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File: 85 KB, 1612x880, inverted-yield-curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55621776 No.55621776 [Reply] [Original]

378 days inverted
it usual takes 50% of the time to uninvert

>> No.55621796
File: 3.11 MB, 400x300, 05286454-7F56-4D97-AED5-3AA08E143629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do housing prices collapse? That is literally all I care about. I want a fucking house and kids. Fuck your yield curves.

>> No.55621804


>I want a fucking house and kids


>> No.55621817
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>crash hard or moon hard
Like there is any other option

>> No.55621828

Or we crab for the next decade

>> No.55621831
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Overpopulating the planet is illegal goy.

>> No.55621833
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Try the next 40 years.

>> No.55622327
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extreme crash. 2008/1929 equivalent and the propaganda is going to try to blame Powells "hawkish" stance

>> No.55622459
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This time is unironically different

>> No.55622653

archive. ph/ 8Vfur

>> No.55622696

Then go fucking build one

>> No.55622702

I don't think there's any reason for them to collapse but maybe crab until everything else (paychecks stocks etc) adjusts accordingly. Volume is super low, and now millennials and zoomers have to start paying student loans again right when many WFH tech jobs are getting rid of bloat

>> No.55622734

that wont happen until the new liberal fascists around black rock, palantir and co are bankrupted and the neo-marxists gramscians and their opportunists hanged or the west entered the phase that Russia entered in 1990

>> No.55622746

The crash always happens once the inversion goes above the line after being down in the red

>> No.55622766

Change is the only constant fren

>> No.55622770
File: 60 KB, 1024x697, 99BDA6CA-F215-4EC8-9EBB-7A55DF6969F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, the Great Depression 2 shit is real isn’t it

>> No.55622787

You'd better hope it crashes, because once the stock market goes up vertically, it's over for the US Dollar and every other fiat currency.

>> No.55622852

If you get lucky it is going to happen in September on the next FOMC, so still 2 months until the melt down, if you are unlucky and Russia decides to go all out on Ukraine, then its going to start in August

>> No.55622921

Isn't it cool when even the average bizlet knows precisely when a macroeconomic event will occur
>something about retail being right

>> No.55623083

go back to where you came from you social media using piece of shit

>> No.55623330

Housing prices already have started coming down. Anon, if you want a wife and kids then you better earn at least $60k and that's like bare minimum for that situation, you will still be a poorfag. 60k is enough to get a mortgage on a poorfag house, which is all you'll be able to afford whether the housing market goes sideways or dips 10-25%, in other words anon you are deluded and need to make more money.

>> No.55623345

>this is the bottom
>please buy
the parallels to 2007-2009 are just too good

>> No.55623371

lol no. poor fag mortgage is now 3k/month. You need 150k to afford a poorfag house.

>> No.55623416

I hope you're right, because I'm not trying to buy a 500k house, I'm trying to buy a 250k house - they're out there, but I'd rather pay $160k
no one trying to get their first house should complain that they can't afford a $500k house in a hot location. Get real!

>> No.55623480


we are no where closed to the bottom. lol.

>> No.55623594

housing is ~four years from top to bottom usually and on an upwards trend
i.e higher lows and higher highs always so if this is the higher high then it's four years to the next higher low
this appleis to both current dollar value and inflation adjusted
hence the memes about always going up because it is true in both senses
when compared to real wages it gets even worse
you really just want to be looking at interest rates for real-estate, everything else is noise

>> No.55623637 [DELETED] 

Shut up nigger, your message reeks of curry btw

>> No.55623689

the only place 250k houses exist are rotting 60 year old houses in midwest ghost towns

>> No.55623757

anon, there is literally no force at hand that is going to guarantee housing will EVER go down. These aren't simple market dynamics.

>> No.55623773

you're fucking retarded dude, those houses are available everywhere you just think you have to live in some gay metroplex

BTW if you're too useless and retarded to fix up a house then you probably don't need one in the first place

>> No.55623808

these houses aren't worth fixing anon. they were made shitty originally and their plumbing/electrical/roof is a total loss now. they have mold, asbestos or something else major that makes them way more trouble then they ar worth.

