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55611466 No.55611466 [Reply] [Original]

The whole situation seemed really dumb but then I started going down the rabbit hole. The Arkham team really does glow hard. 3 of the guys are ex-millitary. At least 2 have family members who are international banking executives. The CEO dude had connections to coinbase and other big names through his first company which provided a direct competition to ICP. Arkham had funding from Peter Thiel and Sam Altman, so that connects them with Palantir and Openai. And they want to make a pay-for-dox platform?
There's connections to JP Morgan and potentially Cloudflare who were developing their own competing platforms in the web3 space.

I mean the hit NYT article sourced by Arkham was published by this same guy who interviewed SBF
https://youtu.be/IyoGdwVIwWw?t=4120 [Embed]

This is really just scratching the surface

>> No.55612075

>all that rambling just to say you're mad they exposed ICP for being a scam
still not buying chud. good riddance your coin is finally dying

>> No.55612092

I decided to invest in their IDO and if a quick 3x is what a glowfag project can give me then I'd say keep 'em coming. I made more money with it this year than by simply holding random altcoins. Lol.

>> No.55612102

>pay-for-dox platform?

What. What is "pay for dox" even supposed to mean here?

>> No.55612103

Hmm, so arkham is actually getting up some interesting attention, hopefully those guys wont knock on wrong door.

>> No.55612107

who cares
$3 eom

>> No.55612125

guess those guys are actually paying to vulnerate anonymity

>> No.55612135

good for you, still not buying your bags

>> No.55612137
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Apparently this is labelled as spam but oh well.

>> No.55612146
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Yeah but what's the catch supposed to be here. Do you just show up and say "hey I have info on this guy interested in buying it" or some shit? How do you even know what info they're willing to pay for?

>> No.55612152
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But that's the whole point isn't it
People will inevitably get mad when dirt on their owned assets surfaces .

>> No.55612155

maybe OpenAI is still flagged as spam, no clue why then lol

>> No.55612175
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>Profitting off of drama and making people mad
I mean this is exactly what twitter does and it works fairly well, keep people interested and angry since anger is such a powerful emotion.

>> No.55612187
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I guess you get your info to sell, and once it gets confirmed as "real" you get paid, also they have some kind of bounty hunting system guess once a bounty is posted you gotta work around it

>> No.55612189

Lots of AI related shitcoins got spammed here during when the narrative was nice and hot so of course you'd post get labeled as spam.

If they DO in fact have connections with OpenAI then of course they'd use it to promote their platform as much as possible

>> No.55612194

Yeah maybe it was that. Too lazy to reformat my shit though, so whatever.
Yeah pretty much what I'm thinking. If they manage to stay relevant and get liquidity doing just that then I'm happy, don't really care since I don't diversify too much. ARKM is pretty much an anomaly in my holdings.

>> No.55612202

they got bounties posted asshole DYOR

>> No.55612211

That's it? Just show up with some "totally valuable info nobody but me knows anything about" and call it a day?

>> No.55612222

they got bounties. think about it like one of those websites that pay white hat hackers to find vulnerabilities on purpose for companies and what not. they get paid for finding it and they get more if they provide a solution.

the person who wants info on X topic locks ARKM on their bounty, the guy that finds the info sends it, then it gets vetted by the arkham people. If it's good shit the money is released and the info is delivered.

>> No.55612226

yeah that makes lot of sense its well known sandniggers get paid thousands for shilling shit everyday, wonder when LINK will be labelled as spam lmao

>> No.55612237
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Don't be obtuse. You don't simply google info and deliver that, obviously. You find connections, sources, write a compelling story and summary on the info requested by a client. Etc.

>> No.55612250

coffeezilla follows them on twitter. hell obviously make at least one video mentioning them or based on them. that will send millions of retards to buy my bags.

focus and profit my friend, dont care if feds or conspiracy or whatever.

>> No.55612253

Each time there's outrage I can smell the money. Beliefs don't fucking matter in this world kiddo

>> No.55612540
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Are you talking about this? Link for NYT article?

>> No.55612964

Miguel the fat sloppy half Jewish half nigger mutt basically came out of nowhere with his hit piece on icp and it was the first anybody had heard of him. Now he has launched a token where the top 10 wallets hold 99.5% of supply. La creatura obviously has some big players backing him, I wonder what Peter thiel the butt pumping kike has against icp?

>> No.55613331
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ICP cant stop getting sued. Shady ass attemp of blockchain.

>> No.55614296

Good morning sir

>> No.55614777
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>> No.55614826


>> No.55615506
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>> No.55617470

kek, autists like Dom should never ever try to do psyops. it's just embarrassing. autistic simply lack of self-awareness makes it impossible for these people to act inconspicuously. Dom should stick to coding and sperging out on twitter.

>> No.55618503

so why are sam altman, peter thiel, sbf, nytimes, and tim draper trying to kill icp?

>> No.55618695

What do you mean by psyops?

>> No.55619026

He's a nerd and doesn't know how to play the game. The game of faces. He's to good of a person. Takes a weasel to catch a snake.

>> No.55619140

How will icp recover from this?

>> No.55619289

What do you mean by knowing how to play the game? Is it the same as psyops?

>> No.55619323

Yeah his dad is obviously connected somehow. Two of the other nobodies are the sons of a JP morgan banking exec. JP morgan came out with their onyx platform back in 2020. I'm not sure it ever went anywhere

>> No.55619345

I think they were already behind the closed doors

>> No.55619358

You have to be 18 to post here fren but yea the game is real life so deceit and deception. Have to play the kikes game if they are in charge, simple as.

>> No.55619381

Based chad of le mind gaemz