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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55597800 No.55597800 [Reply] [Original]

and spear bankers

>> No.55597835

yeah i'm in.

>> No.55600241

go on

>> No.55600272

Not listening unless you name the jew, glowie.

>> No.55601045

you are glowie
we have to unironically unite against the carter of the fed and the wall street no matter left or right
but poltards like you makes it sound like a joke
i genuinely think blaming jews instead of capitalism is psyop done by glowies on pol
you cant blame the winner while praising the rule

>> No.55601053

Retarded ass clickbait, BoA is fine.

>> No.55601125

Glowies can't say nigger or name the jew. Glowies can spam reddit ideologies like communism.

>> No.55601141


Jesus christ is biz this blue pilled

HURRRR DURRRRR don't blame da overrepresented via nepotism and religious fraternizing class, it's...rhe whole system! Yes!

>> No.55601167


>> No.55601290
File: 15 KB, 284x177, Meme made to destroy the capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55601344

glownigger learn moar to blend in

>> No.55601421

>blaming jews instead of capitalism
blaming capitalism is the fucking psyop
It doesn't matter what economic model you look at historically, they all have a 100% failure rate
the statistics don't lie, politicians are always the vehicle for corruption
but you want MORE of them and to give them MORE power under communism or socialism
every form of governance will be corrupted unless it is 100% decentralized
>learn moar to blend in
you're good at that aren't you

>> No.55601456

This man know what he's saying.

>> No.55602148

It’s not capitalism, friend. Rigged markets aren’t capitalism. A massive regulatory apparatus that functions as a forward guard for various cartels isn’t capitalism. Neither bail-outs nor bail-ins are capitalism. Not having a free market in interest rates is not capitalism. Allowing a financial cartel and a government to inflate the people’s wealth away step by step for over a century is not capitalism. Running mid-sized banks out of existence by artificially holding rates at the zero bound for a decade and a half and then proceeding, extra late, with a hiking cycle with one of the quickest rates of increase in history…is not capitalism.

I could do a lot of this. I won’t belabor it. The more “mixed” this economy gets, the more I have to hear people blaming the consequences of “mixing” it on the original system—that’s false.

The problem is the international banking cartel, period, end of story (yes, ty /pol/, we know who they are), from TBTF SIBs to various dirty funds to the World Bank to the BIS & IMF. The problem is this corporate fascist system they’ve birthed with their extraordinary monetary powers and their fear-based biosecurity and surveillance programs. The problem is their buddies in the MIC and intelligence apparatus, along with all the derivative billionaires and subsidiary industries (particularly in Big Tech and Big Pharma).

This is the situation. We need to free at least a portion of humanity from central banking and fractional reserve banking. Everything depends on it.

>> No.55602177 [DELETED] 
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inciting a bank run is illegal