>> No.55623878

I know I am right, read the article here
The Bidet administration and its propaganda arm are already preparing for the blame shift narrative onto Powell; good that the trust levels and disapproval rates for media and state are where they are, a few pips away from civil war

>> No.55623923

anon, we didn't all grow up jerking off and watching cartoons. so go ahead complaining about expensive houses in popular cities, and I'll continue taking inventory of nice houses that I am capable of fixing up. I get it, you're pussy. I'm sure a house, wife and family will all come to you naturally.

>> No.55623981

found the brain dead degen that will have no sense of fulfillment in a couple of years KEK

>> No.55624015

The indicator is less informative this time around due to QE. The reason long term yields are so low relative to short term yields is because the Fed took 8 trillion dollars worth of Treasuries and mortgage securities on its books. In normal times, only the short end is directly manipulated by the Fed, so if long term yields are low it means the market is optimistic about future growth, and consequently a de-inversion of the yield curve would indicate pessimism. However, in present circumstances, yields on the back end have only be suppressed due to QE, and so the main driver of higher yields in the future will be QT. In summary, higher long yields will persist even after the Fed starts cutting rates, and this will result in de-inversion, but this turn of events cannot be straightforwardly interpreted as a signal of market pessimism, as has been the case in pre-QE days.

>> No.55624197

>after the fed starts cutting rates
There are still pivot fags? The "pause" must have fried your brains and made you return from your holes

>> No.55624219

A yield curve just flew over my house!

>> No.55624277

>There are still pivot fags?
If the Fed doesn't cut rates within the next 5 years, it would represent a radical departure from monetary precedent. You think the Fed will never cut rates again for the rest of human history? On what grounds do you make such a sweeping conclusion?

>> No.55624338

I expect Powell to take his mandate serious and land this plane at 2%, which requires higher for longer, especially with an administration that acts so unbelievable retarded with its inflation driving policies, be it foreign or domestic. Final rate with the Biden regimes policies wont be 5.5% or 5.75%, unless there would be a policy shift, that is likely not going to happen, because a loss in Ukraine and a cutting off gibs and subsidies while rising taxes would destroy the democratic party sustainably more than a depression

>> No.55624465

Nothing I said conflicts with the factual content of your post. I never made any predictions regarding the final Fed Funds rate or the timing of future rate cuts. I assume there won't be any cuts until at least 2025, but it could be much further out. All I said is that eventually the Fed will start cutting interest rates, and when that happens the de-inversion will begin. Importantly, that de-inversion will merely reflect the mechanics of reversing an extraordinary infusion of liquidity into the market during Covid, rather than indicate a forthcoming recession or change in market sentiment. The inversion itself was artificial and did not represent optimism, so likewise the de-inversion will be artificial and will not represent pessimism.

>> No.55624630

Greed sentiment is back at November 2021 levels, only driven by fail hype about machine learning and a "pause" narrative; the optimism at the moment is artificial.
call it was it was, bail out of the 2019/20 financial crisis, had buttfuck nothing to do with the artifical narrative of a flue

>> No.55624764

the thief in the night will come when the goyim least expect it, which occurs during extreme greed

>> No.55625007

I don't pretend to know the ultimate motivations behind every decision made by the powers that be. However, if the Fed hadn't injected trillions of dollars of liquidity throughout 2020, the covid lockdowns would have resulted in a deep worldwide depression.

>> No.55625134

Any day now, just keep paying that rent

>> No.55625198

It was never about the flue, it was always about the refinancing of the 2008/9 guarantees given to zombie corpse that, if done without a cover up, would have created a way more radicalized Occupy movement. Even reddit figured that out way before the entire lockdown bullshit started

>> No.55625254

>When do housing prices collapse? That is literally all I care about. I want a fucking house and kids. Fuck your yield curves.
Factoring in inflation the housing market has already collapsed. This is the new low and if you can't buy in now you'll have to wait for the next housing crash in 14 years.

>> No.55625367

None of that is remotely true.

>> No.55625374
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With a printing press the numbers can be anything they want them to be.

>> No.55625552

It is objectively true, and anybody that is aware about the policies that were conducted in 2008/9 and paid attention to Sofr knows it. Yes, it got buried under an avalanche of debt and publicly financed propaganda with a plethora of distraction, from stimulus, over a dead nigger to wendys burning and excursions by supposedly democratic institutions into totalitarianism and authoritariansim, supported by the private sector that got paid off. The cost was the complete loss of trust in the institutions by those that refused to take the Club of Rome genocide jab multiple times and the display of powerlessness of the state as the preparation of those that are aware for the deterministic collapse of the house of cards.

