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55606052 No.55606052 [Reply] [Original]

my life is over

>> No.55606061
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is this financial advice?

>> No.55606066

Financial advice: don't go to med school unless you are 100% sure you will ace all the exams

>> No.55606074
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Pic attached will be you for all eternity.

>> No.55606078

How embarrassing was it when you had to repeat a year?

>> No.55606108
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womp womp
Captcha: pic related

>> No.55606114



>> No.55606128

I thought for med school the hardest part was getting in. How did you mess up so bad OP. Can you still become a physician assistant or something

>> No.55606130

Just take a few weeks to sleep and think.

Try another one maybe. Go smaller and private.

You're gonna be fine my dude.

I lost like 100k XRP, and 50k in one margin before. Literally was all I had. I'm back. A nice story and I'm sure harder to kill. Sometimes it just sucks some ass to not die.

I beg you to keep going. Take my advice bro.

Sleep some. Hit the gym. Stop being gay. Go to the woods and just stop being such a zog bot for awhile. Something always works out if you keep trying and don't be gay.

>> No.55606143

>for a fucking piece of paper

>> No.55606149

If you're accepted to med school you're basically pushed to finish it. How mediocre are you and how did they not know

>> No.55606155

Not even. My Bachelors was in biology. I don't even have the skills to get a basic wagie job. It's beyond over.

Just got burned out and overwhelmed with everything. Started making mistakes. Couldn't retain the information to pass tests.
Can't become a Physician Assistant, it's an entirely separate program which would mean taking out another 300k of debt.

>> No.55606166

you are literally living my worst nightmare. It was this exact scenario that kept me from going. I even had my MCAT scheduled to take and everything. Took months to prepare/study. Chickened out because i was worried that I might go through all that, rack up insane debt and then not make it with literally nothing to fall back on. I do not envy you anon.

>> No.55606176

Bachelor in BS anon here go into biotech youre overqualified for a scientist position at this point id imagine and after a couple promotions you make 6 figures

>> No.55606198

my life is over dude
i owe 400k at 6.7% interest
i have zero skills and zero ways to make income beyond min wage at McD's
it's over

i cant believe it ended like this anon
i was the valedictorian in my hs
i had a 3.98 gpa in college
and now this
fuck my life

ive applied to tons of biotech companies, only rejections
i dont have a MD, i got flunked out after yr 3

>> No.55606250

lol holy shit you are literally me. What college did you get your BS from? I swear to god if it's UCSD...

>> No.55606311
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The neat part is anon didn't even get a piece of paper

>> No.55606328

Actually just don't pay it dude, you'll have to buy things with cash from now on but it's coo

>> No.55606357

This has to be a fucking larp, how do you get 400k in debt just in med school without even finishing? Did you flunk out in year 4 or something? You’ve got to at least be including some absurdly overpriced bachelors in that figure.

>> No.55606359
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>> No.55606368

>how do you get 400k in debt just in med school without even finishing?
out of state tuition
>Did you flunk out in year 4 or something?

>> No.55606388

this is why affirmative action doesn't work. you should be serving me curry after taking street shits, but instead you are stealing med school spots and fucking us both up

>> No.55606389

Just don’t pay it

Simple as

>> No.55606416

Well OP if you aren’t larping may god have mercy on your soul. Hopefully you hit it big trading or something.
Have you tried talking to the school admins? Won’t they let you retry the classes you flunked out of? It would be much better for you if you take some time off, come back, and attempt to finish. At least then you’d have a way to pay it back.
All I’ll say is even for med school it seems quite foolish to sign up for $400k in debt. There had to be cheaper options for you. But what’s done is done, I hope you figure it out. Don’t do anything stupid, you can find a way through it.

>> No.55606419

My guess is you had potential in high school and got great grades but then your arrogance got the best of you and you didn't actually put in the full effort required.

This is for the best since you don't belong in the doctor world let alone medical if you didn't put your mind to it. If there was even a 1% chance I didn't think I'd graduate from pharmacy school I wouldn't have done it.

>> No.55606469

This. Fuck those Jews

>> No.55606495
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lol. sucks to suck.

>> No.55606539

You sound gay. Stop it.

You had a bad dayyy

>> No.55606611
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sounds like you have 115-120IQ and have spent your academic career coping about it until you just got filtered.
I also really think I might know you. I have the same question as this anon >>55606250 but different undergrad
you gonna go postal or something?

>> No.55606687

literally just leave the country and practice medicine in the third world.

>> No.55606696

Should have adderal’d it or cheated to be honest. Hell, maybe take a week break from class. Sorry to hear man, you probably still have options.

