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File: 3.95 MB, 940x800, 1689807642768-0[1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55605138 No.55605138 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from recording whores around my apartment with a drone?

>> No.55605187

how much does hoes charge?

>> No.55605201

Now that is a 10/10 whore

>> No.55605213

$450 an hour

>> No.55605220

>bitch is giving a mechanical flying drone 'fuck me' eyes
imagine being an incel and getting cucked by a flying computer
also it proves game is almost purely metaphysical

>> No.55605231

Op here, it's because that's a man

>> No.55605347

I can fix her

>> No.55605361

You just know

>> No.55605408

on figueroa street? no way. more like 100-200.

>> No.55605415

kinda cute

>> No.55605421


>> No.55605424

400 raw

>> No.55605431

>walking around in heels and panties
>no one calls the cops
I'm guessing this is in some extremely diverse city?

>> No.55605439

I’d suck it

>> No.55605455

Imagine sliding your erect cock between her ass cheeks like a hot dog in a bun.

>> No.55605456

The problem with hookers is that I mostly want a woman to sit on my face, and that seems like a bad idea with hookers

>> No.55605484

she's just going for a walk. exercising

>> No.55605496


And you are correct in that assumption

>> No.55605514

$300 rinsed out, $100 unrinsed

>> No.55605542
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The lucky son of a bitch that gets dommed by that.

>> No.55605568


>> No.55605595
File: 557 KB, 705x564, Screenshot 2023-07-19 190410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every hot prostitute you have 1000 like this. Same place. https://www.google.com/maps/@33.9736596,-118.2826701,3a,71.4y,87.93h,90.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1st2og4NGaUjBBLK7Mz77iUw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
I understand why conspiracy theories exist now.

>> No.55605622

How else can I make money with drones other than filiming hoes?

>> No.55605636

A mercenary army of drones raining death in Ukraine.

>> No.55605640
File: 722 KB, 828x1412, IMG_0491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRB. Booking a stay at Foxy’s Motor Inn

>> No.55605698

Lol another in your link under the "Children's head start center"

>> No.55605708

>plastic cups
I don't know why but this somehow makes fucking whores even more pathetic

>> No.55605791

hookers are half naked day and night in that area. it looks like it's kind of decriminalized in the sense that police doesn't really give a fuck

>> No.55605831

start a jootube channel?

>> No.55605910
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I'd use it for other purposes like perhaps doxxing pajeet scammers in addition to Arkham kek

>> No.55605924

Fucking kek imagine a pajeet shitting comfy on a street and gets recorded by a random ass drone

>> No.55605928

Based, no other way for them

>> No.55605929

You got ripped off bro

>> No.55605930

Well I highly despise pajeets but I don't think that's right, everyone should have the right of privacy

>> No.55605933

Arkham doesn't work like that nigger

>> No.55605939

There should a Blockchain that permanently shames whores and every degenerate on the internet.

>> No.55605963

Film them having sex in public / in vehicles / through windows. Try and get some voyeuristic angle to it. I don't know how monetizing porn works but seems like there could be a market there.

>> No.55605964

it's south LA not far from Skid Row
https://goo gl/maps/AvKaov4eFoFqzpbw8


>> No.55605995

The bathtub is nice looking
Granted full of hair and definitely not cleaned

>> No.55606002


>> No.55606020

>poor slum shithole area
>mostly nice new cars

>> No.55606092

Repo hasn't shown up yet

>> No.55606165


Holt has better hookers. And they haven't been used up by tourists, USC students, desperate Mexicans, & the lakers

>> No.55606323

For shits and giggles, walk me through procedure. You pull up (window up or down?) and then.. what? Is there hidden language, hand signals, pass phrases?

>> No.55606348

>complete lack of ass and thighs
>probably 0 tits as well

>> No.55606485

She probably would have been very pretty if she lived a normal life but a decade of cocaine, heroin, meth, hard alcohol and whoring herself out to std ridden freaks and niggers has left her a husk of a human.

