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File: 346 KB, 1015x1577, 1689857992534606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55620547 No.55620547 [Reply] [Original]

Besides not being addicted to weed, what are the easiest ways to save money?

>> No.55620628

Make everything yourself.
You eat bread? Make your own. Buy a cheap breadmaker if you don't want the forearm gains. Will still cost less eoy than buying bread and the bread is better.
You eat pasta? Make your own. It's flour and that's all.
You like ketchup? Make your own. It's tomatoes, vinegar, salt and sugar.
You like mayo? Get some fucking chickens shidding out fresh eggs.
You like cheese? You get the picture.
It takes basically the same amount of time as shopping and there is nothing you can buy that isn't cheaper to make if you figure out how to reduce the timecosts.
Except byproduct foods. Those are only as cheap as they are because they're otherwise waste and are sold in bulk for pennies just to save on disposal. Most are bad for you though so avoid.
All in you can make a burger twice the size for less than 50c depending on where you live. But you don't make them one at a time. You make a half dozen +/-2.
Stop wearing memebrand cloths, they are poly's and the microplastics are leeching into your fucking skin anyway. Get some real quality clothes that are cheap.

>> No.55620718

Big macs have everything you need to be big a strong tho

>> No.55620732

>100% beef.
Ok. I make my own big macs and my family loves them.

>> No.55620741

Sergey is that you

>> No.55620752

wish I was as strong as sir gay

>> No.55620780

how fat do you have to be that making your own food is actually cheaper

>bro just buy a bread machine bro


>> No.55620786

Switch the heating off entirely.

enjoy ze spores

It's aspergillus.

>> No.55620792

Here here.

The regular burgers aren't that expensive and have enough calories in them to keep you going for a while.

>> No.55620811

bread is goyslop, if you still eat that shit you are unironically low IQ

>> No.55620851

>a cheap breadmaker
what are breadmakers?

>> No.55620951

even wheat?

>> No.55620965

AI but for bread.
Can make yogurts and jams too.

>> No.55621041


Can you give me more context about your life? Do you actually live in the woods?

>> No.55621057

If you buy it from a superstore it's goyslop. Regardless of what product it is.
Real bread is real food. And only glutenlets will disagree.

>> No.55621065
File: 1.58 MB, 2140x2765, 1689855111224627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woods adjacent I'd say

>> No.55621092


I think I remember seeing a previous thread of yours where you had some sort of hamper and a make-shift tent of some sort around some logs etc.

How often do people walk past you when on bushwalks etc? How do you manage pest control (bugs, mosquitos, etc). Isn't it spooky at night?

>> No.55621116

Not eating meat
Not smoking
Not drinking
Not simping
Finding a job that gives you food and a place to stay.
My largest expense last month was 50€ on a whore.

>> No.55621141
File: 284 KB, 780x928, Dr Diamond Hans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger isn't me lmao
Very very rarely at this point. The hamper pic was taken in early spring where mosquitos weren't an issue yet. But I use real tree netting screwed into wood and then bury the bottom

>> No.55621201
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, 1689742889940303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons are really larping as me now kek

>> No.55621225

How do you get addicted to weed? I microdose 0.18g daily and have stopped multiple times when needed

>> No.55621239
File: 1.18 MB, 2208x2854, Schizo Chud In Bunkerchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll find you and kill you unless you stop this game. It doesn't have to be this way fren

>> No.55621244

Depending on where you live weed can save you money as it’s dirt cheap some places and gets you hundreds of hours of content out of $5-30 indie games on steam.

>> No.55621284
File: 800 KB, 1610x2135, 1689743220134080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda wild, I don't even post that picture often. How long have you saved this?

>> No.55621294

Yes that's it! That's the one I remember lol.

Do people ever walk past you?

