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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55629740 No.55629740 [Reply] [Original]

I just had this thought. If LINK actually reaches $1000 it could be the end of not just /biz/, but 4chan as a whole.

Once word gets out that one of the greatest investments of the 2020s was known for YEARS ahead of time on a obscure Madagascan pumpkin carving forum people will dissect this website inside and out for other nuggets of truth that are hidden here.

Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.55629766
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Don't care, cuz when link actually reaches 1000 I'll be so filthy rich and living my life to care what happens to this awful website.

>> No.55629769

>$1000 eoy
>4chan ded

>> No.55629774


>> No.55629778


Also 4chan was shilling btc back when it was $200, I was here for it (but I was a very risk averse poorfag back then so I couldn’t capitalize on it)

>> No.55629786


>> No.55629875

I won’t be leaving. I will be reading threads of poor newfags wishing they were here when we were here. While I travel the country by car in my lambo going to different college campuses to get hot college girls in my late 30’s…once a week I will pull over at a random mile marker on the highway and throw an ounce of gold on the ground next to the mile marker and post it to this website so newfags can scramble to hopefully be the 1st to get that ounce of gold which are just my scraps. Sure one anon a week will be happy if he’s in the vicinity but several others will drive between 0 and 100 miles seeing that it’s already gone when they get there which will push them further into depression for not being there 1st

>> No.55629894

This literally already happened. Why do you think this board is so shit now? Why do you think there are so many mentally ill schizos fudding Chainlink everyday?

>> No.55629895

Lol… I was on the 2+2 poker forum back in like 2010 when poker players were talking about bitcoin and breaking it down on the finance board of this poker forum… the thread is still up with like 60,000 responses from the beginning. Someone actually had 250,000 bitcoins on that site.

Here let me get it…

Here you go. The best mega thread on the Internet going back 13 years now. 50,000 responses.


>> No.55629934
File: 161 KB, 800x1281, 1677556084722684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link fren. Im going to read through this. Hopefully one day people will look back on this board and be shocked at the prices we get to pay for a single Link

>> No.55629946

>If this thing that was $8 a few years ago and is $8 now turns out to go to $10000 guys, like, ya know?
>If Bloomberg, Apple, and Tesla start shilling our bags, we'll totally hit $81k I just know it!

Screencap this, nothing, and I mean nothing, will pump link past $10, ever again. There are no buyers

>> No.55630145

Keep coping with your incel fantasy delusions kek

>> No.55630160

why the fuck is link pumping anyway

>> No.55630234

Good. Then we'll have to find other people to talk to, the beer halls perhaps.

>> No.55630240
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many are here already and it doesn't matter because you must see through the veil to see the information available on this website

>> No.55630323
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The real 4chan exists in our hearts. The website is just a interface. It is illusionary like smoke. 4chan without users is nothing.

>> No.55630326

It’s crabbing then dumping

>> No.55630354

It’s a great thread to go through from the beginning. But obviously you can’t get thru the entire thing or even 20% of it.

>> No.55630382
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Hello future. If you’re reading this, the anon above has probably roped already.

>> No.55630402

My asshole smelly af

>> No.55630457

not if i buy this place and rangeban all phones

>> No.55630706

Eh I dont think itll be that bad.
The gore videos of fulltime fudcucks and nolinkers suiciding / being killed will filter out most of the initial normie rush probably.

>> No.55630713

I will thankyou

>> No.55630747

There have been inflows everytime something blows up. People on this board knew about BTC and ETH really early. Normies peek in hoping to get alpha but the flood of slurs is too much for them.

>> No.55630749

>I just had this thought
We have known this from 2018 dude

>> No.55630753
File: 474 KB, 1254x726, 1614847286398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will never happen linkie, instead the Great Reset token will be dead on arrival and go to zero.

>> No.55630775

Imagining bragging about having a suicide stack xD

>> No.55630869

You can't make money on other boards. /biz/ will die (it already has) but nobody looking to make a quick buck is going to stay on any other board for more than like 1 minute before they have a panic attack.

>> No.55631000

You're a newfag retard if you think more than .5% of the population will notice or becomes aware of this place because of chainlink, as if Bitcoin and Ethereum weren't already discussed here widely early on. I hate newfags

>> No.55631165
File: 24 KB, 528x528, IMG_2450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That person is a multi billionaire because of an internet coin

>> No.55631919

Sorry to burst your bubble, it can't hit $1k. Buy ORE.

>> No.55631993

Kill yourself currynigger