>> No.55606494

Make eye contact, pull down window, ask how much, she gets in car, park in not so busy area, show her money, put money in dashboard, fuck her, she takes money, and you drive away

>> No.55606510

>She probably would have been very pretty if she lived a normal life but a decade of cocaine, heroin, meth, hard alcohol and whoring herself out to std ridden freaks and niggers has left her a husk of a human

The absolute worst I saw was a legit cute blonde chick who had hooker clothes on walking down Holt. Like how crazy was she that she couldn't find a betabux BF

>> No.55606581

Yeah I legitimately do not get women. How do you end up as a hooker when there are hordes of single men with their own place that would love to have a cutie just doing basic shit? God, women are dumb.

>> No.55606636

Some people just aren’t wired up right and can’t live a middle class life. Society used to be structured to steer the edge cases back into normalcy and banish the real freaks into the wilderness.

>> No.55606660

put a cell phone on the drone set on speaker and talk to them - interview them with the drone, a different take on "Window of Life"

>> No.55606661

>no one calls the cops
Lmaoo they do. I mean it's LA you really think that some cops aren't making some money on the side

>> No.55606667

That’s hot, anon. More.

>> No.55606680

they aren't attracted to any of those men and just damage control by spouting bullshit lies. 80/20 rule is the final pill

>> No.55606695
File: 75 KB, 500x500, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg hawt did you ever go there and talk to them?

>> No.55606710

You dont have to be attracted? Just use them for shelter and food in exchange for giving company, and fuck whichever dick you want on the side.

Like HOW do they end up as litetal street walking failures sucking smelly nigger dick, ROFL.

>> No.55606725

obviously it's more attractive than leaching off a sub-8.
we need to engineer a new race of females and kill off the old one

>> No.55606738
File: 44 KB, 600x338, 9743537D-8BD8-486B-A150-7EC3D0F6EFE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drone Whore Streaming as a service. Set the chat up so they can do the text to speech or play music if they donate something like 200 bucks and then the game is to fly away before the whore, John, or pimp destroy your shit.

I would actually pay for that.

>> No.55606746

This, plus it must be dangerous as fuck in so many ways. I assume they are only getting a percentage of what they make too. I'd say they get started in whoring for drugs and then are too far gone.

>> No.55606780
File: 173 KB, 599x600, 329C8C28-B070-47F3-8829-36C556328773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental, physical, and emotional abuse damages them beyond repair sometimes. They literally have no skills, like basic wagie skills, and they are unable to hold a 9 to 5. Probably can’t do basic math and are addicted to drugs. Then you just have a John who supplies them their fix and bam.

I know the meme is all wammin are stoopid hoes, but there’s a fundamental level of evil and societal rot that causes this.

>> No.55606794

It's hung like a blackhawk

>> No.55606802

>basic wagie skills

I see cute girls working at Walmart all the time. Can't get any basic than that

>> No.55606806

Now this is interesting. What about solicitation via drone? I don't think I'd walk up to a whore and buy her, but if I could do it via drone I would. The cops would have a harder time stinging people too.

>> No.55606812

You can bro uwu

>> No.55608207

>meme is all wammin are stoopid hoes, but there’s a fundamental level of evil and societal rot that causes this.
If you're actually interested in the reason, it's because Christianity is a weak religion that has no actual boundaries so society is pretty much left to do as it wants. The world needs a strong religion like Islam to bring order.

>> No.55608214

imagine believing this is real holy shit

>> No.55608221

mountain climbers
doubt you can just jump in though, you probably need to find a way to get employed

>> No.55608240

Do you not know what Figueroa street is sheltered anon.

>> No.55609066

t. søybean living in his single mother's basement

>> No.55609092

Last time I went to a hooker she was blowing me then randomly switched to 69 position. I just went with it and ate her pussy because I was all worked up, it wasn’t too bad. I felt pretty gross afterwards though and brushed my teeth twice in a row.

