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5562736 No.5562736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Young female colleague asks me out for lunch
>I say yes because tfw no gf
>She mentions her boyfriend
Why the FUCK do women do this

>> No.5562767

>finish the plans as normal
>never text her again because she's not worth the time
Congratulations you've achieved 99% of society status

>> No.5562779

No idea I almost picked this girl up at a bar when she was out with her bf.

>> No.5562796

to see if you are better than their current boyfriend

>> No.5562852
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How do I continue from here

>> No.5562854

And then if OP is better, she'll still replace him at some point as well.

>> No.5562887

she thought you're a normie. a normie is capable of having female friends. congratulations anon.

>> No.5562901

Don't, make no effort towards her any more. If she's looking for new boyfriends this way she'll do it to you too

>> No.5562943
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I'm looking for a pump n dump outside of TRX

>> No.5562984


Don't even need to buy them coffee

>> No.5563009

as long as u didnt pay theres nothing wrong with this

>> No.5563030

its just a test to determine whether you are a beta soyboy or not.
Make the chad choice and continue on like her saying that she had a bf never even registered in your head.
Your welcome

>> No.5563078

Perfect, then just go for it. Just be prepared for when she'll find another guy if it works out for you.

>> No.5563086

how is this /biz/ fuck off

>> No.5563100

she wants hella attention because she's a needy insecure woman

>> No.5563101
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>get a new job
>blonde tall cunt instantly sets things up so I have to spend an hour with her in the car
>asks me all kinds of questions, like where I live, what I like to do etc.
>asks me what I‘m getting my gf for valentines
>say I have no gf
>she starts talking what she will get her bf
>kinda disgusted at that point because now I know for sure some dick was in that roastie not too long ago
>try to ignore the cunt from then on because talking to her brings me no advantage in any way
>she remains friendly and I constantly catch her staring at me from across the table
>she goes on vacation with her bf
>when she comes back she gets butthurt because I was the only one who didn‘t ask her about her vacation
>she gets butthurt all the time at me, sometimes even yells but I just laugh it off
>roastie seperates from her bf shortly after
>hooks up with married manlet in the company
>manlet wants to fight me after I was „talking in the wrong tone“ to the roastie
>I‘m a big guy and he runs away after I pump myself up like an alpha gorilla
>blonde cunt literally stomping on the ground like a 5yo in my office

What the fuck was even her problem?
Never figured it out

>> No.5563124

She wants you to "make her" cheat on him. Unless you had actual business to discuss, she wouldn't ask a random guy out for lunch if she had a boyfriend she cared about.

>> No.5563132

Fuck off neet office drama relates to businesses, go shill some pump alert discords

>> No.5563142
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You felt for a pump and dump

>> No.5563143

>a needy insecure woman
>a woman

>> No.5563167

what a pointless story

>> No.5563175

Not if you're Chad-tier. I found my wife 5 months before her wedding. She called the whole thing off to move in with me. We couldn't cancel the wedding so we had a bad ass halloween party instead. I got the hot wife and a bad ass party for scooping her up. Harness your inner Chad manlet, you can do it!

>> No.5563189


Never believe in someone who is willing to violate the trust of another human being.

>> No.5563191

in my experience you can easily fugg her. she's playing with the thought of cheating and you could get your dick wet, mate.

>> No.5563192

As pointless as any office job, literally get paid to sit 9 hours a day in a room with mental crazy cunts

>> No.5563199
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>cute blonde grill starts talking to me at a bar
>tfw no gf
>15 minutes later mentions she's engaged
>tfw no gf

>> No.5563203

Pretty sure I fucked your wife while you were out buying her Christmas present.

>> No.5563204
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....yeah fuck I was redundant

>> No.5563208

She mentions her boyfriend, so if something happens, it's your fault. Because she told you she had a boyfriend.

>> No.5563215

Fuck yeah I'm a manlet.
When you're average that's not how it works.