>> No.55606721

you could try again but why bother? you'll never escape the smarter doctors looking down on you mocking you
be a dentist

>> No.55606807
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How old are you op? That is very important information for any advice from a bizraeli

>> No.55606867

Yeah this. How do you think Indians and Chinese become doctors? Most of medicine is lies anyway, don't let yourself get extra indoctrinated by learning it "legitimately".

Personally I flunked out of multiple university courses. It just felt like the brainwashing torture method where they make you write something until you believe it. Maybe you're too honest to "learn" in such a bullshit way. Realistically all the debt and years of stress is mostly to give you a sunk cost so you follow the rules and do whatever the medical cartel wants you to do (not help people).

At this point you have to just ignore the debt like it's not there. You wouldn't have done that if you were a doctor so that's a good thing.

>> No.55606882

Take on another 400k and do law.

>> No.55606908

The physical world is an illusion, just like this post.

>> No.55606931

Not true. I had test taking anxiety in medical school. It set me back years until I finally got wise and got an ADHD diagnosis and put on stimulants (like half my class were already taking). Instantly got 100% on the next test and passed the rest of the exams.

More than a decade later. Nobody knows. And even if they did, it wouldn't matter.

OP. It's going to be alright. First things furst: Talk to the school. See if you can get them to forgive all (or at least SOME) of the debt. Worst thing that happens is, they say no.

Find some other interest you have and go 100%. Learn from this experience, and never look back.

I have a buddy who dropped out and he is making a ton of money as an executive at a petroleum company now. You'll get through this too.

>> No.55606979


if it were me, i would get a minimum wage job. then not pay the debt, then the bankruptcy court would rule "it's causing hardship so it needs to be cleared in bankruptcy"

Then go figure your next step, such as practicing sports medicine in a third world country on soccer players for money.

source: https://www.yahoo.com/video/medical-school-graduate-440000-student-loans-discharged-151422886.html

you're welcome OP

>> No.55607081

this entire post is the essence of an average biz poster. no wonder all you guys do here is lose money and go in debt and jerk off in the basement. just lol

>> No.55607098
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ive always been curious - is med school chock full of super hot type A stacys looking to get married, or are the chicks mainly ugly? are med school students banging a ton?

inquiring minds want to know

>> No.55607104
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>> No.55607110

This it reads like it came from someone who overestimates their knowledge

>> No.55607120

the good looking ones don't need to go to med school in the first place

>> No.55607127
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Get back in there and give it another shot.

>> No.55607186

this is gonna sound fake but its true. i flunked out of med school too. i only had around 70k debt from it though. i am doing fine now. 350k net worth and make 250k a year. your situation is more dire but you can do it if youre smart with your career moves. immediately put the loans on a income based payment plan with forgiveness (if federal) and pay the absolute minimums. if there's any private/other loans that qualify for bankruptcy consider that - if you can wipe away 100k+ instantly, then build from there. i was suicidal when i left med school. thought my life was over. it took me a couple years to really get on my feet but i've been better off since. if you got your degree (e.g., if you dropped out of residency) you have more options than i did too (no degree)

>> No.55607199

>make 250k a year
Doing what exactly?

>> No.55607208


im a consultant. my career change is kind of irrelevant, you won't be able to replicate the exact decisions/choices i made or the skillsets i developed. all im saying is you can get another career. you need to dig deep and figure out what are some other things you can do and start there. i started out as an analyst at 50k and changed jobs 4 times in 8 years.

>> No.55607212

I have student loans if I ever get fired/laid off im moving out of the country and not going to pay shit after that

>> No.55607217

I’m not him but how the hell did you get an analyst job with a degree?

>> No.55607222

*without a degree

>> No.55607238


in the us medical school is a graduate program. i still had an undergraduate degree with honors i could use on my resume. i am assuming because of the debt load the op is also in the us and has a good degree to fall back in since he was able to get into medical school in the first place (which is very competitive). the problem is a lot of pre-med undergraduate degrees (bio, chem, etc.) are useless. i got into research initially and used my knowledge there to start out, but eventually i moved away from anything related. you just need one hook to get that initial job and it gets a lot easier after you have something on your resume. research organizations, government agencies, non-profits/advocacy organizations, professional services that target healthcare/research, etc. are all potential targets for that first job

>> No.55607247

You just said you had no degree though and yes everything is easier in America, especially compared to Canada.

>> No.55607249


also pharma companies are a good target too. as i said, if op has a medical degree (but no residency, so he cant practice clinically) you can actually get a six figure job doing quality assurance or something administrative at a pharma company if you target it right. as i said, there's a lot more options (not necessarily easier though) for people with degrees who never got their license/residency training. for people without, you have to basically take anything you can to get your foot in the door somewhere

>> No.55607258

>if you got your degree (e.g., if you dropped out of residency) you have more options than i did too (no degree)

what i said is "if you got your degree (e.g., if you dropped out of residency) you have more options than i did too (no degree)" which clearly implies medical degree. again, in the us an undergraduate degree is virtually (though technically not formally) required to get into medical school. like i said, it's implied if you're in medical school you have an undergraduate degree.