>> No.55609605

>Like HOW do they end up as litetal street walking failures sucking smelly nigger dick, ROFL
foster care girls being pimped by gangs.
you'll still get that HPV in your throat and pass it on to your next gf

>> No.55609667
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>> No.55609754
File: 113 KB, 576x519, 1666470048943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he pays for sex
>he doesn't just take it
with or without consent, a basic pleasure must be supplied without self-sacrifice
if you want it so bad take it, just like I took the chance I had with SORA when I got a raise, don't get FOMO

>> No.55609815
File: 8 KB, 155x155, 1689599069630800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free if you're strong enough

>> No.55609858

aint free if you get shot by her pimp while shopping for tendies a few days later

>> No.55610019
File: 420 KB, 715x795, be222a1c272c0b0a97eec67da9c5027d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek she looks like a child too

>> No.55610035

>whores around my apartment
i love how whores wear a fullon coat and very tight shorts

>> No.55610050

Very easily.
Start a YouTube channel with a Patreon link.
Though I would only use that apartment as an "office", and I would sleep somewhere else.
As soon as a pimp finds out who is doing this, they are likely going to try and murder you.

>> No.55610060

she seems nice

>> No.55610076

How much do you guys spend on prostitutes? All the escorts here charge $500 an hour on average.

>> No.55610105

Lol Ty ser for the laugh

>> No.55610109


>> No.55610196

That's the thing. Cute girls being whores and doing porn proves they want it. Those girls could have the comfiest life with tons of boring providers, but they prefer the life of easy sex. Women don't want to to be respected and make love in the dark with their devoted provider. What women want is to be fucked raw by an Adonis they barely know who makes them squirt everywhere and fuck them until they can barely walk.

Women want the convulsive orgasm where they lose consciousness to the point that they roll their eyes and lose their social self, getting in touch for the first time their true self, ie the sheer whoredom. You think they will get that by looking into the eyes of their generic subservient beta appliance fucking them in the missionary position?
Think again.

Everything you see in porn is the truth about women. And that's why you hate it.

>> No.55610230
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 1683513361943379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very few girls in porn are actually cute. Most are mid

>> No.55610264

Porn and whoring has nothing to do with abuse, contrary to the atheist propaganda. And another thing atheists push for is ''sex is about power''

Yes women love to be fucked by Max Hardcore, James Deen, Pierre Woodman and a herd of men in some orgy. Women say it explicitly and they keep doing it.

>> No.55610448

It's true that women don't want to be respected, but they want to sink their nails into an adonis and keep him close.

The reason a lot of girls do porn or whoring is because a guy they liked got them into it. They have limited agency and most effort in the world is over control or influence of women.

>> No.55610472

why would stings be harder?

>> No.55610590

Same girl?


>> No.55610618

Bro, you'll get fleas on your drone

>> No.55610931

Where do I find hookers like this in my city?

>> No.55611215
File: 593 KB, 1024x688, 1687447391757674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, no woman on earth is worth more than 100 bucks an hour.

>> No.55611226

google "street hookers in [city name]"

>> No.55611309

Is the UHaul there with a mattress in the back? Now that would be a good business opportunity, just charge $50 for 30 min or whatever

>> No.55611315

does really nobody here see the bulge?

>> No.55611361


>> No.55611385
File: 92 KB, 1242x1387, 1683831701862652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this right there is a future whore. She will do it because she loves ex and loves money and since she is useless sack of it beyond being a vagina, she is rejected by anybody not seeking sex at this moment.

>> No.55611429

The women who end up in those situations had fucked up home lives when they were kids.
You are a porn addict. Those women are the result of abusive relationships and malicious men/women taking advantage of them.

>> No.55611507

Those legs are beautiful, damn

>> No.55611548

Get some standard retard

>> No.55611884

You think they want to be interviewed pajeet?