>> No.5563222

Bro you can't say for sure that it won't end badly until it does, I hope it doesn't in your case but there's always a risk. I'm not trying to FUD your relationship but at the same time you don't want to get emotionally vulnerable and end up offing yourself if she sluts out

>> No.5563261

I appreciate the trips, and don't worry. I love my wife but I can love other women too. Sure if she left me it would hurt but I have plenty of options

>> No.5563266


>catering to the whims of whores

You're gonna learn some hard lessons, boy.

>> No.5563316

You wish you did, but I Amazon prime that shit. We both are self employed and work from home. I didn't see you skinny bitch ass anywhere

>> No.5563321

>tfw super web
>have 2d waifu
>never cheats
>sometimes nags but it’s cute
>eat nothing but miso soup and rice every day
Life is good

>> No.5563346
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Your wife is a roastie and was getting creampied by some other guy, yet you chose to marry her? Disgusting.

>> No.5563367

its a shittest, if youre chad you can still fuck her

>> No.5563368
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>He thought he was going on a date.

That was a "friend" mooching off you because she knows you're a beta orbiter and you're going to pony up her lunch and so to have absolutely no misunderstandings between you two she mentioned Chad to make it clear and put you in your place.

>> No.5563407

Friendly reminder OP.
Just go as a friend. Enjoy the lunch and leave. It's clear she wants to be friends with you. Remember the golden rule.
It's better to be friends with a girl then be friendzoned by a girl.

>> No.5563425

Oh look a fpbp

>> No.5563450

Hmm, not really a roastie - she was 28 at the time and been with one guy her whole life. So pretty much as tight as you could hope for. And they hadn't had sex in like 6 months. So the shit was fresh

>> No.5563460

>being friends with a girl

>> No.5563468

>implying there's a difference
Post bobs

>> No.5563494

I paid for myself weeb

I don't want friends I want lambos

I'll try arranging something outside of work and see where this goes, if she's reluctant I'll try and cut contact

>> No.5563581

>I paid for myself

So she didn't pay for your lunch? Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.5563614

Girls with boyfriends would ask me out to lunch or to "study" while I am in college all the time. I am 31, tall and decent looking, but I am married and they knew this. I would go and they would mention a boyfriend, but still flirt and keep asking me to hang out more. I wouldn't, because I am faithful to my wife, but if I was single or wasn't faithful I could have pounded any of them. They would have forgotten about their boyfriend if they knew they could get with me, a step up due to age, looks and status. I am really not LARPing, this is what girls do. Some grow out of it when they get married and have solid morals, but most girls are pretty broken nowadays.

>> No.5563870


This happened to me a few times at university

once they mention they have a boyfriend, keep normal, take a selfie with her, make sure she smiles in the picture

upload said picture to social media, write things like "had a blast with my great new friends, hope we get to share many more occasions together" and hashtags #Friend #BFF #Greattime, etc

afterwards ignore them if you want a girlfriend that will last more than a few months, otherwise if you want to just pump and dump, keep messaging

afterwards ignore them,

>> No.5564584
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>upload said picture to social media, write things like "had a blast with my great new friends, hope we get to share many more occasions together" and hashtags #Friend #BFF #Greattime, etc

>> No.5565375

She was with one man her entire life, is 28 fucking years old, schedule a marriage with him and then decided to left him to go for another in the last moment?
Man, that woman is a cunt. Her extremely egoistical nature and the fact that she acts on whims will fuck you over soon. Guaranteed. Besides, there's a good chance she is already fucking another, and 100% chance that she will in the future.

>> No.5565577

I can bet 1 trillion $ that you will end up divorced

How can you be this fucking dumb

>> No.5565579


Why the FUCK do WOMEN want to have a PLATONIC conversation with ME, amirite biz?

