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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55596861 No.55596861 [Reply] [Original]

UK cucks will be banned from all exchanges by the 8th of October

>> No.55596866
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>> No.55596870

i made it up

>> No.55596874

>banned from participating in the European project
>banned from using crypto exchanges
britoids BTFO

>> No.55596876


no exchange is going to jump through these hoops. better to just deny service to UKucks and avoid the hassle.

>> No.55596881

I work for an exchange and we were discussing today how to wind up british accounts. basically we will geoblock uk IPs and deny UK KYC also our app wont be available on uk app stores.

>> No.55596886

>crypto goes tax free in the UK

>> No.55596903

literal nothingburger

>> No.55596916

>Not allowed to do any marketing at all
>half of the normal features of any exchange notallowed
>all blockchains must implement 24hr cooling off period on transactions.

>unlimited fine and/or 2 years in the slammer

yeah nothingburger

>> No.55596923
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it's about memes

>> No.55596936

>Not allowed to do any marketing at all
Where does it say that, tard? It literally lists 4 different routes for legal promotion

>> No.55596955

For fuck's sake, why is the UK such a fucking shithole. The weather's shit, the food is fucking expensive and grim, London is a wasteland full of gangs and crime, and I'm priced out of accommodation. Pint costs a fucking tenner and the price of fish and chips keeps going up while portions are getting smaller. We're all divided and we have an out of touch millionaire pajeet as our prime minister. Is there any hope for us britbongs?

>> No.55596966

At least we're not speaking German

>> No.55596969

>Seething EU cuck emerges out of the wood work in any thread that mentions bongs

Every time.

>> No.55596970


>> No.55596971
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At least you aren't speaking German.

>> No.55596974

good one, tard

>> No.55596975

>Is there any hope for us britbongs?
Have an escape plan.

>> No.55596981

Not really. Shit government, shit opposition. I'm probably going to sit the next general election out at this rate. I miss the David Cameron era, that's how bad it is at the moment.

>> No.55596995

Go innacountryside. Cities are bad everywhere.
Or just leave but if you know how to play with the taxes, this is one of the best countries to be in for tax purposes.

>> No.55596997

in britain its always the worst its ever been. savour today because even though its the worst day ever to be british. tomorrow will be worse

>> No.55597010

everythings fine. go back to sleep.

>> No.55597044
File: 372 KB, 1080x1642, 1689752089515843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah m8 the country is fucked but that letter from the FCA is hardly talking about banning us from all exchanges like OP is suggesting. its just some regulation for crypto promotion.
In some unrelated but positive news at least we can be proud of our commitment to diversity.

>> No.55597090

it bans all exchanges from servicing UK customers unless they jump through expensive hoops only the most retarded businesses will be able to comply with

yes a nothingburger johnny. go back to sleepybyes

>> No.55597108

>extensive hoops
such as being an authorised person or having permission from an authorised person? ooh so extensive! try harder samefaggot.

>> No.55597134

who are the authorised persons?
leaving aside that ludicrous rule theres more:

>exchanges are banned from letting UK people use referral codes

>cooling off period, exchanges will need to let UK users buy a coin, then wait 24 hours and if they decide they didnt want the coin because the price went down and get their money back.


>> No.55597138
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>> No.55597173

>who are the authorised persons?
literally the people running the promotions
not sure where youre getting the referral codes part from, those arent mentioned in the letter, can you link sauce? and the cooling off thing seems to be just a suggestion for first-time investors.

>> No.55597199

go and look for it you blithering knobchild im done spoonfeeding.

>literally the people running the promotions

You must be underage to be this naiive.

>> No.55597223

nah fag you made the thread and gave the link so either sauce what you're saying or fuck off

>> No.55597239

Who else would communicate the promotion besides the person in charge of it?

>> No.55597250

>then wait 24 hours and if they decide they didnt want the coin because the price went down and get their money back.
>t. jeet mad he can't pump and dump
I've enver bought and sold in a 24 hour period. If you're going to trade, get a trading account.

>> No.55597298

>cooling off period means if you buy a coin for $7.20 and in 24 hours it crashes to $6.80, you can then decide you want your $7.20 back

authorised person in the context of this regulation is a person authorised by the FCA to give financial advice, basically Lloyds of london, some chartered financial advisors and nobody else.

>> No.55597321


>> No.55597338

>cooling off period means if you buy a coin for $7.20 and in 24 hours it crashes to $6.80, you can then decide you want your $7.20 back
u mad?
>authorised person in the context of this regulation is a person authorised by the FCA to give financial advice
This is only for promotional purposes you retard. All this is doing is basically saying if an exchange wants to promote stuff they better get some fucking qualified employees.

>> No.55597349
File: 88 KB, 629x890, Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 12-41-55 PS23_6 Financial promotion rules for cryptoassets - ps23-6.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking read your own shit pleb.

>> No.55597351

promote just means having a website or social media channel a british person can access. read it and weep

>> No.55597359

>promote just means having a website or social media
No it doesn't.
And you can clearly see in the section i posted they are just introducing a required format.
You are a fucking retard illiterate.

>> No.55597372
File: 101 KB, 629x890, Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 12-45-05 PS23_6 Financial promotion rules for cryptoassets - ps23-6.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just "post a disclaimer and be a qualified professional when giving out financial advice"
Absolute bellend OP

>> No.55597379

>chapter 3

try chapter 1

>> No.55597384
File: 83 KB, 629x890, Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 12-47-27 PS23_6 Financial promotion rules for cryptoassets - ps23-6.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is just a bobo
probably buttcoiner

>> No.55597389

yes. all exhanges will now hire chartered financial advisors to manage their social media...or, you know they could keep letting a malaysian intern do it and just IP block UK

>> No.55597393
File: 83 KB, 629x890, Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 12-48-37 PS23_6 Financial promotion rules for cryptoassets - ps23-6.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your pilpul kvetching and go back bobo.