They tried to cover up the bail outs with a poor constructed narrative, didn't solve anything and not even managed to kick the can a feet further.

>> No.55625604

nice, two more weeks

>> No.55625628

If that market takes a crash dive again, I'm swooping in to add my Nxra and Dua, while I wait for Brillion's smart wallet mainnet launch. Self custody with those added smart functionalities is the new play anon.

>> No.55625752


>> No.55625759
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x2015, 1662930200732563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55627247

Only somehow acceptable thread in the catalog

>> No.55627811

based, happening it is, either it's Russia shit or pure economy shit

>> No.55628055

The blame is going to be shifted onto Powell for his hawkishness, no matter how dovish he has been over the entire time, compared to Volker. The reason for why its going to break is the failed 2020 bail out, the oil production reduction from OPEC+ and the hype inflationary public kick back policies by the Biden administration. The US and NATO having to withdraw their support for Ukraine due to the melt down is just going to be the shame on top

>> No.55628076

They stopped building houses 20 years ago and started importing hordes of immigrants. It's the last great Boomer exit scam.

>> No.55628152

I'm not so sure about this one
>The US and NATO having to withdraw their support for Ukraine

Although Russians are obviously aware of the current state of US economy, they may try to accelerate things a little bit with their counter-counter-offensive and/or with some actions in Belarus. And voila, no recession. Maybe you underestimate how much US values crippling Russia with their little proxy war in UA. Or I'm overestimating it, np.

>> No.55628264

what does it mean that inverts? shouldn't be bullish cause line goes up?

>> No.55628301

Russia had to increase interest rates yesterday because of a surge in inflation from their war stimulus efforts and announced to dump their yuan reserves in open market operations next month to strengthen the ruble. If the US and western Europe wont put their own boots on the ground and magically create the material needed to even be able to to fight after they depleted their armories and are still on JIT, this game is over. What is the west going to defend when Kiev, Odessa and Lviv are Groznyed because Russia has to win for its survival and their time is running out?
The incompetency in Washington and Brussels is just mind boggling its like they forgot the Putin style of waging war; first its pussy footing and being the nice guy, and then suddenly a city doesn't exist anymore

>> No.55628384

The average price of a house in Canada is like 700k

>> No.55628425

>The US and NATO having to withdraw their support for Ukraine
which not happened yet
Also we already had recession, yield curve will go down further when rates are reduced

>> No.55628477

If they wanted to accelerate, they'd have announced something major at the NATO summit. The reality is that they've already sacrificed Europe's economy in an attempt to get an upper hand in this conflict. It failed. Inflation in Europe surged. Germany is deindustrializing. The US government can't continue to throw money at this when rates are at 5%

>> No.55628519
File: 16 KB, 273x185, koo aid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the ides of september Julius! THE IDES of SEPTEMBER!

>> No.55628527

if you zoom out even further and us the 10-1 instead of the 10-2 you can see we've been more inverted than this in the past, and for longer, too (mostly in the mid-late 70's)

>> No.55628553

That recession was the prelude to what happens after the US sucked all the capital from Europe and the chinks that conduct capital flight. Comparing Eurstoxx, hk50, hengseng, ftse minus the inflation and xjo with us indexes explains pretty much the retard ralley in US mega caps, while the Russell barely moved

>> No.55630566

recession and stock market crash can happen while it’s inverted.

>> No.55631112

big crash is everyones wet dream cause they will buy bitcoin for cheap, which is why it wont happen. Bitcoin mooning is also hard right now cause theres no catalyst and no huge volume of money to keep us going up. Therefore we crab until moon sometime

>> No.55631744
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All I can say is

>> No.55631858

What? Nobody needs or wants crypto crap. It has no demand, no utility and no purpose outside of non physical cash payment method for sanctioned goods and services, and that demand is tinier than the demand for physical cash payment as that one is easier to obscure than a public ledger

>> No.55632319
File: 198 KB, 1286x1362, 1677341068511114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the time to accumulate and HODL. I'm HODLing onto some solid blue-chips like QANX, RIO, and AZERO. I am pretty sure we ain't gonna find 'em cheaper than this before next quarter. Jeets will still ignore and FOMO like retards.

>> No.55632507

Ok first decent suggestion, thanks
thou i still believe we are about to see BTC surge shortly if you are the type that check the weekly tokenmetrics webinars.
>I'm def going long on it.

