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55594315 No.55594315 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, would it be worth it moving to Southern Europe from the US? In what order would you put these countries for you consideration?

>> No.55594355

(insane gap)

(no clue about the rest)

>> No.55594400

The food alone is worth the trip.

>> No.55594405

(insane gap)
(another insane gap)

>> No.55594469

I've heard good things about Slovenia, very overlooked.

>> No.55594488

Monaco (if filthy rich)
Slovenia/Italy (if modestly rich)
Spain/Greece (if rich)
Montenegro/Macedonia (if well off)
Croatia (if mid class with nice income)

>> No.55594535

There's places in Montenegro where you can buy land for 500 dollars an acre.

>> No.55594555

Lived in all of those except Albania. Do you care about a society's values? Having a family? Stick to the Balkans.

Do you just want to pay low taxes? Also Balkans.

Do you want to say you lived surrounded by north africans, niggers, and a pozzed people? Go to Spain, Portugal, or Italy. Italy itself is only somewhat based in very small cities/towns.

>> No.55594999

My first choice was honestly Portugal for the fairest crypto taxes and the lower cost of living compared to the rest of the EU. Spain was either number two or three in competition with Italy since I can understand the language. The only city which I've heard from first hand accounts that has a bad jogger problem is Rome, but I'm assuming it's the same with Lisbon and Madrid but not anything worse than in Northern European cities. I'm not really an urban rat so I won't be spending a lot of time in major cities outside tourist ventures.

>> No.55595111

Financially speaking, nothing tops the US in salaries. There's a reason why they're called Europoors. The countries you listed are good for a visit or two.

>> No.55596525

Only one i would consider in that picture is Andorra

>> No.55596554

>fairest crypto taxes
it's 30% filho da puta

>> No.55596563

Depends on what you're after.
Med diet is top tier for health.
Spain > italy > greece iirc
Other countries may be cheaper if that's what you're looking for.
A summer in the italian countryside is ~1k rent
NEETs could arb the shit out of this CoL if they just return to their basements for tax purposes.
Don't tell everyneet though or this loophole will be SHUT IT DOWN and you won't be allowed to leave your country as a NEET.

>> No.55596583

>us has double the wages
>and tripple the taxes and living cost
mutts are a special breed of retard, no wonder your kind declined a 1/3 pounder over a 1/4 pounder for the same price

>> No.55596611

>Everyone constantly talks how fucked up Europe has become and how it has no future
>Everyone constantly talks about moving to Europe

>> No.55596625

And they're right
Europe is like disneyland, it's very nice and beautiful but dogshit for the people who work there

>> No.55596645

depends on the country
swiss minimum wagies are 2-3x better off when you factor in minimum wage and CoL

>> No.55596666

checked, yes!

op consider malta
all in you interest might be there
>talk back its nice to hear what others think

>> No.55596672

Wasted. Fuck off. We're full.

>> No.55596674

If you hold for less then a year

>> No.55596682

Fuck off to crete and stay there you fat amerifuck. We dont need your kind in Slovenia!

>> No.55596795

for me it's andorra or montenegro. maybe san marino because i have an inside connection and they are leaning towards blockchain stuff

>> No.55596825

Switzerland has no minimum wage..., neither does Austria

>> No.55596920
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If you're willing to give the portuguese taxman all your transaction csv's and trust him to not fuck you over the profitable crypto to crypto trades before you year long dormant transaction, sure I guess that's fine then

>> No.55596980

No national minimum wage.
They work it out per canton, industry, or company.

>> No.55597699

In Spain I have seen houses go for 100K in first world tropical paradises next to beaches and natural beauty. They have bad crypto taxes but if you already cashed out IDK what they can do about it. And I guess you have to learn spanish, that is the biggest barrier the rest is a no-brainer

>> No.55597721

all med Yurop counties are comfy so you can't really go wrong

>> No.55597728

were full, stay in your fucking shithole

>> No.55597757

Please no, move to Netherlands or Switzerland or Ireland, in Southern Europe you will be tax raped.

(I'm from Spain)

>> No.55597808

Americucks talk about something they dont know as usual.
No european country has minimumwage.

Eu has best livingconditions in the world. Few places compete in the same level and few are better than countries listed in op's post. Op wants to know of the poorest european countries to live at like normal amerifag who knows nothing of europe.