>> No.55621303

nm re-read you post. i was lazy

>> No.55621305

No. That particular picture never got spotted
Generally I get circled by Cessna planes after being in the same location for several months. Then I'm off to my next adventure

>> No.55621325
File: 2.08 MB, 2944x2208, The fuck did he mean by this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright you little punk I put up the monero bounty. You are fucking dead kid

>> No.55621363
File: 331 KB, 1080x1198, 1689930610209533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see you in kleros court. You're done

>> No.55621377

Why do you keep posting this stupid picture? It doesn’t even make sense. Picture of an emaciated tweaker and McDonald’s? What is the logical connection? I don’t get it

>> No.55621389
File: 1.32 MB, 434x498, soy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you keep posting this stupid picture

>> No.55621398

Eat one fast food burger on your brithday wise on spending money on food

>> No.55621410

>posts redditjaks instead of explaining himself
Ok, schizophrenic confirmed

>> No.55621416
File: 2.09 MB, 2944x2208, On My Way To Beat Up Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're done, kleros doesn't deal with animals. You poke the bear you get the dog nerd

>> No.55621417

>gets you hundreds of hours of content out of $5-30 indie games on steam.
The absolute state.
If you need content you are a consoomer.
Learn some shit and don't stop. Your brain chemistry adapts to your circumstances and you will start finding it fun.
The opposite is true for games and intoxication. You start finding other stimuli boring because the effort/reward is "too low".

>> No.55621423
File: 18 KB, 482x413, 683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain funposting or you are Le Schizo

>> No.55621429

Do you say this when you’re asked to play a board game at parties too? Don’t answer because we all know the answer is ‘yes’ and nobody likes you because you’re miserable no fun allowed freak

>> No.55621435

>Another retarded reaction image that has nothing to do with his post nor has no clear point outside of his own head
Just more evidence of your schizophrenic brain making connections that don’t exist

>> No.55621438

>posted by the same faggot that can't into schizo vs schizo posting
Lmao go back to hello kitty adventure island bing bing wahoo faggot. You need to finish the trophy list for another epic platinum

>> No.55621446

Explain how posting non sequiturs is ‘fun’?? It’s maybe fun in your own mentally Ill brain but everyone else is just confused as to why you post the same useless picture everyday

>> No.55621455
File: 2.70 MB, 498x354, Fats MAD Trying To Get Fit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explain how posting non sequiturs is ‘fun’??

>> No.55621457

It just happens. Carts make it way easier to get addicted. Basically I liked to get high af every waking moment. I’d be hitting the bong at 6am. Eventually smoking an oz a week. Shit was cash but ultimately destructive. I love weed but it is not good for me. I’m six months weed free now. I don’t plan on going back ever again.

>> No.55621458

>go back to having fun and playing Mario
Ok thanks I will??? I might even play co-op with my friends!!!

>> No.55621460

Wheat is one of the worst types of food out there

>> No.55621461

Wow you finally posted an image that made sense in the context of the discussion (in order to insult me for asking a simple question because you’re upset for no reason). Congratulations! Did you finally take your meds?

>> No.55621469

>Do you say this when you’re asked to play a board game at parties too?
False equivelancy. You're talking about vidyamaxxing by yourself for hundreds of hours by smoking weed and playing solo indies. And board games are unironically educational in most instances. Besides, the effort/reward ratio is more balanced because you're socializing at the same time. So board games are the superior choice.
You don't go to parties anyway so don't pretend you even have the experience to compare. I bet the last time you played a board game your mom had to force you to do it and you ruined the game for her with a fucking tantrum.
You can also just pirate all your fucking vidya for free.

>> No.55621476

>board games are unironically educational in most instances

You are massively retarded. Stopped reading there

>> No.55621486

You act and type like a passive aggressive faggot, go to reddit and stay there with the rest of your kind

>> No.55621491

Have you never played monopoly? Chess? The Royal Game of Ur?

>> No.55621493

You talk like a literal npc kek

>> No.55621502

Oh yeah because nobody acts passive aggressive on 4chan!! Everyone knows 4chan’s userbase is famously genuine and never engages in sarcasm, irony, hyperbole, and passive aggression LOL

>> No.55621518

That’s rich coming from the guy who’s still using half decade old chanspeak catchphrases

>I’m not an NPC you cuck incel chud wojak coomer s*y npc kekpilled summerfag!! I’m an individual
That’s basically you

>> No.55621520
File: 139 KB, 800x750, 6000000 soybooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55621522

No because I’ve had sex before

>> No.55621526
File: 82 KB, 498x468, soyjak-angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s basically you

>> No.55621529

>Posts normal looking guy who takes care of his health by drinking organic beverages
Ok, what is your point? How is this an insult?

>> No.55621535
File: 72 KB, 637x445, Brainsoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is this an insult?

>> No.55621537

NSFW mods do not count anon.
The Royal Game of Ur is superior to any form of sex.

