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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 661 KB, 1242x1593, IMG_6681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55617130 No.55617130 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>55612872

Buy XRP on Uphold/CoinMetro/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP Ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why hold XRP?
https://youtu.be/5urrOWO0KDI [Open] [Embed] [Embed]
>Newfag Tutorial:
https://youtu.be/23Yn5GdYpJc [Open] [Embed] [Embed]
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>Schizo Rambling

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
DO NOT use Droplet wallet, it's a scam and will steal your XRP!

Thread theme: <will be released in 2 more weeks>

>> No.55617158

Well well well.
The proof is literally in the pudding.

>> No.55617163
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Insider here
2 more threads

>> No.55617170
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Finastra confirmed for onboarded to FedNow and using Ripple for crossborder payments. It begins.

>> No.55617175
File: 84 KB, 1242x654, 2DA87105-687A-4408-8E66-1FBB7390E3FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image that destroyed all fud

>> No.55617177

Actual marge moment

>> No.55617178
File: 183 KB, 1282x2015, 6so11u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw linkies keep pretending xrp news is about then

>> No.55617180

capitulating chainlink holder here. redpill me on adyen

>> No.55617181
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I made a thread and added a ton of new info
we can shit up the board by posting in both I guess if you guys wanted

>> No.55617188

Lets just shit the fan and take over /biz/ lets be real everything else is meaningless lmaooo

>> No.55617198


>> No.55617204
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>> No.55617220
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13 minutes im so close oh my FUCK

>> No.55617225

I am insider with insider info about the imminent event
Post praise to me and if I feel like you did good I will spill the beans
You must really praise me while degrading yourselves, you dirty unworthy pigs
Praise me now if you want to be rich!

>> No.55617229
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>> No.55617230
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I now have 4k XRP.

>> No.55617234

Im sure the ripple video got released right after fednow on accident ;)

>> No.55617240
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>> No.55617246

Post it here fren. I still love you even if we both made new bread.

>> No.55617252

God I wish we would all make it but I don't think linkies will... :(

>> No.55617256

>IMF says XRP used for cross boarder remittance
>RIPPLE confirms central banks setle in XRP

>what's the sidechain?
it's running tendermint BFT using a burn-to-mint bridging system which only operates one-way (for now), basically an EVM clone that uses XRP as gas, similar to how eth is used for gas, makes many chains obsolete.

>> No.55617263
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fuck them in the fucking ass!!!

>> No.55617284

Can someone post the rest of the thread? I am not making a twitter account

>> No.55617301



>> No.55617310


>> No.55617317


>> No.55617323
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>> No.55617325


>> No.55617334

Nothing will happen tonight. I wish it would but it won’t

>> No.55617338

Reporting in o7

>> No.55617343

insider reporting in
i still didnt get my praise so you wont know whats coming (hint: xrp is a decoy)

>> No.55617350

VHF Comms anon reporting for duty.

>> No.55617358
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Reporting in.

>> No.55617363

...any moment now...

>> No.55617370
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Where is brapp buffet?


>> No.55617384
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>> No.55617391
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it habebnaening

>> No.55617397
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>> No.55617404

hypesters are actually fudders in disguise

>> No.55617407


>> No.55617414


>> No.55617419
File: 300 KB, 828x588, C4D6D23B-3FDA-43CC-BD87-9A9B97357196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any moment now

>> No.55617431
File: 29 KB, 474x350, FagTalkAgain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares have fun senpai on god

>> No.55617433
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>> No.55617456
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Reminder that the 7pm memehour was based on nothing but a delusional interpretation of picrel by a retard and was debunked last thread.
FedNow has been on since this morning.

