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55593409 No.55593409 [Reply] [Original]

>worth $250k
>depressed and on the verge of suicide daily

how could i use money in my situation to feel better? i already optimize health via exercise, good sleep, and healthy foods. i also have had extensive therapy.

>> No.55593414

why are you sad, when were you last happy?

>> No.55593427

smack some fun stuff and shagg cunts

>> No.55593440

get drunk just don't do it more than 2x a week

>> No.55593475

probably college. and 2017 and 2021 during the bull runs.

drugs make me more depressed after the fact and i only fuck raw so cant fuck hoes

had a drinking problem in the past and prefer to stay away

>> No.55593504

Has the therapy helped? Im in the same spot. I dont think my net worth increasing is going to fix it either

>> No.55593536

yeah it actually did. help me sort out bad patterns i've had when it came to interpersonal relationships and also helped me sort out my past, especially when it came to my family. right now my depression is to my current life and my outlook to the future.

>> No.55593555

Get out of the west now. This ship is going down. Go teach English in SEA.

>> No.55593644

start lifting weights, get your witamin D level and testosterone up, bang some bitches. Stop drinking alcohol and work on mindset. Read "The Power of Now" E. Tolle

>> No.55594833

it's called 6 figure hell for a reason anon, you're not special
>Read "The Power of Now" E. Tolle
the absolute state of this board

>> No.55595143

I have 380k€ and im suicidal because they demonetized my youtube channel. I've gone from making 10k a month to 0 and im 34 with no job experience and live with my mom.

>> No.55595173

>how could i use money in my situation to feel better?
10x and be more creative with how you spend your time. travel or something.
ive had 240k in my poorfolio and it was never enough, i tried to get more but just failed miserably in the end, im in 5 figure hell and i want to kill myself but even then if i was going to kill myself i would literally need to kill like 5 people before i die so its fucking shit no matter how i look at it.

>> No.55595218

Kill yourself

>> No.55595236

Buy a fishing rod and go fishing. Less problems on the water.

>> No.55595285

Find God in one way or another. Doesn’t have to be Jesus. I’ve been delving into different religious texts in recent years and it’s helped. Mainstream religion is super dumbed down and uninspiring, which led me to an atheist mindset for most of my life, but I started digging deeper and looking for more answers after my dad died and I’ve had a change of heart. The Buddhist Lankavatara Sutra in particular was inspiring to me and a total mindfuck. Early Christian texts in the Nag Hamadi scrolls are also interesting. Attachment to the materialist mindset is the root of all misery. I’m aware of the irony of posting this in biz, but I know it’s the truth even if I’m still tempted to gamble with shitcoins from time to time. I think most of us in this era are at a spiritual deficit.

>> No.55595306

If you have 250k at this point in the market, and you're not optimistic about your future, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.55595309

>worth 6 gorillion
>killing myself daily

how could i use money in my situation to feel better? i already optimize health via eating newborns, eternal sleep, and liquid foods. i also have had extensive the rape

>> No.55595331

You gotta go help people with your time stupid. Self centered useless fuck. Find a purpose. Help someone else. Lazy little faggot.

>> No.55595339

Poor baby

Little faggot for life it seems. Figure it out stupid fuck.

>> No.55595364

Give back to your community.
Don't have a community? That's your problem.

>> No.55595448

380k$ is good enough anon. what were you posting now that you have to gone to 0 ,spill the beans

>> No.55596421
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>worth $250k
is that supposed to be a lot?

>> No.55596761

You probably need real love. Good luck, anon.

>> No.55596777

Well there’s your problem. If therapist actually helped people and solved their problems, eventually they’d run out of customers. Their purpose is to make you feel worse ( in a way that you don’t notice or feel until it’s too late) so that you keep coming back, and they get kickbacks when they recommend you to a doctor for ssri prescriptions.
How do you feel better? Microdose shrooms and find you a good girl, or if you don’t think there’s any good girls, have fun with bad girls and keep your expectations low.

>> No.55596783

Where do you feel your problems are stemming from anon? Is it loneliness, clinical depression, what is goin on in your life that has you feeling this way?

>> No.55596792

psilocybin therapy

t. truff holder

>> No.55597069

>if you don't have a dream to spur you on, then you won't make it

>> No.55597080

That’s good money. Why were you demonetized? Link to channel?

>> No.55597107

My dream is to get rich and fuck hella bitches.

>> No.55597139

>my dad died
>I need Lankavatararkhallarvarkanana Kamasutra
Fucking kek

>> No.55597152
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Meanwhile linkies, unless they are two digits IQ consumers, live in a constant state of depression and nihilism, trying their best but unable to perform in a hyper competitive and oversaturated blockchain world who doesn't actually need them at all, knowing that all their struggles and accomplishments are meaningless in the great scheme of things.
Also having "hobbies" and "self-improvement" becomes really old by the time you hit your mid-thirties, and by your forties you'll understand you wasted the best years of your life coping thinking you were going to do all those great things only to soon realize none of your dreams even materialized and there is no escape except the rope.

>> No.55597352

Enjoy your depression, it will be gone once someone stabs you for your watch

>> No.55597401

I'm in a similar situation op...
Networth around 240k €, going to the gym 3-4 times a week, taking supplements, vitamins, you name it. My thought is, that I'm depressed because I fucking hate my job and the hopelessness surounding working until i'm very old and basically dead. I expect to feel better when (IF) I end up with enough money to quit slaving forever. I'm aiming at 1 mil. WIth that could start a completely different life. Somewhere else, pick up old hobbies like music, painting, photoraphy again. I don't have the time and energy for any of that due to work, it's a miracle I manage to go to the gym. Working and any thought related to it makes me want to jump out the fucking window. It didn't used to be like that as a kid/teenager but I'm 28 now and can't really remember a day not thinking about suicide at least once. My only hope is a legit bullrun 2024-2025. I hope you will make it op.

>> No.55597458

>how could i use money to feel better?
whores and coke

>> No.55597516

>I need x amount of good goy points to feel happy

>> No.55598320

hmm, so bullruns (making money) cures depression

>> No.55598362

fund my hedgehog sanctuary

>> No.55598463

> E. Tolle
Ya new age spiritualism is definitely going to help if your completely retarded

>> No.55599076

Good enough for what? That doesn't make me enough to live off it. I have 0 job experience. Im completely fucked.

>> No.55601114
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Highly recommend doing charity work with animals. Maybe horses or something - great way to meet kind women as well.

Terrible advice.

>> No.55601391

buy a plane ticket to some buddhist meditation retreat, I don't know

>> No.55601437

How long did it take to sort that stuff out?

>> No.55601471

if u want to actually cure your depression instead of constantly wearing it like a badge of honor take some mushrooms somewhere you feel comfortable

>> No.55601491

>how could i use money in my situation to feel better?
Buy a bottle of kefir from a legitimate EE shop.
Or buy the grains and ferment your own.
Literally all you need to do. I stopped taking my meds and drink kefir instead. Not in that order.

>> No.55601510

What's your job?

>> No.55601538

>how could i use money in my situation to feel better?
go get some pussy.

>> No.55601547

combine that with lsd or shrooms
damn I should do this, but too lazy

>> No.55601609


Do you know why you are unhappy?

>> No.55601615
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shift from consumption to production

>> No.55601671


make yourself uncomfortable in some way
- go to a (semi) dangerous country
- or travel with a very low budget
it will be adventure and when you are back, your will appreciate your comfy life way more

i will give an example - i have a sinus infection and don't want to kill myself anymore, i want to get better

>> No.55601726

Dopamine addiction.
Sometimes I think they are pacifying us by making us stare at charts.