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5562811 No.5562811 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that top economics who have won Nobel prizes believe not only is bitcoin evil but that it’s worth nothing. Stop buying bitcoin losers and invest in real stocks.


>> No.5562882

this is factually wrong

it's worth over 13k dollars

>> No.5562914




>> No.5563074

ehehe you sure a funny guy

upvoted!11 xD

>> No.5563083

People who profit off of the status quo want to preserve their position. Cryptocurrency is a threat to the established order because now poor people can become rich without going through gatekeepers like banks.

>> No.5563112

>boomers still stuck on king shitcoin
topcuck. move over, old faggots. this is our generation's revenge.

>> No.5563138

I don't give a fuck if it does anything. There's more money to be made than in stocks. Way more money.
>Disclaimer, I do hold a fair amount of money in mutual funds in my retirement accounts

>> No.5563145
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>without going through gatekeepers like banks
this too

>> No.5563170

Krugman also said Internet would be only as valuable as a fax machine.

I.e he has no fucking clue about tech

>> No.5563179


>"Underpinning the value of the dollar is a combination of (a) the fact that you can use them to pay your taxes to the U.S. government, and (b) that the Federal Reserve is a potential dollar sink and has promised to buy them back and extinguish them if their real value starts to sink at (much) more than 2%/year (yes, I know)."

Has to add extra narrative because he knows his argument is completely full of shit. Continues forward like the unabashed establishment liberal Jew he is. Bitcoin is evil because it is going to liberate the world from global financial tyranny. Sure. Get fucked, Krugman.

>> No.5563235

Reminder that Obongo got a Nobel Peace prize.

>> No.5563264

>nobel in economics
my sides

>> No.5563272

You mean the people who won the same prize as Obama did for simply being black?

Like I give a shit about that worthless prize.

>> No.5563332

tbf this article is from 2013 when anyone posting here also thought BTC was a joke.

>> No.5563378

Meanwhile people in the tech industry - the ones who actually understand what it is - know that crypto/blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt huge industries

>> No.5563408

>there is no Nobel prize for economics
>even if there was, economics is not a science, it's pretty much complete bullshit
>(((krugman))) in particular is a total retard. the guy has been wrong about pretty much everything

>> No.5563428
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lmao actually listening to Keynesians

>> No.5563441

Different people dumbasses

>> No.5563512

the nobel is just "diversity nigger awards #443" fuck off faggot

>> No.5563651


"by 2005 the impact of the internet will be no more than the fax machine"

what did he mean by this?

>> No.5563668

Bitcoin is a joke. It was 19k and now it’s crashing into nothing. Sell now while you still can!

>> No.5563821

>Placing a ceiling on the value of bitcoins is computer technology and the form of the hash function… until the limit of 21 million bitcoins is reached. Placing a floor on the value of bitcoins is… what, exactly?

HOLY SHIT. This guy is fucking retarded. The "computer technology" imposes no ceiling on the value of the bitcoins, it places a ceiling on the QUANTITY of the bitcoins.

>> No.5563873

krugman is fucking stupid lol these old ass dudes are idiots

>> No.5563920

Fuck the banks, glory to the worker and his crypto

>> No.5564007

fuck dem banks
fuck dat kike
fuck dem newspapers
all heil the crypto alt reich

>> No.5564708

ofc they do. It destroys their system and they won't go down without a fight. By 2020 it will be too late anyway, the debt will become unsustainable and the social welfare systems will collapse causing mass civil unrest throughout the west. The only hope is BTC and crypto and they know it. They are making sure they get their (((coins))) in place and are discrediting ones that empower the individual BAMN.

>> No.5564731


>> No.5564763
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>> No.5564772

t. New to crypto in November 2017

>> No.5565515


>> No.5565618

>when I try to get them to explain to me why BitCoin is a reliable store of value, they always seem to come back with explanations about how it’s a terrific medium of exchange.
>terrific medium of exchange

>> No.5565868

Imagine you are the owner of a small burger joint, highly praised in your city. You have been working there like your father and your father's father.

Then suddendly, Mc Donalds comes to your town.

That's the state of those people atm.