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55584595 No.55584595 [Reply] [Original]

Wood is good edition

Commodities include
>Precious metals
Gold, Silver, Platinum group metals
Oil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base Metals
Copper, Iron ore, Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Zinc, Lead
Water, Agricultural, Salt

More information for each commodity
Calculators for DD
Steer Clear List
News Sources

>Youtube channels to follow
Palisade Gold Radio, Mining Stocks Education, Sprott Money, Goldsilver pros (Rob Kientz), Finding Value Finance, Gregory Mannarino, Peter Schiff, Macro Voices, Crux Investor
>Canadian junior press releases

>What is Austrian economics?
>Austrian economics books
What has government done to our money (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), and Profit & Loss (Mises)

Previous: >>55497561

>> No.55584802
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Magic number updated for the week
>2027 Gold if 1900 hold
>28.5 Silver if we break 25.5, medium resistance at 27

>> No.55584927
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Burgers report

>> No.55585029
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Mine'll be a rustlers
Chibs look a little lifeless

>> No.55586050

any ideas on copper today?

>> No.55586060
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SNOWLINE keeps rolling with monster hits from surface


>> No.55586213
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>Highly leveraged small/tinycap #copper stocks, beaten down to pennies, likely to rally hard once the metal returns to a 4-handle (be positioned by then).
>I'll go first: One I'm watching without owning (yet) is Surge Copper $SURG.v

>> No.55586253

When’s the next NFG nr?

I want to hit double digits already.

>> No.55586380

Why would that jew push a company he's supposedly thinking about opening a position in? Red flag tweet. He's either already positioned or being paid to pump Surge.

>> No.55586901
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>GOLD short didn't work out yesterday. Target 1995-2000 now.

>> No.55587147
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>> No.55587149

>Magic number
Confirms TA is pseudoscience

>> No.55587208
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HALEU is coming

>> No.55587302
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Snowline hating bros....oh NO NONO NO NO

>> No.55587849
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Ride the lightning

>> No.55588014
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Let's take a look at CMMG's experts top pick for mining stocks - a sure winner

>> No.55588097



>> No.55588447
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>> No.55588460
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>> No.55589133
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>> No.55589476
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Imagine being an old man and still pump&dumping. What a disgrace.

>> No.55589642
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>> No.55589967
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>> No.55590785
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No poompa in PMs plz.

>> No.55590819

Wake me up when anyone else around here calls consistently

>> No.55590857

Surely an ath is a great time to buy.

>> No.55591293

only time will tell, but people were saying sell Great Bear when it was $3 and it ran to $30, Snowline has more gold

>> No.55592509

This boomer shilled I-80 four days ago.
This prairie nigger is on I-80's payroll.

I-80 today announced a bought-deal private placement at a 10% discount to market.
None of these fuckers are to be trusted, ever, not Rule, not Laboucan, nor any other shill.

>> No.55592711
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umm bayhorsisters? how are we feeling?

>> No.55592748

I'm feeling happy.

>> No.55593242

some people on ceo were selling in the after hours market, wasn't there an I-80 short-anon here recently

>> No.55593380

yay :)

>> No.55593428

Buy this shit once it hits 1 cent for a guaranteed double. Literally the lowest possible trading price. You're guaranteed to make money once you sell.

>> No.55593588

>Gayhorse hits $0.01
>Sucker buys 100,000 shares for $1,000
>Graeme announces 1:10 consolidation
>Share price drops to $0.05 post consolidation
>Sucker now has 10,000 shares worth $500
No guarantees.

>> No.55595042

evening all how are things?
Snowline's looking pretty good again.

The Canadian gov finally cleared the buy out for Newcrest by Newmont.

>> No.55596180


>> No.55597004

Howdy PAN MAN, quit working so hard hoarding gold. SGD keeps hitting long intercepts from surface and "Valley" keeps growing, if one of their other targets hits this season it could really get wild.

>> No.55597091
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ask and you shall receive


>> No.55597235

>doesn't produce
>huge Capex required.

Enjoy paying the premium ath. Tale as old as time. We've seen it over and over again. Look at eskay mining. Fagline will correct by 50%

>> No.55597494

No chance, Snowline already has $20B in gold and will probably find more. Monster buyout coming

>> No.55597642

Nicola has been a pleasant surprise. if everyone had memed that one we would at least be in the fucking black

>> No.55597916
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based, and they could fly if they hit a lot of Cu

>> No.55598065
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Alright so after last thread's discussion about ETF vs Individual Picks I went through my watch list and compared the rough % of gains to see just what's what and I thought I'd share it. This is using Gold's ICL in November and peak in early May for referrence. I was generous in using stocks relevant lows from as early as August. I also compared the same highs vs the March lows which for many stocks were lower than at the time of Gold's ICL, but the results were the same.
I haven't included every stock on my watch list, I skipped over a lot that were tragically underperforming and I got bored by the letter S as it was pretty clear.