>> No.55607264

I have a college diploma in business, in Canada, and a degree also in business but can’t get the internship to finish it up since no one is hiring, I’ve applied hundreds of times, used cover letters etc... nothing. Anything in medical or stem guarantees easy job opportunities especially in America.

>> No.55607270

Ok thanks

>> No.55607271

>this entire post is the essence of an average biz poster
Circa 2016 maybe but much rarer these days, especially since all you faggot redditors came over lately.

I am a lot more confident in my knowledge now, after years of learning things properly on my own. I could not find any confidence to write things in university where the entire premise of courses seemed wrong and there was this sick dichotomy of needing to write back things that were widely accepted and written about already but not plagiarize (i.e. in your own words so you really believe it, goy). Every "expert" should have imposter syndrome, otherwise they're stupid or psychopathic.

>> No.55607287

I just finished residency here is some advice. Re-apply at your program or apply at another. At this point the debt is meaningless just rack it up because you can apply for IBR and have loans forgiven after 10 consecutive years of payments.

Med school is a challenge worth pursuing. The worst years are one and two after that it's pretty sweet. Also go into primary care to get guaranteed loan forgiveness

>> No.55607516

you cant discharge student loans under 99% of circumstances thanks to Biden. You'd have to be a head in a jar to qualify for it basically, and maybe not even then.

>> No.55607518
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>> No.55607525

Why does biology even exist? I've never met a biology major who was like "yes I am the biologist". Knew a guy who became an atheist commie and another who joined the air force.

>> No.55607571

I got a biology degree and I think nature is dumb as shit. I'd much rather be indoors. As you can tell it was basically a huge waste of time and money. At the very least it qualifies me to set the schedule at the dairy queen.

>> No.55607589
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I got into my dream program and am about to flunk as well after starting 6 months ago. Got rejected about 20 times, and now that I'm in at 27, I feel nothing. My dopamine receptors are absolutely fried from a decade of vidya, online shitposting, porn, etc... You're not alone OP. Idk where to even go from here. Congrats on getting into medschool to begin with, that was my dream, so you made it farther than I did

I might do that "nuclear dopamine detox" thing where you go in a tent in the woods for 14 days. Apparently that can save people. I'm so brow beaten idk if anything can even fix my brain though

>> No.55607616

I think the funniest thing is that if you were a chick you could at least get a job doing recruiting of lab techs for an actual lab that hires people with master's degrees and phd students kek.

>> No.55607630

the world is a cruel mistress, anon-kun.

>> No.55607637

Probably why their recommendations upon you receiving a useless degree are usually "just get another one" or "go to grad school" or "join the military" kek.

>> No.55607709
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Go back to college and study for nutritionist. Easy 6 figs. Had a friend who went through the same thing as you, except she's rich.
If all else fails, run to a third world county and become a teacher.

>> No.55607746

400k... Hmnnn.... Just take out more debt buy BTC move to cold wallet and leave the country.

>> No.55607901
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>> No.55608055

I’d there no remediation or timeless off for mental health?

>> No.55608084

Bro, milk grad plus loans remain a grad student bbut do a bulshit online masters, move to a cheap country and establish permanent residency /citizenship while you live off your loan, you can milk grad plus loan indefinately (or until laws change at least, 400k or 800k doesnt make a difference anymore.

prepare to leave the country with a profitable online skill and never pay the retarded loan again.

bonus points if you save like 10k a year in yoour loan money to throw into crypto

>> No.55608123

e.g an online masters at bellevue pays 28k a year for your living costs and only require 1 class every twelve weeks.

They are safe places in the world where that goes FAR. Georgia,, Armenia, , practically all of central America an parts of south america, philippines, Thailand if you avoid the big cities,cambodia etc.

take advantage of foreign income tax exclusion to make income based repament zero if you ever stop taking classes.

They are so many ways to milk this cow bbut gringos think they gotta earn 100k a yea to mae it, when in most of the world 30k is upper middle class

>> No.55608138

>just go to some shithole where half of the people don't even know english
I hate this board

>> No.55608153

you literally half a million dollars, and you are given a chancce to be a rich foreigner and not pay a penny bacck and still be able to return to the U.S and you still bitching? in half the world you would have cement shoes for that debt

fine wage cuck for a quarter century like a mongoloid.

its the 1st century bro.. The whole world speaks english.