>> No.55611901

What are you poor? Cheaper than a BMW.

>> No.55611928

I got the hpv vaccine

>> No.55611979

> hang on tyrone there's some creepy white dude with one of dem drones out here
> Hey BZZZZZZZZZZZ do you want to BZZZZZZZZZ interview

>> No.55612994

ive driven down the "blade", figueroa -- you can feel the darkness around you. making loops around the streets so you can see the meat, no telling what simp is recording your plates, if its a pimp/ho scam, or if its an undercover. i found a video by a nigro about how to "game on fig", you need to ask them to see their titties, and then tell them to grab your dick. a police wont do that.

be careful. if a pimp finds you out there, they can easily harm you, and just drive to the next city to set up shop. dont fuck around out there if you dont have to. damn sexy whores.

>> No.55613003

Holy shit I would fuck this woman

>> No.55613019


>> No.55613356

Is there some psyop going on lately? I was under the impression prostitution did not even exist in the USA, at least not this openly. Now all of a sudden there's all these videos and pictures of half-naked hookers in broad daylight. I've certainly never seen anything of the sort, and I know tons of girls are full of too much pride to do this sort of thing in America.

Something fishy is going on. I'm not sure what, but it doesn't sit right.

>> No.55613406

Economy in the shitter, prostitution goes up to keep money going into consumer (women) hands. Women drive 80% of consumer demand, if they stop earning money, they stop spending money and suddenly the big corporations lose money.
Corpo psy-ops funded by the government as a "national security" matter.

>> No.55613409

>t.goat fucker and boy lover

>> No.55613473

are the "colored folks" treating you well at the nursing home, grandpa?

I explained where this is, another anon mentioned it too
it's minutes from the actual Skid Row in LA commiefornia

>tons of girls are full of too much pride
wait til you find out about OnlyFans, gramps

>> No.55613556

>ITT esl incels telling anons what their families women are like

>> No.55613960

calling everything fake doesnt make you look smart, it makes you look like a fucking retard.

>> No.55613969

512 nigga, we on biz

>> No.55614010
File: 1.23 MB, 1944x2592, Adansonia_grandidieri04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why attractive women become whores? They are beautiful and can easily get a man with a stable career and live an easy life but instead they date deadbeat losers or pimps who they think love them.

Do they really just have a short term mentality or whats the reasoning behind this? This mentality seems to be hitting American women in general even if they are not prostitutes/whores. the mentality where they just want to go out partying and being hoes. Do they not realize they are a ticking time bomb and men won't look at them the same when they are in their late 20s/ 30s +?

I am 29 and all girls I talk to are in their late teens and early 20s and literally none of them want long term relationships. They just want to go out drinking and partying. I live in Arizona . I unironically am considering just finding some foreign Latin American woman at this point but I don't even know where to look. All American women seem to just not want to settle down. Or maybe I am just having bad experiences but it seems to be the case with several girls I know.,

>> No.55614028

Kek clearly you've never been to a lower income area, this shits been going on since always.

>> No.55614076

yo you gutta be 18 years or older to post on this board lil man

>> No.55614097

Literally estrogen based birth control
There are multiple studies on how it rewires a woman's brain making them more aggressive and focused on the short term

>> No.55614103

They don't want to marry foreigners almost twice their age.
Late teens and early twenties is party time for the west, for both genders. Longer life expectancy and higher QoL - longer childhood. Marriage is 30's tier, 25 at the earliest when you become an actual grownup because that's when your brain is fully developed.
Zoomers have also been FUD'd out of long term planning, traditional relationships (just regular gf/bf not that pre-boomer trad shit), and monogamy by pop culture and media narratives. Reality TV fucked up entire generations of marriage and cfriendships.
Maybe try niche religious groups for what you're looking for or go the fuck back.