>> No.55621539

Wow who could have predicted another wojak?? Yep you’re totally not an NPC who follows a script as if some software dev autist wrote your entire personality in computer code hahahah. You’re so preprogrammed (like an NPC) it’s unbelievable

>> No.55621543
File: 144 KB, 1080x1079, 3dpd soybooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re so preprogrammed

>> No.55621544

>NSFW mods
Once again, no idea what this means. Is this retarded gamer lingo? I don’t spend all my life on computer playing Minecraft like you. I only play games casually with my girlfriend/friends

>> No.55621547
File: 5 KB, 250x221, 1689914651813467s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in yourself, man. Educate yourself on financial literacy, and learn about smart investments. No YOLOing on speculative coins. Consider index investment on Vanguard and AstraDao. That's how you'll save real money

>> No.55621552

You wouldn’t even need AI to reconstruct your entire posting style. Someone could just write a primitive script with about 15 conditional statements. You’re not even AI tier NPC, you’re a character in a text based role playing game from 1985 loooooooooooool

>> No.55621554

>I don’t spend all my life on computer playing Minecraft like you
>gets you hundreds of hours of content out of $5-30 indie games on steam.
Sure buddy.
I'm going to stop replying because i can tell you're getting overstimmied from replying to two anons and are about to breakdown. Deep breaths.

>> No.55621566
File: 8 KB, 251x201, (Fats).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55621568

So edgy

>> No.55621572
File: 166 KB, 1122x1464, POV - Looking Out The Oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose some weight, my kike oven can't do all the work

>> No.55621580

How do you even use an oven when you’re locked in a padded cell with a straight jacket on?

>> No.55621587
File: 1.38 MB, 2982x2405, Schizo Meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never chain me

>> No.55621591

Interesting. Are the chains in the room with us right now?

>> No.55621601
File: 2.23 MB, 2982x3458, How Do You Do Fellow Fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing in the room is me and you, and MY burgers

>> No.55621607

>Name: Tina
Why did you pick a girls name? Are you a transgendered too?

>> No.55621621

I appreciate it
I’m somewhat of an improover myself. I just like weed and video games.

>> No.55621661
File: 33 KB, 428x450, 1665528978687664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It takes basically the same amount of time as shopping
lol. You never once prepared food in your life and you are larping, aren't you anon?
Nobody who ever made his own food would claim it's as fast as shopping. And it makes zero sense since you still have to shop for the base ingredients. And shopping for x5 more ingredients actually, and fresh ones, which takes MUCH longer.

So not only you'd spend x5 more time shopping, but you'll also spend x10 more time preparing it.

>> No.55621663

You know there’s games that sorta teach you things? I’ve learned task management, the important of build orders in scaling production, geography, economics, strategy and tactics, timing and rhythm skills, history, and many more. I won’t lie though most gamers are just abusing the reward centers of their brains, but I think they could be the future of education. The problem is they make too many education based games 95% education. They need to make it extremely addictive and 20% or so education.

>> No.55621697

Oh also: cooking with cast iron, going for walks, taking all available over-time, cleaning, watching YouTube, looking up potential investments, buying things that save you money long-term (but be careful as this can become a consumerist habit, it is best to practice minimalism and learn to do more with less).

>> No.55621800

stop eating out, make your own food (+ eat more veggies)
exercise, find a sport and get decent at it.
get decent sleep, helps you keep a sane mind and keeps you focused.
there is nothing wrong with spending money on worthy investments. i take it a majority of us play video games - a $2k PC or a console every 8 years is cheap entertainment if you break it down at a per month cost. just don't get starry eyed when the latest or greatest comes out.
if you have a car and the luxury to do so, find a way to get rid of it and reduce it's cost. buy a reliable used car if you must.
if you don't plan on being single, choose your gf/spouse wisely...

>> No.55621911

Don't shit or pee, if that happens when you sleep put the turds back in your asshole etc

>> No.55621922

I buy the things that I eat with CryptMi crypto card which offers cashback on all purchases made with it, so that helps me to reduce the amount that I spend

>> No.55622028

All for what? To save money for others to spend?

>> No.55622051

Diminished IQ alcoholic hands typed this post

>> No.55622149

Not everyone likes to pay with crypto, but that's a wise move because I checked the cashback offer now and its great

>> No.55622168

I bought a bread machine for my parents and they love it. We make fresh bread once a week. That's another way to save money. Have a good relationship with your parents.

