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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55602736 No.55602736 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think. Just think about it: the amount of hours of free work that fudders have been putting in, day in and day out, 24/7, since... how long now? Makes jannies look like prolific rich businessmen.

Oh well here's to CCIP and the advent of a new era of wealth for all of you that did not pay any mind yo the unhinged ramblings of porn addicts from third rate countries.

>> No.55602922
File: 217 KB, 801x869, 2023-07-19_16-15-22_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History does not usually repeat itself but it often rhymes. Looks like whoever was behind the fud on reddit realized reddit probably isnt gonna consist of the heavy buyers since most of them are up in arms about xrp, pop culture crypto shit.

Now biz is fudding grounds because they know people here are still buying.

If you fall for the fud right now, you would be just as retarded as the redditors falling for fud 4 to 6 years ago and don't deserve to make it.

>> No.55602979

Whatever, why is Sergey so fat though? Looks unprofessional desu

>> No.55602993

Fudders are nulinkers who fell for the $1K EOY meme. That's why they spend most of their time here posting low effort threads and raging at early buyers.

>> No.55603007

>everyone has been laughing at me for 4 years 24/7, the obvious conclusion is that I'm a genius
Kek baggies

>> No.55603020
File: 984 KB, 1365x2048, 51478260491_551a09930c_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since you like talking about my bags so much here's a picture of them
>protip; i will never part with them

>> No.55603024

Now just change "4 years" to "6 years" and then consider the terrible price action since July 2021 and Stinkers can re-evaluate their terrible investment while they shriek it's all part of Sergey's 10 year plan as he takes another fat dump and you make another 50 spam threads on /biz/ about how Link is still a good investment and noLinkers will get the rope.

>> No.55603029

>Posting my collection of monkey testicle pictures will convince someone to buy my bags
Oh linkies, oh baggies, kek

>> No.55603039
File: 301 KB, 2726x1590, kekfuddies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you bought the top didn't you?

>> No.55603070


>> No.55603077

The kekfuddies have been wrong in every single prediction about Link. The only thing they have now now is current price. They hate it when you point out it'll be driven by usage and not speculation. They avoid this point at all costs. Ofc they'll vanish like dry leaves in the wind when the price action happens. Of that you can be sure.

>> No.55603095
File: 183 KB, 1282x2015, 1689715894374970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know what will make everyone stop laughing at me....a picture of the link chart
Kek baggies

>> No.55603161

It's fun to laugh at bagholders, I do it for free.

>> No.55603285

>what failing to sell at $40+ does to a mfer

>> No.55603313

Checked but they won’t stop, just like back in 2019/2020

>> No.55603687

They will. They're going to kill themselves. They already incredibly depressed and bitter. Their whole identity is fudding Chainlink. That it is underperforming is their entire raison d'etre. Once that stops they'll be left with the horrifying realisation that they've been entirely wrong this whole time, that they fudded themselves out of actual wealth and happiness, and that they're self-imposed enemies are living their best lives while all they have to show for their years of fudding is a few more wrinkles and grey hairs. That'll be the last straw for them, their battered egos and totally deflated moral won't be able to take it. It's over for them.

>> No.55603697

Let's talk about ccip fee's instead

>> No.55603779

All those old reddit fud posts are from OG linkies. I probably made half of them.

>> No.55603819
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>The Lindy effect (also known as Lindy's Law[1]) is a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age. Thus, the Lindy effect proposes the longer a period something has survived to exist or be used in the present, the longer its remaining life expectancy
>If a book has been in print for forty years, I can expect it to be in print for another forty years. But, and that is the main difference, if it survives another decade, then it will be expected to be in print another fifty years. This, simply, as a rule, tells you why things that have been around for a long time are not "aging" like persons, but "aging" in reverse. Every year that passes without extinction doubles the additional life expectancy. This is an indicator of some robustness. The robustness of an item is proportional to its life! [9]

If something gets discussed every day, even if it's fud, this is the surest sign that this thing will stick around and survive. It lives rent free in the fudders mind instead of dissolving into oblivion. Think about it for a moment. No one ever brings up vechain or holochain or iota or stellar anymore. The worst possible fud is dead silence, not constant seething about supposedly dead irrelevant shit. By virtue of the constant acknowledging of link's existence, the fudders perpetuate its long term survival. Winning at crypto is a marathon, it's all about surviving market cycles and remaining relevant. Btc, eth, link. Simple as

>> No.55603897

tracking price action 24/7 a day is a waste of time
research stuff you're interested and check up on your assets once in a while

>> No.55604149

The ripple guy is an order of magnitude more disgusting

>> No.55604200

Sometimes I fud my own bags for shits and giggles

>> No.55604240

GM based kings

>> No.55604926

>incel delusion fantasy

Weekly reminder this is the most cringe sentiment on biz

>> No.55604944

Theres a gamestop general with 200+ replies every day

>theory invalidated

Imagine being so autistic you have to refer to a “law” lmao. Culties couldnt hit water if they fell out of a boat

>> No.55605002

He is a jew working on globohomo infrastructure.
He looks like what he is.

>> No.55605048

Their issues are way more deep seeded than that.
We're talking about people who complain about the amount of link threads on biz when they're responsible for 90% of them
Plus, without link, biz would be even more dead than it is now.

There's something seriously wrong with someone who spends their days fudding something as obscure as Link.
I can understand how people waste their time playing vidya or even fawning over/harassing ecelebs, but to single out the 25th largest crypto that actually has a use case instead of the thousands of real scams is truly insane behavior.

>> No.55605132

I think a subset of them are paid. It’s too coordinated

>> No.55605244

Yea, and to think you guys arent doing the same thing on biz right now would be retarded.

>> No.55605265

paid fud squads control the price don't ever forget that baggie

>> No.55605274

>actually has a use case
Kek baggies

>> No.55605292
File: 200 KB, 742x1002, 1672535047151396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, i usually go into threads dedicated to news about chainlink to state that the news is "bullish for xrp"

>> No.55606891

>The sentiment that hurts me is the most cringe one
kek you could just try not being a loser. Not my fault your life is terrible.

>> No.55607024

My life is awesome…heres the thing, the chart

>> No.55608567

Aaand just like that...


>> No.55608591

Picture the current situation at the troon discord. Just think about how hard the subhuman negroids are currently clenching their fists and their crotches, while they frantically try to post "fuck you stinkers" as their 56kbps connection interrupts because their families want to stream yet another video of cow worship.

Feel the seethe of your enemies in the air. Use it to empower and ground yourself as your wealth increases.

We are going to make it bros.

>> No.55608624


>> No.55608632

Its truly very simple
retarded people buy when its green, the longer the green phase, the more confident they are
thats why they dismiss fundamentals so easily

But its fine, the fud only gets to you if you are also retarded, if you have been sticking around for at least a cycle you would know PA doesnt mean shit
If you were had a little IQ you would be tempted to buy a bleeding chart and not the other way around
They will all fomo and those who won't will write stories about how they missed link under 10

>> No.55608656

If you unironically cannot understand my post the reason is because you're a dropout retard, of the type which infested this board after 2017. Now kys.