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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 264x191, gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55615363 No.55615363 [Reply] [Original]

Speaking from the financial perspective.
You just have to be in rich circles and have good looks?

>> No.55615379

man that's one lucky brotha.

>You just have to be in rich circles and have good looks?
Pretty much, you don't even have to be that good looking, just be in the same social circle.

>> No.55615385

If you want to date one of bill gates daughters you just have to be a third world shitskin

>> No.55615412

You can rest assured that is not some ratchety nigger form the lower class. That is a kike-nigger from the upper class.

>> No.55615468
File: 40 KB, 580x386, bill gates blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to date one of bill gates daughters you just have to be a third world shitskin
Both his daughters are married to brown/black men , pic rel is his 2nd daughter

>> No.55615469

>Tyrone Greenbergski
Pretty much this
This is also valid, its pretty easy to find and bag a multimillionaire heiress but you will still have to pay for most things yourself. Just dont dress or talk like a hobo. The real benefit its knowing your children are set for life.

>> No.55615489

Well at least this guy looks like he has his shit together. The other one is just straight up nigger

>> No.55615520
File: 323 KB, 1600x2384, bill gates daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just funny that both his daughters don't want anything to do with white men/anglos like their dad

>> No.55615557

He is probably smart, funny, witty, big dick, high test, full of energy and presence. He will fully embrace that Bill Gates billionaire pussy.

>> No.55615664

You gotta have what all women crave, bbc

>> No.55615678

>jamal ginsberg

>> No.55615703

>he doesn't know about the blue-eye clause

>> No.55615716

because kikes sit at the genetic level of browns, they're drawn to them

>> No.55615717

kek hes got to have something going for him, because that is one ugly ass Negroid. Or maybe they just hate their father so much for cheating on their mom and going to epstien island that they chose to date an ugly ass nigger?

>> No.55615719

that guy doesn't even look brown let alone black

>> No.55615776

He is Arab retard , yes he is brown

>> No.55615799

sorry, not buying this. the body language is way off, he is leaning into her but she is tilting away from him. is this a prom photo or something?

>> No.55615896
File: 217 KB, 480x510, D8ECA811-B0E5-4C3A-8576-8D200C6732C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly he has his stuff together, they probably met in school mean he's likely a millionaire through parents.

>> No.55615930

Gates is a cuck, they're his wife's daughter.
His entire goal is to shit on the sanctity of life, he sees himself as a god that got rekt by God, aka he made it early and has so much power yet he got cucked as well so he's full of resentment and will use his daughters and everyone else's daughters to get back at god, the nigger simply represents a joke against the holy order of things, aka build a dynasty but then throw a filthy nignog kike in there

>> No.55615969

This most likely a curse from God. His grandchildren will be Hamites and the low Iq nigglets will be dividing the Gates fortune.

>> No.55615977


>> No.55616616

Pol thread.