>> No.55622451

>Can you give me more context about your life?
you know the first time I saw this guy >>55621239 was yesterday, he got really bitchy with me and he was working at walmart.

>> No.55622500

Saving money is for poor people
If you need to worry about "saving," you are poor, simple as. And saving will never make you rich
>muh crypto
Bitcoin only happened and will only ever happen once. You're trying to chase the next Bitcoin, you don't give a shit about the "industry" or the "tech" or anything like that, but I'm here to tell you there is no next Bitcoin. It's done, if you're too stupid to figure out other ways to get rich that's on you

>> No.55622521

>Make your own pasta
You stupid fucking nigger why would I spend an hour of my time, which is worth hundreds of dollars, making pasta I can get out of a box for $1.50, of if I really feel like putting on the ritz, $5 for fresh pasta?

>> No.55622531

No it's not. You should still save even if you're wealthy. Saving is part of being smart with your money. You sound retarded.

>> No.55622561

Stop eating goyslop wood anon, you’re better than that.

>> No.55622562

I don't save, I invest you stupid motherfucker
And you just sounds like a poor nigger lol. Imagine scrimping by this much and just being miserable for a few extra thousand a year. Get a fucking better job lol

>> No.55622565

poorfag bahaha.

>> No.55622623

>but I think they could be the future of education.
yeah, there's one which trains for surgeries and management games can teach you stuff if they're done well and use the terminology.
I played one that teaches you chemistry and another about microorganisms years ago but they don't get enough attention for the DEVs to continue.
I learned some maths from kerbal space program even if it's not entirely accurate and i'm not going to crack into space flight.
Logic games are probably the best for simplicity of design and return. Will be interesting to see how little games like that develop with defi. E.G would it be possible for schools and education to fund themselves through educational gaming?
> buying things that save you money long-term (but be careful as this can become a consumerist habit
This is an important nuance, you do need to do the math on how much of a product you're consuming and the cost of automating it with an appliance. If you can do roi on time investment even better but most anons aren't there.
E.G if you're making coffee every day it makes sense to get a coffeemaker of some kind, same with bread if you're eating it as it can take hours. But getting a rice cooker or air fryer doesn't seem worth it for me personally as you need to really be using it all the time to make up for the cost. Especially when you factor in the limited volume those two appliance can actually do. And a blender can be worth it but maybe not an all in one food processor.

>> No.55622642

Post your net worth and income faggot.
Saving is literally how get rich and stay rich beyond blind luck. And the wheel of fortune turns.

>> No.55622738

>doesn't know how to manage risk.
Yep. A bona fide retard.

>> No.55622774

>if people got rich without saving, well, that was like, blind luck! OK?
OK, yea, no, of course you're right anon, don't doubt yourself because of that asshole. keep saving. one day you'll be rich from all that saving.

>> No.55622843

No one is saying you're going to get rich from saving. Whether you are rich or poor, you should learn to minimize your consumption and have a safety net so you're not completely fucked if your investments go south, you fucking retard.

>> No.55622889
File: 6 KB, 225x225, thinkaboutit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one is saying you're going to get rich from saving.
>Saving is literally how get rich

>> No.55622948

If you are a stoner and not completly fucking retarded, you grow your own weed, so you smoke for free and you got a little something to sell and to pay some fuckig bills with it. thats how you save money as a stoner
stop hating on weed you democratic piece of shit

>> No.55622990

I think they could fund themselves theoretically but that’s like making kids buy their own textbooks and stuff in elementary school. That’s a controlled market where you make the price and decide they have to buy. Of course technically it could work, but… I bought a blender and make smoothies several times a week. I have a steel Turkish coffee maker I put on the stove. I also have two cast iron pans that make a dutch oven. I try to own few dishes. That’s my current kitchen meta.