>> No.55617463
File: 1.60 MB, 1275x1268, 1663904561368850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gently wake to a new and beautiful day
>The estate is already alive, but not a peep hits my ears until I open the door
>Chuckle as I remember a time without soundproof faraday bedrooms
>The smell of eggs, meats, and herbs grab me by the nose and carry me through a warm gauntlet of good morning hugs and kisses
>Look out at the fields and see the GrowBots tending to the crops delicately and surgically over their calming buzz
>Check on a few of my wives moving and milking cows brought over from the monastery
>They really seem to have taken a liking to it
>MGS alarm sound plays in my earpiece as security drones were alerted to a perimeter breach
>Subject is an Indian man, 5'4, weak stature, in a purple jumpsuit
>Ah shit, a TwitchVille escapee
>Order a 3-drone unit to swarm and warn
>Escapee pauses at the drones until he see something
>Takes off in a sprint, drones follow
>Purple poolet gets within 50ft of wives and cows
>Drops to his knees and starts crying
>Wives are in shock and drones are awaiting orders
What do I do?

>> No.55617473

Obliterate him with the drone's autocannons without mercy.

>> No.55617474

>letting the jeet get that close
Physically remove him and upgrade your drones to something with more power.

>> No.55617481
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any time now, r-right guys?

>> No.55617485

I am hate fednow, cbdc and ripple. Fuck this shit.

>> No.55617487
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>> No.55617498

unworthy pigs want free path to get rich
i spit on you, you will get what you deserve and I will laugh and you will cry
kiss the ring

>> No.55617514
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>> No.55617566
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>> No.55617575

i'm gonna make a sandwhich
maybe when my stomach is full xrp will moon

>> No.55617584
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>> No.55617591

I'm going to go an make a protein shake
Think of me while you eat, anon.
Although we may be miles apart
In this moment we spiritually break bread as brothers,

>> No.55617596

guys gaskikerino is mocking and taunting us
I think I'm going to sell

>> No.55617605

That was actually fuckin great lad.

>> No.55617624
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>> No.55617677
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>When will the US currency be backed by xrp which will be backed by a basket of precious metals with the ripple escrow being assumed by the US government?
>>Wonder why this news article is exclusively under the XRP-USD ticker? Its not under BTC-USD and the writing is on the wall. My guess is that bitcoin was mentioned by RFK to get the masses along with the idea, even just saying the US dollar will be backed by crypto sounds sketchy, but by using Bitcoin as an example which is something the masses HAVE heard about he can convey the idea of what he is trying to achieve. Bitcoin will be thrown under the bus on grounds of being slow, energy-inefficient and backed by China.
is this true?

>> No.55617722
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>> No.55617729

That screencap never happened though. Algo has 'crypto security' tag now, everything with staking does. Gary has remained consistent about that for years.
It seems like bitcoin and the casino it generated were just predictive programming. The CBP video that ripple just put out also mentioned an XRP powered EVM. Does that mean eth has been frozen out of the market even longer than we think?

>> No.55617739
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You schizos were right all along (mostly)
Thank you

>> No.55617742
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We are, anon, we are

>> No.55617757


>> No.55617758
File: 2.91 MB, 2124x2186, 1687251909451238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call the wives in while jeet is still overwhelmed
>Give kill order
>Soft (fentanyl darts) or Hard (mounted turret) kill?
>Drones turn escapee's skull into a split-second fountain show
>Conveniently captured in 4K from multiple angles
>Wives run back to main house screaming
>Priority order GrowBots to haul jeet to Organic Processing
>Order inspection, but hold on disposal protocol
>Call up one of your administrator friends over at TwitchVille
>Make small talk about the aged pork you sent over last quarter and joke about how they might have a bit of an addiction
>Break the news softly about the escapee and his fate
>Adminbro assures me that he had already been replaced by an AI voice and some phony announcement that he was switching gears to be a VTuber
>They are just glad that nothing else happened, considering, well, you know, bobs
>They request that you send back the body so they can analyze how his trackers failed
>And maybe some pork, if you have any lying around
>Agree and wish him well
>You overhear one wife comforting another in the next room
>"It was awful! I always though that was a myth that people void their bowels when they die... gah, the smell!"
>"He wasn't dead yet, Victoria"
Phew, that was close. Wouldn't want to get on bad terms with Amazon; they razed Dixie Colony to the ground last year, and Dixie was twice as armed as I am.

