> No.55629627


>> No.55629637
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why would you do tht fren?

>> No.55629650
File: 74 KB, 600x412, huggingpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not. You've already made it this far bro

>> No.55629661
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>> No.55629666

if you have to ask then no.

>> No.55631177

You're going to die eventually anyway. Might as well stick around and see what happens.

>> No.55631185


If you are non-white, then no.

If you are white, yes, but not before you turn over all your money to black people for the crimes of your ancestors.

>> No.55631190

Whoever you are, whatever you are done or happened to you, the answer is no. Life is hope.

>> No.55631254


>> No.55631259

if you do, blame sergey nazarov in your note

>> No.55631264

imagine making art with some cia glowop trash figurine plopped in the middle of it. Couldn't ever be me

>> No.55631269

Are you a jew?
Then yes.
Are you White?
Then no.

>> No.55631271


i tried shrooms because i heard it'd make me less anxious and would give me more of a fearless chad minset.

it didn't do shit. the actual experience was awful and it didn't do anything to my personality afterwards other than make me hate drugfags for promoting that garbage to me

>> No.55631286



>> No.55631490

Life's biggest question

>> No.55631863

It's ok, you're probably just an NPC with no deeper levels of thought to introspect
Same thing with blacks, notice how hallucinogens like shrooms and 'cid aren't very popular with negroes. They like "body high" drugs like Xanax and weed and painkillers because their ain't too much in their heads, like you.

>> No.55632270

no remember you reincarnate
so if you kill yourself the universe will see you as a loser and you'll level down so you'll reincarnate as an inferior animal

>> No.55632332
File: 130 KB, 1200x1415, wssdfsdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am le smart because i fry my brain with neurotoxins
You are another member of an extremely boring and annoyingly large cohort of retards who think that brain damage = enlightenment.
>Dude, it's like... you just gotta try it dude.... I can't describe it but you will be like completely enlightened bro...

>> No.55632652

We are so blessed to be human. Maximize your karma/energy/goodness and pray you either level up or at least stay at the same level next go-around

>> No.55632683

>get yourself hooked on drugs so your life becomes even more miserable but you cant kill yourself now because your drug rotten brain tells you to keep living to take more drugs

inb4 "bu- but muh enlightenment"
you're a junkie anon, noting more nothing less.

>> No.55632830


>> No.55633097


>> No.55633134

there's nothing that's going to magically give you a "fearless chad mindset" and drastically change your personality. For me, it made me appreciate life more, and realize what I was afraid of, and wanted for myself. Led to me happily finishing school & finding my gf after a lifetime alone, rather than dead with fragments of my skull and brains sprayed on the wall.

>> No.55633162

There's a lot of pharmaceutical company executives who lost thousands of dollars because of you. Did you even consider that before you made such an ill-informed decision?

>> No.55633167

I'll probably do if XRP doesn't pump or I don't get a job

>> No.55633185

What if I'm deeply gay and I didn't knew it?

>> No.55633211

Then go suck someone's dick.
Enjoy your life.

>> No.55633249

Suck it until I die?

>> No.55633423

Can I die?