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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55620136 No.55620136 [Reply] [Original]

So for the last 2 years link^faggots fucking the board up with this clown CCIP product of their ponzi. I'm going to prove that it's a joke and link^schizos will rope themselves.

**Nobody needs it**
Very narrow use case desu, there's nothing to do cross chains except moving shit coins, which is already possible through exchanges
**Nobody will use it**
Why would anyone need to combine all shitchains together? There's only one use case which is portfolio tracking, we already have this. Pacoca, Metamask, even CMC has portfolio tracking across chains. So they won't use CCIP.
**Companies already rolled their own version of CCIP**
For instance aave operates on almost all chains, they developed their app before CCIP. Why the fuck they need to switch it to? It works right now.
**Big companies will roll their own tech (SWIFT, Visa, Mastercard etc.)**
No sane company or engineer will use CCIP because if they need to do something across chains they can develop their own tech in like 10 engineer days. Nobody is going to buy link^schizo bags for something they can do in ~10 days
**It's not like TCP/IP**
Fat faggot serGAY says that it's like TCP/IP but in reality TCP/IP is backbone of the internet while CCIP not needed. All chains operates without it. Everybody somehow develop some way to interact with other chains if they need it. Infura is actually TCP/IP of blockchains because without it there's no web3 wallets, no web3 services.
**30k Total REVENUE**
They were fucking up the board for $30k total revenue? link^faggots as /biz/ we can send you $30k to shut up and never post it in here ever again and live in your shitting streets.
In the end probably they'll get yearly $100k max.

So how link^faggots claps their 500 employee company worked 3 years on this shitty project which you can create it by paying $100 to some pajeet student in fiverr.

>> No.55620141


>> No.55620152

>coin that isn't BTC or ETH is completely fucking useless
many such cases anon

>> No.55620160

yesterday ago you were happy, euphoric, you were positive about chainlink once more
now the dopamine has worn off, you are back to fudding
just get away from it all, take a break. you know what you own, you know you have enough link for the next bull
just get over your past actions, yes you were fucking greedy last bull, yes you could have a comfortable life right now but you fucked it up for the time being
in two years all will be good again, you will forget your past mistakes
good luck fren

>> No.55620165
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drns btw

>> No.55620168
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>yesterday ago
is that a popular idiom in your country?

>> No.55620172


>> No.55620297
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absolutely mindbroken

>> No.55620352

Realize how linkfaggots only comment stuff like "cope", "eoy 1000", "never selling"
because they paid for quantity of their posts, not quality.
after my post it's -%3 already, get rope faggots KEK.

>YEAR 2100
>BTC = $5,503,550
>ETH = $250,000
>DOGE = $1500
>LINK = $6.66

>> No.55620358

2 days

>> No.55620364

Mainnet is restricted to two users, it's still in very early release.
I know it's hard for you to not obsess over every single aspect and detail of Chainlink, but please make an effort. For your own sake.

>> No.55620375


>> No.55620377

cope linkchud

>> No.55620390

Realize how linkfudders only comment stuff like "cope", "eoy $0", "never buying"
because they paid for quantity of their posts, not quality.

>> No.55620399
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>> No.55620813

Those are literally the two largest users though..

>> No.55620825

And their current mainnet CCIP usage is preliminary.
As it should be. Nothing this major launches at full capacity.
To think otherwise is pure retardation.

>> No.55620828

kek fuddies

>> No.55620832

kek fuddies

>> No.55620841

cry more baggie

>> No.55621484

i feel sorry for you OP, the next few months are going to be rough for you

>> No.55621501

At least they stopped posting TNN

>> No.55622084

Dashboard is not accurate.

>> No.55622129

>just get scammed bro

6 years and all they have is a test feature and an experiment that doesnt make any money. This is what billions in funding got you culties. In any other industry, this would already be in court for fraud

>> No.55622135

I dont think they get paid, its just desperate bagholders. Same as gamestop

>> No.55622145

Whats the actual number then? Oh thats right no one knows because CL is a black box.

>> No.55622161

Whoa is this chart real? That is way way way more than ETH had even after its first year. Pretty quick adoption. How many dapps is this?

>> No.55622196
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schizobabble from a fudnigger

>> No.55622237

I think the dashboard is frozen

>> No.55622514
File: 664 KB, 640x640, sgsdfgsdfgsdfwe445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, check out the explorer: https://ccip.chain.link/
Transactions are still coming through every minute or so, paying juicy link fees. The chart is bugged, perhaps intentionally.

>> No.55622598

Why would anyone send a message from one chain to another chain though? There's no use case.

>> No.55622694
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1000 eoy
Never selling

>> No.55622839

What do you mean a “message”? Why would someone want to transfer money from one blockchain to another you mean? Or why would someone want two blockchains to be able to interact with each other like why would the Bank of America ledger need to be able to connect with the Citibank ledger? Or why would someone want their NFT on ETH instead of Solana? Or what? Define message, I’ll answer your question.

>> No.55622952
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>please read this fud essay i wrote out of desperation and sell
Livestream your suicide instead of making your 20th fud thread of the day and I'll consider talking to your shamed parents about exchanging a single link token for your corpse so that I can piss on it and leave it in a landfill lmao.
All fields

>> No.55622997
File: 96 KB, 642x934, IMG_0589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINKchuds are a bunch of sad, angry little men.

>> No.55623033

topkek, that screencap

>> No.55623098

the perpetual, eternal state of everything LINK related
mental illness

>> No.55623154
File: 573 KB, 1088x1388, undercoveruncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuddies smoke cock in hell

>> No.55623174

Yep, and price reflects that. I really do feel sorry for bagholders that didn’t sell above 50, or even 40. But those days are gone. They’re never coming back. Just like all good times in life. It is over.

>> No.55623554