>> No.55608253

only real good advice here. Go to Poland and sign up for a 4 year med program. It'll cost you in total an extra 100k but when ur done just go back to US and do the USMLE.


>> No.55608368

Put all your money in crypto. Pray to crypto Gods

Also never go back to med school. You fucking such. I don't want you touching anyone I know you stupid pajeet

>> No.55608394

Time to join the military anon

>> No.55608432

I understand you're scared right now, but you do have some reasonable options.

>If all else fails, run to a third world county and become a teacher.
Literally this. Go teach English in Japan or something. Don't pay the loans. Don't answer the phone calls from the debt collectors. If you get a job in another country, they can't garnish your wages. If you get a bank account in another country, I would imagine that they cannot do a non-wage garnishment on that account either.

>> No.55608440

Don't do this. You ll get a tranny for roommate. Maybe a furry. Go biden

>> No.55608489

Time to join the military man

>> No.55608498

Didn't even see this fellow high iq post, you know what to do OP, good luck

>> No.55608645

All is not lost, Opie. Tell the college that you're actually black, er, Black. Wa la, you now have passing grades.

>> No.55609549

stack as much BTC as you can and move to El Salvador

>> No.55609563

I wish I would live in the USA, woul djust maxx out student loans then retire in argentinia and go back once in a while with a fake passport via mexico

>> No.55609594
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I bought a whole box of gummies as soon as I saw a profit with VINU
it's so fucking over, my compulsive buyer self has beaten me

>> No.55610317

at least you're valued at 400k even in debt, so you get people to go after you because they care about your debt. 400k debt can still give you plenty of opportunities anon

I only have 30 bucks to my name I have nothing. I have nobody to go to or to go after me for my value.. my life literaly has no value

>> No.55610326

just go back and finish then

>> No.55610338

He has negative value, at $30 bucks you have more value than he does

>> No.55611532

>i had a 3.98 gpa in college
Why is this so common..
If only we studied a bit instead of winging it..

>> No.55611569

I would legit kys myself anon. I dropped out after one year with 12k debt 17 years ago and now own a house worth over 500k and have 100k in the bank/stocks from doing maintenance at a goyslop restaurant. You guys got so duped with the college scam.

>> No.55611596

based. i dropped out of med school after first block of MS1. only cost me $40k of debt.

to any pre-med collegefags, do PA school, dentistry, NP school, etc. medicine will consume your entire being even in the "easiest" stages of your career aka med school: studying 60 hours a week during med school, waging 80 hours a week during residency, and then working 60 hours a week for the rest of your career.

>> No.55611621

your life isn't over btw. >>55611596 your loans are likely all federal. go on REPAYE or the new SAVE program and make minimum payments for 20-25 years. you'll have a huge tax bill at the end that can be negotiated down with an "offer in compromise" to the IRS.

better yet, get a qualifying PSLF job and it will be forgiven after 10 years with $0 tax liability.

>> No.55611674

how did you accept such a tremendous loan and then flunk out? You could save like 20k USD and move to Argentina, and get a free, world wide accepted medical degree there. Its what my cousin did, now is a successful pediatrician in Missouri

>> No.55611828

Can’t you just become a NP instead?

>> No.55611857

dont 99% of med students pass tho

>> No.55611935

so why did you flunk out?

>> No.55611937

You don't walk around Skyrim saying shit like "oi only got 30 gold coins bro my life has no value ," shut the fuck up life is just a MMORPG that someone tricked you into taking waaaaaay too seriously

>> No.55611950

Did they poison my COIN as soon as I got back from coffee? I was suddenly overcome with drowsiness when I got back into the apartment, but I was feeling well caffeinated from the COIN place until I got back to this piece of shit building.

>> No.55611956

you dont know how gay and retarded it is until you're in it. med school is brute force memorization and a lot of it. i remember taking an exam covering 2000-3000 power point slides over a 6 week period.

>> No.55612457

Kek the only guy I know with a Biology degree works in a zoo.

Either way, just don't pay it back and declare yourself bankrupt. The US is literally built on people taking out credit they can never repay. You're not a unique case.

>> No.55612479


>> No.55612497

you cant discharge student debt due to bankruptcy

>> No.55612504

become a lawyer

>> No.55612545

Lots of crusty Asian type girls with domineering personalities in med school. Smart, driven and rich, but probably won’t help create the most loving home.

>> No.55612647

lmao, how do you flunk out of medschool? Its 90% women and nogs get through that shit now. literally just memorize flashcards my nigga

>> No.55612693

Bro I’m a specialist doc, how the hell did you fail out. Anyway start a tutoring business obviously you can’t be a tutor tho

>> No.55615286