>> No.55617770

i hope you enjoyed your shake anon
i had a ham and cheese sandwhich, even grilled the cheese a bit in tribute to ham sandwhich anon
alas, my efforts were in vain

>> No.55617776

A terrifying yet foreseeable future, anon.

>> No.55617779

Eth going PoS was the death knell. When it was PoW it clearly wasn't a security since you could just mine it. The shift to PoS was years in the making due to muh energy FUD. ALGO was doomed both for PoS and for having really shitty devtools and wallets.

>> No.55617787

I did, I'm glad you enjoyed your sandwich. Hope we can share sandwiches and shakes irl one day.

>> No.55617792


>> No.55617802
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>> No.55617862

In a regulatory sense, I completely agree. I think from a pursuit of profit perspective, they needed PoS to keep the wolves at bay while they played catch-up. I have no doubt that eth2.0 would have been completely dropped if an EVM PoC/FBA enabled eth3.0 could have been developed in time. They lost the case and couldn't deliver the tech. Ripple had already delivered those products.

>truth is, game was rigged from the start

>> No.55617881

how big of a stack for this?

>> No.55617884

wheres the pump

>> No.55617890


>> No.55617977
File: 249 KB, 958x803, choose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you do with your bag is as, if not more, important than how big it is.

>> No.55617979


>> No.55617984

There's been discussion by anons about how xrp could be staked for transactions by it's holders. I wonder if that would be the best idea (if it happens)

>> No.55618035

Post-scarcity neo-Victorian perma-academia is the only logical choice. Only patricians know.

>> No.55618046

dyson sphere for me

>> No.55618048

these are just stylized pop-culture motifs. I want the one where I can own property and not have to eat the bugs

that's what the AMM is for

>> No.55618076

torn between benevolent gothic-styled cyber-tharchy, vapor-futurist corporatism, and fully automated luxury ruralism

>> No.55618078
File: 167 KB, 1024x683, 1657111380875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join me in fully automated luxury ruralism

>> No.55618113
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Morning lads, how're we doing today

>> No.55618123

I haven't fully understood the AMM but I think I see how it would work

>> No.55618125

where the fuck are you from

>> No.55618126
File: 61 KB, 947x718, keyra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of these are the og xsg options
voluntarist post-agrarianism and cybernetic neo-predator mind transfer also tickle my fancy

>> No.55618141

it's an automated liquidity pool
just be careful about "impermanent losses", if you don't know what that is, google it

>> No.55618149

It's 6:40 PM

>> No.55618153


>> No.55618154

Always a good day when surrounded by frens

>> No.55618156

Australia. Where XRP is worth x1.5 more.

>> No.55618163

I'm guessing you're too young to know the significance of this butt?

>> No.55618164

Don't tell them, they will want to come here to make a profit.

>> No.55618167

Okay I get it now, thank you anon. With the way XRPs future is looking I don't think there would be very much danger but it would be worth keeping in mind.

>> No.55618172

>With the way XRPs future is looking
dumping? yeah...

>> No.55618178

If you can't buy more XRP it will be a slow drain of your bags.

>> No.55618187

Why would that be?

>> No.55618198

Interplanetary arcologies in our own solar system mixed with interstellar travel and Panspermia Genesis Reenactment around younger stars.

>> No.55618201
File: 281 KB, 1242x2688, IMG_7898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scored this today. Which is cool

>> No.55618202

Post scarcity neo Victorian perma academia sounds like a great aesthetic for actually teaching things to people within a luxurious fully automated ruralist society, a society that uses a benevolent cyber thearchy to make much of its decisions and for general counsel and because we must spread the spark of life as much as possible the major cities should have an interplanetary transport and have a thing for arcological monumentalism
Someone edited this, it used to be more stupid lol.

>> No.55618214

You trade on a seesaw pairing. If the liquidity wants your xrp, it pays you in the equivalent value of say, gold. Potentially you have a lot of gold, but no xrp.