>> No.55614125

>Can someone explain why attractive women become whores?
if you're talking about street hookers, they're all forced into it by gangs and pimps. those who aren't pimped do it because no other job make you that kind of money without any diploma, and even with one.
>none of them want long term relationships
they do, just not with you.

>> No.55614171

they'd better be sending you to the moon and back for that much money holy shit

>> No.55614273
File: 675 KB, 1290x2796, 84293935-FB95-4E20-A503-2A8BAC535C4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


9/10 of them have a severe drug addiction or mental health issues. They are hookers because the drug addiction or insanity prevents them from making a normal living, so they see sucking dick for money as maybe the only option available to them.

1/10 of them are sane women that see an easy way to make money and just don’t care what society thinks about them.

>> No.55615026
File: 785 KB, 720x1354, Screenshot_20230307-002045-944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55615072

i despise the middle management elite.

>> No.55615097


It's not 80/20 anymore and it was never a "rule", data changes. The new data is literally closer to 90/5 now.

>> No.55615190
File: 57 KB, 497x1024, 1670677867141931m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they done want to have to devote their whole life to you anon, just to live in a house and have a couple of fancy dinners a month. And they've still got to wait for you to get home to grunt on top of them after cooking you dinner.

Or they can make more money than you,waste it on dumb shit that, go to clubs every weekend, travel to places with their friends doing wild stuff and showing off where they've been in Instagram, emulate the rich and famous for immense gratification. And be free to do it all any time.

>> No.55615193


Don't waste your time reading the replies. They're all retarded.

>> No.55615198

>Can someone explain why attractive women become whores?
The life of a pretty woman in America is basically like being treated like they're part of an elite class starting at age 10. Boys and men are constantly complimenting them and bending over backwards to give them attention, women will gush over how pretty they look, and girls their age will want to be their friends because it will boost their clout. Social media has exacerbated this "princess effect", these zoomer girls are getting massive amounts of engagement on instagram, tiktok, snapchat, etc just for posting pictures of themselves. Every single day they are getting flooded with DMs, flooded with text messages, flooded with likes and hearts and follows, all of it signaling that their pussy has high worth. And women are coomers too, they like having sex with attractive men, but unlike men they don't have to work for it. It's really not that hard to imagine why women give themselves over to this lifestyle which gives them so much attention, sex, and basically just free shit because they get everything paid for by other men.

>> No.55615214

you're mad because you know he's right you retarded faggot

>> No.55615458

>World's oldest profession
>Guys is this new? I think it must be a psyop!
Brother you are sheltered, check your privilege

>> No.55615507

Back to crystal cafe tranny

>> No.55615585
File: 73 KB, 1280x689, IMG_20230222_202638_590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with her top lip? It dips a d has a wrinkle with her nose? What the actual fuck

>> No.55615621

What in the goddamn ins this thread?

>> No.55616451

She's smiling

>> No.55616503
File: 215 KB, 1300x956, a-summer-family-gathering-at-a-farm-a-family-group-parents-and-children-DGMD2P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's objectively a 6/10 project princess.

She looks stunning all dolled up in this environment, but if you brought her to a middle class family gathering, you'd (hopefully) feel quite embarrassed.

>> No.55616522

>t. third worlder telling you how it is for 1st world females

>> No.55616527

They prefer drugs to stable beta males.

>> No.55616533

What if the beta male is A pharmacist?

>> No.55616549

Bro I just noticed there's free internet at that motel

>> No.55616604

>business and finance

>> No.55617748

Most motels have free WiFi

>> No.55617871

Imagine being a cute enough girl that you're good looking enough for your middle class BF to introduce to his family, but instead you're a hooker fucking losers for $100/hr

>> No.55617931

well now i just want pizza hut thanks OP

>> No.55617942

Cant get shot by her pimp if I shoot him first shopping for tendies a few days later

>> No.55617990

that's disgusting

>> No.55618011

There's more to that where I came from, and a lot of them aren't hags who hit the wall yet like in OP's video. That girl isn't rare and she'd be a 4/10 here.

