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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 119 KB, 851x436, snap work requirements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55615117 No.55615117 [Reply] [Original]

> no more food stamps if you dont have a job
> pay back your studnent loans

>> No.55615122

get back to work wagie

>> No.55615223

Back to the wagie cage nigger.

>> No.55615340
File: 378 KB, 343x433, 1681321114054989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone could run on a platform of bennies for whities and probably win at this point.

>> No.55615376

Most whites hate themselves, which is also why they mostly vote neo(pro-israel)conservative.

>> No.55615435

So this change only affects boomers? Why should I care then. Boom booms did this shitshow to themselves.

>> No.55615502

If they hated themselves they'd vote democrat, since democrats put in place policies designed to kill whites off my little retard. They just love israel a lot, which is why they vote republican instead of third position.

>> No.55615514

10% of all food stamp money goes towards "sweetened beverages." >$10 billion tax payer dollars going straight to Coca Cola and Pepsico.

>> No.55615704

>blah blah whites mostly vote blah blah Red Team.
in reality Trump lost every single state in both 2016 and 2020 by a large margin just like Bush Jr. before him and Bush Sr. before that, Reagan and/or Nixon were the last cuckservatives to actually win without extreme rigging
it's obvious if you've left your basement in the last ~40 years and talked to anyone under age 60
it's also obvious if you understand that
>only whites vote for the GOP
>there aren't enough GOP-voting whites to prevail against the Blue Team which is enormously larger, encompassing a supermajority of whites plus all nonwhite voters

they are attempting to manufacture a political reset-reversal so that they don't have to rig the elections so hard to prevent the Red Team from losing, but their 20th century operation to take down conservatism was too successful, hence the manufactured implosion of the Blue Team starting with Carter and Clinton

PS: donald trump is both gay and jewish, also pretty obvious if you aren't a zoomer, though I admit not quite as obvious as Obama

that's exactly what they do

>> No.55615785


The whole program is basically just corporate welfare for Pepsico, Kelloggs, etc. The government should just send staples to people's door every couple weeks in lieu of cash benefits that can be redeemed for whatever goyslop they desire.

>> No.55615803

Why only people over 50 are forced to work to keep benefits while young people under 50 do not have to work to keep benefits?

>> No.55615827

This. There is a reason why the billionaire class supports socialism. The average worker pays the dregs of society to consume which profits the elites

>> No.55615858

I hope they force them to keep the jobs because currently Welfare queens apply for work, get hired and never show up just so they can claim it on their benefits. Its fucking toxic .

>> No.55615911

punishment for being retarded enough to live through the most golden of all bull runs AND low cost of living AND still require government assistance. chop chop, gen x and boomer niggers. those SNAP benefits aren't going to work for themselves!

>> No.55615920

>under 50 aren't forced to work
They're limited to 3 months of benefits, in a 3 year period without working. Learn to use a search engine.

>> No.55615971

they should be forced to do manual labor for public (my) benefit, like cleaning up trash on the sides of the road.

>> No.55615993

>loves israel
>israel lobby passes antiwhite policies nonstop
>doesnt hate whites
It appears you have psychosis, friendo.

>> No.55616057

>muh strawman
>dude it just le feels like le this
Don't care. Ignored.

>> No.55616143

Socialism means workers own the means of production, no billionaires supports that, elon musk, for example bought twitter (destroying his own wealth in the process) just to shit on "le socialists".

Brainwashed cope.

>> No.55616198

I was a grocery store manager, food stamp week is ridiculous we can’t keep soda, chips and frozen foods on the shelf that week even with increasing staffing.

Always hated that week too because the poor are so entitled and assholeish. The restrooms are also terrifying that week.

>> No.55616284

The heap up shopping carts usually look like they are buying for a cook out, with lunchables, nutty bars and capri sun. You would think we would have sold bulk packs of meat and big bags of potatoes and rice.

Honestly only the immigrants are smart enough to buy giant bags of rice and flour or family pa is of meat with their gibs.

>> No.55616308

I don’t vote at all because I respect myself. The only path to wealth and security is being your own warlord/gangster. Voting is faggot shit.

>> No.55616327

Why isn’t that shit banned from food stamps? Must be a junk food lobby keeping it there.

>> No.55616346

Because it’s dehumanizing to tell the indigent poor that they can’t have a treat too

>> No.55616368

Your tax dollars literally go to some woman so fat she needs a scooter to spend all her gibs on Swiss rolls

>> No.55616416

That’s only a small portion of it. The bull goes to amputating her limbs and organs as they fail and having 24/7 staff to wipe her ass. I do retard caretaking. Medicaid gives our company a minimum of 150k per year for services. That does not include what they get for food stamps, SSI or medical treatment. There millions of these tards used as money bags for private companies to mine tax payer money from.

>> No.55616475

I was at the ER and some fat old boomer was there too, his chest hurt from heart burn but he just wanted to make sure it was heart burn because he had open heart surgery. He went on chuckling to the doctor about how he has tried to loose weight since, but hadn’t been very good about it and was now down 20 pounds 3 years later and I thought fuck, people spent probably half a million on him

>> No.55616544
File: 433 KB, 907x651, IMG_3913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This only applies to whites. Muds will continue to get everything free at our expense. Hi-ho!

>> No.55617116

It's so sad to see how far everything fell almost immediately after this kind of shit.

>> No.55617187

not our fault that you cucks literally cant stop simping for us

>> No.55617203

I'll literally sell 0.01 BTC and buy a giant bag of flour, cheese and pizza sauce. I'm not going back to work.

>> No.55617231

Nobody cares faggot.

>> No.55617283

Build houses for food.


>> No.55617302

Fucking based nigger warlord

>> No.55618700

Should be doing this with absolutely every form of welfare. No money only materials.

>> No.55619299

Buddys. It's not them. Look up, It's Corporations lobbying the government. About 40% of Cocacola's income is comes from Foodstamps.
them because minimum wage is so low that workers have to get on food stamps/welfare while working. Walmart and McDonalds have thousands that do the same.
The poor are a trough for the wealthy.

>> No.55619303

>da election was rigged!

>> No.55619313

I work for the gibs office. And for some reason the majority of people on disability seem to be single moms.

>> No.55619354

I guess having a blown out pussy is disabling. Ruins their only fans career.

>> No.55619360

There was that insane metric where some massive percentage of all Cocacola sales were from EBT.

>> No.55619367

I think it's more that they whine longer and harder than everyone else.

>> No.55619383

they should be doing this for everyone
too much choice anxiety these days

>> No.55619430

how many illegals immigrants get gibs?

>> No.55619439

is this just an opportunity for biden to claim he created x amount of jobs?

bidenomics baby

>> No.55619489
File: 148 KB, 512x478, 484B4541-8D82-4712-8D17-8A6940920862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy frozen turkeys and throw them at wagies from the highway overpass with my gibs

>> No.55619811

You are golems/pawns of the Jew. How does it feel to be used to destroy the last remnants of good on this planet?

>> No.55620225
File: 126 KB, 886x1113, 1673863074487707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teach whites that israel is actually edom and jews are larping as chosen just like Jesus says and everything changes overnight
but retards here are too stupid to grasp this concept lol