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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55619018 No.55619018 [Reply] [Original]

>was a nerd in high school, picked on, no gf, only play vidya alone
>went to college, uni
>got a cs degree
>2 years of retarded wagie job
>fired and replaced by a jeet
>cant pay bills pretty much bankrupt, 80k in debt
>crypto moon dreams shattered by shitcoins
>now i have to watch my school sluts who didnt even pickup a book become millionares on tiktok

this is beyond fucked.

>> No.55619050

If you find a painless method to end it plz let me know

We are nearly same position but i have 200k debt and europoor doing masters in CS

Why even try ?

>> No.55619068

Wow I wish I could get as demoralized as you are but I think my test is too high for that.

>> No.55619129

if you are doing cs, go get a job, companies are starting to hire again.
post anonymized resume if you cant get interviews

>> No.55619154
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>> No.55619286

Yeah and they are going to blow all the money on dumb shit like handbags. Women are financially retarded.

>> No.55619319

Kek this, if you are as jealous of women as OP is seek treatment for gender dysphoria

>> No.55619320

first of all rid yourself of your narcissism. yes, the world sucks, people suck, life is unfair, stop taking peoples advice because its all awful. but you lost your own money by your own decisions, you crushed your own crypto dreams. someone else making money easily doesnt mean they deserve it less, they saw a market need and took advantage of it. you have just done whats expected of you your whole life and it led to misery and youre seething at some stupid hoe who just exploited a market demand cause she felt like it. apply yourself instead of wallowing in a pit of jealousy, narcissism, and NPC-like follower mentality

>> No.55619432

fellow CS chad here, i want to start a software company but have zero ideas, i just dont want to wage any more. throw some ideas out and if i like them you can be my partner 50/50. i have plenty of startup capital thanks to 10 years of waging.

>> No.55619433
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Insult to get your attention: Those girls play as NPCs for money but you're the actual NPC.

Sincere advice: Try doing literally anything out of your ordinary and you might easily succeed. You're a human being who can adapt, who knows what else you're good at (maybe even great at).

>> No.55619606
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get a CDL

>> No.55619675

Get a cert and be a school teacher. Anyone with a degree can do it in most states and you’ll have over half the year off.

>> No.55619738

creating things that people rely on is not an avenue towards a stress-free life

>> No.55619757

lol bro AI will take literally all coding jobs within 5 years.

>> No.55619772

it will be a lowering. adequate software will become adequate, just like peoples personalities. just enough to get by. those in that time will regroup, evolve and become the future elite

>> No.55619783
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cool I have 5 years of making 500k a year

>> No.55619854
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>500k a year
it still fascinates me why code monkeys spend all their free time advertising their job with fantasies about millions of money per nanosecond. what's the purpose? why are you doing this?

>> No.55619980

What about cyber security

>> No.55620102

How is your live going so far in that san jose shithole?

>> No.55620114

>What about cyber security
NTA but if you want to spend your career installing DRM and antivirus software on your company's laptops, by my guest

>> No.55620158
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You need to find a spiritual and philosophical core and a reason to live on OP.

The true reason for your depression is fear. Stop being afraid to take risks. Have you ever wanted to do something, but fear and anxiety prevented you from doing it? Before you choose to end your life, do the things you were too afraid to do in the past. Have you ever wanted to travel, but none of your family or friends would go? Go anyways. Have you ever wanted to go to the beach, movies, restaurant, etc. but nobody to go with? Go anyways.

If you truly have nothing to lose, that means you have everything to gain. YAGMI.

>> No.55620195

kek software gets worse overtime and hardware exponentially gets better to compensate

>> No.55620202
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>women have a thing called dally rankings that can completely turn their annual income around in just a day

>> No.55620207
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OP, the only thing that is going to make you happy is brutally beating these women.

>> No.55620210

this is good advice.
you are good anon.

>> No.55620227

And even worse now you're posting faggy greentexts on /biz/!

>> No.55620246

>AI will take literally all coding jobs within 5 years.
I'm tired of people like you thinking that CS is only "coding"
No wonder you guys are jobless with your CS degrees, you all just lack competence!

>> No.55620262

>now i have to watch my school sluts who didnt even pickup a book become millionares on tiktok
this but also with athletes, singers, voice actors, pro-gamers and streamers.
I hate being so talentless I have to resort to being a corporate slave.

>> No.55620316

correct. It's never over

>> No.55620388

i grew up knowing 2 people that became pro athletes you think some tiktok whore has life on ez mode just remember there are guys out there getting paid $8mill+/year to travel around the continent doing a childs activity

>> No.55620396

posts like this on biz are my bottom signal

>> No.55620433

what point are you making? Becoming a pro athlete is extremely difficult, and probably stressful because you have to constantly compete. Meanwhile, any woman armed with a lack of shame can be a whore

>> No.55620444

OP putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.55620451

nice bait
europoors don't get loans for stuff, especially not 200k

>it's cumulative
>it's from being a GAY trans man

>> No.55620470
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you need to wait
perseverance is the key to any successful business, stop looking at other people's plate and concentrate on yours
by the time you figure it out you will have a house and a solid paycheck, or you can end up like me with a pile of money in SORA waiting for your ticket out of here

>> No.55620483


>> No.55620495


>> No.55620539

This is the first adequate use of the term "high test" I've seen accurately applied I think ever. It's usually talking about fat landwhales or [x position] the poster agrees with. In reality, high test is marked by an unwavering optimism and positivity. A sense that everything in the world will be alright

As you can tell by the relentless demoralization posts, the average T levels of /biz/ are that of a 14yr old histrionic school girl

>> No.55620763

That sucks, I just got engaged and have around £10,000 and another £45,000 tied up in property/assets at 23 aswell as no debt anywhere. I worked hard for my money and also got lucky with a law suit that I won. 200k debt is pretty serious anon, can you elaborate how you got in this position and if you can get out or will you just have to go bankrupt?

I really do not want to loose the life I have made for myself, I have lost £3000 worth of investment over my life and so I feel like finance is just a trap for people like me so please greentext.