>> No.55618033

this board is retarded
so the play here is to set up a live cam with a Patreon? Seems like the higher level crime officials within LA would use their behind the scenes contacts to fuck you up eventually.

>> No.55618090
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>> No.55618180

What's the redpill on hookers? Guaranteed to get a disease?

>> No.55618195

Just assume you're going to get HPV or HSV.

>> No.55618237

Just get a sugar baby once you make it, should be less risky than this

>> No.55618254

What if I have my hpv vaccine?

>> No.55618267

it doesnt cure faggotry.

>> No.55618395

BPD, various mental illnesses, constant drama, drugs as mentioned before, PTSD, etc etc etc
I can tell many people here have managed to avoid sticking their dick in crazy...
Similar things apply to men too. But women in particular are another level of crazy often.

>> No.55618459

your sister looks cute

>> No.55618579
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>Entire room is designed such that cum is mopped up easily.

>> No.55618679

Yep, it's crazy.

In theory, she definitely could have been a hot 7/10 middle class housewife. But the wear and tear is just too much.

>> No.55618691

>Can someone explain why attractive women become whores?

This problem has usually several components and layers:
- The ruling class
- Political agenda
- Mainstream media, social media
- Education system
- Society, culture, sub-culture
- Socioeconomic factors
- Parents, family, friends
- Biology, psyche, personality type
- Life experiences
- ...

>> No.55618714

I want to fuck a hooker, any tips?

>> No.55618730

>offer ppm

>> No.55618741

What? I want to fuck women

>> No.55618751

>He still thinks vaccines work
KEK! Don't worry I got the HPV vaccine too. That's why we're here my retarded brother in arms

>> No.55618772
File: 3.97 MB, 1188x744, 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Being a whore is profitable DESU. Make tons of money from OF, Pr0n, Sugar Daddies, working simps, etc..

Women have it way too easy desu.

>> No.55618800

> Can someone explain why attractive women become whores?

Usually just because of drugs, money, or they are "convinced" into it by a pimp.

A lot of them are single mothers with no other immediate prospects where they could have even close to that much money because they got pregnant by some loser as a teen

>> No.55619225

festive... she has a decent enough butt and her face doesnt seem to caked with makeup. would be an aight fuck.

>> No.55619258
File: 61 KB, 900x750, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ass too small. But I can fix her.

>> No.55619287

>Can someone explain why attractive women become whores?
nigga those are all brown/black monkeys. they are literally worthless. in non hick flyover when people actually take care of their healthy and eat right and are overall wealthier, having a huge ass and boobs are standard, not the exception.

>> No.55619351

>wanting to be something that deep down hates itself and cant control its emotions

Naaa, im good.

>> No.55619527
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x700, flavor of the north star flambe'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls gone wild style show where you drop beads or some other stuff for them if they flash you their tits

>> No.55619567

>How do I profit from recording whores around my apartment with a drone?
Record them daily and post them on YouTube for ad revenue like HoodTime

>> No.55619583

I used to lick this super hot Jamaican fitness girl fit bubble but thin waist escort everything I hired her. She was super clean and didn't smell. She was vegan and smelled good. Escorts are the cleanest because they always use condoms and get tested regularly. I miss her damn.

>> No.55619834

>What's up with her top lip? It dips a d has a wrinkle with her nose? What the actual fuck
dated a girl with this exact flaw. its just genetic, tight upper lip and lip close to the nose, not enough slack in the skin. its not really noticeable at 22, hard to miss by 28. very sad.

hope i was of help anon

>> No.55619873

I can fix her

>> No.55619874
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>> No.55619954

>girl smiling for the camera
zoom zoom

>> No.55619993
File: 835 KB, 1057x1606, Screenshot_20230622-003454_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharmacist here. Women offer pussy for drugs all the time. It is usually the absolute worst of the worst dregs of humanity that I would not bang for free.