>> No.55618219

Slow drain due to impermanent loss.
Can't buy more due to supply shock, cutting out retail etc. If it is the chosen one they might not want us having more than we do now.

>> No.55618222

when is my flare gonna be worth money?

>> No.55618223

The art of 1900's vapor futurist and art deco trains-centrist secular messianism are cool too.

These with the ones I mentioned here are the optimal way, it even makes a cross. I bet this was edited to be better by the Christian discords lol.

>> No.55618226

Right so essentially it's just standard risk/reward stuff. As long as you don't put all your XRP in, and have the means to buy more, you will be alright

>> No.55618234

Ok that makes sense please disregard >>55618226

>> No.55618246

With Liquidity pools, you make profit if the price difference of both assets stays similar a but there is a lot of volume. If Gold goes up, your pool allocation holds more XRP but you have less gold, vice versa, however at a gradual loss. So if XRP were to go up but Gold stayed the same, you would make more money simply holding XRP and gold out of the pool.

Both assets appreciating at the same rate is optimal.

>> No.55618275
File: 771 KB, 3000x1680, BEB23B43-1B84-4D5D-8115-D98CD737A228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I can tell this is a fintech or bank or something that is certified to use the fednow service, which basically allows transactions between banks to settle in a few seconds compared to clearing normally by close of business.

One of the ways in which volante allows people to transact, using fednow, is via Ripple/presumably xrp. So it’s more like xrp can use fednow rather can fednow using xrp kek

>> No.55618282

Ok I'm understanding this now. I suppose that whether or not it would be worth taking part in such a liquidity pool would depend on factors such as the price of XRP

>> No.55618288

Yeah, the nature of secular messianism sounds absolutely key to even getting to any of these points as well as through out. Can't just rely on the benevolent cyber thearchy all the time. The cyber thearchy was after all, probably made/suggested by a secular messianic figure. And futurist corporatism is almost also basically necessary for any of the others to work, and will be a part through out. Who makes (owns/made the system) the machines of the fully automated luxury ruralism?

>> No.55618329

this implies you've taken this test multiple times
seek help

>> No.55618335

>As far as I can tell
>allows people to transact, using fednow, is via Ripple/presumably xrp
>it’s more like xrp can use fednow rather can fednow using xrp kek
literal retard
do you even read what you write

>> No.55618346

>took it multiple times

>> No.55618355

Xtremely Racist People
RIPPLE bros i don't feel so goo...ack

>> No.55618367

Well i mean i took it last year when i was sleep deprived and that was only other time i took. I just means i have great pattern recognition

>> No.55618381

i took the real mensa test i'm 150 alpha chad but i aint no fucking regular fat nerd i'm a fatlete too

>> No.55618384

I might buy this stupid shit for a quick pump and dump but XRP is very obviously not integral to fednow just because literally one (1) entity lets you go from ripple to bank via fednow. XRP is a customer of fednow not the other way around

>> No.55618397

memedates never deliver

>> No.55618406

Tonight at 7!!!

>> No.55618412

It's at least two: Volante and Finastra. We also got Ripple officially confirming that XRP on the public XRPL will be the bridge asset for CBDCs today.


>> No.55618414

you just keep saying stupid shit lol
I'm glad you're one of the dumb retards who are too stupid to buy this coin
and it won't change, because your intelligence isn't going to change

>> No.55618416
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>> No.55618420

for me it's astro-archaeology on the moons of mars jupiter and saturn and looking for fragments of Atlantean temples in the asteroid belt. hope to spend some time as a visiting dignitary on at least one galactic federation ally planet/space station before i die as well.

>> No.55618425

nigger mad

>> No.55618429

Ah. Now I see why you were confused by my first post: you have the reading comprehension of a toddler. I will buy, and then I will dump on you at $1.