>> No.55597396

i dont think that cooling off period is for regular trading, it's for specific offers/promotions

>> No.55597398

>just IP block UK
Yes, they don't have financial incentives at all.

>> No.55597406

you glow if you dont realise this effectively is a ban on crypto in the UK

>> No.55597409

it's only for first time investors with a firm >>55597393
OP is just fudding

>> No.55597415

err, indeed. the uk is a tiny tiny market. might as well spend all that money and effort it would have taken to comply with the fca and go and do a marketing push in brazil

>> No.55597418

>you glow
No u, you are literally lying through your uncrooked teeth non-bongman.

>> No.55597419

seethe more paki
you will never be European

>> No.55597429

yeah and its not even applied to regular trading like OP suggested, its for promotions the customer will typically fill a form in to apply for

>> No.55597445
File: 20 KB, 481x525, Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 12-56-38 _biz_ - UK cucks will be banned from all exchanges by the - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking filters

>> No.55597462
File: 163 KB, 1080x2096, I HATE THE ANTICHRIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The binance.us and kucoin doomer posting recently made me realize any crypto news posted here is greatly exaggerated by faggots and jew posters, didn't read never selling

>> No.55597507

so you KYC'd with kucoin. Now whats your plan?

>> No.55597514
File: 184 KB, 1080x1712, Kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you yesterday to kill yourself sir

>> No.55597568

Therefore OP is a faggot. I rest my case, your honor.

>> No.55597648
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HAHAHAHA, no wonder /biz/ is bitching about this, the hustlers won't be able to use bullshit promotions on potential UK investors.

>> No.55597776

>october 8th

isnt that when christine lagarde said CBDCs will be implemented in that prank call with fake zelensky?

>CBDC comes in
>crypto banned in eurozone
>crypto banned in UK october 8th


>> No.55597797

>completely fails to read between the lines

well done bongoloid. slow clap for the bongoloid

>> No.55597802

No, our only choice is between status quo and Labour.

>> No.55597803

Nah man, you're just pissed because you can't hustle in the UK anymore.

>> No.55597830

>all exchanges are about to put the UK on the list with north korea and iran and china where they dont accept customers from

>this is a good thing

>The government is protecting me for my own good

slave mentality

>> No.55597846

>OP samefagging

>> No.55597861

petition the british government to let mobile phones have dynamic IPs instead of living in a cucked system your whole life breh. im british born and bred and gtfo as soon as i could.

>> No.55597936

>technically any post on /biz/ being read by a britbong that shills a coin is now liable to an unlimited fine and 2 years imprisonment

first thing i'll be doing on october the 8th is reporting 4chan and making /biz/ unavailable to sneeding seethjng bongtrannies

>> No.55598049

>rread between the lines
you mean interpret it however you want?
And here you are trying to FUD everybong with your bullshit before then

topkek my bong
if you're not in the UK why do you even fucking care? why lie this hard about something that doesn't effect you?

>> No.55598078


how is it fud? bongistan accounts for a measly proportion of the global investor base. most bongs are living hand to mouth on out of date breadsticks and rotten apples they wont be needed for the pump. the truth about whats in store for bongs is hurting you i can tell

>> No.55598093
File: 31 KB, 954x1403, Financial promotion rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just restricting misleading advertising, just like you are right now. You're nothing more than a seething hustler.

>> No.55598163

>continues lying
>continues FUD
This is called invincible ignorance anons.

>> No.55598225

it defines all advertising of cryptocurrency as misleading by default

>> No.55598256

why havent UKucks got the balls to guillotine their political class

>> No.55598290

It's basically just telling people to say "not financial advice" if they give out financial advice without a license.
You are either extremely retarded or disingenuous and twisting this as much as you can.

>> No.55598303
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>The Block
>There’s no way McCaffrey was the only person who knew what was happening. Or if he did, some other people were very, very, very bad at their jobs.

>> No.55598327

its asking everyone who makes a crypto meme to add an extremely long winded and specific disclaimer to it no matter how remote the possibility is that a british person will view the meme or risk an unlimited fine and 2 years imprisonment

>> No.55598374

Its a jew
I can tell by how they argue

>> No.55598986

will the last cuck left in britain please turn off the lights

>> No.55599005

>Britain became financially non-viable under a conservative government

At least Labour will come along soon to euthanise whats remains of the british economy

>> No.55599157
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>> No.55599182

Oct 23 you liar. Christine Lagarde confirmed it in a prank
Jewgle "Christine Lagarde rumble prank", cryptos at the 13:40min mark

>> No.55600694

can you elaborate anon

>> No.55601008

Any of the islands are tax havens. Th countryside is best for living, though you need to be able to entertain/occupy yourself or drive to the city for your weekenders. Also you need to fit in or cope with isolation. They aren't dumbfucks, except some villages, and know what you're there for and the risk you present to their way of life.

>> No.55601417

Already bought what I'm going to buy, now the institutions can fill my bags.

>> No.55601520

Labour is also the status quo.
We haven't had a different government since Thatcher took power in 1979, this is just establishment Neoliberalism.

>> No.55602872

This made me laugh. What’s a fucking tenner?