>> No.55597818

>living in THE most dead backwards swarthy economically deprived region on the planet

>> No.55597820

I live in Malta. Ask me anything you want. I'm not from here originally.

Crypto capital gains is zero. Know a few others who have been paid in crypto and haven't declared it and have been ok.

I come tax much lower than Italy, Ireland etc.

300 days of sun a year.

Extremely little grass, parks etc.

Sometimes feels like the first world, sometimes the third eg electricity lines all bunched up outside an apartment block. Black outs during the summer.

Maltese vs foreigners mentality by the locals. Not as bad if you're white but you'll still feel the separation. Sometimes it's funny.

Very shallow population (the Maltese) who try to show they have money when they're one of the poorest countries in Europe.

Locals are the ugliest I've seen in any country but there are plenty of foreigners

Constant building of apartments. No design rules. Corruption very evident. Cocaine everywhere.

Everyone speaks English but to various degrees of fluency. You will be fine with just English though.

The sea is lovely. Get into free or scuba diving.

>> No.55598028

Malta was voted one of the bottom 10 worst places for expats to live

>> No.55598118

not an american and what i said about switzerland is true

>> No.55598144

Why would you move from the US, where you can be well paid and find lots of affordable housing....to Europe (ew)....where you will be paid like a real wage slave and be cramped in some godforsaken dump?

>> No.55598232

I lived in Rome for awhile, the only place in Rome with joggers is Termini station, it’s pretty bad right outside of there and the surrounding area. Everywhere else you barely see them besides when they’re running their little bracelet scams on tourists.
Naples was 100x worse, incredibly sus by the main station. Literal packs of them just hanging out standing around looking like they’re up to no good.

>> No.55598254

I am absolutely certain that it is much, much easier to save money living and working in America versus Spain or Italy. America definitely has lower taxes and higher incomes and cost of living is almost always made up for by higher wages in those areas. What America doesn’t have is culture or community.
For example I only have a high school diploma and I earned over $200k in the last four months from my job, no larp. I have many acquaintances who make a similar living. In Europe that kind of income is almost unheard of at any education level. I have a friend in Spain who is in a similar line of work and gets around $10 an hour.

>> No.55598297

>I only have a high school diploma and I earned over $200k in the last four months from my job, no larp.
ugh fine I'll bite what do you do and how do I do it too?

>> No.55598401

I have a home service business. I go to peoples houses and do work on their property. I work by myself and have no employees or subcontractors. I’ve made as much as $2000 in an hour. The problem I solve is very much a 1st world problem, I imagine this service only exists in the US. I’d rather not say exactly what I do for risk of doxxing myself somehow but I do know that garage door repairmen, while being a totally different line of work from what I do, make similar money here. They can pull in over $500k/ year. I have a busy season so I don’t do $50-60k every month of the year but I do for about five months a year.

>> No.55598593
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It will be a significant cultural difference in Rural Southern Europe, anon. Italy and Greece have been horrifically harmed by the migration invasion. Barcelona and Milan are probably the most (((Americanised))) cities. Lovely people all of them, even Albanians.

Trollbot wasted trips.

Do you actually believe these polls? Sheesh...

>> No.55598613

Is not comfy at all, its 41 degrees celsius right now in southern Spain and shitaly reached 48 degrees like few days ago

>> No.55598629

and the best thing, you don't have to tip

>> No.55598664

Nope. I bet you are from there but you dont know your own laws. Just a normie.

>> No.55598690

Ameripoors literally make less money and pay 10 times more for living.
But your ignorance is why you stay poor.

>> No.55598830

Based on what? There are definitely worse places

>> No.55598878
File: 161 KB, 1756x967, 1665665507530588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is how much money you must earn thru your wage in order to have 100 euros after all taxes, vat included....

>> No.55599771

I can't read frog, is this implying that danish wagies are copping tax for their employers, while the employers pay none at all?

>> No.55599831

Please stay away from Albania.
I saw enough of you snowniggers last year. You have started to swarm the place like locust, jacking up the prices and shitting up the place.
Fuck off, we're full

>> No.55600748

yeah apparently in danemark, they dont need extra categories of taxes, everything is used from the income tax

>> No.55600763

kys international jew I hope the arabs and gypsies rob you and rape your girl or whatever companion you digital faggots carry around the world