>confirmation source: a video by ripple

That is not confirmation of anything

>> No.55618438

no I comprehend the stupid shit you're saying quite clearly
enjoy your 20% gain LMAO

>> No.55618457

The guy is a stinkylinky
See >>55617180

>> No.55618488
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 9E0D324E-DA44-45AE-B979-237BE92F7479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don’t blow my cover man

>> No.55618497
File: 160 KB, 645x729, 1681138637770260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fednow uses xrp for remittance
>this means ripple is a customer of fednow
you can't make this shit up

>> No.55618508

>fednow uses xrp for remittance

That is exactly backwards though.

>> No.55618518
File: 213 KB, 1235x727, 1676702425986454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a nice little picture from the fednow website

>> No.55618536
File: 478 KB, 3058x1638, 1679143224712923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another one

here's the links in case you needed to verify it yourself peabrain

>> No.55618548

okay now it's your turn to show me where in the process of me sending xrp from one wallet to another that I have to connect through fednow
I'll wait for infinity since your stupid ass is too stupid to even understand what I'm asking

>> No.55618550
File: 645 KB, 944x2048, clong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not making a twitter account
Nor will I.

>> No.55618556

dude, i never had a coin wrecking me harder than SGB, seriously
put in ton of money on it, get dumped on
hold for a year plus, when you sell, it pumps hard

what the fuck man

>> No.55618563
File: 94 KB, 720x560, 72323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a better hint

>> No.55618572

Yes that’s exactly what I was referring to. Volante is allowing banks to make xrp payments using fednow. Not sure how that works mechanically. But the point is that XRP is not a *part* of fednow. Volante apparently just makes it possible to use fednow to settle xrp.

>> No.55618575

are you actually retarded or just new? didnt you read the verdict?

>> No.55618581

euro fintech gets in but us ones don't
> ok so what?

>> No.55618590

alright now you're actually pretending to be retarded thinking you can save face

>> No.55618598

I am the smartest nigga in this thread

>> No.55618604

no you're just a dumb faggot that needs attention

>> No.55618607

Why would you spend money on a token specifically meant for a test network if you aren't using it to test the network?

>> No.55618614

to make money

>> No.55618615

>verbal aggression on 4channel

Cucked, gay, etc

>> No.55618619

because i wanted to test the network when testing it became available

ur gonna be waiting on flr net while everyone is having fun on sgb? it'll take awhile until features are ported to mainnet

>> No.55618623
File: 15 KB, 443x299, 4xsg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.55618625

>saying stupid shit for attention
weak, insignificant, worthless, etc

>> No.55618646

>while everyone is having fun on sgb?
Yeah, it sounds like you're having a great time.

>> No.55618654

Be angry all u want it doesn’t change my point at all. Institutions who want to trade in XRP (None of them) can now do so using fednow via volante/finstra.

Fednow has no other connection to XRP.

>> No.55618659

probably the worst timing for selling in my life
pretty close to when I sold SHX, and it pumped 80% a few days later

>> No.55618667

no institutions that want to use fednow can now use volante which uses xrp
but here's your attention for acting stupid since you really want it this badly

>> No.55618687

this is like raging in an argument you’ve been having thru the past few weeks via porta potty graffiti at a construction site

>> No.55618689

your fud is shit
>Institutions who want to trade in XRP
get your brainbleed sorted

>> No.55618701

No one cares what you're trying to shill.

>> No.55618703

yeah cause you're stuck in the portapotty with mentally ill people who think they're getting validated through attention seeking behavior by pretending to be retarded for (you)s

>> No.55618705
File: 7 KB, 225x225, BBD36040-FE2B-466C-BA2B-6E97667AE0DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. It’s a ridiculous premise that they would ever use this shitcoin

>> No.55618709

>he doesn't know

>> No.55618723

he knows he just wants his attention

>> No.55618765

obvious as day this coin is what it is
trading available in the us again

>> No.55618829
File: 19 KB, 399x399, 1634642664114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright breakout for real this time-

>> No.55618875
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reminder XRP is held exclusively by nigs

>> No.55618932

why is cryptowat.ch such a piece of lagging shit?