>> No.55623183

>keep saving. one day you'll be rich from all that saving.
You can't just save you need to put your savings somewhere they gain, or at least retain, value. The more you can save, the faster you'll get rich. It's elementary.
>I think they could fund themselves theoretically but that’s like making kids buy their own textbooks and stuff in elementary school.
I suppose it can be spun that way. But they are moving to digital education anyway so it's a way to raise funds. Could also be a contribution to higher education but i can imagine the problems this would cause with public education and race.
>I also have two cast iron pans that make a dutch oven. I try to own few dishes. That’s my current kitchen meta.
I cook for a lot of people. A loaf will disappear on the day it's made, that's why i have a breadmaker. I need to make vats to feed everyone. It's worse that there's one who just doesn't eat what everyone else eats and doesn't know how to cook either. So my kitchen is overcrowded with pots and pans because he burns through them. I tried telling him off but he just laughs and burns everything anyway. So he gets his own set of teflons to melt through and doesn't get to touch my shit.

>> No.55623211

Oh yeah I assume I’ll probably have a family one day and upgrade in some ways then, but it’s just me and my gf right now. I can make comfortable sized meals for about 3 so there’s usually some leftovers. I usually have a buncha dishes too so don’t feel bad.

>> No.55624044

>you goyim
Stop bullying me

>> No.55625129
File: 66 KB, 711x400, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make your own food, it will take the same amount of time as shopping
Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.55625135

Aint gonna lie, there's no next Bitcoin, anon. But I'm eyeing some projects like Peaq and Krest that I can trust for the long haul 'cause they're built for DePINs. That's a long-term play.

>> No.55625620

>bread machine
who kneads a machine to make bread? ;)

>> No.55625929

Where'd my npc fren go? Did he go back to r*ddit?

>> No.55625972


>> No.55626471

It will take more anon

>> No.55626685

Weed is a great money saving tool for me. A year's supply only costs $150 nowadays.
When I smoke I can't drive, so no money lost in gas or wear.
I feel no need to go and spend money at the bar, or strip clubs, or any other "entertainment"; I am content sitting on a stool playing with tealight candles until I fall asleep.
It slows my metabolism, so I can get through a week spending only $15 on groceries.
I live in a $550/mo ghetto traphouse, and the money just keeps stacking up.
Did I mention you can sell the weed for a profit if you need?

>> No.55626709

>Where'd you get that raisin?
>A store??!?
>Then that's a goyslop raisin ya stupid bitch!
Said no one ever, except for your insane ass

>> No.55626751

>a store
I said superstores. I guarantee you their supplier is shit. And the delivery to shelf akes a minimum of two weeks. But you chose one of the only examples that they can't really fuck with to argue against the whole. You logic chopping ad homosexual.

>> No.55626800

That's right, anon. I've been finding ways to save and earn. Crypto is what I can think of. While using the Tap service, as it offers low tx fees and sending money is easy. I'm also saving funds from the crypto trading fees as low as 0.6%.

>> No.55626927

Weed is cheap in the US/Canada unless you're an idiot. If you have a flower vape or a bong/pipe/one hitter, you can be high most of the day and only spend $80-90 on a quarter ounce every 2 weeks. $200-250 a month to be retarded constantly vs $200 on two night out chasing roasties.

>> No.55627071

This guy fucks

>> No.55627134

>weed is based because I just sit around and feel numb
Thank you based jews

>> No.55627168
File: 65 KB, 640x638, 5ea3010be5e090e4af76c0cd2bed0da2c541f02dd94892937d752d5dd5e30a77_1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55627356

Weed cures my autism at the cost of slowing down the rate at which I process information. Non-autists will never understand, I have trouble thinking abstractly and myself in other people's shoes normally.

>> No.55627602
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1687787860161326s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting boxed up already the zealy campaign is on and I'm getting horny to be rewarded with QANX. Could this be another way for channers to save money?

>> No.55627666

Not surprised to see Immunify Life allow pajeets take charge of their health while unlocking exciting incentives with the IMM, to stake and earn rewards.

>> No.55627722

But y'all know that AGII is giving the best of AI technology by transforming AI platform to help creators and mid developers.

>> No.55627861


>> No.55627896

Honest reply:

Do everything you can to reduce your utilities:
- Wash dishes with a bowl of water and rinse them in another bowl. Don't run a dishwasher because it burns electricity.
- When taking a shower, do it the military way and get wet, turn the water off, soap yourself down, then rinse. These two things alone will save you tons of water.

Be food smart
- Beans, potatoes, rice and pasta can stretch your meals beyond belief. I even buy things like canned pork n beans and just fry up some sausage, onions and peppers to mix in. You need to simplify the way you eat so that your meals cost very little per serving but leave you satiated.
- Hit up your local food pantries for free food.