>> No.5565619


she wants your dick but before she wants to test your courage and self-confidence

>> No.5565681
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I got cheated on in the same situation as what you're in OP. She went out to lunch with a guy from her class that I was always pretty paranoid about, two weeks later she doesn't come home from a friend's house and next morning tells me she fucked that guy. Had to live with her for two months after too because poor college student, in fact I moved out just a week ago. She went batshit insane of course and eventually would yell and start fights with me every day, followed shortly by sobbing and begging. These girls are insane man, I wish you the best of luck. Met (and fucked) some much better pussy that wasn't quite so crazy shortly after. Never stick your dick in crazy lads, and especially don't date them long-term.

>> No.5565687

She left the man she's been with for her whole life right before their wedding and you think that's wife-materiel? This can't be real

>> No.5565739

>bars christmas eve major city
>fail at picking up two roasties
>let a twink suck me off instead
>no one knows the crypto gainz

>> No.5565785

This thread confuses me.

Does she not have a bagina or somethin what's the problem here

>> No.5565895

Next time this shit happens literally tell you can't make it or you have to go because your mom fell ill or some BS.

>> No.5565906

Thats what happens when you give them feminist and rights

I've got myself a qt asian immigrant for 1 generation, they still have solid familial values and still are mostly uncorrupted, its mostly a safe bet

>> No.5565964
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>> No.5566109

>Why the FUCK do women do this
It's very simple. She wants to have lunch with you to exchange gossip. She probably wants to bad mouth your boss. It's normal. So she mentions her boyfriend to make it clear that THIS IS NOT A DATE, it's just a completely normal friendly lunch.

>> No.5566121

favorite sex position?
gf and I just tried the one where you hold her legs together and in front of you but a little bit to the side (maybe resting on one of your shoulders) or pushed closer to her face while you go in
it was great

>> No.5566122

>live with gf
>break up with her
>5m later back together
>rinse n repeat for years

sex is bomb tho

>> No.5566225

>I would go and they would mention a boyfriend, but still flirt and keep asking me to hang out more.
They were probably not flirting with you. That's what you want to believe. Anyway, even if they were flirting, that's because women like to feel desired. It doesn't mean they want you to 'pound' them. There's nothing wrong with men and women coworkers having lunch together to exchange information and gossip.

>> No.5566277

I've been hit on intensely by so many girls with their husbands/bfs while out at bars
It's not a big problem but i don't like almost getting into fights because some dudes like dating skanks

>> No.5566440

We don't even work in the same building

>> No.5566443

Ha! Good luck boyo

>> No.5566478

>I've been hit on intensely
Or that's what you want to believe. Men tend to overinterpret women's intentions, thinking that women always flirting with them.

There's a reason why such is the case. Evolutionary speaking, men who believe that women are hitting on them are more likely to make an approach, thus maximizing their chances of producing offspring. There's even a study showing that this bias is real:

>> No.5566535

Jfc this is /biz/. Go spew your sob story on r/incels or something.

>> No.5566551

>hit on intensely
>by girls
Even little boys know that girls can't hit hard. Did you really expect anyone to believe you, you lying fuck?

>> No.5566591

>We don't even work in the same building
It doesn't matter... Stop assuming that this girl is interested in you (sexually interested). Your cognition is biased to think like that. Accept her invitation, go have lunch with to have lunch with her and THEN find out what she wants.

>> No.5566662

Why would she approach me if she wasn't sexually interested? Even if she wasn't I should assume so anyway as you've already explained in your previous post

>> No.5566770

>Why would she approach me if she wasn't sexually interested?
Because she heard something nice about you?
Because she wants to benefit from your skills and knowledge?
Because you don't look threatening?
Because she needs a friend?
Because she wants someone to sexually harass her so she can sue and get some attention?

Lol, it could be lots of things, you need to find out on your own. Just don't assume anything before you have lunch with her. Keep your mind open.

>> No.5566854

because that is simply what they do best.

>> No.5566936


girls legitimately try to find friends of the oppostie sex

assuming every girl that talks to you is a sexual advance will lead to you turning into elliot rodger

>> No.5566956

you are an autisimo working in an office full of misfit faggots and roasties. Get a new job

>> No.5567024

hahah FAGGOT.