>> No.55618964
File: 43 KB, 745x184, bigstank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder this smelly coon BIGSTANK holds XRP
once Sir. Klaus Schwab finds out he is going to end his partnership with ripple.
there is no room for trashy American blacks in The New Elite MegaWealth Enclaves.

>> No.55618965

>he thinks nigs won't dump it for a lambo at $10
assuming they can figure it out

>> No.55618969

Change links to nitter.net to see more

>> No.55618972

sirs redeem now

>> No.55618977

cuck and handle breakout come FUCK ON

>> No.55619004
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>> No.55619027
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Retain your seed. You cooming is the reason why we're not mooning.

>> No.55619040
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Klaus Schwab knighted by Queen Elizabeth II

>> No.55619047

redeem now buy linkiekink ser

>> No.55619065

That one linkie whos been eating cat food for years is probably gonna kill himself

>> No.55619182

das rite we out here my niggaz

>> No.55619211

So feds just killed XRP, huh?

>> No.55619231

It’s over they killed it. What more can u type

>> No.55619232
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>> No.55619244

honestly with how instant gratification driven they are i'm surprised any still hold it.

>> No.55619271

Is XSG just moon boys and newfags now?

>> No.55619276

which is why they'll sell it for USD (lol) once it really pumps

>> No.55619296

I just found out about fednow. I knew that nobody will use xrp in real banks and they'll come up with their own thing...

>> No.55619310

it's called having fun retard

>> No.55619341

i just hope it goes up so i can get a hot dinner

>> No.55619356

all of them

>> No.55619378
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There's actually a reason for this, called the "AMC Effect". Niggers can pick up on obvious winning plays because they don't get midwit filtered, but they're also poor as shit because they're dumb and impulsive. This leads them to seek out cheaper "just as good" alternatives, like buying AMC instead of GME. They can't afford BTC or ETH so XRP is the top mcap coin they can afford.

That too.

>> No.55619479

>implying all you faggot wigger zooms don't talk like that
Could very well be some 19 year olds

>> No.55619488
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Whats the XRP/XLM suicide stack?
I currently have 2k usd of both

>> No.55619685

the notion that they can't afford btc but can afford xrp because it's cheaper is a perfect example of nig thinking

>> No.55619744

my heart is broken
my will remains steel
i just found out a secret
xtravod is a canadian

>> No.55619747

Why are 2 threads

where is fednow pump

>> No.55619777

Isn't that interesting?

>> No.55619779

You literally cannot make any of this stuff up!

>> No.55619789


>> No.55619800

this thread is starting to get blessed

>> No.55619805

if only xrp price was getting blessed

>> No.55619824

I’m an insider with insider information about the price of xero p, on Sunday this week we are going to see a 4.5x to drop a hint at 4,500$ price feature

>> No.55619828

Yes I also think sunday

>> No.55620008
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I have a dream that one day xrp bros and link marines will form an alliance and take over the crypto space

>> No.55620023

this but only for xrp bros

>> No.55620024

you literally need nothing but the ledger
no need for anything else not even oracles cause you can just trade on the ledger in xrp

>> No.55620037

14 more hours

>> No.55620040

then what

>> No.55620072

We are directly opposed. LINK is the Hell on Earth L2 permissioned ledger slave to business technologies and QR code world. XRP is the standard silver stake in the heart of that effort ensuring permanent decentralized liberty of usage. Fuck globalists. You lost. Eat my dick.

>> No.55620080

>link faggots wanting to make peace now
Shouldn’t have spammed the board for years while insulting us countless times all to praise some shitty erc-20 token that a scammer had created.

>> No.55620086

Bitstamp or kraken?