Cancel ALL subscriptions.
- Stream for free
- Workout instead of playing video games

Drive as little as possible
- Walk to get groceries if it's close enough (anything you can do to get exercise will change your life)
- Bike to work if you can


tl;dr: become a fucking jew

>> No.55627984

He was samefagging, as he’s clearly doing here, in the old dbi threads for a while. It’s pretty entertaining desu

>> No.55629364

There's a lot of good advice ITT in regards to making things yourself, cooking from scratch, growing veg etc so I'll leave that.
My advice for pure financial management would be to switch to using cash entirely for daily purchases. This will provide you with an immediate mathematical and physical calculation every time you spend money, and give you a much more granular understanding of what you're spending and where. It is extremely easy - by design - to tap a card and wave away your entire paycheck. Or prefill a form to order stuff online. Or tap the payment button on an app. All of these "conveniences" are designed to empty your bank account mucho rapido. Having control of your money means actually holding it in your hand, doing the math, and knowing for sure in every circumstance what you can and can't afford.
In addition to the basic awareness that cash brings, you will also be systematically depriving corporations, banks and the government of information that they can use to build a profile around you that will be used to target marketing at you in attempts to take even more of your money, plus circumventing taxation and middlemen fees. Of course you can use digital money for larger transactions, bank transfers, rent payments and so on. Bitcoin and Monero also have their uses. But for small stuff, cash is king.
There are so many advantages to using cash sometimes it makes me actually want to scream when people talk about digital money being "the way of the future" and whatnot. Fucking zombie sheep trapped in financial prisons, not even aware of how they're being fleeced. Boycott cashless businesses. Resist the phaseout of cash in every way you can - and the best way to resist is to use it.

>> No.55629387

No the OP is my number 1 fan that got angry after ruining his stupid eceleb chainlink thread

>> No.55629564
File: 49 KB, 743x630, 450155175275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id rather invest those hours in working a couple of extras and make some savings

>> No.55629581

This is good advice if youbare poor. However, the advice I would give is to invest in your knowledge and get a good paying career. When that happens, doing all these things as anon says, saves 1% of your income and is not worth the trouble.

>> No.55629722

You can basically skip all the supposed "career building" steps, save in Bitcoin, and be wealthy regardless of your starting income level.

>> No.55630483

Or diversify in alts that has good future and tech like QANX, METIS, ATOM, and QRDO.

>> No.55632008

That's a steal.
Where I live this would give you half an hour of bad service from a run down Gipsy girl.

>> No.55632106

With my own homemade condoms too.

>> No.55632184

>You like ketchup? Make your own. It's tomatoes, vinegar, salt and sugar
The secret ingredient in tomato ketchup is nutmeg.

>> No.55632195
File: 16 KB, 360x360, TFW adding nutmeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55632654

>Not everyone likes to pay with crypto
I can't speak for others, but somehow, I like it cos it's a global currency, and I can use it to make purchases anywhere in the world, even if the merchant does not accept your my local currency.
I can easily use ethereum and Solana using deel, including sylo thru moonpay platform to make real life transaction.
And the fact that they're faster than the traditional methods makes it easier.

>> No.55632668

Tell me the FUCK where to get quality healthy clothes for cheap

>> No.55633131

In a foreign country if you're american.
You go to south america or south europe for a cheap rural summer and you scout about for a wardrobe. Take your time with it and do some research and find out what fabrics are good for the climate you're bringing them back to. Bonus savings if you learn2sew so you don't need to pay for repairs if needed.
It's basically what these stores are doing except they are overcharging.
You may be able to get them delivered over but idk about that.

>> No.55633279
File: 154 KB, 1024x800, wheat-nutrition-facts-940857-section-1913978895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're low IQ. Wheat is one of the most nutritionally dense foods besides meat. Supermarket bread is trash because it's full of so much chemical shit that it's not even really bread. Homemade bread is basically the best staple food there is.

>> No.55633592

Great idea man. But is it even safe to go to a non-corporate area of Mexico where I'll find hand made cotton clothes.
Do you have any pictures of cheap healthy clothing you have?

>> No.55633653

good job brother. Same situation for me, but off that shit for 4ish years. Weed sucks. Things get a lot better.

>> No.55635006

well i guess it depends on what situation the money got itself into. if its on a balcony and might fly off you could grab it and put it somewhere safe