>> No.5567381

I hear what you're saying but as a man don't I have a duty to shape the friendship into a relationship and if unsuccessful move on? Why should I not try this besides potentially robbing her of a "friend" (which I never will be truly as I'm only romantically interested)

>> No.5567651

>as a man don't I have a duty to shape the friendship into a relationship and if unsuccessful move on?
Nah... unless that's what she wants you to do. Otherwise, she's taken.

>Why should I not try this besides potentially robbing her of a "friend"
You shouldn't try anything unless she gives you clear cues that she wants you move on her. For example, she could mention that she's frustrated with her boyfriend and that their relationship doesn't have a future. She could invite you to do something else outside of the workplace.

For now, forget about men vs. women's obligations, this is a lunch between coworkers. Try to be professional. You don't want to harm your reputation by hitting on a girl who has a boyfriend and isn't interested in you sexually.

>> No.5568030

Because relationships are socially constructed bullshit. We're the smartest mammals, but we're still mammals. We all like to fuck, men and women alike, no matter the relationship status. Stop resisting the fact that you wanna fuck someone's mom, sister, girlfriend or wife. Stop resisting the fact that your girl secretly wants to give your friend a BJ. It's natural. Once you accept it, it's liberating.

Then you look back on your life and realize all of the girls who subtly wanted to fuck you and you thought too much.

>> No.5568118

Absolutely disgusting. Divorce in 3.....2.....1.....

>> No.5568220

kek this virgin actually has a government study bookmarked so he feels better about being rejected

>> No.5568285

finally. a grown up

>> No.5568508

>business and finance

>> No.5568804

>this virgin
I'm married with 3 kids. 35 y/o. Reading studies is part of my wonderful job.

>> No.5568895

That was a shit test, and you failed. You were supposed to bend her over the desk and rawdog her.

>> No.5568982

All girls worth dating have boyfriends, they don't break up with someone til they find an upgrade.

She wanted to find out if you were that upgrade.

>> No.5569077

I'm sure it's what I want to believe in a lot of situations, but not the specific one's I am referring to. The biggest clue is the amount and type of unnecessary physical contact being made.

kek thanks m8 almost forgot where I was

>> No.5569173

>Only 1 guy


>> No.5569241


I let one of my friends fuck my girlfriend one night.

Was kind of strange. Still friends now.

>> No.5569372

>The biggest clue is the amount and type of unnecessary physical contact being made.
My grandfather's sister, who is 85, kept touching me when I came over for Christmas. She would grab my hand, touch me on the shoulders and lower back all the time. I wonder if she was hitting on me? No. Physical contact can mean lots of things. It doesn't necessarily imply sexual interest. People touch more when they drink. Latinos and southern Europeans touch others more than others. Unless they were grabbing your penis, it will never be 100% clear that they were hitting on you.

>> No.5569411

>I let one of my friends fuck my girlfriend one night.
>Was kind of strange. Still friends now.
Is she still your girlfriend?

>> No.5569440

Thanks OP, just bought 100 girlfriends.

>> No.5569488


Yeah have lived together for 2 years.

>> No.5569532


You're probably the only actual cuck here.
Good job.

Step aside while I empty my balls in your roastie.

>> No.5569542

She had a crush on you.

>> No.5569596
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Free lunch and some retard to complain about shit to because Chad won't pay or listen.

So many pathetic faggots on this board.

>> No.5569658


Meh well she was a virgin when we met. Imagine going through your entire life with just one dick.

Both agreed it was a good way to broaden her horizons. Picked a guy we both trust and isn't a faggot that would try to fuck up our relationship or speg out with feels etc.

He gave her some great dick, and that was it. He has his own girlfriend now, and she got to live a little, and now is content.