>> No.55620094

$2.80xrp sounds nice

>> No.55620106

here's a good article about de-dollarization and how US treasury bonds are going to be sold en masse
goes into the BRIICS gold token a bit
i wouldn't believe everything in it but it's at least interesting

>> No.55620182

>Go to catalog
>search for xrp
>only 7 threads up

guys we are losing support

>> No.55620213

I need a vhf channel # not a faggot saying report in

>> No.55620229

there's more we're just being more subtle about it cause it's funnier

>> No.55620252

Tell us more about XRP price action and lees about bag implications. Alpha is valued, not personal dreams

>> No.55620303

seems more globohomo than hbar and vet

>> No.55620341

I just had my morning coffee just like you, planning to buy more XRP afterwards

>> No.55620353

Hbar is globohomo central and nowhere near capable of what XRP is (same for VET). VET is CCP which is the same thing. Both lost together awesomely and neither even comes close. Fuck them both forever.

>> No.55620363

xrp replaces central banks and gives anyone the tools they had
why would globohomo which is entirely funded by banks want to give their power away

>> No.55620366


>> No.55620372

i was talking about link being more globohomo than hbar and vet

>> No.55620373

long are being destroyed right now arent they

>> No.55620378


>> No.55620384

yeah you right then

>> No.55620405
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High IQ post.

Voluntarist Post-agrarianism and Dyson Sphere seem so comfy... I could go both ways with enthusiasm.

I've though about nothing else but exactly what I can bring to the table with my bag. I am beginning to suspect that the endurance and suffering involved with XRP is a cosmic shit-test designed to filter out the unworthy. The more we wait and the more FUD/setbacks that arrive, the more solidified and clear my plans become.

Furthermore, the long duration has bought me time and focus (thanks to you lads) to actually get my shit together in real life and begin to execute whatever I can before the moonshot... before XRP I was just a worker in a machine without consequence... today I am literally a Jedi knight compared to my former aimless self.

If it takes another year, or two... I will be even more prepared and have learned more, accomplished more and be even closer to peak form.. I'm ready any time, I suspect that many here are pushing on all fronts as I am. XSG is a self improvement community, that's honestly what kept me interested for so long, the frens who are all share the same dreams and values, albeit in their own image.

If XRP ever moons, books and movies will be written about the alumni of this place and all the crazy shit they accomplished once we were finally activated.

"Yesterday, we were an army without a country... today we must decide..."


God help them if we ever make it, because I wont.

>> No.55620408

>hbar and vet

kys bagholder

>> No.55620418
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Do I close my longs at a loss?
Halp me frens

>> No.55620419

And now I have a morning boner, thanks!

>> No.55620425

i take it you invest in anal nitrate, butt plugs, and dragon dildos.

>> No.55620435


>> No.55620456

Just closed my longs at a loss, feels bad man
Hopefully will make it back on the firesale

>> No.55620464
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>> No.55620472

now isnt that quite interesting guys?

>> No.55620476
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imagine the smell

>> No.55620500

literally, who?

>> No.55620504
File: 7 KB, 231x218, stablecoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid $0.77 stable coin

>> No.55620505

future president

>> No.55620512

>Price predictions
I predict deez nuts in your mouth

>> No.55620528
File: 40 KB, 451x450, 1679669303939979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

predict this
*grabs junk*

>> No.55620531

I am bored

just 2 more days before moon

>> No.55620560

Just heard august 4th might be the day

>> No.55620656

day 795 of rice and beans. stay blessed

>> No.55620675

how big is the stack

>> No.55620698
File: 85 KB, 1170x1214, F1K6MK2aIAEFROZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David "JoelKatz" Schwartz
CAUTION: holdxrp . com is a scam site.

Posted just today. We sell now then?

>> No.55620709

He is telling us to holdxrp
Note the space between holdxrp and .com

>> No.55620712

7/22, 7/23 the I period starts.

>> No.55620722
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>> No.55620727

Chainlink just killed your shitcoin how do you feel?

>> No.55620735

why is this shitcoin dumping so hard? could it be it's not the standard and schizos lied again for nth time?

>> No.55620774
File: 303 KB, 1689x1795, !hodl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HODL the line xrpmarines

>> No.55620827

kys baggie

>> No.55620895

Why these dates

>> No.55620900

How? It doesn't do anything xrp does >>55620735

>> No.55620910

Schizoids never lie

>> No.55620913
File: 709 KB, 1677x2179, Anatomical_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you fellow schizo's.

