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55606599 No.55606599 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55606638

Explain to me what this means without buzzwords. Tell me one thing that Hedera can do that every other chain with 100x more users, liquidity and decentralization can’t.

>> No.55606684

Submit transactions asynchronously but still achieve fair ordering. It’s a good analogy desu

>> No.55606735

it means that he has a bag and he is looking to get rid of it

>> No.55606757

I've got my 100k suistack in case you're right, schizobro.

>> No.55606786

He's a dev building on Hedera.

>> No.55606792

imagine my shock!

>> No.55606822
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I've always known.

>> No.55607012

Checked and the first time watching Leemons Harvard lecture and hearing a genius being able to make such a revolutionary breakthrough sound so simple. Then I kept watching and listening, he never wavered nor espoused false promises. He was the antithesis of the then zeitgeist and has now become the thesis to what crypto will inevitably become.

Oh yea, and he codes while on a treadmill, drives a Camry, believes in God and isnt a Jew.

Oh and yea yea, just fucking use hashpack and hbar and see its lightyears better than anything else. Imagine its 2023 and it still costs 5$ to send a 10$ transaction on ETH. Yea yea L2s... mo layers mo problems. Hbar does it all and as planned and perfected by Swirlds labs, it is now EVM compatible and more will shift from ETH to hedera.

As Mance stated ad nauseum, hedera will be the plumbing of the new internet. Ppl will be using it without knowing, but we will know because 1 hbar = 1 hbar.

>> No.55607042

wow you are really smart bro

>> No.55607838
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bout an hour ago

>> No.55608156

>Hedera will be like the JavaScript of web3

>> No.55608162

thats unfair... why did no one tell him that JS is shit?

>> No.55608177

What does "asynchronously" mean? Like you don't wait for confirmation? Because you can do that on other chains, you just can't have multiple one of those async tasks within a single transaction obviously, because a transaction means things executing together.

>> No.55608206

>Tell me one thing that Hedera can do that every other chain with 100x more users
Fucking scale lmao.
When are you going to realize that users don't matter unless it's traditional institutions on boarding them?
If normies were going to use shit like avax, aave, sol, ada, ftm, whatever the fuck, they would be using them already. No, they will patiently wait for their shepherds to build the gates and then wait even longer for the signal to go through them.

>> No.55608532

yeah but it's a centralized dag of course it scales
might as well use an sql database lol
they are quite fast and you can just run it on AWS

>> No.55608568

Typical crypto FUD. Not even unique to hashgraph.
If you're not even going to try, then neither am i.
I don't need or want you to buy my shitcoins.

>> No.55608610

you're absolutely right, HBAR isn't the only centralised piece of garbage larping as a crypto network, although it is a particularly pathetic one

>> No.55608621

I have a 20k hbar stack. What am i in for anons? Will i make it or kms?

>> No.55608629

I'm gonna say neither

>> No.55608743

Ill fucking take it!

>> No.55608939

Sames. But i'm a schizo.

>> No.55609888
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A nice post about Hbar ?
On my board ?
The mods must be crazy !

Anyway, I realised it when I looked at the Hidden Secrets of Money videos on youtube.
Something clicked when I understood that yes, digital money is the future and if we allow it as a society, we will move from governments to decentralised islands of governance. Not an insider, but I know for a fact that the Elite is working on that too.

Also, like >>55607012
My bullshit-o-meter went negative looking at the founders.
>Two humble yet smart people.
>Insane resume. Literally.
>Long term view only.

Also ABFT is a schiz discovery, that "came nagging" at Leemon for years even though he thought it was impossible and he "talked to God while doing his maths".
/x/ would approve.
We have something akin to Tesla happening there, not the car.

The fees are fixed on dollars.
When you can't predict how much it costs to use a tech, as a business, you don't want to use that tech.
Hedera is in the best position to cater to Enterprises who ALL have this need, therefore capturing most of the market.

100x more users and liquidity don't matter for users. They don't care, we do because we are nerds on a Thai chair painting forum.
They will care when they can send 1000 of dollars for nothing, or when their Neuron drones delivers them shiny shoes in less than 2 hours.

Regarding decentralization, I'm betting on Hedera allowing anyone to hold a node at some point in the future. Which is what most fudders can't (or won't ?) comprehend. I'll sell if they don't allow that, but this is on their roadmap, so I trust.
It's called Hedera for a reason, after all.

Not selling one single Hbar before Staking is live (DONE), Sharding is live and Stocks are tokenized.

>> No.55609919
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Call me when they get legal clarity until then its a security

>> No.55609995

when i was having a psychotic break from meth use

>> No.55610581

It means you can submit a tx even if a ddos attack is going on elsewhere. It’s leaderless so you cannot shut it down. Look up how js uses callbacks so instructions are non blocking and then it will just make sense. It’s a perfect analogy

>> No.55610836
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Oh shit this is the guy who made 4orum.io

>> No.55611714
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>> No.55611726
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>thinks he can talk to god

>> No.55611835

Who cares when the token is pumping so well?

I think the likes of Dot are not considered security. I'm glad that we'll have DePIN in the ecosystem soon, and they have been integrating and partnering lately, including with a decentralized wearable health data system, brainstem. There is so much to anticipate from this eco, imo.

>> No.55611898

God spoke to him nigga, whilst he was coding on a treadmill.

Leemon is living in the 6th dimension and we are but mere observers

>> No.55611958

It means basically nothing. Async existed before javascript too, these people are retarded. Every ipv4 call in history has been asychronous.

>> No.55612143
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>Many forms of Byzantine fault tolerance assume there is a maximum threshold of message latency when coming to a consensus. An asynchronous byzantine fault tolerant (ABFT) network eliminates this assumption and allows for some messages to be lost or indefinitely delayed.
you mean when I use hedera, sometimes my transactions can just get dropped? wtf???

>> No.55612345

>Stocks are tokenized.
Real world asset tokens for me.
I will buy a fucking house with hbar.

>> No.55612370

lol good point. It's over for scamgraphers.

>> No.55614973

You are a literal brainlet. This means that even if a node that is taking transactions is being ddosd and cannot get through, you can still submit a transaction to any of the other nodes and they won’t be blocked. Not the case with shitcorn. Not the case with queeferiums. There will be one. It will be HBAR

>> No.55615216

that's retarded. javascript is used so much because it was the only language supported by browsers for a long time. async programming sucks btw, you have to do it in js because it's single threaded. it's not s strength, it's a weakness papered over with langugae constructs and every webdev has to live with it. he's either inexperienced, misrepresenting facts so he can dump his bags on retail, or both.

>> No.55616317

>dev for Mastercard
>he’s retarded
Uh I think you’re the retard anon. Kek. Anyways cope seethe and dilate.

>> No.55616447

In 2021, a year too late to get 300k hbars. Only 106k stack, but it’s still 0.1% top holder.

>> No.55616536
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You'll be surprised how AGII will transform AI platform developed to help creators and mid developers is here. Keep an eye on it

>> No.55616660

Why will you wait? With its user-friendly interface, advanced AI models, and powerful magic tools, AGII is poised to empower content creators, marketers, and businesses to create engaging and impactful content in a fraction of the time.

>> No.55617059
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>> No.55617725

Bought $2k worth this morning.
Now I'm at 150k