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File: 72 KB, 1200x630, gwc0iwu4eqpg6vams4slv8g4xgpvssjddoqchpo92k136ofnflaxlymsr0c5ypfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55603397 No.55603397 [Reply] [Original]

You're not a tip cuck are you?

>> No.55603432

Reminder that tipping exists so poors (mostly non-whites, especially blacks) can eat at restaurants. It's specifically a tax on white people that allows food prices to be low enough that non-whites can eat there (they don't tip).

A better system would be tips are removed, employee wages go up to compensate, and food costs on the menu cost what they would have cost anyway if you were tipping. Now you are no longer subsidizing the meals of poors and don't have to deal with social shaming.

>> No.55603434

only tip my account because he's a bro and fixes my complete dumpster fire of money movement every year so I don't have to

>> No.55603443

>also fuck poo coloured ID
fuck off

>> No.55603469

I guarantee that receipt says 'customer copy' at the bottom

>> No.55603498

Of course I do. I'm not a broke loser living in mommies basement so I can afford to throw people a few dollars for their service.

>> No.55603524

Hell no i'm not tipping. They are getting paid from the restaurant and it's not my responsibility to pay their salary, and i'm already paying for my overpriced dinner. If the waiters/waitresses don't like it then they can get a different job.

>> No.55603608

Enjoy eating Jorge’s cum

>> No.55603650

people think statements like this are hyperbole but i can assure you they absolutely are not. this shit happens, and i've seen it happen.

>> No.55603663
File: 113 KB, 820x670, jewish-people-antisemitism-cartoon-reality-encyclopedia-dramatica-png-favpng-GSe8KKmKKY258HRFiCzbSVHjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes goy. tip to your hearts content. subsidize my labor force so I can keep ALL the profits!

>> No.55603765

How does he know to cum in it if I haven't decided how much to tip yet?
You think I'm going to go back to a place I gave $0 tip at? I can go to a different restaurant every week and never run out.

>> No.55603794

only retards eat out. Homemade meals are superior. You get skills, delicious food, home comfort and left overs. Eating out is low brain shit.

>> No.55604045

>the thought of leaving the house is terrifying to me

>> No.55604057

I like tipping people that have done good work.

>> No.55604081

This. With zoomer faggots now lazying their way into hospitality, you’re expected to tip for take-out. I don’t fucking think so. I visit new restaurants, order shit, treat everyone with extreme respect, then leave zero tip and never return. Fuck these lazy cunts.

Very true anon. Used to work at a restaurant and people don’t understand, if you need to send your plate back, you’re asking for shit on it. This woman in NJ a few years back complained about her Chinese meal. They took her complaint and gave her a new meal, and she was infected with an oral STD. When they analyzed the food, they found 3 different semen samples in it. Fucking chinks jizzing into your egg drop soup, and taking turns. No fucking thanks.

>> No.55604087

Oh yeah you are really stick it to the jews by not throwing some broke person a $5 tip.

>> No.55604106

if enough people did it maybe the jew owner would be forced to pay his people a living wage?

>> No.55604125

How about you start your own business and do that? Oh wait you can't even afford a $5 tip.

>> No.55604148

You want me to out Jew a Jew? Why do you hate the working man? Why do you think it's okay not to pay your employees a living wage? Personally, I don't care if the price of the meal goes up. Pay people what is right. Jew.

>> No.55604166

>claims to care about the "working man"
>doesn't tip the "working man"
Ok faggot

>> No.55604342

>Customer copy

>> No.55604380
File: 62 KB, 654x720, 1682451386843506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tip because i make good money, but only if they are white and ugly or average like me kek. entitled roasties and shitskins can go fuck themselves.

>> No.55604404

you tip your accountant? what a spit in the face you sad fuck. I would drop you as a client fucking demeaning behaviour

>> No.55604961

>leg hanging on from a thread.
>"i'll just put a bandaid over it"

>> No.55604976

Do you know how much beautiful pussy loves me because I tip well on my coffee.

I have like 5p tight little baristas that wanna ride me for hours from this.

Yall are retards in the concepts of paying it forward and the benefit of reputation.

>> No.55605029

I've seen who work at Starbucks mate
it's all big fat trannies with purple hair and cutting scars across their cottage cheese fatceps

>> No.55605103

The chosen people HATE when you tip their employees on the credit card. That's a higher transaction fee they have to pay to the (((bank))). Jews jewing jews, jewing (You).