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File: 202 KB, 1600x900, salary-191107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55628695 No.55628695 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever gambled an entire paycheck from work once? How did that go for you?

>> No.55628724

I do it often on GMX with 10x leverage after particularly big drops in the market. I’m successful less than 10% of the time but I have tight stop losses and ultimately make money doing this. I’m 5’6

>> No.55628742

Haw haw anon bit crazy, a whole pay check at once? LOL some people I guess are a bit loose headed. I mean, a pay check, all at once? That's some wild shit!
>fomos 5k into itchydogbutt inu

>> No.55628751

define "gamble" is it gamble as in buying random shit for the hell of it? do you actual have reason to open a position? ask yourself why you are doing it, before you do something you degenerate gambler.

>> No.55628781


>> No.55628790

Literally every paycheck, and since I started working at walmart I'm able to use the "even" payment option to take a draw once a week if bitcoin shits the bed that day, which I use every chance I get

>> No.55628802
File: 93 KB, 436x512, Festive Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic, but knowers knew who this was. If you know you know

>> No.55628813

Define gamble. I have 25k in shitcoins which is more than a paycheck but didn’t put it in all at once

>> No.55628828

>My friend gained $1200 one day and lost it just as fast next week.
I mean it's gambling. What are you really asking Anon?
If you are actually autistic enough to count like 7 decks in 2023 I guess black jack is in your favor.
Best coinflip you will find is like what baccarat?

I don't even gamble. I lose enough already,""Investing""

>> No.55628900

I did and I felt very stupid when I lost it all in about an hour. mostly I felt stupid because I could have, at multiple points in time, taken out my money with a small profit or small loss. It reduced my appetite for gamgling but I still do it.


>> No.55629028

Every 2nd Friday I leave work at lunch with my freshly deposited paycheck and go to the casino down the road from my place of work. I take out the entirety of my paycheck except for $200. I rotate between blackjack, roulette and baccarat for the next 50 minutes until lunch is over and I need to return to work. Usually I leave empty-handed, using the remaining $200 to eat and put just enough gas in my car to get to and from work. Best I ever did was ~$43k.

>> No.55629041

I’ve been DCAing over $1k per week into shitcoins so yes I technically I do live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.55629064

Did you dress up as a girl when you were a child?

>> No.55629077

>posts about Frank Grimes being the good guy
kek /pol/ broke your fucking mind fren

>> No.55629080

Wrong thread. Now I'm even more confused

>> No.55629091

Yes. I have no investments anymore and hardly any money in the bank so it obviously didn't end very well

>> No.55629098

Don't deflect. You look like a mama's boy.

>> No.55629148

Bit of an attention whore aint ya?

>> No.55629159
File: 1.18 MB, 2208x2854, Schizo Chud In Bunkerchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like seethe mixed with projection. Let me guess you faggots started balding at 25?

>> No.55629166

Kill yourself

>> No.55629174
File: 1.80 MB, 2208x2379, Burger Hunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55629191

Watch this schizo be a millionaire in two years.

>> No.55629204

Thanks fren.

The goal still remains the same, head out to Olympic national forest as the halvening approaches (spring 2024)
You just know I'll be flexing on Fats and making kikes seethe. Hope to see you here. I already know I will. You're here forever

>> No.55629214

Again, did you play with dolls as a kid?

>> No.55629226

Is that you npc anon? Did you go back to r*ddit and become Le Expert on psychology?

>> No.55629289

You seem to be having trouble answering the question. What's wrong? You usually love talking about yourself.

>> No.55629336

I like you you're okay

>> No.55629338
File: 169 KB, 756x756, Soyman Freud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You seem to be having trouble answering the question. What's wrong? You usually love talking about yourself

>> No.55629640
File: 234 KB, 1072x780, Do You Remember Zanzibar Snake_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo wins again

>> No.55629646

I lost a lot of money gmabling in the 2020 election

>> No.55629656

Not intentionally. I did a $25 diagonal calendar spread on STZ earnings. Max risk looked good, 45 dte, if it moved 2% in either direction, I'd make like $200-400. If I was wrong, I would sell immediately, and only be out $25.
Unfortunately, I didnt check my vega exposure and got heemed. It only moved 0.50%, but nobody wanted it, and IV got crushed. I ended up losing about $900 on the spot. (I was long and short a contract, which were like $2000 apiece, so it was like 60% decay).

So yeah, especially with options, if things look too safe and guaranteed, you probably did something wrong

>> No.55629657

I've leverage traded with 5 figures. and gotten liquidated too

>> No.55629668

Has anyone ever said that you look like Lou Diamond Phillips?

>> No.55629793

Yes, back in the early 2000s when I had long hair I heard this a few times on a relatively famous board for trading blizzard items for gold

>> No.55630247

A fag?

>> No.55630250

I do it all the time. Money is plentiful and easy to get

>> No.55630277
File: 510 KB, 1271x1581, TFW Fats Try to Shame Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more projection
Sad really. I'm like atlas carrying the weight of Fats on my shoulders. except I will never shrug to Fats

>> No.55630288

Back in my 20s i'd do it once a year just for the thrill of it. Never on retarded shit like slots, mostly table games or sports bets. As I got older and got married and started a family I have a beer money account for stuff like credit card rewards and magical internet money that I use for bullshit like gambling, shitposting, etc.

>> No.55630356

You're doing it wrong.

Say you earn $500 in pay.
You raffle your paycheck to the rest of the office. "Hey everyone, for $10, you have the chance to get my pay!"
The trick is, you sell 100 tickets. $1000 revenue, someone will always win, and think they doubled their weekly pay (if they earn the same as you) but you do this every week.

Repeat until fired.

>> No.55630383

You'd be fired immediately. Partly because of the raffle and partly because of disclosing what you make.

>> No.55631441
File: 55 KB, 615x610, 1654744851264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once used half (that's supposed to be for food) and as soon as I saw double on my first play I left
a lot of people get caught up in the adrenaline rush and forget that they go there to make a little money, not gamble their asses off
I prefer to just put a little on safe things like VINU, at least with that I don't get so scared of losing it in one night