>> No.55620918

This babacuckold still hasn't been ran out of town?

>> No.55620924

Was it worth it>>55620464

>> No.55620932

Is this real
777 increase is a lot right

No it's about to go up 777%

>> No.55620954
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>> No.55620961

How is Adyen connected to XRP?

>> No.55620962


>> No.55620971

It uses xrp

>> No.55620980
File: 176 KB, 1170x2321, F1M8wAzWIAAD8eF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know it comes up a lot in the riddler posts. "In the middle of those" is again the I in the calendar. >>55620722

>> No.55620985

Literally me

>> No.55620987

Neat, source?

>> No.55620994

Well it's soon so hopefully it happens

>> No.55621000
File: 452 KB, 2208x1242, 5DA253D6-56FE-470D-8159-75CBB3DBCDC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic head and shoulders pattern. the dumping will continue today, probably down to $0.74ish

>> No.55621001

>Dec 14, 2021

>> No.55621007

I made it up sorry
I didn't think anyone would talk to me

>> No.55621013

I'm looking it up and I'm finding 0 connections.

>> No.55621018

Maybe its exactly what they want you to think

>> No.55621052
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>XRP $0.777
>XLM $0.1555
what does it mean

>> No.55621054

Xrp only needs to go to 11 dollars to flip BTC
Then what happens
Does everyone start buying thinking it's going to 60k like Bitcoin did?

>> No.55621062
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>> No.55621063

Something good right

>> No.55621069

Ripple pisses out the remaining escrow tokens just slowly enough to keep the price crabbing and pocket over $500 billion. Then moona.

>> No.55621077

How long would that take
What if the escrow was burned

Did you know we could vote for ripple to burn the escrow?

>> No.55621085
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>> No.55621090

wow he said something 3 years ago

>> No.55621094

fucking ginormous kid. landlord made me pay extra.
absolutely wont eat anything else

>> No.55621096
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>> No.55621101

What if the SEC forces it too

>> No.55621102
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why is songbird pumping

>> No.55621106

What could happen to the price if this was too happen

>> No.55621113

Is flare pumping too?

>> No.55621118




>> No.55621142

fuckckkk i missed we were at 284 posts already

it shouldve been meeeee

btw to that fag who keeps shitting out duplicates, stop it, at least i always only created 1 new thread

>> No.55621155
File: 2.57 MB, 600x600, EC5dDUWXsAQ1J2V_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all don't seem to understand something, XRP is not the Devils coin, FEDNOW is not Crypto, Fednow is JPM coin 2.0 and is trying to Destroy Crypto.

XRP will destroy the FED because it will be tied to GOLD, Precious metals and commodities.

XRP is GODS Coin and will Free us from Globalist control and Absolute Tyranny.

In order for XRP to succeed, countries will switch to BRICS, they will all start to use their own currencies at first and they will decide to use a single currency XRP to be the intermediary between all currencies.

Christine Lagard is the enemy not a friend

Space X and SpaceForce + Quantum computers will be important in the future for XRPmd8xtn

>> No.55621156

>is trying to Destroy Crypto.

nobody cares you absolute brainlet

>> No.55621170

It would be a stupid pump and dump that would destroy the point of XRP as being the Global currency.

XRP will be $35800 at one point, burning it would ruin its use case, it needs to be abundant for world transactions.

>> No.55621172

Post this in the new thread

>> No.55621205



>> No.55621213

How many of you guys have dreamed (literally dreamed it) xrp mooning?

>> No.55621227

I had this dream last week the night from the 13th to 14th

>> No.55621825
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Zoom out lol

>> No.55622318

no reason to burn the escrow

>> No.55622329

they can't i don't think i think the hodlers have to vote for it to burn, which i would be voting no because one fuck that and two we are going to need all that zerps for xborders

>> No.55623313

based schizo