GDXU btfos almost everything with a total gain of 239%. There is only one fucking stock that has outperformed the 3xLeverage Gold Miner ETFs in that timeframe and it's Dolly Varden, who beat GDXU by 10%. Obviously Snowline has outperformed in the long run too but in this timeframe it has only went up 114%

My conclusion is that there is no good reason not to simply go all-in on GDXU. Sure if you land a DV or SGD you might outperform it, but that's only if you used a significant enough portion of your PF, otherwise your other bags can drag it down.

Unless someone can point out something obvious I'm missing here, I'm going to sell all my miners and put it all into a 3xGDX. I'm already mostly in a 3xSilverETF and even that is btofing most miner picks. Sure I might miss a moonshot but I'll miss all the duds too. And as we have all known since day one, junior miners move last, so this still gives the potential to rotate profits.
Yes this bull could be different, Silver is leading the charge which is unusual so who knows what will happen, and I know that decay ultimately btfos leveraged ETFs, but a split of 3xSpot and 3xMiners seems to be the way to go if we're about to break ATH over the next few months. I might just be jaded but I'm not watching a PF of juniors crab while spot price explodes.

>> No.55598105

gayhorse should be 66% lol not 166, I'm sure others are wrong too but whatever the point stands

>> No.55598129

Past performance may be irrelevant to future performance.

>> No.55598233

One thing I would add to the conversation is going all in on one thing is always a recipe for disaster. Also some guy in the Gary comments mentioned how 3x etfs can obliterate portfolios when not making massive gains and even small gains will put put you in the red. I don't understand much on how that parts works.

>> No.55598262

Also did anyone else get a QQQ put? Time inches closer and I am starting to think he was wrong on it.

>> No.55598395

True, I guess it's just down to if one has faith in one of the handful of picks outperforming everything else so hard that it beats something like GDXU, and that's not taking into account junior miners moving later in the cycle, but actually exploiting that may be being optimistic

That's the leveraged ETF decay


If you're expecting big strong moves though like we are with gold and silver over the next 10-15 weeks then that's where leverage can shine. It's just that pullbacks are scary and it can obviously go horribly wrong, but so can even a promising looking junior as we've seen happen a dozen times at least by now while simple ETFs continue to outperform them

>> No.55599522
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looks like $5 soon

>> No.55599622
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today's close could be epic

>> No.55601057


>Speaking at a July 19 Heal-the-Divide PAC event, Kennedy claimed that backing the U.S. dollar with what he called “hard currency,” including gold, silver, platinum or Bitcoin, could help to re-stabilize the American economy.

>“Backing dollars and U.S. debt obligations with hard assets could help restore strength back to the dollar, rein in inflation and usher in a new era of American financial stability, peace and prosperity.”

>> No.55601357

Sounds like ron Paul back in 08
You commies wouldn't like gold and silver as money because then you couldn't have your welfare state protect your lazy cunts

>> No.55601416
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Snowline 12-month target price of $17 (Agentis Capital)

>> No.55601884

If the deep state jails or kills Trump I might actually have to vote for that gravelly-voiced gun-grabber

>> No.55601948


>> No.55602299
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I know, like it matters

>> No.55603142
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thoughts on this TA?

>> No.55603152

Holy shit that cat can dance

>> No.55603165
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>> No.55603973
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>> No.55604337

same goes for Newfound gold, they keep hitting great targets!

>> No.55604813
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Sprott keeps adding to his NFG hoard

>> No.55604819

What's the sentiment regarding oil, up or down?

>> No.55605101
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Should I all in before the next fomc or wait? My wagecuck bux are being thanosed by inflation

>> No.55605143

I wouldn't put it past JPOW to pull a hawkish move, especially since the markets have been ripping higher of late. I started a hedge with ZSL today in anticipation.

>> No.55605147


>> No.55605212


>> No.55606446

Sprott's probably hoping this project goes better than a few others the firm's put money into recently.

>> No.55606743
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>Buy this shit once it hits 1 cent for a guaranteed double
Ok, pic shows its at your target price, time for you to follow through on your award winning strategy. As soon as you can buy post your 100,000+ share purchase. I look forward to learning from how much money you make on this trade. I know we are all watching this move.

>> No.55607114

Who else got memed into buying explorers instead of producers?

>> No.55607195
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yep, Eric got even more, maybe he's right and this ends up bigger than Kirkland Lake

>> No.55607419

I have 2 explorers 2 producers and 1 developer turning producer.