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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 27 KB, 640x360, pepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55609074 No.55609074 [Reply] [Original]

im thinking this might be the next pepe type run we get on a shitcoin. Would not be surprised to see $pc trending on twitter next couple days. at 4m mcap rn

>> No.55609113

Pepechain is the biggest rug of 2023 on pinksale so far HAHA

>> No.55609114
File: 36 KB, 657x525, 3247824761273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I copped a humble $200 worth bag. If it x10's its unironically lifechanging money

>> No.55609128

I reckon OP meant the one that just launched 0x4F311C430540db1d64e635EB55f969F1660B2016

PepeChainPC on twitter

>> No.55609252
File: 94 KB, 895x558, thePepechain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's obviously a new jeet rugpull.

Pepechain posts on /biz/ were always about:

>> No.55609258

you are right, there are many rugs tho. Do your due diligence anons. check the addy on their twitter page

>> No.55609265

Dont fall for this retarded shit. Check the twitter for the token address. If you fall for some rug like this u deserve it

>> No.55609289

Not sure if it's a rugpull, though they did actually launch the actual blockchain before those guys that you mentioned

Truly a jeetception kek

>> No.55609300

What's the addressee?

>> No.55609328
File: 38 KB, 618x329, pc-weth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, check it. DYOR.

>> No.55609349

Unless the devs show wealth like the pepe guys, it's never gonna take off. Never trust poorfags.

>> No.55609351

For the record i mean the new one. Its all ponzi anyways get in while you can and bail https://twitter.com/PepeChainPC/status/1681380402970099717?s=20

>> No.55609359

Another ponzi by toad team and their goatfuckers/pajeets/sandniggers/niggers shills.

No we are not gonna fall into your scam nigger.

>> No.55609374

there is no need to be upset, you know how retarded shit pumps. U will be coping like how you did when you missed pepe soon

>> No.55609497
File: 66 KB, 796x533, Builder Grant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepechain (0xe1ec...b7ce28) offers $50k as grants for builders and you can also become a validator.