>> No.55632710

i just remember what Mark Douglass said, "you don't have to know what is going to happen to make money"

>> No.55632870


or we crab until people lose faith and get bored or frustrated from missing out on other pump opportunities and start dumping crypto for high pumping meme stocks.
Happens within crypto as well.

>> No.55633145

whatever you say Baggie.

>> No.55633148

>he needs other people to feel fulfilled

>> No.55634763

>meme stocks
That is the mistake the manipulators make. Nobody is moving from crypto to stocks. There is no pipeline for this trade

>> No.55634800

To extend, the cycle is from crypto to either fixed income or commodities trading. Somebody that had enough of the crypto manipulations wont under no circumstances put a dime into stocks

>> No.55634815

>it usual takes 50% of the time to uninvert
We're going to see the mother of all recessions, there are too many factors at play from Nvidia being valued at 1 trillion dollars to houses being unaffordable during high interest rates market

>> No.55634844

The refusal of housing to play balls is a function of the capital flight from China and Europe as an artificially encouraged reduction of supply by the failing planned economy of the USA that thinks it can control demand with policy like communists usually do and fail down the road

>> No.55634887

Zoom out. It's not a new paradigm, it's a low amount of commodities vs what is being needed, we've entered in an inflationary period in around 2020, it's going to last 5-10 years. Buy btc, gold, gas, renewables, uranium, etc. companies because it's the only time in history you'll have this. Most periods are "deflationary" in the sense these companies become less important over time because efficiency, that why Buffet and others don't care because it loses money. This period is the exception.

>> No.55634939

>please buy buy buy
>ignore the objective reduction of monetary base
>ignore the reduced demand for energy carriers due to economic slow down and the continuous reduction of energy carrier production
>ignore all data goy
>ignore that Buffet and all the conservative traders sit in cash and fixed income
>just please buy my bags

>> No.55636653

This anon gets it.

>> No.55636735
File: 29 KB, 1511x815, Housing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the seething top buyers replying to a fair question
This shit is gonna fucking implode. It's literally being kept alive by stuffing turd worlders into the supply and extremely aggressive immigration

>> No.55637627

It’s true. 3 br Houses in my neighborhood are being bought for 1-1.2m by Indians. Good for my equity, bad for many other reasons.

>> No.55637631


which is why it's not going to collapse

sorry that's just how the world works

>> No.55637642

If you think greed is back at november 2021 levels

then I have a fucking used car to sell you

>> No.55637650

Indians are the unseen threat that will replace the zionists.
Prepare to live through the poo tyranny, which is equally harsh as it is incompetent.

>> No.55638083

Are you blind or are you just looking at dead "asset" classes like crapto

>> No.55638391
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>I expect Powell to take his mandate serious
Kek. No Fed chair has ever tried to keep inflation in check, their jobs is to pump the oligarchs bags you dumb little statist
1970: $0.5T
1980: $1.5T
2000: $4.5T
2020: $15T
2023 $20.8T

-median us house sales price-
1970: $24k
1980: $64k
2000: $165k
2020: $329k
2023: $436k

r2: 0.98 (!!!!!!)

>> No.55638403

>r2: 0.98
does not equal

is you stupid

>> No.55638435
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>i-it's jus a crazy coincidence that money stock has a perfect correlation with inflation, t-that doesn't mean inflation is always and only a monetary phenomenon, ok!?
The absolute state of shitcoiners.

>> No.55638574

If he doesn't this time around, it's game over for the USA, domestically and on the international stage. He doesn't have the room for monetary maneuvers like Alan, Ben and Janet had and used his cheat code as a reaction to the 2019/20 financial crisis with the known consequences to this failed bail out. And there is not one growth industry in the US anymore, crypto wont deliver and Machine learning has been the most stereotypical fake hype driven flash in the pan imaginable, and the alternative of a real hot war, the Biden administration lacks public support for such a move

>> No.55638683

And rechecking stats, the US armed forced absolutely failed to fulfill their recruitment quotas last year and I remember reading that it looks even worse for this year. Biden made a giant empire ending geopolitical blunder chosing a proxy war against Russia instead of kicking China in the nuts for ""covid"". This might really be the final year of the USA as a relevant global military power. As soon as Europe got sucked dry and the chinks somehow manage to put a stop to the ongoing capital flight to northern America, its most likely also game over for the USA as a global financial power.

