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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55622730 No.55622730 [Reply] [Original]

>Work from home
>Answer a few e-mails
>Edit a few parameters on a bespoke software system
>Call it a day
>top 25th percentile earner.

How are there still people complaining about "the economy"

>> No.55622754

>work from home
>spam nigger on twitter all day
>make my company $120,000 fixing 2 lines of code for a client
>top 5% earner
It's not honest but it's much

>> No.55622901

Nah it's honest.

>> No.55622974
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>wfh today
>check email
>no meetings
>do some actually fun shit (i like my job)
>boot up minecraft at 3pm

>> No.55623346

most people are not ameriburgers

>> No.55625010

based same here except the fun shit is mowing my lawn while keeping teams up on my phone. time to boot up the craft pretty soon.

>> No.55625058
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>work from home
>in horrible procrastination-boredom cycle
>have a lot to do but procrastinate because easy to get distracted wfh
>work like madman from 2pm-midnight to catch up because i feel bad
>go to bed exhausted
>tfw no friends
>tfw lonely
>top 10% earner

>> No.55625107
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>Work from home
>Chat with custmers for two hours
>Attend meetings that aren't even related to my job
>lunch break
>shitcoin investment in chikun
>call it a day
It really was that easy

>> No.55626711

Same more or less, but 2% earner where I live

>> No.55626745

>sign in
>10 teams message from offshore devs
>15 JIRA tickets assigned to me
>50 e-mails asking for clarification and help

Never become a Tech Lead. It's a fucking scam. I wish I could go back.

>> No.55626776

>do nothing

>> No.55626785

>do absolutely nothing all morning
>bosses probably forgot they even hired me
>going on for 6 months
>down to fapping and cooming on company time
>bottom earner, there literally cannot be anybody making less for muh company than me

communism was a lie and capitalism is a joke. I need to go back. Back to the land.

>> No.55626910

I'm a team lead. I just assign the work to normies below me. Tell them how to implement and go through some code reviews. I average 10-15 hours a week.

>> No.55626987
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I am working hard to one day be smart like you guys and get a comfy 6 figures wfh job I can do while sometimes playing Quake and sometimes pausing it to listen to music or audios while I work my comfy job
I don't know what I'll do yet, and I feel like I have a long way to go to get there, but I have confidence in my abilities
You guys are an inspiration to me

>> No.55627024

My devs are trash and fuck up the most basic shit though. I then get blamed for all their fuck ups unless I scrutinize the shit out of their code. I wish I had less offshore devs on my team.

>> No.55627049

What is the comfiest job???

Apart from being comfy, I heard some business people recommending sales, because with sales you can transfer your skills to working on your own if you want to run a business, and also because if you know how to sell, you'll never be out of a job / not needed

What do you do?

>> No.55627142

I'd recommend project manager, it's like a cross between sales and engineering.

>> No.55627286
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>Start the morning with a bump of coke
>Take a shot everytime I get an email
>Play Genshin Impact on company time nonstop
>Mute myself and then take massive shits while wearing headset for voice meetings
>Have a recording of me that plays during video conferences while I jack off in front of the management ladies
>Emails on autoreply that I'm away permanently
>Most of the time just comment out a bunch of code then recompile
>Have had a foursome with asian escorts during a conference call
>Finish off the day with a fat spliff
>Make 7 figs

>> No.55627306
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>project manager
Interesting. I searched and it said avg salary in US 2023 is ~usd$97k / month
I live in South America, so I'd be competing with Pajeets, and the rest of the planet for the remote positions, I suppose.
I'm hoping my English can carry me. I studied translation in College for a number of years, and phonetics and phonology was my favourite subject. More than once I have had people thinking I was British whilst voice chatting.
So I was considering something like customer support, since I'm bilingual it'd give me an edge over other aspirants. I'm also considering tutoring English online or at home

>> No.55627321

>>Have had a foursome with asian escorts during a conference call
This reminded me of that scene with Patrick Bateman fucking hookers while flexing at the mirror lmao. You absolute degenerate

>> No.55627365

>have full time wfh job
>on a larp, apply for two other wfh security jobs
>both pay 6 figures, they send me laptops and upfront bonus to furnish home office
>log into laptops once a day to check email
>put myself in ticketing group in such a way that no tickets get routed to me
>get paid for these jobs for 11 and 16 months, kek

>> No.55627401

I am a project manager and work 40-50 hours per week with zero downtime. I make 100k and the stress is not worth it. Look elsewhere if you want comfy.

>> No.55627526

>>get paid for these jobs for 11 and 16 months, kek
Did you get busted? lol

>> No.55627785

not really, just post covid departmental changes

>> No.55627927
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Glad you guys are enjoying it, however people like you should not be paid that much money for that little amount of work (contribution). I believe that's fair to say.

If you don't want to work, it's fine (but not really, you should still get the bullet), but you should be paid adequate amount.

Ride the tide while you can because of the dumb management who probably live and work the same way doing nothing so they have no problem with you doing the same.

>> No.55628047

>Glad you guys are enjoying it, however people like you should not be paid that much money for that little amount of work (contribution). I believe that's fair to say.

KEK! He thinks money should be earned on the basis of "hard work" and morals.

Meanwhile there are zoomer thots making 10k per day doing live streams and selling pics of their butthole.

>> No.55628120
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One wrong does not make the other wrong good. Leave the thot and her simps to their own sins. Honest work is the fundamental aspect of life and society. If you don't like the work you're doing now, find a different one. But find the work that you love and that fulfill you and those around you and then do that work the best you can.

Also, read HF (the greatest industrial mind). Every business he started became the best in the world, and that's for a reason.

>> No.55628169

You sound like a Christcuck boomer.

The economy is fake and gay, so is work. Most jobs are complete make-believe bullshit jobs that don't need to exist.

>> No.55628190

Most humans are make-believe and don't need to exist. Perhaps you're one of them.

What is your contribution?

>> No.55628217
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i don t know. economy is fine