>> No.5569697
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>> No.5569728

Thanks just bought 100K

>> No.5569848




She's popped and won't want to stop aby time soon. She's probably already looking for someone else to fuck and you've already laminated her licence.

You dun gon fucked up, cuckold.

>> No.5569851

>He gave her some great dick, and that was it.
DId you watch it?

>> No.5569856

I'm actually going to channel my inner normie and give some legit advice:

Either she wants to be friends and is being nice, or her boyfriend is fucking up and you might have an in. If you're interested, go for it, keep it fun and light hearted, but then next her ass. If she keeps hitting you up, it might be a good sign, but don't hang out every time she asks.

That roastie is a fucking walking shit-test. Steer clear of her, she's obviously an insecure dumb cumslut, and the fact that you are paying her no attention is pissing her off. This, ironically, gets her wet in her loins. Because women are fucking retarded.

If she kept talking to you after telling you she was engaged, she probably wanted to fuck. She started the conversation, mentioned she was engaged as a shit-test, and if you kept rolling with the punches like that shit doesn't matter to you, which it shouldn't, you would've increased the cuck population by one most likely.

Get a load of this faggot.

Straight up, no one girl is "the one" or any more special than any other girl on the face of this planet. There are billions of females on this planet, of which I'm sure there is someone better than your perceived "best." If you let girls get away with everything, you look like a desperate loser, and if you took a moment to realize that women logic is the complete lack of logic, then you'll actually be more attractive to women. It's the classic "girls like assholes and not nice guys" cry baby sentiment. No, they just don't like fucking pushovers and guys who think they can't do any better. For example, made plans to hang out with a chick and she no-showed. I ghosted her ass until she came knocking my door down, begging for another chance to hang out. I fucked the shit out of her and went back to ghosting her. Guess who still hits me up months later trying to "hang out"?

>> No.5569934

Didn't pay for her lunch, we went for lunch 3 times and on the 3rd time she mentioned off-hand about travelling with her boyfriend which I had to suppress my wojak at because I thought it was obvious I was trying to get something going


thank you normie

>> No.5569964

It sounds like you're a sociopath / lack empathy and all the people you associate with are similar.

>> No.5569973


No I was in the other room chilling with a beer.

>> No.5570081
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3 dates and you made no attempt at physical escalation? Are you a fat smelly piece of shit or something?

>> No.5570160

What makes you think that? Because I ignored one girl who I made plans with, she didn't honor those plans, and so I moved on and made plans with other girls who are just as willing to make plans and actually hang out? I don't think you know the definition of sociopath bud.

>> No.5570265

Just pump and dump her anon, she'll fall madly in love with you and then you can safely date her without fearing she'll cheat.

Be warned though, if she thinks you actually have feelings for her she will cheat. You literally can never let her know you have feelings.

>> No.5570351

If I try that at work lunches I'd get a trip to HR, I think she wants to get drinks after work though so I'll give it a go then

>> No.5570353
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Roasties are straight up psychopaths. You would know this if you met a few.

>> No.5570362


>> No.5570419

Now you're ready to put it in her butt.
Be gentle
Take your time
Use lube
Give her a toy to play with herself while you fuck her ass
Maybe have her suck on something too

If you haven't fucked your girlfriend's ass someone will and she will love him over you because he can make her finish in 15 seconds of being in her asshole

>> No.5570497

>Straight up, no one girl is "the one" or any more special than any other girl on the face of this planet. There are billions of females on this planet, of which I'm sure there is someone better than your perceived "best." If you let girls get away with everything, you look like a desperate loser, and if you took a moment to realize that women logic is the complete lack of logic, then you'll actually be more attractive to women. It's the classic "girls like assholes and not nice guys" cry baby sentiment. No, they just don't like fucking pushovers and guys who think they can't do any better. For example, made plans to hang out with a chick and she no-showed. I ghosted her ass until she came knocking my door down, begging for another chance to hang out. I fucked the shit out of her and went back to ghosting her. Guess who still hits me up months later trying to "hang out"?