One has to thank them to have empirically proved that public-private partnership, with the state playing water carrier for unloyal transnationals is a likely as certain way to end a power like communism

>> No.55638695

also compare m2 to the FED balance sheet
>but muh ukraine!!

>> No.55638750
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Doesn't look like the correction is done yet

>> No.55639178

crash is over. The bull run is upon us. start accumulating. ORE, VRA, METIS, and MPL.

>> No.55639191

AI and DID based projects will moon.

>> No.55639236

Machine learning was a flash in the pan. Failed hype, 4 months ago. Nobody outside a handful of paid advertisers and baggies still talks about this useless crap, let alone uses it after it was tested and everyone realized again that it is pure shit and creates more costs than it saves

>> No.55639240
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>has 4 kids on toilet scrubbing wages in your path

>> No.55639260

Money printer has allowed stocks to not bleed but purchasing power to go down the drain for real assets including houses, land, groceries, electricity, cars, gas, ect. We are already in a crash without a market dump due to the money still entering the market while boomers are also retiring in chunks. Till we see regular jobs plunge like white collar sectors are slowly doing across the board nothing will be done by the fed, unless markets nose dive somehow from a hedge fund breaking something being greedy fucks that they are, as they already propped up big banks via loans of usd in another too big to fail move. The play appears to make the market dump by force and print up more money to cover again, while cutting interest over a 6-12 month period, allowing the big players to gobble up more stocks and make the wealth divide bigger again, but that's the public picture and we are not privy to inside information inside the federal government. Afterwards I hope you like 2012-2013 range as there's less steam to move the heavier load upwards, should be good economic times afterwards but less to gain in s&p500 and NASDAQ % terms due to overpriced valuations and continuing to exit boomers as the current investors don't have anywhere near the capital flowing into the market due to lower wages and higher costs to surpass the exiting amount of funds of the retirees and match the amount they were able to put in at the same time, oh and buybacks will not be going on due to interest rates still being too high for a few years so keep this in mind.

>> No.55639285

>Money printer
Retard detected

>> No.55639334

Printed and stashed overseas or moved on a screen, doesn't matter it's still money coming into existence. While you are busy calling people names, I'm going to point out >>55638574 from you on the public support for a "real hot war" as if that matters. Government can do whatever it wants and keep pushing out news stories to brainwash the masses, no public required even if the stories don't work, because a draft works just fine if it's required.

>> No.55639352

>Government can do whatever it wants
No you retard. Else the US would have military won in Vietnam. The home front is as important as the trenches. And about your muah money printer bullshit brainwashed normal faggot meme word, one can't simply "print money". A debit side operation is always linked to a credit side operation

>> No.55639373

>Draft works well if it's required
Wanna bet? Think I'm going to fight for ZOG? They want to give the country and women to Mexicans and niggers, let them fight. I'm sitting this one out.

>> No.55639400

Baggie talk lmao

>> No.55639426

A portion of the population resisted the last draft, thy already account for some of the population to flee to another nation in order to avoid it. The majority of the potential draftees will end up being pushed into the war, so yes it works well. >>55639352 Who says anything about winning, it's about making money off the war itself via military contracts as shown in recent wars. The home front is now the reddit/twitter/facebook front to plenty of morons who follow along publicly in order to not get treated as a outcast. Now for the debit/credit operation, the government has pretty much given up on managing a balance sheet and plans to keep adding more debt and swinging it like a middle age housewife swings credit debt from one high interest credit card onto a low interest credit card in order to continue spending. Balance sheets mean nothing nowadays, and honestly other countries are catching on to how bad it is to deal with USD and to invest into the US of A anymore, I expect within a period of twenty years holding dollars would be worse than holding pesos, but for now it's still has it's use for economic trade.

>> No.55639440

Inflation is indeed always a monetary phenomenon, just read Mises or Rothbard

>> No.55639475

>Pleas just ignore the consequences of such ludicrous policy and buy my bags
You go and buy bags champ. No promises that anyone is going to give you more dollar down the road though

>> No.55639479

Are you saying that we wouldn't have seen price increases at all if not for the monetary policy during COVID? No effect on energy or food prices due to supply chain issues, but only because the currency was devalued?

>> No.55639511

Oh it's a guarantee that more dollars will be pushed into the economy/markets down the road, but the issue is what can you get for the said dollars, which again I already state will most likely be worse than holding absolute garbage like pesos.