I do sleep with some of the technicians I work with, so that is nice. Pic related is one of them that thinks she could be a model.

>> No.55620044

>those ears
>that philtrum
that's a jew with fetal alcohol syndrome. obviously would be a whore.

>> No.55620061

too many broken homes and when women cant become what they wanted to be, they get depressed and turn to drugs or just give up

too many factors to list its not just because "oh they are just whores now", you can say rising divorce rate leads to worse family upbringings or microplastics or what the media now glorifies, the rise of smartphones, and so on... they all culminate into what we know as the modern american woman

>> No.55620082

"settling down" is a group behavior. If a woman doesn't belong to a community where that is the norm and facilitated by the community IT WON"T FUCKING HAPPEN. America needs fertility/family cults. LOTS AND LOTS OF CULTS. Women are too easily programmed by whore culture otherwise.

>> No.55620123

The planet will not stop heating up until the entire Earth catches fire and the oceans boil.
Atlantis Floods
Babylon Burns.

>> No.55620134

>Thinks she could be a model
Their egos are so inflated it's not even funny

>> No.55620137
File: 213 KB, 1600x647, Ben Long Mural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now burn
burn in hell

>> No.55620142


>> No.55620174

Looks like a chav or worse

>> No.55620248
File: 37 KB, 498x410, IMG_3074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Varies tremendously by area. US is bigger than your shithole.

With the economy in the shitter and the communist takeover, it is a lot more lax than it has been, especially in jewed blue states

>> No.55620260
File: 95 KB, 683x1024, IMG_1418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re looking for turbo trad and you’re in Az, try the Mormons

95% of non-Mormon girls are a lost cause and can’t shake the propaganda

>> No.55621280


>> No.55621352
File: 385 KB, 1080x1668, Screenshot_20230721-132758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sums up usa pretty well

>> No.55621358

he isn't exactly wrong

>> No.55621437

Los Angeles is a third world shithole
The cope is that their shack is worth $1m and the weather is nice
Other than that, parts of Mexico City are more livable than that place
I've never in my life visited a place that had so many people who blind themselves to their surroundings like Californians do
The things they act like are normal are things only third worlders normalize
Every time I have a meeting in LA I want to fucking kill myself, the parking passes, the gated entries, the traffic, the look the other way attitude, the stupid as fuck people,
God the people there are so fucking stupid you bring up the dumbest shit, literally every meeting in California is like a collection of every retard and leaves me asking if we just send all the retards to LA or if they just exist there
Like how many smart ones do you guys actually have? Is the state really just a place where all the dumbest money funnels to?

That's what LA and CA overall feels like, it's like you took every shovel IQ family that ran into money and put them in one spot. Because they have money, the economy does great, but social order falls behind because everyone is secretly a sheltered moron that has no social awareness or lacks an ability to understand how to solve social problems after years of being so disconnected from greater society.

>> No.55621786

I don't know about you but I would never seriously date a women from lower socioeconomic level. No matter how attractive she is, I would never let a walmart cashier raise my children

>> No.55621791


maaan, imagine the stds, fuuuuuck

>> No.55621811

Americans are fucked I can get prime Ukrainian pussy for €180/h, 120 for 30 minutes, that includes French kissing, fingering, oral without condom, CIM/COF is €30 extra.

>> No.55621847

Even basic entry level work is something that is learned over time. You still need to have basic abstract thinking capabilities to work at Walmart.

You over estimate just how stupid women can be.

>> No.55622001

>find a girl who looks at you the way a prostitute looks at a drone

>> No.55623713

i fixed your mom

>> No.55623945
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There's a difference between a career walmart cashier and a girl working a summer job. Am I misunderstanding you or are you from a class so rich and powerful that people like Gates and Musk are your puppets?

>> No.55624008

What about a Walmart assistant manager?

>> No.55624040

We got a Scrooge McDuck here