>> No.55639584

Yeah. In 5 years maybe. Until then it's a way smarter strategy to keep forcing chinkland and the rest of the dying Tigers to try to stimulate their Potemkin pseudo economies, while ramping up the taxes and tariffs on goods from China and the rest or straight out banning importation with the communist leadership falling over each other to conduct capital flight and the fed can without too much worries clean its sheet, get inflation in the US under control and the treasonous private sector that made chinkland what it was in the first place goes bankrupt under a multi year credit crunch

>> No.55640986

Nothing of what you said is true, for example Buffett holds more stock than ever with the exception of Q4 2022. If anything it's kind of true with one or two data points, non sense in ten years where big boys make money. If you go against me, thanks in advance for giving me liquidity in the markets so I become rich. Peace

>> No.55641132

>trade an IOU for new money
>Ids nod money printing XDddd

>> No.55641362

It isn't you stinking normal faggot retard, that iou creates a liability, that has wide influence on the credit worthiness off the state. Communists and mmt idiots. And people wonder why the US is domestically a third world shithole

>> No.55641484

DiD sure has what it takes to moon recently started researching on the ecosystem.

>> No.55642189

Fucking have eyes on some altcoinistdao picks kas route ocean link

>> No.55642251

how about bitcoin crashes to nothing after they buy so everyone gets wiped out

>> No.55642282

New paradigm. Fed will raise 25 end of July. That will further invert. You can bet democrats won’t let an economic downturn happen in reelection season.

>> No.55642397
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>muh pandemic
Dull little statist, QEi & CARES act were not in response to lockdowns, lockdowns were in response to QEi & CARES act.
Fiat grift requires continued and ongoing debasement to function, Jay the Faggot will do a Volcker, and by that of course I mean manipulate inflation and money stock statistics to paint a rosier picture than reality, actual inflation has been 5-10% per annum since the '80, as evidentiary by the price of everything from hamburgers to houses. The only thing that would stay the oligarchy's hand away from further debasement is a mass secessio plebis, but workers have shown time and time again that as long as they have their goyslop and their blue cat people fucking whales in IMAX they'll happily continue to take it up the ass. Never forget what debasement is: a parasitic transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs via asset inflation.

>> No.55642418

Dullard. Debt paid with debt is identical in-the-limit to straight printing. Open your eyes and stop falling for bullshit pseudo-economics justifications for debasement. Money is not special, it works like any other asset, increases in quantity (all else being equal) always and only decreases its value.

>> No.55642491

The world is digital at this moment and i am definitely not suprised by the hype digital identity, of the many niches to bet on this is definitely one you shouldn't miss out on.

>> No.55642601

>america is the only country in the world

>> No.55643151

>i am definitely not suprised by the hype digital identity,

The innovations are worth the hype as well, we currently have impressive identity products like

>> No.55643297
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>> No.55644245

And yet, it isn't "printing" and trying to spread that false equivalency is a function of dumbing down population in an attempt to give communist mmt faggots and other socialist scammers more power by obfuscating the mechanism, and a reason to abandon society, watching it deterministically crumble like every iteration of socialist scams

>> No.55644258

If the housing market collapses, EVERYTHING else collapses with it, including crypto+stocks+bonds+metals, essentially all of it.

Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.55644321

everything except the dollar

>> No.55644413

Not like it isn't already happening. China was the one the kept the housing and metal market alive for the past 20 years, building Potemkin cities with no demand, as it is usual in socialist regimes, financed through multi national treasonous American private sector actors who used national subsidies to do this. And a look at the chinks real estate market and metal demand as reduced energy demand reveals, the end game and realization is maybe a month at best 3 away

>> No.55644618

It's simple dilution, the only difference between the current mechanism and the mint paying the deficit by literally printing cash is that the monetary expansion is greater than the deficit under the current scheme. Printing is an accurate enough conceptualization

>> No.55645084

this is correct

>> No.55645207
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>> No.55646760

China has a successful Communist government. If anything, this shows the strength of such system when implemented properly.

>> No.55646788

+20 social credit score, chang.

>> No.55647019


>> No.55647111
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If it crashes, I'll add more RIO, DOT, and continue holding KREST in order to get the PEAQ airdrop.

>> No.55647137
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I don't give a damn because, with the recent Eloop and PEAQ partnership, I can own a fraction of Teslas and profit from their daily generated revenue.

>> No.55647162

The ten year isnt our strongest metric for market direction

>> No.55647440

>QEi & CARES act were not in response to lockdowns, lockdowns were in response to QEi & CARES act
you didn't answer his question
>inflation is always and only a monetary phenomenon
does this mean supply chain disruption can't make prices go up?

>> No.55647612
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you will never be able to afford a house because even if they crash it, they will never give you access to enough leverage to actually buy it

>> No.55647672

Judging by the dates in OPs pics Iàd say the crash start when the curve invert. DotCom crash started by mid-end 2000 not February 2001

>> No.55647709

Now overlay BTCUSD to it

>> No.55647760

The whole point of a big crash is nobody has the money to buy anything afterwards because the money went poof.

>> No.55647791

Are you retarded

>> No.55648016

shut the fuck up with this hallucinations. it simply means that people are putting money into short term bonds cause they expect inflation to get worse over the time, waiting for the stock market to come back
Don't you think it crashed hard enough in 2021? Stop breacking balls, retard

>> No.55648029

>You'd better hope it crashes, because once the stock market goes up vertically, it's over for the US Dollar and every other fiat currency.

>> No.55648036

why should houses go down? In 2008 they were backed by unsecurity assets it's not the case now

>> No.55648042

>However, in present circumstances, yields on the back end have only be suppressed due to QE

>> No.55648059

>All I said is that eventually the Fed will start cutting interest rates, and when that happens the de-inversion will begin
why deinversion of the yield curve when fed cuts rates?

>> No.55648096

Dunno, just because

>> No.55648160

Lmao the boomerism that China is communist gets more hilarious by the day. China is running a national socialist lite system and has been since Deng opened it up to trade. The communist label is just used as red meat to lure boomers into a narrow valley of curated opinions derived from current elite preferences.

>> No.55648193

dont expect more than 20% collapse anyway

>> No.55648202

Hey jeet, you forgot to add OREID to the list

>> No.55648210

sooooooo should I buy bond etfs now?

>> No.55648265


That's literally the point of living life anon. Not to be a millionaire who makes it but someone you love you can share it with.

>> No.55648561

Sure thing jeet, reasons I'm grabbing some bags of ENS & ORE rn

>> No.55648623

Chinas real estate is rebounding after 20-30% drops in the last 2 quarters, nothing suggests a collapse.

>> No.55648656

Powell will continue raising rates, why do you think kissinger at a ripe age of 100 made a trip to china? Obviously to ensure his chinese counter parts dont dump their us bonds and start a hot war

>> No.55649380

Because (X-Y) increases when Y decreases.

>> No.55649392

Because higher demand in the absence of new supply means higher prices.

>> No.55649416

I'm just gonna drive and live in a truck, invest until i can afford one with cash, not gonna rent is all.

>> No.55649536
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I did. He has the causality backwards, with causality correctly oriented his "question" is nonsense.
>does this mean supply chain disruption can't make prices go up?
The prices of everything? No, of course not, "supply distributions" do not cause a 40% increase in house prices nor ATHs in stock markets. This is clearly monetary in nature.

Stop simping for your slavemaster little statist, as Greenspan correctly states, all we need to do is Short the Shitcoin, with BTC we finally have the technical means for practical grassroots capital flight from fiat, and the State can't do shit as it no longer has the memejuice to pull an FDR and criminalize the new gold.

>> No.55649559

>starting a war
China is done, china has played all its cards, and despite having launched a bio weapon attack on the world in an attempt to kick start the grand socialist revolution, it ended in an absolute loss for the red plague. Chinese indexes are not for nothing on the way to new lows, while capitalist country indexes fly

>> No.55650593

Its a welcome innovation anon. I also see more tokenized assets coming up in future with what DePINs is bringing to the space.

>> No.55650785

>replying to a frog poster
samefag detected

>> No.55650854

Unless you're African. In which case we'll help because you probably can't manage to feed and provide drinking water on your own. Assuming you've even stuck around to be a head of huthold.

>> No.55651206

Nah. It'll probably be January. Fwd meetings are overblown and full effects of rate changes lag by as much as two years. Student loan payments resume & go 90 over, we see dominos. Despite some typical media gaslighting about the Xmas spending being strong it is not real and/or is all on debt that won't get paid. By April 2024 we'll be in full free fall.